This is a long page with at least 21 images on it; dial-up users please allow for plenty of load time.
Somebody set up us the bomb.

70 Red Diode Laser Modules
Retail {Not known}
Manufactured by Aixiz Service & International, LLC (www.aixiz.com) and Iopa (URL not known)
Last updated 08-02-10

(In reference to the box I received from J.B. in Belgium at 3:54pm PDT on 06-14-10):
{sung like the Foreigner song "Feels Like the First Time"}

These are small, pre-wired red diode laser modules. That is, they're ready to connect to any source of 3 volts DC that you happen to have handy; whether that's a pair of 1.5 volt AAA or AA cells, a 3 volt lithium CR2 or CR123A cell, or a "wall wart" type AC adapter that you know has a closed circuit output of 3 to no more than 4.5 volts DC and can deliver at least 25mA.

The modules on this web page came with no collimating optics, so there will be no "10 feet" photographs.

 Size of product w/hand to show scale SIZE

To use the laser module, just connect it to any source of 3 to 4.5 volts DC via the included wires. Red is (+) positive, black is (-) negative.
There is no on/off switch; if you wish to use one you will have to supply and connect it yourself.

Because this device runs from any source of 3 to 4.5 volts DC, this section will contain very little additional information.
Just connect it to your chosen power source so that the red wire goes to the (+) positive, and the black wire goes to the (-) negative.

If (forward current) measures 30.0mA on my DMM's 400mA scale.
This is with a Vf of 4.50 volts (closed-circuit, not open-circuit), using an Aixiz laser diode module power supply unit specifically made for this application.

Because this is a component designed to be installed in something, and not a flashlight meant to be carried around, thrashed, trashed, and abused, I won't try to drown them in the toliet tank, bash them against a steel rod or against the concrete floor of a patio in effort to try and expose the bare Metalmarineangemon - er - the bare Metalkumamon - um that's not them either...the bare Metalcalumon...er...uh...wait a sec here...THE BARE METAL (guess I've been watching too much Digimon again! - now I'm just making {vulgar term for feces} up!!!), let my mother's big dog's ghost or my sister's kitty cats spring a leak (uranate) on them, hose them down with a gun, run over them with a 450lb Celebrity motorised wheelchair, stomp on them, use a medium ball peen hammer in order to bash them open to check them for candiosity, fire them from the cannoñata, drop them down the top of Mt. Erupto (I guess I've been watching the TV program "Viva Piñata" too much again - candiosity is usually checked with a laser-type device on a platform with a large readout (located at Piñata Central {aka. "Party Central"}), with a handheld wand that Langston Lickatoad uses, or with a pack-of-cards-sized device that Fergy Fudgehog uses; the cannoñata (also located at Piñata Central) is only used to shoot piñatas to piñata parties away from picturesque Piñata Island, and Mt. Erupto is an active volcano on Piñata Island), send them to the Daystrom Institute for additional analysis, or perform other indecencies on them that a flashlight might have to have performed on them. So this section of the web page will be ***SIGNIFICANTLY*** more bare than this section of the web page on a page about a flashlight.

This web page look a lot like this one?
Thought you'd say so.
These products are extremely similar, so I was able to use their web page as a template for this one.
All of the photographs, spectrographic analyses, and measurements (current and optical output) are of THESE modules, but much of the rest of the text was left "as is"; only a few things were changed in it from that web page vs. this web page; a power output graph for all 70 modules was also added to this web page.

     Diode laser modules with no 4.500 volt power output values are known
     to be damaged; testing them at this Vf would likely destroy them.
     µW = microwatts (0.000001 watt), mW = milliwatts (0.001 watt)

