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INDI-LINK Circuit Current Monitor, retail £8.00 {$12.91*}
Manufactured by (No manufacturing facility as of 10-02-12)
Last updated 12-12-19
* IMPORTANT: Pricing is accurate as of 10-01-12. Please visit the Currency Converter Widget for the latest currency conversion rates from British pounds to US dollars.
Also, this price is an ***ESTIMATE*** when the INDI-LINK is sold from a place like a hardware store; if this product "takes off" the price could drop significantly!!!
You must also note that the INDI-LINK units on this web page are PROTOTYPES and were assembled rather hastily in effort to get them to me as quickly as possible, and have their LEDs socketed & on short tethers in order to facilitate my changing lamp color (or "colour" if you prefer) as I wish!!!

The INDI-LINK Circuit Current Monitor (hereinafter, just called the, "INDI-LINK"; which is short for, "INDIcator LINK) is a fantastic new product that allows you to see, with your own two hands...er...uh...I mean, "with your own two EYES
current flowing through a circuit -- this circuit could be as simple as a battery and a light bulb (or "light globe" if you prefer), or as complex as a mainframe computer or some solenoid systems on a north Atlantic oil rig!
It's like having an oscilloscope connected to your circuit 24/7, but without the oscilloscope's complexity, bulk, power requirements, or high price.
As long as the voltage in the circuit under test or continuous monitoring is above 0.35V but no more than 22kV (22,000 volts) and the current flowing through it is has a range from a low of 1mA (0.001 amperes) to as high as 10 amperes AC or DC, the INDI-LINK will allow you to immediately visualise it!.

On a DC circuit, simply cut one of the power feed wires with a pair of dikes {the wirecutters, not the other kind!!!
}, solder the two INDI-LINK wires to the two power input wires you just cut; insulating them with shrink tubing; or for a more professional installation, strip the wires a bit more, twist them together, and use wire nuts* to "seal the deal" as it were.
The INDI-LINK will behave effectively as a shunt (a short length of wire), so whatever circuit you want to monitor with an INDI-LINK will see no difference; e.g. it is, for all intents and purposes, "transparent" (well, there will be an effective resistance of a few
{ohms} but most circuits would not "see" the extra resistance).
For use on AC circuits, use the coil (seen near the bottom of the first photograph on this web page) by running one of the AC power wires through this coil, and plugging the two wires from this coil into the two wires on the INDI-LINK unit itself.
If the circuit you're monitoring has a current consumption too low for the INDI-LINK to indicate, you may wind the AC power wire around the coil several times before connecting it back to the mains power. Doing so will increase the INDI-LINK's sensitivity, and should then allow the product to function as intended.
When operated this way, the INDI-LINK ***IS*** totally "transparent" and non-invasive -- though you will have to remove one of the AC power leads temporarily in order to pass it through the generously-sized opening in the coil. In most industrial applications, the AC power leads are connected with a removeable connector of some type or are screwed into a terminal block.
From its inventor, comes the following (no changes to grammar, syntax, capitalisation, or punctuation were made):
I have been thinking of ways that the ordinary Joe Soap could use Indi-Links around the home and come up with these applications-
1. Monitoring a main AC power supply to a remote building (i.e. Garage or Barn) to see if an electric consumer has been left ON and wasting power. Requires one Indi-Link and Current transformer.
2. Detect telephone "off hook' or 'line busy' condition in home telephone system.- requires one Indi-link.
3. Monitor a down hole well pump
4. Any Electricity usage ON/OFF monitor. relayed via a computer interface. The time can be measured against the known wattage of the load device to work out actual power used in a cumulative way. requires INDI-Link with opto-isolators.
5. Inexpensive Door latch release mechanism over a two wire circuit while simultaneously monitoring the door status for OPEN/Closed condition- requires at least one but better two INDI_LINKs, 2 ordinary diodes and a micro-switch to detect the unlocked condition.
Hi again Craig,
I was reading bout your suggestion of using the plastic' wire nuts' as you called them for connecting the Indi-links and remembered there is always a problem connecting and disconnecting that's why I included a plug-able Industrial type connecter in the post I sent you. These industrial connectors make it easy to connect the zillions of wires that are used in heavy industry to make up a control system. Its the grey piece of plastic with an orange bit in the middle, that orange bit is actually a disconnect or shorting link (depends on how its used) that has screwdriver terminals which also double as sockets for plug type connectors. ( The screw is actually a tube-socket that accepts the screwdriver when connecting to wiring- the link is operated by shoving a screwdriver and levering) One of the Indi-link I sent has a pair of those Red-Plugs soldered to its wires.It makes for easy/quick connection while at the same time you can short it out by closing the 'orange-link' bit in the middle.
On another point, when an Indi-link is in-circuit and is being "Lit' by the stimulation of current, if you have a test-meter for measuring current handy, just place it across the Indi-link terminals to measure. When this is done the current would rather go through the low impedance test-meter and an accurate measurement of current can be taken without breaking the circuit when an Indi-link is fitted. Also when this is done the Indi-link goes out of course, but in Industry it can be important to be able to take a current measurement without having to invade and break into the circuit that's being measured. It may be part of some safety system that invokes a disaster shut-down into a safety critical control system.
These systems are often built along the same lines as bomb triggers, I expect you can imagine the scene in a movie, that of a bomb imminently set to explode under the control of a timer maybe, - the Hero must cut some wiring to disarm the bomb. Only certain wires may be cut but which is the correct one? it is obviously the wire without any current as the bomb hasn't gone off yet- The hero then connects both indi-link wires to the single wire to be cut and then cuts the Bomb wiring between these connections, if there is current it will light up- ( the bomb may have exploded without the Indi-Link in place) proceed to the next wire and do the same with another Indi-link until the actual un powered trigger wire is revealed - this is the circuit that disarms the bomb. I hope you get this rather complicated description of this archetypical movie scenario, it may help to make the subject more interesting to Joe public reading the article.
* Wire nuts aka. twist-on wire connectors:

