Digimon Title (Theme) Songs, retail $(Free!)
Manufactured by Bandai (www.bandai.com) and Toei Animation Co. Ltd. (www.toei-anim.com)
Last updated 04-20-10

This product does not emit light of its own, so the standard review format will not be used and the product will not be assigned a rating.

The first three songs have similar melodies; varying primarily in that some words have been changed and to a lesser degree, the instruments sound a bit different. Seasons 4 and 5 are greatly different from seasons 1, 2, 3; and from each other as well -- and should be considered completely new songs.

Sound file (.WAV format) of the theme song for Digimon Adventure (season 1)
This file is 359,268 bytes in size.

      Di Di Di
      Digimon Digimon
      Di Di Di
      Digimon Digimon
      Di Di Di
      Digimon Digital Monsters
      Digimon are the Champions
      Digimon Digital Monsters
      Digimon are the Champions
      Change into Digital Champions to save the Digital
      {spoken forcefully; not sung or shouted} WORLD!!!
      Digimon Digital Monsters 
      Digimon are the Champions
      Digimon Digital Monsters
      Digimon are the Champions
      Digivolve into Champions 
      Digivolve into Ultimate
      Digimon Digital Monsters
      Digimon are the Champions
      Digimon Digital Monsters
      Digimon Are The Champions
      Digimon Digital Monsters

Sound file (.WAV format) of the theme song for Digimon Adventure 02 (season 2)
This file is 358,658 bytes in size.

      Di Di Di
      Digimon Digimon
      Di Di Di
      Digimon Digimon
      Di Di Di
      Digimon Digital Monsters
      Digimon are the Champions
      Digimon Digital Monsters
      Digimon are the Champions
      Change into Digital Champions to save the Digital
      {spoken forcefully; not sung or shouted} WORLD!!!
      Digimon Digital Monsters 
      Digimon are the Champions
      Digimon Digital Monsters
      Digimon are the Champions
      Digivolve into Champions 
      Armour digivolve!!!
      Digimon Digital Monsters
      Digimon are the Champions
      Digimon Digital Monsters
      Digimon Are The Champions
      Digimon Digital Monsters

Sound file (.WAV format) of the theme song for Digimon Tamers (season 3)
This file is 361,225 bytes in size.

      Di Di Di
      Digimon Digimon
      Di Di Di
      Digimon Digimon
      Di Di Di
      Digimon Digital Monsters
      Digimon are the Champions
      Digimon Digital Monsters
      Digimon are the Champions
      Change into Digital Champions to save and defend the 
      {spoken forcefully; not sung or shouted} WORLD!!!
      Digimon Digital Monsters 
      Digimon are the Champions
      Digimon Digital Monsters
      Digimon are the Champions
      Digivolve into Champions 
      Digimon Digital Monsters
      Digimon are the Champions
      Digimon Digital Monsters
      Digimon Are The Champions
      Digimon Digital Monsters

Sound file (.WAV format) of the theme song for Digimon Frontier (season 4)
This file is 1,502,553 bytes in size.

      Look to the past
      as we head for the future
      to reclaim the Digital World.
      With faith in ourselves
      and trust in each other
      we live by the lessons we've learned.
      As we work towards one solution
      through a Spirit Evolution.
      {Indian-sounding voice} Ha-ya-moo-ah! Huh!
      {Normal singing resumes} Digimon
      Forever united as one
      Together the battles are won
      Through us let your spirit evolve.
      If we're all for one world
      there's a world for us all.
      If we're all for one world
      there's a world 
      for us all.

Sound file (.WAV format) of the theme song for Digimon Data Squad (season 5)
This file is 742,232 bytes in size.

      When you
      Have to face a fight 
      Be strong and give it all your might 
      {female voice; not singing} Digimon D-D-D-Data Squad 
      {Normal singing resumes} Unleash your soul 
      And you will reach your goal 
      Prepare digivolve! 
      Never surrender 
      Never be outdone 
      Cuz the challenge ain't over 
      We've only just begun 

I love the TV program Digimon (it's my all-time favourite animated series), so I've been creating these audio (sound) files of the title (theme) songs over the last several months as of 04-16-10.

UPDATE: 00-00-00

      MANUFACTURER: Bandai and Toei Animation Co. Ltd.
      PRODUCT TYPE: Audio (sound) files of Digimon theme songs
      LAMP TYPE: N/A
      No. OF LAMPS: N/A
      BEAM TYPE: N/A
      BEZEL: N/A
      BATTERY: N/A


      Product was not intended to be a light-emitter, so the traditional "star" rating will not be used.

Digimon Title (Theme) Songs *

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