    Brand      Testing serial #  Po@Vf=+3.302V   Po@Vf=+4.500V 
 |            |                 |               |               |
 |   Aixiz    |  AS1-00-00001   | 6.320mW       | 6.470mW       |
 |            |                 |               |               |
 |            |                 |               |               |
 |   Aixiz    |  AS1-00-00002   | 7.770mW       | 8.090mW       |
 |            |                 |               |               |
 |            |                 |               |               |
 |   Aixiz    |  AS1-00-00003   | 4.000µW (hot) |  (hot)        |
 |            |                 |               |               |
 |            |                 |               |               |
 |   Aixiz    |  AS1-00-00004   | 6.810mW       | 6.160mW       |
 |            |                 |               |               |
 |            |                 |               |               |
 |   Aixiz    |  AS1-00-00005   | 49.90µW (hot) | 34.60µW (hot) |
 |            |                 |               |               |
 |            |                 |               |               |
 |   Aixiz    |  AS1-00-00006   | 0.000µW (hot) |  (hot)        |
 |            |                 |               |               |
 |            |                 |               |               |
 |   Aixiz    |  AS1-00-00007   | 0.000µW (hot) |  (hot)        |
 |            |                 |               |               |
 |            |                 |               |               |
 |   Aixiz    |  AS1-00-00008   | 6.310mW       |               |
 |            |                 |               |               |
 |            |                 |               |               |
 |   Aixiz    |  AS1-00-00009   | 5.260mW       |  5.340mW      |
 |            |                 |               |               |
    Brand      Testing serial #  Po@Vf=+3.302V   Po@Vf=+4.500V 
 |            |                 |               |               |
 |   Aixiz    |  AS1-00-00010   | 106.40µW (hot)| 71.20µW (hot) |
 |            |                 |               |               |
 |            |                 |               |               |
 |   Aixiz    |  AS1-00-00011   |  5.150mW      |  5.310mW      |
 |            |                 |               |               |
 |            |                 |               |               |
 |   Aixiz    |  AS1-00-00012   |  0.000µW (hot)|               |
 |            |                 |               |               |
 |            |                 |               |               |
 |   Aixiz    |  AS1-00-00013   |  84.70µW (hot)|               |
 |            |                 |               |               |
 |            |                 |               |               |
 |   Aixiz    |  AS1-00-00014   |  5.460mW      | 5.630mW       |
 |            |                 |               |               |
 |            |                 |               |               |
 |   Aixiz    |  AS1-00-00015   | 6.200mW       | 6.400mW       |
 |            |                 |               |               |
 |            |                 |               |               |
 |   Aixiz    |  AS1-00-00016   | 6.490mW       | 6.680mW       |
 |            |                 |               |               |
 |            |                 |               |               |
 |   Aixiz    |  AS1-00-00017   |  5.770mW      | 6.410mW       |
 |            |                 |               |               |
 |            |                 |               |               |
 |   Aixiz    |  AS1-00-00018   |  10.150mW     | 9.750mW       |
 |            |                 |               |               |
 |            |                 |               |               |
 |   Aixiz    |  AS1-00-00019   | 42.700µW (hot)| 35.49µW (hot) |
 |            |                 |               |               |
  Brand     Testing serial #  Po@Vf=+3.302V   Po@Vf=+4.500V
 |            |                 |               |               |
 |   Aixiz    |  AS1-00-00020   | 6.210mW       |  6.370mW      |
 |            |                 |               |               |
 |            |                 |               |               |
 |   Aixiz    |  AS1-00-00021   | 55.00µW (hot) | 28.40µW (hot) |
 |            |                 |               |               |
 |            |                 |               |               |
 |   Aixiz    |  AS1-00-00022   | 5.000µW (hot) |               |
 |            |                 |               |               |
 |            |                 |               |               |
 |   Aixiz    |  AS1-00-00023   | 0.000µW (hot) |               |
 |            |                 |               |               |
 |            |                 |               |               |
 |   Aixiz    |  AS1-00-00024   | 0.000µW (hot) |               |
 |            |                 |               |               |
 |            |                 |               |               |
 |   Aixiz    |  AS1-00-00025   | 5.490mW       |               |
 |            |                 |               |               |
 |            |                 |               |               |
 |   Aixiz    |  AS1-00-00026   | 0.000µW (hot) |               |
 |            |                 |               |               |
 |            |                 |               |               |
 |   Aixiz    |  AS1-00-00027   | 8.200µW (hot) |               |
 |            |                 |               |               |
 |            |                 |               |               |
 |   Aixiz    |  AS1-00-00028   | 97.50µW (hot) |               |
 |            |                 |               |               |
 |            |                 |               |               |
 |   Aixiz    |  AS1-00-00029   | 0.000µW (hot) |               |
 |            |                 |               |               |
  Brand     Testing serial #  Po@Vf=+3.302V   Po@Vf=+4.500V
 |            |                 |               |               |
 |   Aixiz    |  AS1-00-00030   | 94.30µW (hot) |               |
 |            |                 |               |               |
 |            |                 |               |               |
 |   Aixiz    |  AS1-00-00031   |  10.880mW     |               |
 |            |                 |               |               |
 |            |                 |               |               |
 |   Aixiz    |  AS1-00-00032   | 0.000µW (hot) |               |
 |            |                 |               |               |
 |            |                 |               |               |
 |   Aixiz    |  AS1-00-00033   |  5.230mW      |  5.350mW      |
 |            |                 |               |               |
 |            |                 |               |               |
 |   Aixiz    |  AS1-00-00034   |  0.000µW      |               |
 |            |                 |               |               |
 |            |                 |               |               |
 |   Aixiz    |  AS1-00-00035   | 66.30µW (hot) |               |
 |            |                 |               |               |