This device is powered by energy from the circuit under test, not batteries of any type, so I do not have to tell you which part to remove, gently place on the floor at the top of the basement stairs, carefully push over the side with your foot so that it clatters down to the basement crawling with piss ants with full bladders, and then rather emphatically tell you not to.

This is an LED circuit monitoring device, not a flashlight meant to be thrashed, trashed, and abused. So I won't try to drown it in the toliet tank, bash it against a steel rod or against the concrete floor of a carport in effort to try and expose the bare Metalmarineangemon - er - the bare Metaltrailmon - um that's not it either...the bare Metalsusanoomon...er...uh...wait a sec here...THE BARE METAL (guess I've been watching too much Digimon again!
- now I'm just making {vulgar term for feces} up!!!), let my mother's big dog's ghost, her kitties, my kitty or my sister's kitty cat piddle (uranate) on it, hose it down with my mother's gun, run over it with a 450lb Quickie Pulse 6 motorised wheelchair, stomp on it, use a medium ball peen hammer in order to bash it open to check it for candiosity, fire it from the cannoñata, drop it down the top of Mt. Erupto (now I guess I've been watching the TV program "Viva Piñata" too much again
- candiosity is usually checked with a laser-type device on a platform with a large readout (located at Piñata Central {aka. "Party Central"}), with a handheld wand that Langston Lickatoad uses, or with a pack-of-cards-sized device that Fergy Fudgehog uses; the cannoñata (also located at Piñata Central) is only used to shoot piñatas to piñata parties away from picturesque Piñata Island, and Mt. Erupto is an active volcano on Piñata Island), send it to the Daystrom Institute for additional analyses, or perform other indecencies on it that a flashlight might have to have performed on it. Therefore, this section of the INDI-LINK's web page will seem a bit more bare than this section of the web page on a page about a flashlight.

Photograph of the unit indicating current flow in the radio for my Guillows Tuffoam™ P180 Avanti "Park Flyer" Airplane.

Photograph of the unit indicating current flow in the radio for my Guillows Tuffoam™ P180 Avanti "Park Flyer" Airplane; wires were switched (thus reversing polarity) this time.
Spectrographic analysis of the positive (+) polarity indicator LED in this product.
Spectrographic analysis of the positive (+) polarity indicator LED in this product; spectrometer's response narrowed to a band between 440nm and 480nm to pinpoint native emission peak wavelength, which is 465.120nm.
Spectrographic analysis of the negative (-) polarity indicator LED in this product.
Spectrographic analysis of the negative (-) polarity indicator LED in this product; spectrometer's response narrowed to a band between 500nm and 540nm to pinpoint native emission peak wavelength, which is 524.473nm.
USB2000 Spectrometer graciously donated by P.L.
Test units were sent by the INDI-LINK's inventor R.G. from Wales UK on 09-20-12 and were received on 09-29-12.
To obtain more information about INDI-LINK, please contact the product's inventor at:
Mr. Robert Gardner
The Featherings
3 Heol-y-Bryn
CF62 6SY, UK
Mobile +44(0)7887705480
UPDATE: 00-00-00
Fantastic, minimally invasive (or totally non-invasive) product!
Uses LEDs to ***SHOW YOU*** the status of circuit being monitored
Uses power from the circuit being monitored; never have to fuss with batteries
Small, discreet size
Wide range of voltage & current is kosher with the INDI-LINK
None that I've encountered thus far
MANUFACTURER: Robert Gardner (no manufacturing facility as of this writing)
PRODUCT TYPE: Circuit current indicator
No. OF LAMPS: 4 (two visible and two NIR)
CURRENT CONSUMPTION: Unknown/unable to measure
ACCESSORIES: Depends on whether you want AC or DC monitoring
SIZE: 30mm T x 22.50mm W x 10mm D (3A vers.) 58mm T x 14.50mm W x 15mm D (10A vers.)
WEIGHT: 20.10g (0.71 oz) {3A vers.} 30.90g (1.09 oz. {10A vers.})
WARRANTY: Unknown/not stated
INDI-LINK Circuit Current Monitor *
Do you manufacture or sell an LED flashlight, task light, utility light, or module of some kind?
Want to see it tested by a real person, under real working conditions? Do you then want to see how your light did? If you have a sample available for this type of
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