Timex Analogue Wristwatch, retail $TBA
Manufactured by Timex (www.timex.com)
Last updated 06-29-10

Paul Casey (the sysop of the now-defunct Paul's Waka Waka BBS in Seattle WA. USA) was my "bestest" friend on the entire planet. He passed away on 06-16-06 (16 Jun. 2006 if you prefer); I made a memorial website in his honour on 08-19-06 (19 Aug. 2006); now I'm adding web pages about things either he gave me or Waka Waka merchandise that I purchased from his CafePress store to my website.

I've had this for quite a few years now (and Paul had it for many more years before that!), that's why it does not look brand spanken new in the above photograph!!! That brownish "crud" visible at the edges of the watch face appears to be on the outside of the crystal, not under it.

This product does not emit light of its own, so the standard review format will not be used and the product will not be assigned a rating.

This is a Timex analogue wristwatch with a quartz movement.
It has a square face,ticking (not sweep) second hand, plus day & date indicator where the "3" would normally be on the watch face.

My now-deceased best friend Paul Casey gave me this watch sometime in late-2004 or early-2005.

 Size of product w/hand to show scale SIZE

To use this watch, just set the time (see directly below), and THEN you can go time those eggs on the stove.

To set this watch, pull the crown (the little knob thing) on the right side of the watch's body out, and rotate it until the hands indicate the correct time. Then push it back in until it stops.

The "knob" part has become busted on this watch, so I'm rather ill-equipped to offer additional instructions (for changing the day and date).

To change the # 395/399 (Timex LA) button cell when necessary, place the watch face-down on a soft surface like a bed, uphostered chair, couch, your leg, etc. and look on the back for the phrase "LIFT HERE" with an arrow next to it.

Using an instrument like a butterknife, slide its blade between the back plate and the watch body where the arrow indicates, and very gently pry. The back plate should now come off.

Carry it to a bridge over deep water (the Brooklyn Bridge would be ideal; however, the Juneau-Douglas Bridge would also do in a pinch here), and throw it over the side so that it goes "blub blub blub" all the way to the bottom of Gastineau Channel with all of the bowling balls that were lobbed over that bridge in the 1950s and 1960s...O WAIT!!! YOU'LL NEED THAT!!! So just set it aside instead.

Remove the used # 395/399 (Timex LA) button cell from the compartment for it, and dispose of or recycle it as you see fit.

Install a new # 395/399 (Timex LA) button cell into the compartment, orienting it so that its button-end (-) negative goes in first.

Place the watch's back plate back on, and firmly press it on all corners until it snaps flush into place and doesn't look queer (e.g., lifted slightly on one corner, etc.).
Aren't you glad that you didn't throw that watch back over the side of the Juneau-Douglas Bridge now?

This is what the Juneau-Douglas Bridge looks like...or what it lookED like anyway before it was replaced in 1976.

And this is what the bridge looks like now.

Place the watch back on your wrist, and be done with it.

Photograph of the watch in its natural habitat -- on my wrist of course.

Video clip on YourTube showing the watch ticking.
O boy!!! A ticking watch!!!

This clip is approximately 20.354324656464 megabytes (20,563,376 bytes) in length; dial-up users please be aware.
It will take no less than one hundred two minutes to load at 48.0Kbps.

Unit was given to me by Paul Casey sometime in late-2004 or early-2005; he had it prior to that since at least the mid-1990s.

UPDATE: 00-00-00

    PRODUCT TYPE: Quartz movement (electric) wristwatch
    No. OF LAMPS: N/A
    BEZEL: Metal; face protected by what I believe is a mineral glass crystal
    BATTERY: # 395/399 (Timex LA) button cell
    CURRENT CONSUMPTION: Unknown/unable to measure
    SUBMERSIBLE: Unknown, but very probably NO WAY HOZAY!!!
    ACCESSORIES: Timex LA cell (battery)
    WARRANTY: Unknown/TBA


    Product was not intended to be a light-emitter, so the traditional "star" rating will not be used.

Timex Analogue Wristwatch *

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