RCA 4GB MP3 Player, retail $49.95 (www.seventhavenue.com...)
Manufactured by (Unknown) for RCA (www.rca.com)
Last updated 08-07-15 -

This is a portable (actually, ***VERY*** portable) MP3 (music) player, video player, still photograph viewer, voice recorder, and ebook reader.
It is a bit of a 'one trick pony' when it comes to audio in that its only real capability appears to be playing .MP3 (audio / music files) -- not .WAV, .MOD, .MID, etc. music files.
IMPORTANT!!! Please see 07-21-13 update below!!!)

It outputs its audio (sound) through a standard 1/8" female stereo earphone jack.

It can be used for playing .MP3 files, and it can also be used as an impromptu USB flash drive for when you can't find your USB thumb drive or when it has become broken or falls into a sink or a toliet.

Although the Seventh Avenue website calls this a, "touchscreen", the product
DOES NOT in fact have a touch-sensitive screen.

 Size of product w/hand to show scale SIZE

Putting music on the player appears to be fairly straightforward -- if you're a Windows PC user anyway.
Plug the furnished USB dongle into a USB port on your computer and into the small shielded male receptacle on the top of the media player (
IMPORTANT: It may not work on some USB hubs because the power reqirements of this player exceed the current capacity of some USB hubs!).

Go to your Windows Start Menu, and select, "My Computer" from it.
In the window that comes up, click on the C: drive, and navigate to the subdirectory (folder) that has your music.

Go to your Windows Start Menu again, and select, "My Computer" from it once again; and select the "Removeable Drive" that wasn't there before -- that'll be this player.

To add song(s) to it: Left-click once anywhere in the first window {see example screen dump a little farther down this web page}. Highlight the file(s) that you want to add to this player -- if there are more than one, hold down the CTRL key while clicking once on each song.

When you have your song(s) selected, hold down the CTRL key and press the "C" key.

Move your cursor (mouse pointer) to the media player's window and left-click once anywhere in it.
Then, hold down the CTRL key and press the "V" key.

You should now see something lke this (the song I copied to my media player here was, "F-14 Tomcat Pinball Music")

Unplug the Media Player from the USB cable.

Plug the included earphones (or any stereo earphones with an impedance of 8 to 32 with a 1/8" male stereo phone plug) into the receptacle for them on the bottom of the player.

Press & hold in the centermost button (the one with "
>||" embossed into it) for ~5 seconds to turn the player on. Press it & release it again after the main menu is displayed in order to select "music" mode.

Use either of the two side buttons under the display (double left-arrow and double right-arrow) to change the song.

To adjust the volume, press the "R/V" button located immediately to the right of that center button, and then use either of the buttons to its sides to increase or decrease the volume.

To neutralise it (turn it off), hold down the "
>||" button for 3 seconds.

The internal battery is rechargeable, so I don't have to tell you which part to remove, kick into the garden crawling with hungry, hungry sphinx moth larvae (caterpillars) with full bladders, and then rather emphatically tell you not to.

To charge the battery, simply plug the USB dongle to the USB port and to the player itself as though you were transferring music.

It takes approx. three hours for the battery to charge -- this value assumes that the battery in the player is pretty flat.
With a partially discharged battery (where the player still functions properly but the battery indicator shows less than full charge), this might only be one hour or so.

This is a small MP3 player, not a flashlight meant to be thrashed, trashed, and abused. So I won't try to drown it in the toliet tank, bash it against a steel rod or against the concrete floor of a carport in effort to try and expose the bare Metalmarineangemon - er - the bare Metaltrailmon - um that's not it either...the bare Metalguardramon...er...uh...wait a sec here...THE BARE METAL (guess I've been watching too much Digimon again! - now I'm just making {vulgar term for feces} up!!!), let my mother's big dog's ghost, her kitties, my kitty or my sister's kitty cat piddle (uranate) on it, hose it down with my mother's gun, run over it with a 450lb Quickie Pulse 6 motorised wheelchair, stomp on it, use a medium ball peen hammer in order to bash it open to check it for candiosity, fire it from the cannoñata, drop it down the top of Mt. Erupto (now I guess I've been watching the TV program "Viva Piñata" too much again - candiosity is usually checked with a laser-type device on a platform with a large readout (located at Piñata Central {aka. "Party Central"}), with a handheld wand that Langston Lickatoad uses, or with a pack-of-cards-sized device that Fergy Fudgehog uses; the cannoñata (also located at Piñata Central) is only used to shoot piñatas to piñata parties away from picturesque Piñata Island, and Mt. Erupto is an active volcano on Piñata Island), send it to the Daystrom Institute for additional analyses, or perform other indecencies on it that a flashlight might have to have performed on it. Therefore, this section of the 's web page will seem a bit more bare than this section of the web page on a page about a flashlight.

In fact, the photographs on this web page and the spectrographic analyses & video shown directly below will very probably be "it".

Photograph of the unit's display while it is displaying the main menu.

Photograph of the unit's display while it was playing a song.

Spectrographic analysis
Spectrographic analysis of the LCD, displaying 'red'.

The raw spectrometer data (comma-delimited that can be loaded into Excel) is at mp3-4r.txt

Spectrographic analysis
Spectrographic analysis of the LCD, displaying 'green'.