 |            |                 |               |               |
 |   Aixiz    |  AS1-00-00036   | 41.60µW (hot) |               |
 |            |                 |               |               |
 |            |                 |               |               |
 |   Aixiz    |  AS1-00-00037   | 0.000µW (hot) |               |
 |            |                 |               |               |
 |            |                 |               |               |
 |   Aixiz    |  AS1-00-00038   | 0.000µW (hot) |               |
 |            |                 |               |               |
 |            |                 |               |               |
 |   Aixiz    |  AS1-00-00039   | 0.000µW (hot) |               |
 |            |                 |               |               |
  Brand     Testing serial #  Po@Vf=+3.302V   Po@Vf=+4.500V
 |            |                 |               |               |
 |   Aixiz    |  AS1-00-00040   | 0.000µW (hot) |               |
 |            |                 |               |               |
 |            |                 |               |               |
 |   Aixiz    |  AS1-00-00041   | 72.10µW (hot) |               |
 |            |                 |               |               |
 |            |                 |               |               |
 |   Aixiz    |  AS1-00-00042   | 0.000µW       |               |
 |            |                 |               |               |
 |            |                 |               |               |
 |   Aixiz    |  AS1-00-00043   | 101.9µW (hot) |               |
 |            |                 |               |               |
 |            |                 |               |               |
 |   Aixiz    |  AS1-00-00044   | 73.50µW (hot) |               |
 |            |                 |               |               |
 |            |                 |               |               |
 |   Aixiz    |  AS1-00-00045   | 52.00µW (hot) |               |
 |            |                 |               |               |
 |            |                 |               |               |
 |   Aixiz    |  AS1-00-00046   | 0.000µW (hot) |               |
 |            |                 |               |               |
 |            |                 |               |               |
 |   Aixiz    |  AS1-00-00047   | 132.0µW (hot) |               |
 |            |                 |               |               |
 |            |                 |               |               |
 |   Aixiz    |  AS1-00-00048   | 78.50µW (hot) |               |
 |            |                 |               |               |
 |            |                 |               |               |
 |   Aixiz    |  AS1-00-00049   | 110.7µW (hot) |               |
 |            |                 |               |               |
  Brand     Testing serial #  Po@Vf=+3.302V   Po@Vf=+4.500V
 |            |                 |               |               |
 |   Aixiz    |  AS1-00-00050   | 5.590mW       |               |
 |            |                 |               |               |
 |            |                 |               |               |
 |   Aixiz    |  AS1-00-00051   | 0.000µW (hot) |               |
 |            |                 |               |               |
 |            |                 |               |               |
 |   Aixiz    |  AS1-00-00052   | 72.60µW (hot) |               |
 |            |                 |               |               |
 |            |                 |               |               |
 |   Aixiz    |  AS1-00-00053   | 68.10µW (hot) |               |
 |            |                 |               |               |
 |            |                 |               |               |
 |   Aixiz    |  AS1-00-00054   | 5.340mW       |               |
 |            |                 |               |               |
 |            |                 |               |               |
 |   Aixiz    |  AS1-00-00055   | 59.20µW (hot) |               |
 |            |                 |               |               |
 |            |                 |               |               |
 |   Aixiz    |  AS1-00-00056   | 75.30µW (hot) |               |
 |            |                 |               |               |
 |            |                 |               |               |
 |   Aixiz    |  AS1-00-00057   | 110.7µW (hot) |               |
 |            |                 |               |               |
 |            |                 |               |               |
 |   Aixiz    |  AS1-00-00058   | 82.40µW       |               |
 |            |                 |               |               |
 |            |                 |               |               |
 |   Aixiz    |  AS1-00-00059   | 89.50µW (hot) |               |
 |            |                 |               |               |
  Brand     Testing serial #  Po@Vf=+3.302V   Po@Vf=+4.500V
 |            |                 |               |               |
 |   Aixiz    |  AS1-00-00060   | 88.20µW (hot) |               |
 |            |                 |               |               |
 |            |                 |               |               |
 |   Aixiz    |  AS1-00-00061   | 76.70µW (hot) |               |
 |            |                 |               |               |
 |            |                 |               |               |
 |   Aixiz    |  AS1-00-00062   | 118.9µW (hot) |               |
 |            |                 |               |               |
 |            |                 |               |               |
 |   Aixiz    |  AS1-00-00063   | 51.50µW (hot) |               |
 |            |                 |               |               |
 |            |                 |               |               |
 |   Aixiz    |  AS1-00-00064   |  5.080mW      | 5.220mW       |
 |            |                 |               |               |
 |            |                 |               |               |
 |   Aixiz    |  AS1-00-00065   | 0.000µW       |               |
 |            |                 |               |               |
 |            |                 |               |               |
 |   Aixiz    |  AS1-00-00066   | 67.80µW (hot) |               |
 |            |                 |               |               |
 |            |                 |               |               |
 |   Aixiz    |  AS1-00-00067   | 73.40µW (hot) |               |
 |            |                 |               |               |
 |            |                 |               |               |
 |   Aixiz    |  AS1-00-00068   |  4.900mW      | 5.500mW       |
 |            |                 |               |               |
 |            |                 |               |               |
 |   Aixiz    |  AS1-00-00069   | 4.960mW       |  5.090mW      |
 |            |                 |               |               |
  Brand     Testing serial #  Po@Vf=+3.302V   Po@Vf=+4.500V
 |            |                 |               |               |
 |   Aixiz    |  AS1-00-00070   | 5.180mW       | 5.350mW       |
 |            |                 |               |               |

