The Flying Truck is a rather unusual R/C product to say the least.
You can drive it on the ground like a truck, but if you give it a bit of hammer (throttle), it will lift off the ground and fly!!!
The Flying Truck is made of a very light EPP foam (very similar to Styrofoam in appearance), uses a propeller concealed in its "cab" to achieve thrust, and uses a unique "thrust vectoring system" (a small rotor at the back that can spin in either direction) to steer -- both while on the ground and while flying.
This toy is remarkably easy to use for a flying's how to get it off the ground:
As with any rechargeable product, charge it first (see directly below), and then you can pretend to fly a big bug (well, that's what the kitty cat would think it was if it were designed to be flown in the house) -- actually, it is small, light, and slow enough that it can indeed be flown indoors!!!
1: On the underside of the Flying Truck's body, there's a tiny on/off switch.
Use a fingernail to slide this switch to the "on" position.
A flashing RB (Red/Blue) LED in the Flying Truck's undercarriage will now come on, and then begin giving you a little light show. A video farther down this web pages shows this.
2: On the remote control, turn the "on/off" switch to the "on" position.
3: Place the Flying Truck on a smooth flat surface; a tennis court, basket ball court, or a school gymnasium floor are all excellent places. Orient it so the back of the truck faces toward you.
4: Extend the antenna on the remote if you haven't already done so. Gently push the left-hand stick on the remote control forward.
5: The Flying Truck should now accelerate on the ground and soon lift off if you give it sufficient throttle. Use the right-hand joystick on the Tx to steer left or right.
Congratulations, you're now a pilot!!!
For additional instructions & tips on how to fly, please read the instructional material that comes with the product.
Turn the Flying Truck and remote control off when finished using them.
Same switches as before, but slide them in the opposite direction this time.
The battery in the Flying Truck itself is rechargeable and is not designed to be changed; however the batteries in the remote will need to be changed from time to time.
To do this, unscrew & remove the phillips screw from the battery door on the underside of the unit, using a phillips screwdriver that you furnish yourself. Set the screw aside.
Remove the battery door, very gently place it on the ground, and kick it into the garden so the hungry, hungry praying mantids will think it's something yummy to eat and strike at it...O WAIT!!! YOU'LL NEED THAT!!! So just set it aside instead.
Remove the six used AA cells from the compartment, and dispose of or recycle them as you see fit.
Insert six new AA cells into the compartment, orienting each cell so its flat-end (-) negative faces a spring for it in each chamber.
Finally, place the battery door back on, and screw the screw back in.
Aren't you glad you didn't kick that battery door into the garden with all those hungry, hungry praying mantids now?
Here is what a praying mantis looks like.
I found this guy on the morning of 09-08-06 clinging to the basket of my scooter.
To charge the battery in the Flying Truck, slide the door on the lower portion of the bottom of the remote control so it's open.
In the compartment you just exposed to atmosphere , you'll see a thin cord with a small plug on the end.
With the Flying Truck turned off, plug this into the small receptacle for it on the upper surface of the Flying Truck's body.
This connector is keyed to fit the receptacle on the Flying Truck only one way; please do not force it or you may irreversibly damage the Flying Truck and it might not fly for you again.
Turn the switch on the remote control to the "on" position. Both red and green LEDs on the remote should now come on.
After a maximum of 20 minutes, the green light will turn off.
When the green light turns off, turn the remote control off, gently unplug the cord from the Flying Truck, stow the cord in the remote control's compartment, and slide the door back closed.
Fully charging the Flying Truck's battery should give you ~4 to 5 minutes of flying time.
This flying truck is meant to be used as a toy in a dry area outdoors (or indoors for that matter), not as a flashlight meant to be carried around all the time, thrashed, and abused; I won't throw it against the wall, stomp on it, try to drown it in the {vulgar term for feces}bowl or the cistern, run over it, swing it against the concrete floor of a patio, bash it open to check it for candiosity, fire it from the cannoñata (I guess I've been watching the TV program "Viva Piñata" too much again - candiosity is usually checked with a scanner-type device on a platform with a large readout, with a handheld wand that Langston Lickatoad uses, or with a pack-of-cards-sized device that Fergy Fudgehog uses; and the cannoñata is only used to shoot piñatas to piñata parties away from picturesque Piñata Island), send it to the Daystrom Institute for additional analysis, or inflict upon it punishments that I might inflict upon a flashlight.
So this section of the Flying Truck's web page will be significantly more bare than this section of the web page on a page about a flashlight.
