This web page will contain only YourTube videos of the P-38 Lightning R/C "Park Flyer" Airplane.
Last updated 07-15-12

Mediocre (OK, but not excellent) flights of my little frequently-damaged & re-repaired Tuffoam™ P-38 Lightning R/C "Park Flyer" Airplane. It's a "tuffy" but the damage, repairs, and re-repairs have taken their toll over the years. Flights were made at Celebration Park in Federal Way WA. USA on the morning of 07-11-12 (or "11 Jul. 2012" or even "Jul. 11, Twenty Stick-Very-Twirly-Stick" if you prefer. Temperature at flight time was 71°F (21.7°C).

This video is approximately 2.09954565722 megabytes (2,285,743 bytes) in length; dial-up users please be aware.
It will take no less than ten minutes to load at 48.0Kbps.

A video on YourTube showing the P-38 flying after being hand-launched.
This flight was made late on the morning of 08-01-09.

This clip is approximately 4.162348 megabytes (4,398,016 bytes) in length; dial-up users please be aware.
It will take no less than twenty one minutes to load at 48.0Kbps.
I cannot provide it in other formats, so please do not ask.

In this clip, you can hear me say "Entering sector fourteen point seven" in the same manner as the speech synthesizer in the coin-op arcade video game ''Star Trek'' {it's supposed to be Mr. Spock saying this}, then say "I mean...flight number one hundred forty seven", in the same manner as the speech synthesizer in the coin-op arcade video game ''Looping'', followed by the P-38 buzzing around in a baseball field after being hand-launched.

I had a much better flight after I had put my camera away...it flew fairly high, flew out of the baseball park, flew back in, and was guided to a landing not too far in front of me. The front landing gear, while the wheel itself stayed on, did require some rather minor repair when I returned home - the "socket" it fits into looked like it was about to come out. Nothing a little household white glue couldn't handle.

A video on YourTube showing the P-38 flying after being hand-launched.
This flight was made late on the morning of 09-15-09.

This clip is approximately 3.9034534 megabytes (3,996,912 bytes) in length; dial-up users please be aware.
It will take no less than twenty minutes to load at 48.0Kbps.
I cannot provide it in other formats, so please do not ask.

In this clip, you can hear me say "Entering sector twenty point zero" in the same manner as the speech synthesizer in the coin-op arcade video game ''Star Trek'' {it's supposed to be Mr. Spock saying this}, then say "I mean...flight number two hundred", in the same manner as the speech synthesizer in the coin-op arcade video game ''Looping'', followed by the P-38 buzzing around in a baseball field after being hand-launched. A gust of wind blew it down *HARD*, causing it to crash nose-first at full throttle!!!
You may (or may not) be able to hear me say "son of a diddly!" shortly before the video clip ends.

Video showing the Tuffoam™ P-38 Lightning R/C "Park Flyer" Airplane flying around in a baseball park to the tune of the song "Metal Thrashing Mad" by Anthrax.

This plane is not sound-sensitive; the audio may safely be ignored or even muted if it pisses you off or if you're strongly in dislike of thrash metal music.

This video is approximately 8.48455234923 megabytes (8,652,301 bytes) in length; dial-up users please be aware.
It will take no less than forty two minutes to load at 48.0Kbps.

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