Unknown-type Keychain LED Flashlight
Manufactured by (Unknown)
Last updated 11-21-09

The Unknown-Type Keychain LED Flashlight is a rather small flashlight that snaps to your keychain to give you white light at a moment's notice.

It comes in an alumim body, feeds its single 5mm white LED with four LR41 button cells, and it is turned on & off with a simple momentary on/off pushbutton switch on its barrel.

 Size of product w/hand to show scale SIZE

The Unknown Keychain-Type LED Flashlight is quite easy to use - for a flashlight that is.

Press & hold down the button on the side of the barrel for as long as you need light; release the button to extinguish it.

To change the batteries in this light, unscrew & remove the tailcap, carry it to a bridge over deep water (the Oakland Bay Bridge would be ideal; however, the Juneau-Douglas Bridge would also do in a pinch here), and throw it over the side so that it goes "blub blub blub" all the way to the bottom of Gastineau Channel with all of the bowling balls that were lobbed over that bridge in the 1950s and 1960s...0 W4!+!!! Y0U'11 N33D +H4+!!! So just set it aside instead.

Tip the used button cells out of the barrel, and dispose of or recycle them as you see fit.

Stack four new LR41 button cells on a flat surface like a table, desk, or dresser top; orienting them so that their button-ends (-) negatives face up.

Lower the barrel over the stack of batteries, slide it to the edege of the table, desk, dresser top, etc. and place a finger over the open end as you reach the edge so that all those brand spanken new button cells do not clatter to the floor or fall into the rug and later fall prey to the hungry, hungry vacuum cleaner.

Invert (flip over) the light and your finger simultaneously (at the same time), and screw the tailcap back on.
Aren't you glad that you didn't throw that tailcap over the side of the Juneau-Douglas Bridge now?

This is what the Juneau-Douglas Bridge looks like...or what it lookED like anyway before it was replaced in 1976.

And this is what the bridge looks like now.

The Unknown Keychain-Type LED Flashlight is very small, so "The Smack Test" would not really be appropiate here.

That said, this flashlight appears quite durable, but I don't believe it is too water-resistant. When I had it apart to do the battery change, I did not see an O-ring between the barrel and tailcap. When the LED-end was suctioned on, rather extreme leakage was detected. So water, milk, diet Pepsi, coffee, urine, root beer, or other liquids could get inside around the LED and very probably around the pushbutton switch as well. So please try not to drop it in creeks, rivers, ponds, lakes, oceansides, docksides, puddles of Siamese cat pee (What? No litterbox?), glasses of milk, slush piles, mud puddles, tubs, root beer floats, toliet bowls, cisterns, sinks, cups of coffee, fishtanks, dog water dishes, old yucky wet mops, wall-mounted porcelain uranators, or other places where water or water-like liquids might be found. A little rain or snow probably wouldn't hurt it though, so you need not be too concerned about using it in moderately bad weather.

If it fell in water and you suspect it got flooded, disassemble it as you would for a battery change, dump out the water if necessary, and set the parts in a warm dry place for a day or so just to be sure it's completely dry inside before you reassemble and use it again.

If it fell into seawater, got thrown into a glass of milk, if it fell in a root beer float, if it fell into a bowl of "soft-serv" ice cream, if somebody squirted a Massengill brand post-menstrual disposable douche or a Fleet brand disposable enema at it (and hit it with the douche or the enema), if it fell into your car's radiator while the radiator cap was off, or if somebody or something got "pist off" at it and subsequently "pyst" on it, rinse the parts out with fresh water before setting them out to dry. You don't want your Unknown Keychain-Type LED Flashlight to smell like seaweed, sour milk, flowers, fresh butts, or rotten pee when you go to use it next. Besides, salt (from seawater, disposable douches, disposable enemas, or uranation), lactic acid (from moo juice), glycerol (from antifreeze), or sugar (from root beer & ice cream) can't be very good for the insides.

This appears to be a fairly well-constructed flashlight, provided you don't just beat the devil (or beat the {vulgar term for feces}, or beat the urine, or beat the living tweedle) out of it.
That is, it will definitely do what you purchased it to do - which is provide light.

Beam photograph on the test target at 12".
Measures 29,400mcd on a Meterman LM631 (now Amprobe LM631A) light meter.

Spectrographic plot
Spectrographic analysis of the LED in this flashlight.
USB2000 spectrometer graciously donated by P.L.

ProMetric analysis
Beam cross-sectional analysis.
Image made using the ProMetric System by Radiant Imaging.

Test unit was obtained at a totally unknown time - I don't even know the year; but was found on 11-20-09.

UPDATE: 00-00-00

Small and lightweight
Reasonably bright for its size

Not waterproof or submersible
Uses batteries that might be difficult to locate and/or locally expen$ive

    PRODUCT TYPE: Small LED flashlight
    LAMP TYPE: 5mm white LED
    No. OF LAMPS: 1
    BEAM TYPE: Narrow flood with soft fall-off at perimeter
    SWITCH TYPE: Momentary pushbutton on/off on barrel
    BEZEL: Metal; LED recessed into hosel for it
    BATTERY: 4x LR41 button cells
    CURRENT CONSUMPTION: Unknown/unable to measure
    WATER-RESISTANT: Light splatter-resistance at maximum
    ACCESSORIES: Batteries, "lobster claw" clasp
    WARRANTY: Unknown/TBA


    Star RatingStar Rating

Unknown-type Keychain LED Flashlight *

Do you manufacture or sell an LED flashlight, task light, utility light, or module of some kind? Want to see it tested by a real person, under real working conditions? Do you then want to see how your light did? If you have a sample available for this type of real-world, real-time testing, please contact me at bdf1111@yahoo.com.

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WHITE 5500-6500K InGaN+phosphor 
ULTRAVIOLET 370-390nm GaN 
BLUE 430nm GaN+SiC
BLUE 450 and 473nm InGaN
BLUE Silicon Carbide
TURQUOISE 495-505nm InGaN
GREEN 525nm InGaN 
YELLOW-GREEN 555-575mn GaAsP & related
YELLOW 585-595nm
AMBER 595-605nm
ORANGE 605-620nm
ORANGISH-RED 620-635nm
RED 640-700nm
INFRARED 700-1300nm
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