635nm Portable Laser, retail $UNKNOWN
Manufactured by (Unknown)

Last updated 05-25-12

This is a directly-injected red-emitting laser; styled like the usual "pen".

It has a measured power output of 51mW (!) at 638.567nm (spectrographically measured) in the red part of the visible spectrum.

This laser comes in an aluminum body (protected by what I believe is a baked enamel finish) and it feeds from a pair of AAA cells.

 Size of product w/hand to show scale SIZE

Feed the portable laser a pair of new AAA cells first (see below), and then you'll be ready to rock.

To use this laser, just aim it at something you wish to point out, and press & hold the button on the barrel for as long as you need the laser spot. Release the button to turn the laser back off. Yes, it really is as easy as that.

To change the batteries in this laser, unscrew and remove the tailcap, carry it to the stairs leading to the basement, and huck it down those stairs so that it falls amongst thousands of hungry piss ants...who look at in unison for a moment, cock their heads like a puppy that doesn't understand what it had just been told, and then uranate on it...O WAIT!!! YOU'LL NEED THAT!!! So just set it aside instead.

Tip the used AAA cells out of the barrel and into your hand, and dispose of or recycle them as you see fit. Do not under any circumstances flush them down a toilet and for Christ sakes please do not throw them into a trout-filled stream.

Insert two new AAA cells into the barrel, flat-end (-) negative first. This is the opposite of how batteries are installed in most flashlights, so please pay attention to polarity here.

Screw the tailcap back on, and be done with it.
Aren't you glad you didn't throw that tailcap into the basement with all of those hungry, hungry piss ants with full bladders now?

Current usage measures 41.20mA on my DMM's 400mA scale.

This is a portable laser, not a flashlight. So I won't throw it against the wall, stomp on it, try to drown it in the toilet bowl, run over it, swing it against the corner of a concrete stair, or inflict upon it punishments that flashlights may have inflicted upon them. So this section of the laser's web page will seem a bit more bare than this section of the web page on a page about a flashlight.

Besides, lasers are meant to be loved, not punished.

I did however, perform "The Knife Test" on it in a discreet location, and I was rather easily able to scratch the finish to the bare Metalwormmon - er - the bare Metalflamedramon - um that's not it either...the bare Metalwargrowlmon... er...uh...wait a sec here...THE BARE METAL (guess I've been watching too much Digimon again! - now I'm just making {vulgar slang term for fudge bunnies} up!!!) where I rather gently ran the knife blade over it -- leading me to believe that the finish is baked enamel rather than anodizing of any pedigree.

Power output analysis performed on a LaserBee 2.5W USB Laser Power Meter w/Thermopile.
Power output measures 51mW.

Stability analysis
Short-term (600 seconds) stability analysis of this laser.
Note how stable {cough, sputter, sound of a toliet flushing} this laser is.

Beam terminus photograph on the test target at 12".

Beam terminus photograph on a wall at ~8 feet.

Spectrographic analysis
Spectrographic analysis of this laser.

Spectrographic analysis
Spectrographic analysis of this laser; spectrometer's response narrowed to a band between 635nm and 645nm to pinpoint wavelength, which is 637.288nm.

USB2000 Spectrometer graciously donated by P.L.

ProMetric analysis
Beam cross-sectional analysis (fast axis {X-axis}).

ProMetric analysis
Beam cross-sectional analysis (slow axis {Y-axis}).

Images made using the ProMetric System by Radiant Imaging.

This laser was obtained from an Ebay seller quite a number of years ago (November 2003); it turned up in mid-May 2012 while I was looking for another laser that required spectroscopy.

UPDATE: 00-00-00

Relatively low power usage means its batteries will last

Power output is remarkably unstable -- there goes at least two stars
Most definitely overspec -- labelling indicates <5mW while it was measured at 51mW

    PRODUCT TYPE: Pen-style red laser
    LAMP TYPE: Directly-injected laser diode
    No. OF LAMPS: 1
    BEAM TYPE: Extremely narrow spot
    SWITCH TYPE: Momentary pushbutton on/off on barrel
    CASE MATERIAL: Aluminum
    BEZEL: Metal; laser & optics in a shallow recess
    BATTERY: 2x AAA cells
    WATER- AND AXILLARY PERSPIRATION-RESISTANT: Light splatter-resistance at maximum
    ACCESSORIES: None (that I'm aware of anyway)
    SIZE: 124mm L x 20.50mm D
    WEIGHT: Not equipped to weigh
    WARRANTY: Unknown


635nm Portable Laser *

Do you manufacture or sell an LED flashlight, task light, utility light, or module of some kind? Want to see it tested by a real person, under real working conditions? Do you then want to see how your light did? If you have a sample available for this type of real-world, real-time testing, please contact me at bdf1111@yahoo.com.

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