ICON Modus 2 Flashlight, retail $47.44 (
Manufactured by (Unknown) for ICON in California (
Last updated 03-28-15
The Modus 2 is a two-AA cell flashlight that has a white high-powered LED focused by a TIR (total internal reflection) optic.
It comes in a thick polymer plastic, and has a transparent plastic window in its "business-end" to protect the LED and optic.
The Modus 2 is turned on and off using a rubberised button on its tailcap. It is a two-stage light (high and low); these can be easily selected by pushing the tailcap button.
To use the Modus 2, press & release the tailcap button once to activate it in "high" mode, press & release it again to turn the flashlight off, press & release it a third time to turn the flashlight on in "low" mode, and press & release it a fourth time to turn the flashlight off.
When you desire low mode, you have to turn the Modus 2 off and back on again within ~2 seconds of initially turning it on.
Just like it reads on the back of many shampoo bottles, "lather, rinse, repeat".
In other words, pressing & releasing the tailcap button again turns the Modus 2 on in "high" mode.
Momentary (signalling) operation is available by pressing the tailcap button less firmly (before it clicks) and holding it that way for as long as you need light. As for constant-on mode, if you need low mode, you have to turn the Modus 2 off and back on again within ~2 seconds of initially turning it on.
To change the batteries in your brand spanken new (or corroded old) Modus 2, unscrew & remove the bezel (head), carry it to a bridge over deep water (the Oakland Bay Bridge would be ideal; however, the Juneau-Douglas Bridge would also do in a pinch here), and throw it over the side so that it goes "blub blub blub" all the way to the bottom of Gastineau Channel with all of the bowling balls that were lobbed over that bridge in the 1950s and 1960s...O WAIT!!! THAT'S THE GOOD PART!!! So just set it aside instead.
Tip the used AA cells out of the barrel, and dispose of or recycle them as you see fit.
Slide two new AA cells into the barrel, orienting them so that their nipple-ends (+) positives face outward.
Screw the bezel back on - and there, you're done.
Aren't you glad that you didn't throw that bezel over the side of the Juneau-Douglas Bridge now?
This is what the Juneau-Douglas Bridge looks like...or what it lookED like anyway before it was replaced in 1976.
And this is what the bridge looks like now.
Unable to measure current usage due to how the product was constructed.
The flashlight appears to be reasonably sturdy. Ordinary flashlight accidents should not be enough to do it in. I wanted to administer the smack test on it (ten whacks against the concrete floor of a porch; five whacks against the side of the tailcap and five whacks against the side of the bezel), but since this a polymer body flashlight and not a metal body one, this particular test will be foregone this time around. I know you like to see me try and break things, but "ain't" "gonna" happen today, folks.
Water-resistance will not be an issue here...if it falls next to the mailbox and the dog lifts his leg on it, just douche it off under the faucet or take the garden hose to it and keep going...good as new!
A rather beefy O-ring is present on the barrel where the bezel screws on; the unit also passed "The Suction Test" with flying colors.
Low mode uses PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) where the LED is rapidly pulsed. This was evident when the light was activated in low mode and then rapidly waved about.
This evaluation look an awful lot like the one I made for this product?
Thought you'd say so.
That's because they're very similar; differing primarily in physical size and number of cells used, so I was able to use its evaluation as a template for this one.
Beam photograph on the test target at 12".
Measures 303,000mcd (low) and 3,030,000mcd (high).
Both measurements taken on a Meterman LM631 (now Amprobe LM631A) light meter.
Beam photograph on a wall at ~10 feet.
Those colored graphics toward the left are my "Viva Piñata" posters, and that clock on the right that looks like a gigantic wristwatch is my Infinity Optics Clock.
You may also be able to see two of my SpongeBob SquarePants plush (Squidward Tentacles and Patrick Star) and a Digimon plush (Greymon).
Spectrographic analysis of the LED (high mode) in this flashlight.
Spectrographic analysis of the LED (low mode) in this flashlight.
Spectrographic analysis of the LED in this flashlight (maximum intensity); newest (03-10-15) spectrometer software settings used.
Spectrographic analysis of the LED in this flashlight (maximum intensity); newest (03-10-15) spectrometer software settings used.
Spectrometer's response narrowed to a band between 440nm and 460nm to pinpoint native emission peak wavelength, which is 445.880nm.
The raw spectrometer data (tab-delimited that can be loaded into Excel) is at modus2h.txt
Spectrographic analysis of the LED in this flashlight (minimum intensity); newest (03-10-15) spectrometer software settings used.
Spectrographic analysis of the LED in this flashlight (minimum intensity); newest (03-10-15) spectrometer software settings used.
Spectrometer's response narrowed to a band between 440nm and 460nm to pinpoint native emission peak wavelength, which is 445.880nm.
The raw spectrometer data (tab-delimited that can be loaded into Excel) is at modus2l.txt
The preceding four spectrographic analyses are from a Modus 2 purchased by J. P. in the United Kingdom in early-March 2015.
USB2000 spectrometer graciously donated by P.L.
Beam cross-sectional analysis.
Image made using the ProMetric System by Radiant Imaging.
Test unit of this and one other flashlight were furnished by P.K. of and were received at 1:26pm PST on 12-07-09.
Product was made in China.
A product's country of origin really does matter to some people, which is why I published it on this web page.
UPDATE: 01-04-10
I see that I failed to mention this earlier...this product has a lightly crenelated (scalloped) bezel, enabling you to tell if you left it turned on when it's placed bezel (head)-down onto a flat surface.
UPDATE: 01-07-10
Another thing that I failed to mention this earlier...the longitudinal "ribs" on the barrel not only aid in retention (the ability to hold onto the flashlight when your hands are cold, oily, or soaked in Orange Crush, coffee, milk, bird doody, water, etc.), but they function quite nicely as an anti-roll device -- simply meaning that the flashlight will have less of a tendency to try and get away from you (roll away) when it is placed on an unlevel surface.
Bright for its size
Nice to look at - whether on or off
Reasonably durable construction
Water-resistant and even submersible to shallow depths
PWM frequency is a bit on the slow side; may bother some users -- this is what nocked that last 5% of a star off
MANUFACTURER: Unknown, for ICON in California
PRODUCT TYPE: Small handheld flashlight
LAMP TYPE: High-powered white LED
BEAM TYPE: Medium spot w/wide corona
SWITCH TYPE: Pushbutton on/mode change/off on tailcap
BEZEL: Polymer; LED & optic protected by plastic window
BATTERY: 2xAA cells
CURRENT CONSUMPTION: Unknown/unable to measure
SUBMERSIBLE: Yes, to ~3 feet (1 meter)
SIZE: 6.0" L
WEIGHT: 4.70 oz.
WARRANTY: 1 year
PK ICON Modus 2 Flashlight, retail *
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