Our Pussy Cat Bear-Bear!!!
Manufactured by (God, of course!!!)
Last updated 01-23-20

The kitty cat does not emit light of its own (he's a cat for Christ sakes!!!), so the standard review format will not be used and the kitty will not be assigned a rating. This page will contain mainly just ten photographs and one video (as of 02-04-12).

He's our latest adoption to the family (which now consists of eight members: three members of Homo sapien and five members of Felis cattus) and I just love the living tweedle out of him!!!

He also produces rather faint (but easily palpable) subvocal oscillations (purring) virtually any time he's around me or gets even the slightest "pettins". He's a "glutton for love and affection" as I call him!!!

He was adopted by us on 02-02-12 (or "02 Feb. 2012" or even "Feb. 02, Twenty Stick Very-Twirly-Stick" if you prefer), and yes, he's been neutered to help control the pet population (as former The Price is Right game show host Bob Barker used to say).

The above photograph of our Bear-Bear was taken on Groundhog's Day (02-02-12).

His mouth is open here because he was meowing rather loudly the instant the camera's shutter opened. He's ***NOT*** mean at all like this picture portays him to be!!!

In the above two photographs, he was lying against my leg -- that's what that grey thing is at the bottom of these pictures.

The above three photographs (the first two showing him sharing the bed with Baby -- who hissed loudly and multiple times at him just the day before!) were taken on the afternoon of 02-04-12 (or "04 Feb. 2012" or even "Feb. 04, Twenty Stick Very-Twirly-Stick" if you prefer).

The above three photographs of him on the washingmachine were taken on the morning of 02-20-12 (or "20 Feb. 2012" or even "Feb. 20, Twenty Stick Very-Twirly-Stick" if you prefer).

This photograph of Bear-Bear curled up asleep on my sister's bed was taken on the evening of 02-27-12 (or "27 Feb. 2012" or even "Feb. 27, Twenty Stick Very-Twirly-Stick" if you prefer).

This photograph of Bear-Bear curled up asleep in his favourite new place by the bathroom door was taken on the afternoon of 03-02-12 (or "02 Mar. 2012" or even "Mar. 02, Twenty Stick Very-Twirly-Stick" if you prefer).

This photograph of Bear-Bear on my bed was taken on the afternoon of 03-26-12 (or "26 Mar. 2012" or even "Mar. 26, Twenty Stick Very-Twirly-Stick" if you prefer).

And this photograph of Bear-Bear is of him lying in one of his new favourite sleeping places -- my sister's couch in the living room.

This photograph of Bear-Bear on my bed was taken on the afternoon of 03-26-12 (or "26 Mar. 2012" or even "Mar. 26, Twenty Stick Very-Twirly-Stick" if you prefer).

The above shows Bear-Bear doing one of his favourite things (besides meowing, purring, and attempting to climb up my leg at mealtimes) -- SLEEPING of course!!!

The above two show Bear-Bear on the special bed on the floor that I had made for Nikki using a large pillow, my ''WAKA WAKA BBS'' Embroidered Jacket, and my Rainbow Blanket.

What is THAT??!?
I didn't even see this until I had cropped & resized this photograph.

Video on YourTube showing nothing more than Bear-Bear getting some "pettins" and "lovins" (he's my cat too ya know!!!) ;-)

That music you hear is the song, "Stay Hard" by Raven. This kitty cat isn't sound-sensitive; the music may be ignored or even muted if it pisses you off. I added "***NSFYE!!!***" (Not Safe For Your Ears) to the title because the song is somewhat metal; and not everybody who watches cat videos on YourTube is a metalhead.

This video is approximately 8.7703562345 megabytes (8,950,229 bytes) in length; dial-up users please be aware.
It will take no less than forty four minutes to load at 48.0Kbps.

Video on YourTube showing nothing more than Bear-Bear getting some "pettins" and "lovins" (he's my cat too ya know!!!) ;-)
This is the same video as above, but with no zax because not everybody who comes here to watch cat vidz wants an unwanted earwhipping.

This video is approximately 8.2998745673 megabytes (8,485,623 bytes) in length; dial-up users please be aware.
It will take no less than forty two minutes to load at 48.0Kbps.

Bear-Bear getting some "pettins" and "lovins" before he decides that he wants to go outside. Note the two loudest meows are shortly followed by him rubbing his head up against the doorknob multiple times before I let him out.

This video is approximately 111.0078345444 megabytes (111,398,572 bytes) in length; dial-up users please be aware.
It will take no less than five hundred fifty five (!?!) minutes to load at 48.0Kbps.
It is definitely ***NOT*** dial-up friendly!!!

This video contains little more than our adorable little fuzzbomb Bear-Bear raising a stink (meowing; sometimes quite loudly).

This video is approximately 208.9470056245 megabytes (213,961,426 bytes) in length; dial-up users please be aware.
It will take no less than one thousand forty four (!!!) minutes to load at 48.0Kbps.
It is definitely ***NOT*** dial-up friendly!!!

He was adopted by us on 02-02-12 (or "02 Feb. 2012" or even "Feb. 02, Twenty Stick Very-Twirly-Stick" if you prefer).
As of this writing, he is ~3.4 years old (he was born in September 2008).

UPDATE: 00-00-00


This pussy cat was not intended to be a light-emitter,
so the traditional "star" rating will not be used.

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