The range of the radio controller is not stated; but I would not expect it to be less than ~20 to ~25 meters (~60 to ~75 feet); it operates at a frequency of 27.00MHz.
The unit has a 2-channel remote control; this allows for throttle plus left & right movement. It also has a fully proportional control system; simply meaning that the motor speeds can be varied depending on how far you move the joysticks -- it isn't simply "full power and no power at all" like some other R/C products.
Photograph of the remote control.
Spectrographic analysis of the red "Power" LED in the remote control for this aircraft.
Spectrographic analysis of the yellow-green "Charge cycle in progress" LED in the remote control for this aircraft.
Spectrographic analysis of the orangish-red "Power" LED on the upper surface of the fuselage of the aircraft itself.
Spectrographic analysis of the red die of the bicolor red/blue LED in the aircraft itself (on its undercarriage).
Spectrographic analysis of the blue die of the bicolor red/blue LED in the aircraft itself (on its undercarriage).
This video shows some attempted flights of the Weihua Flying Truck. It starts with video of the LEDs on the truck, then has three attempted flights.
I believe it was too windy (est. 7 MPH {11.270 KPH}) to have true success here.
I'll try in the baseball park south of here when weather permits.
Conditions were mostly clear, temperature 71.0°F (21.66°C) at flight time,
but it was a bit on the breezy side.
That music you hear is the song "Cupajoe" by...any guesses here?
If you guessed "Hozay Feliciano" then ¡¡¡PARA LOS MOTIVOS NO DE CRISTO!!!
It's Anthrax you silly goose!!! ;-)
This product is not sound-sensitive; the music may be ignored or even muted if it pisses you off.
I added "***NSFYE!!!***" (Not Safe For Your Ears) because not everybody who views aircraft vids on YouTube is a metalhead. :-)
This video is approximately 2.57743234762 megabytes (2,702,671 bytes) in length; dial-up users please be aware.
It will take no less than twelve minutes to load at 48.0Kbps.
This video shows some attempted indoor flights of the Weihua Flying Truck. Although it is purportedly able to fly in small spaces, my room appears to be a bit *TOO* small at ~10' by ~12'.
This video is approximately 1.92257878949 megabytes (2,131,975 bytes) in length; dial-up users please be aware.
It will take no less than nine minutes to load at 48.0Kbps.
Very sucky "flights" of my Weihua Flying Truck.
The "flights" took place in a baseball diamond at Celebration Park in Federal Way WA. USA on 08-02-12. Temperature at flight time was 59°F (15°C).
This video is approximately 3.88856456564 megabytes (4,021,869 bytes) in length; dial-up users please be aware.
It will take no less than ninteen minutes to load at 48.0Kbps.
I cannot provide these videos in other formats, so please do not ask.
Test unit was purchased on the HeliPal website on 05-08-11 (or "08 May 2011" or even "May 08, Twenty Double Sticks" if you prefer), and was received at 3:28pm PDT on 05-20-11 (or "20 May 2011" or even "May 20, Twenty Double Sticks" if you prefer).
* Accessories included were a screwdriver and a spare tail rotor blade; however the instructional materials indicate that the accessories consist of a "stabiliser" and a spare tail rotor blade. The stabiliser appears to be a flat piece of styrofoam that you affix to the aft wing to adjust the amount of lift vs. main rotor speed; however, no such component was furnished with this particular unit -- and yes, I checked the packaging materials quite thoroughly on multiple occasions.
UPDATE: 00-00-00
Very light in weight makes safe indoor flying a possibility
Totally unique (that I'm aware of anyway) in the realm of R/C
Appears to be a bit sensitive to wind
Overall construction appears to be a bit chintzy
Flies extremely poorly (this is what nocked the most off its rating)
PRODUCT TYPE: Remote-controlled flying truck
No. OF LAMPS: 4 (2 ea. in Tx and in vehicle)
SWITCH TYPE: Slide on/off on Tx and on product itself
BATTERY: 6x AA cells (Tx), 3.7 volt unknown capacity Li:Po (vehicle itself)
CURRENT CONSUMPTION: Unknown/unable to measure
WATER- AND URANATION-RESISTANT: Very light splatter-restant at maximum
ACCESSORIES: Screwdriver, spare tail rotor blade
SIZE: 21.20cm L x 14.30cm H x 13.10cm W (at widest point)
WEIGHT: Not equipped to weigh (stated as "around 15 grams")
WARRANTY: Unknown/not stated
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