   Brand      Testing serial #   Po@Vf=+3.302V   Po@Vf=+4.500V   Po@Vf=5.110V
 |            |                 |               |               |              |
 |   Iopa     |  IOP-00-00001   | 4.269mW       | 5.060mW       | 4.5477mW     |
 |            |                 |               |               |              |
 |            |                 |               |               |              |
 |   Iopa     |  IOP-00-00002   | 4.083mW       | 4.640mW       | 4.4352mW     |
 |            |                 |               |               |              |
 |            |                 |               |               |              |
 |   Iopa     |  IOP-00-00003   | 4.399mW       | 4.980mW       | 4.7058mW     |
 |            |                 |               |               |              |
 |            |                 |               |               |              |
 |   Iopa     |  IOP-00-00004   | 4.027mW       | 4.570mW       | 4.620mW      |
 |            |                 |               |               |              |
 |            |                 |               |               |              |
 |   Iopa     |  IOP-00-00005   | 4.241mW       | 4.820mW       | 4.2966mW     |
 |            |                 |               |               |              |
 |            |                 |               |               |              |
 |   Iopa     |  IOP-00-00006   | 4.157mW       | 4.760mW       | 4.5477mW     |
 |            |                 |               |               |              |
 |            |                 |               |               |              |
 |   Iopa     |  IOP-00-00007   | 4.185mW       | 4.680mW       | 4.5198mW     |
 |            |                 |               |               |              |
 |            |                 |               |               |              |
 |   Iopa     |  IOP-00-00008   | 3.971mW       | 4.490mW       | 4.2129mW     |
 |            |                 |               |               |              |
 |            |                 |               |               |              |
 |   Iopa     |  IOP-00-00009   | 4.297mW       | 4.830mW       | 4.5849mW     |
 |            |                 |               |               |              |
 |            |                 |               |               |              |
 |   Iopa     |  IOP-00-00010   | 3.971mW       | 4.470mW       | 4.2408mW     |
 |            |                 |               |               |              |
   Brand      Testing serial #   Po@Vf=+3.302V   Po@Vf=+4.500V   Po@Vf=5.110V

