' LEDs - Gallium Indium Nitride UV, violet, purple, blue, aqua, turquoise, green, white. Also Gallium Arsenide and others. New LED MUSEUM! GaN, InGaN, SiC, GaAs, GaP, GaAlP, ZnSe, flashlight, flashlights.


My pussy cat Nikki!!!
Manufactured by (God, of course!!!)
Last updated 01-31-12

The kitty cat does not emit light of its own (she's a cat for Christ sakes!!!), so the standard review format will not be used and the kitty will not be assigned a rating. This page will contain mainly just twenty five photographs and a video (as of 01-11-12).

She's my pet and I just love the living tweedle out of her -- and she returns it by giving me a bountifully overflowing cornucopia of "titty tisses" (kitty kisses).

She also produces subvocal oscillations (purring) virtually any time she's around me.

She was adopted by us in July 2011, she's ~7.5 years old, and yes, she's been sprayed...er...uh...
SPAYED to help control the pet population (as former The Price is Right game show host Bob Barker used to say).

Nikki was officially made "MY" cat in early-October 2011

This photograph shows...what else...my cute, loveable, and adorable little kitty cat curled up asleep on my Rainbow Blanket.
This photograph was taken on the afternoon of 12-17-11 (or "17 Dec. 2011" or even "Dec. 17, Twenty Double Sticks" if you prefer).

These photographs show my cute, loveable, and adorable little kitty cat as she's snoozing on my Rainbow Blanket.
These photographs were taken on the evening of 12-13-11 (or "13 Dec. 2011" or even "Dec. 13, Twenty Double Sticks" if you prefer).

This photograph shows...what else (yes, again!!!) my cute, loveable, and adorable little pussy cat curled up asleep on my Rainbow Blanket.
This photograph was taken on the early evening of 12-18-11 (or "18 Dec. 2011" or even "Dec. 18, Twenty Double Sticks" if you prefer).

Out of the above three photographs, the first two photographs show my cute, loveable, and adorable little kitty cat ONCE AGAIN!!! asleep on my Rainbow Blanket; the third shows her simply being a cat -- being curious of course!
The first two photographs were taken at ~8:55pm PST on 12-05-11 (or "05 Dec. 2011" or even "Dec. 05, Twenty Double Sticks" if you prefer); the third was taken at 9:18am PST on 12-06-11 (or "06 Dec. 2011" or even "Dec. 06, Twenty Double Sticks" if you prefer).

Photographs were taken at 9:38pm PST on 12-30-11 (or "30 Dec. 2011" or even "Dec. 30, Twenty Double Sticks" if you prefer).

Photographs were taken at 9:21pm PST on 12-31-11 (or "31 Dec. 2011" or even "Dec. 31, Twenty Double Sticks" if you prefer).

Photograph was taken at 11:07am PST on 01-01-12 (or "01 Jan. 2011" if you prefer).

Photographs were taken in very early-January 2012.

The first of these three show Baby (Girl) and Nikki sharing real estate on my bed, and the third shows Patches walking (closer to the camera) while Nikki looks at Patches.
Photographs were taken on 01-03-12 (or "03 Jan. 2012" if you prefer).

More photographs of...cummon you can guess...why, Nikki of course!!!

Photographs were taken on 01-07-12 (or "07 Jan. 2012" or even "Jan. 07, Twenty Stick-Very-Twisted-Stick" if you prefer).

More photographs of...cummon you've ***GOT*** to know this one by now...why, Nikki of course!!!

Photographs were taken on 01-08-12 (or "08 Jan. 2012" or even "Jan. 08, Twenty Stick-Very-Twisted-Stick" if you prefer).

This web page has gotten a bit too big for its britches (primarily because of all of the photographs of my special little girl), so I started a Page 2 right here!!!

Video on YourTube showing my cute, adorable, and loveable kitty cat Nikki getting "pettins" and "lovins" again...she gives me lots of "titty tisses" (kitty kisses) and I return the favour at least twice. :-)

That music you *MAY* hear in the background is the song "Computer World" by Kraftwerk.

This video is approximately 38.1773545683 megabytes (38,329,880 bytes) in length; dial-up users please be aware.
It will take no less than one hundred ninety minutes to load at 48.0Kbps.

We adopted this kitty cat in July 2011; she was officially made "MY" cat in early-October 2011.

UPDATE: 01-02-12
I've begun to call her "my special little girl" even though I'm a F46607 and don't find myself attracted to females.
A friend saw a whole bunch of photographs of Nikki on my OLED Digital Photo Keychain and commented that the police might break down my door because of all of the "kitty porn" (note the word play of "kiddie porn") on it -- and even suggested (tounge and cheek of course) that I clean up my computer before they find out.

UPDATE: 01-31-12
I've made a computer screen dump (yes, it's really called that!) of a Commodore CBM 8032 computer from 1977 displaying a little song I made for my precious little girl.
To wit:


This pussy cat was not intended to be a light-emitter,
so the traditional "star" rating will not be used.

Do you manufacture or sell an LED flashlight, task light, utility light, or module of some kind? Want to see it tested by a real person, under real working conditions? Do you then want to see how your light did? If you have a sample available for this type of real-world, real-time testing, please contact me at bdf1111@yahoo.com.

Please visit this web page for contact information.

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Be sure to include contact info or your company website's URL so visitors here will know where to purchase your product.

WHITE 5500-6500K InGaN+phosphor 
ULTRAVIOLET 370-390nm GaN 
BLUE 430nm GaN+SiC
BLUE 450 and 473nm InGaN
BLUE Silicon Carbide
TURQUOISE 495-505nm InGaN
GREEN 525nm InGaN 
YELLOW-GREEN 555-575mn GaAsP & related
YELLOW 585-595nm
AMBER 595-605nm
ORANGE 605-620nm
ORANGISH-RED 620-635nm
RED 640-700nm
INFRARED 700-1300nm
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