High-Powered LED Grow Lamp Bulb, retail $ (www.alibaba.com/product-gs...)
Manufactured by Haiyan Chaohong Electronic Technology Co. LTD. (http://chaohong.en.alibaba.com/index.htm)
Last updated 01-07-10

The High-Powered LED Grow Lamp Bulb is a "grow light" in a standard "light bulb" package that is designed to allow you to grow plants indoors, away from natural sunlight. The peak wavelengths (spectrographically measured) are ~635nm in the red and ~460nm in the blue -- both of these are specifically engineered for plant growth. If I remember correctly, the red stimulates chlorophyll (the stuff in plants that makes them appear green), while the blue stimulates flowering & reproduction. However, the optimum peak wavelength for chlorophyll is ~660nm (see 12-20-09 update below!!!)

The light sources consist of six high-powered red LEDs and one high-powered blue LED (the manufacturer of these LEDs is not known). They mix to form a pinkish purple tint -- just what you'd expect to see from a "grow light".

It comes in a very sturdy and significant metal body, and it appears to be able to take whatever misfortune or punishment you decide to mete out on it with utter impunity. Though, because it is a light bulb, you may wish to handle it a bit more carefully.

 Size of product w/hand to show scale SIZE

To use this bulb, just screw it into any medium-base female E27 light bulb receptacle ("light socket"), turn it on, and then walk away.
Yes, it's really that easy.

This bulb is rated to be powered with 85 volts to 260 volts AC 60Hz, so I do not have to tell you which part to remove, huck into an open-pit zinc or gadolinium mine, and then rather emphatically tell you not to.

This is a light bulb, not a flashlight meant to be thrashed, trashed, and abused. So I won't throw it against the wall, stomp on it, try to drown it in the toylet bowl or the cistern, run over it, swing it against the concrete floor of a porch, use a medium claw hammer in order to bash it open to check it for candiosity, fire it from the cannoņata, drop it down the top of Mt. Erupto (I guess I've been watching the TV program "Viva Piņata" too much again - candiosity is usually checked with a laser-type device on a platform with a large readout (located at Piņata Central), with a handheld wand that Langston Lickatoad uses, or with a pack-of-cards-sized device that Fergy Fudgehog uses; the cannoņata (also located at Piņata Central) is only used to shoot piņatas to piņata parties away from picturesque Piņata Island, and Mt. Erupto is an active volcano on Piņata Island {In the episode "Les Saves the Day...Again", Paulie Preztail says "Hey, ever wonder why this park's called 'Mount Erupto' anyway?", then Franklin Fizzlybear says "I think its an old native term. Means 'very safe.'"}), send it to the Daystrom Institute for additional analysis, or inflict upon it punishments that flashlights may have inflicted upon them.

So this portion of the web page will be ***SIGNIFICANTLY*** more bare than this section of the web page on a web page about a flashlight.

The beam angle is advertised at 30°.

Beam photograph on the test target at 12".

Beam photograph on a wall at ~10 feet.

Those colored graphics toward the left are my "Viva Piņata" posters, and that clock on the right that looks like a gigantic wristwatch is my Infinity Optics Clock.
You may also be able to see two of my SpongeBob SquarePants plush (Squidward Tentacles & Patrick Star) and a Digimon plush (Greymon)

Spectrographic plot
Spectrographic analysis of the LEDs (red) in this bulb.

Spectrographic plot
Spectrographic analysis of the LEDs (red) in this bulb; spectrometer's response narrowed to a range between 620nm and 650nm to pinpoint peak wavelength.

Spectrographic plot
Spectrographic analysis of the LED (blue) in this bulb.

Spectrographic plot
Spectrographic analysis of the LED (blue) in this bulb; spectrometer's response narrowed to a range between 445nm and 475nm to pinpoint peak wavelength.

Spectrographic plot
Spectrographic analysis of the LEDs (both red & blue on simultaneously {together}) in this bulb.

USB2000 spectrometer graciously donated by P.L.

ProMetric analysis
Beam cross-sectional analysis.

You may note that the dark spot at left-center kind of queered the test.
It is a defect in the ProMetric's CCD imager and cannot be compensated for.

Image made using the ProMetric System by Radiant Imaging.

Test unit was furnished for spectroscopy-only by A.L. in Japan; I've decided to give it "the full meal deal" on this website.

Product was made in Taiwan.
A product's country of origin really does matter to some people, which is why I published it on this web page.

This bulb may be a "loaner"; therefore, that dreadful "" icon will be appended to its listings on this website if it has to be returned.

UPDATE: 12-20-09
I have received evidence (and damned good evidence too!) that red radiation (light) at 635nm is almost as good as 660nm radiation with regards to plant growth.
To wit, I furnish the following links:


As a result of these findings, the "star" rating I gave will be increased ***SIGNIFICANTLY***!!!
In fact, it is now in The Trophy Case on this website!!!

UPDATE: 01-07-10
I have been given permission to keep this bulb; to that end, the "(PA)" suffix has been removed from its listings on this website; and the "" icon will not even be necessary.

High light output
Wide operating voltage range
Blue wavelength appears to be optimum for growing vegetation

Red wavelength is significantly shorter than might be desired (~635nm instead of ~660nm). That's what detracted from its rating the most. (See 12-20-09 update above!!!

    MANUFACTURER: Haiyan Chaohong Electronic Technology Co. LTD.
    PRODUCT TYPE: LED "grow light" bulb
    LAMP TYPE: High-powered LED
    No. OF LAMPS: 7 (6 red, 1 blue)
    BEAM TYPE: Medium spot w/soft corona
    BEZEL: N/A
    CURRENT CONSUMPTION: Unknown/unable to measure
    WATER-RESISTANT: Very light splatter-resistance at maximum
    WARRANTY: Unknown/TBA


    Star Rating

High-Powered LED Grow Lamp Bulb * www.alibaba.com/product-gs...

Do you manufacture or sell an LED flashlight, task light, utility light, or module of some kind? Want to see it tested by a real person, under real working conditions? Do you then want to see how your light did? If you have a sample available for this type of real-world, real-time testing, please contact me at bdf1111@yahoo.com.

Please visit this web page for contact information.

Unsolicited flashlights, LEDs, and other products appearing in the mail are welcome, and it will automatically be assumed that you sent it in order to have it tested and evaluated for this site.
Be sure to include contact info or your company website's URL so visitors here will know where to purchase your product.

WHITE 5500-6500K InGaN+phosphor 
ULTRAVIOLET 370-390nm GaN 
BLUE 430nm GaN+SiC
BLUE 450 and 473nm InGaN
BLUE Silicon Carbide
TURQUOISE 495-505nm InGaN
GREEN 525nm InGaN 
YELLOW-GREEN 555-575mn GaAsP & related
YELLOW 585-595nm
AMBER 595-605nm
ORANGE 605-620nm
ORANGISH-RED 620-635nm
RED 640-700nm
INFRARED 700-1300nm
True RGB Full Color LED
Spider (Pirrahna) LEDs
True violet (400-418nm) LEDs
Agilent Barracuda & Prometheus LEDs
Oddball & Miscellaneous LEDs
Programmable RGB LED modules / fixtures
Where to buy these LEDs 
Links to other LED-related websites
The World's First Virtual LED Museum
Legal horse puckey, etc.
LEDSaurus (on-site LED Mini Mart)

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