The raw spectrometer data (comma-delimited that can be loaded into Excel) is at mp3-4g.txt

Spectrographic analysis
Spectrographic analysis of the LCD, displaying 'blue'.

The raw spectrometer data (comma-delimited that can be loaded into Excel) is at mp3-4b.txt

Spectrographic analysis
Spectrographic analysis of the LCD, displaying 'white'.

The raw spectrometer data (comma-delimited that can be loaded into Excel) is at mp3-4w.txt

USB2000 Spectrometer graciously donated by P.L.

Video that shows the RCA 4GB MP3 Player playing the song, "Interview" by...o cummon you've just ***GOT*** to know this one by now considering that I like music by groups such as Anthrax, Slayer, Metallica, Megadeth, Raven, Exciter, Dio, Prong, etc.
Go ahead, take a whack at it anyway...

...if you guessed Pantera, PATAT, 'OQQARMEY HO' TEYWI' 'E' PUM LAM PUCHPA', GHOBE' LO' NADEVVO'!
It's Karl Bartos, you silly goose!!!

So thrilling!!
So pulse-pounding!!!

Actually, it kinda makes you want to kick one of those Penal-Ware® suicide-resistant prison combys over and then proceed to "bete" "thuh" "livengg" "tweadle" "owt" "uv" "itt" "withh" "thuh" "handel" uv" "ahn" "olde" "orr" "yuzde" "toothbruche" doesn't it?

This video is approximately 30.7886534261 megabytes (31,167,333 bytes) in length; dial-up users please be aware.
It will take no less than one hundred fifty four minutes to load at 48.0Kbps.

Test unit was purchased on the Seventh Avenue website on 07-10-13, and was received at 11:19am PDT on 07-14-13.

UPDATE: 07-21-13
This player will accept & play Windows wave files (.WAV extension) if you place them in the, "RECORD" directory and in the, "VOICE' subdirectory inside that.
To listen to them, select the, "Play" icon from the menu (the icon that looks like a human head & shoulders with 'stink lines' coming from it). You will not be able to use the graphic equaliser, but you can indeed listen to files in .WAV format.

UPDATE: 08-12-13
This product has thus far performed flawlessly -- all of my other cheap China MP3 players would have pooped out by now.
Looks like RCA has a winner on their hands here!!!

UPDATE: 07-17-15
This unit is seralised; the serial number of mine is EGA00N094A1652.

UPDATE: 08-03-15
The product has now failed; therefore, the dreadful, "Failed or was destroyed during/after testing" icon must now be appended to its listings on this website, denoting the fact that no additional analyses or comparisons can be performed.

Shame, as I rather liked this little .MP3 player.

UPDATE: 08-04-15
Product haS ***NOT*** in fact kicked the bucket; the fault was found to be in the headphones -- the cord became partially disconnected from the left earcup when they became momentarily hung up in a doorway.

UPDATE: 08-07-15
The product has now failed (this time it isn't the headphones!); therefore, the dreadful, "Failed or was destroyed during/after testing" icon must now be appended to its listings on this website, denoting the fact that no additional analyses or comparisons can be performed.

After transferring an .MP3 file to it, I went outside, fired up a smoke, and went to listen to that song. Immediately, I received a, "
Format error!" message on its display as the above photo shows, and the unit appears to be "frozen" (it won't connect to a PC, and I cannot get it to power down). I took the above pic more than 7 hours after this occurred.

UPDATE: 08-07-15
No, you're not seeing things.
Yes, a same-day update.
After allowing the battery to become discharged enough that the unit shut down, I plugged it into my laptop. It then went to 'Charging' mode and the drive letter became visible to my computer. So I transferred all of its files to a subdirectory on my computer, shelled out to DOS, reformatted it (using, "
FORMAT G:"), then returned all of the files back to the product. It now appears to function properly.

Allows you to take your music with you; not too unlike the Sony Walkman of 1979.

Does not require formatting in order to add new data (songs, videos, etc.)

Volume setting resets to default when "PAUSE" function is used

    MANUFACTURER: Unknown for RCA
    PRODUCT TYPE: MP3 (audio) player
    No. OF LAMPS: N/A
    SWITCH TYPE: Momentary pushbuttons for on/off plus ctrl.
    CASE MATERIAL: Plastic
    BEZEL: N/A
    BATTERY: Unknown type/capacity internal rechargeable battery
    CURRENT CONSUMPTION: Unknown/unable to measure
    WATER- AND URANATION-RESISTANT: Very light splatter-resistant at maximum
    ACCESSORIES: Earbud-type earphones, USB charger/data transfer dongle
    SIZE: 1¾" W x 2¾" H x ½" D
    WEIGHT: 31.20g (1.10 oz.)
    WARRANTY: 1 year


    Product will not be assigned a "star" rating because it is not a light-emitter or R/C vehicle.

RCA 4GB MP3 Player * www.seventhavenue.com...

Do you manufacture or sell an LED flashlight, task light, utility light, or module of some kind? Want to see it tested by a real person, under real working conditions? Do you then want to see how your light did? If you have a sample available for this type of real-world, real-time testing, please contact me at bdf1111@yahoo.com.

Please visit this web page for contact information.

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