Beam photograph on the test target at 18" (Iopa module #00009).
Photograph was deliberately left uncropped so that the beam shape can be seen.

Beam photograph on the test target at 18" (Aixis module #00031).
Photograph was deliberately left uncropped so that the beam shape can be seen.

Photograph of the Aixis module #00028 (one of the modules that went down the tube).


Spectrographic analysis
Spectrographic analysis of the yellow-green LED found near the base of some of the Aixis modules.

Spectrographic analysis
Spectrographic analysis of the yellow LED indicator in Aixiz module #00070.

USB2000 spectrometer graciously donated by P.L.

ProMetric analysis
Beam cross-sectional analysis (X-axis, Iopa module #00009).

ProMetric analysis
Beam cross-sectional analysis (Y-axis, Iopa module #00009d).

ProMetric analysis
Beam cross-sectional analysis (X-axis, Aixis module #00031).

ProMetric analysis
Beam cross-sectional analysis (Y-axis, Aixis module #00031).

Images made using the ProMetric System by Radiant Imaging.

Test units (seventy {70!} lasers) were furnished for spectrographic & beam cross-sectional analyses (not all 70) plus power output measurements (this test *IS* to be performed on all seventy!) by J.B. of Belgium in northwest Europe (sent on 06-04-10) and were received on 06-14-10.

The factory that manufactures the Aixiz diode laser modules already knows about the defective lasers, and steps currently ***ARE*** being taken to remedy this. Because of this positive action on their behalf, I won't be derating these modules based on the high mortality rate (modules that emit in the microwatt range or that have gone totally to pot) that you see farther up this web page.

UPDATE: 06-20-10
From the CEO of Aixiz Service & International, LLC, Dr. Maricle, comes the following information from his posts on the Regrowth.com fora:

The normal failure rate per 10,000 laser modules is about 100 units, or about 1% mortality (for our units). We also do a 12 hour age test before inventory. Recently we made a driver circuit change which gave us a greater range for operating voltage. Check the voltage level of the power supply being used (don't ever believe the stickers). I am thinking the issue may be related to this causing a problem with the previous edition of the laser drivers (having a more narrow range).


Assuming that the diode is burning bright...if it's giving off heat energy, it's just the diode's way of dealing with excess energy. It's giving off it's maximum capacity of light energy that it is designed to give off, and the remaining energy is expelled as heat. This isn't the same as burning hot diodes, as they give off heat energy and little light energy. I wanted to respond to this. The diodes have an automatic current control circuit which balances input voltage versus current needed for the diode to function in a nominal fashion. The laser light should be balanced, no matter what the voltage change is. You are correct that the excess energy is expended as heat.

Low current usage
Can be powered from a low voltage DC source
Decent power output

Some of the modules (the Iopa ones in specific) have a slightly lower-than-advertised power output

    PRODUCT TYPE: Directly-injected laser diode module
    LAMP TYPE: Laser diode
    No. OF LAMPS: 1
    BEAM TYPE: Medium flood X-axis, narrow flood Y-axis
    BEZEL: Metal; laser diode inset into hosel for it
    CURRENT CONSUMPTION: 21.20 to ~30.00mA
    WATER- AND URANATION-RESISTANT: Extremely light splatter-resistance AT MAXIMUM
    WARRANTY: Unknown/TBA


    Star Rating

70 Red Diode Laser Modules

Do you manufacture or sell an LED flashlight, task light, utility light, or module of some kind? Want to see it tested by a real person, under real working conditions? Do you then want to see how your light did? If you have a sample available for this type of real-world, real-time testing, please contact me at bdf1111@yahoo.com.

Please visit this web page for contact information.

Unsolicited flashlights, LEDs, and other products appearing in the mail are welcome, and it will automatically be assumed that you sent it in order to have it tested and evaluated for this site.
Be sure to include contact info or your company website's URL so visitors here will know where to purchase your product.

WHITE 5500-6500K InGaN+phosphor 
ULTRAVIOLET 370-390nm GaN 
BLUE 430nm GaN+SiC
BLUE 450 and 473nm InGaN
BLUE Silicon Carbide
TURQUOISE 495-505nm InGaN
GREEN 525nm InGaN 
YELLOW-GREEN 555-575mn GaAsP & related
YELLOW 585-595nm
AMBER 595-605nm
ORANGE 605-620nm
ORANGISH-RED 620-635nm
RED 640-700nm
INFRARED 700-1300nm
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