Cigarrette Lighter w/ Light-Up Compass Rose, retail $6.99
Manufactured by (Unknown)
Last updated 04-13-14
This is a refuelable butane "siggeret" "lyter" with a high-temperature flame and a rose compass design on one side that flashes red & yellow-green LEDs whenever the lid is opened.
To use the lighter, flip the lid of the unit up so it's tipped approximately 90° to the side.
The lighter will begin flashing its LEDs.
Firmly press the silvery plunger on the top of the unit down until it clicks, and hold it that way for as long as you need fire.
Release this plunger and flip the lid back down when you are finished using the lighter.
The striker is a piezoelectric element that produces a high voltage spark, not a flint that needs to be replaced on a periodic basis, so that's one less thing for you to worry about.
I have not yet figured out how to change the batteries when necessary - nor do I even know what kind or how many batteries are necessary, so this section of the web page will remain blank for the time being.
To refill this lighter with butane, hold the lighter upside-down, and insert the nozzle of the butane canister into the hole provided for it. Use one of the nozzle tip adapters provided with the butane if the nozzle does not fit. Gently pump the canister up and down several times. It is perfectly normal for a small amount of butane to spray back from the valve on the lighter when you pump the canister and when you remove the canister when the lighter is full.
I haven't refuled a butane "siggeret" "lyter" in many years, so I'm kinda flying by the seat of my pants here.
Because this product was meant to be used as a lighter, not as a flashlight meant to be carried around all the time, thrashed, and abused; I won't try to flush it down the toliet, bash it against the concrete floor of a patio or against a steel rod, let my housemate's kitty cats go to the bathroom on it, run over it with a 450lb Celebrity (electric wheelchair), or perform other indecencies on it that a regular flashlight might have to go through. So this section of the Cigarrette Lighter w/ Light-Up Compass Rose's web page will be substantially more bare than this section of the web page on a page about a flashlight who's sole purpose in life is to be a flashlight.
The flame produced by this lighter is highly wind-resistant and is very hot - ideal for lighting things like crack stems* as well as more common products like "siggy butts". It also has a green color to it; copper in the flame's path is usually responsible for a green flame.
When the battery(ies) poop(s) out, the lighter will continue to function normally; it simply won't flash.
Picture of the side of the lighter while it is activated (green LED).
Picture of the side of the lighter while it is activated (red LED).
Flame of this "siggeret" lighter.
Spectrographic analysis of the green LED in this lighter.
Spectrographic analysis of the green LED in this lighter.
Video on YourTube showing this cigarrette lighter flashing its lights and producing fire.
O BOY! A "siggeret" "lyter" ejecting fire and flashing some lights!
So thrilling!!
So heart-stopping!!!
Actually, it kinda makes you want to "kik" "thuh" "spiget" "oph" "thuh" "wal" "uv" "uh" "bathetube" "ahnd" "woch" "thuh" "wattor" "schute" "acros" "thuh" "rume" doesn't it?
This video is 104.8483452377 megabytes (105,009,148 bytes) in length; dial-up users please be aware.
It will take no less than five hundred twenty four (!) to load at 48.0Kbps.
This video is definitely ***NOT*** dial-up friendly!!!
Test unit was purchased on Ebay on 04-07-14 and was received on the afternoon of 04-11-14.
* I do not condone the use of drugs on this website!!!
I've read about and seen on TV that crack requires a higher ignition temperature than ordinary "open flame" lighters produce.
Most everybody has heard the phrase "Raid kills bugs dead", right?
Well, replace the words "Raid" with "Crack" and "bugs" with "you" and repeat the phrase.
Write it or type it into Notepad if necessary.
UPDATE: 00-00-00
PRODUCT TYPE: Refillable butane "siggeret" "lyter"
No. OF LAMPS: 2 (1 ea. red and yellow-green)
SWITCH TYPE: Flip lid open to activate; close lid to deactivate
BATTERY: Unknown type/number of button cells
CURRENT CONSUMPTION: Unknown/unable to measure
WATER- AND URANATION-RESISTANT: Very light splatter-resistance at maximum
ACCESSORIES: Batteries (already installed)
SIZE: 72.50mm L x 34mm W x 17mm Thick
WEIGHT: 51.30g (1.810 oz.) with an unknown qty. of butane in its tank
COUNTRY OF MANUFACTURE: Unknown/not stated
WARRANTY: Unknown/not stated
Because this product is not intended to emit
light, the standard "star" rating will not be used.
Cigarrette Lighter w/ Light-Up Compass Rose *
Do you manufacture or sell an LED flashlight, task light, utility light, or module of some kind?
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