Color-Change Pop-Open Ghost, retail $2.84 (
Manufactured by (Unknown) for Wall*Mart (
Last updated 10-29-20

The Color-Change Pop-Open Ghost was found in a Wall*Mart store in the western coast of the United States (the state of California, to be specific) in early-October 2019 for $2.84 each.

The Color-Change Pop-Open Ghost features a wire-ribbed paper sphere and a silk-like fabric that is draped over that sphere; when assembled and hung up, it looks loke a spooky ghost.

When turned on, the "head" of the ghost changes colors by itself.


Unlike many other decorative products, the Pop-Open Ghost requires some rather minor assembly.

1: Remove the metal bracket from the base of the lantern.

2: Expand the paper lantern (simply by gently pulling it apart) and insert the metal bracket bwtween the base (where the LED is) and the top wire loops of the paper lantern (this keeps the lantern open & mainly spherical).

3: Place the fabric over the lantern and insert the top loop of the bracket through the hole in the fabric.

4: Remove the plastic insulating strip from the battery case (it should just pull straight out).

To turn it on, slide the black slide swith located on the underside of the "puck" to the ON position, and to neutralise it when you are finished using it, slide the same switch to the OFF position.

To change the battery, use a small Phillips screwdriver to unscrew & remove that small screw that holds the battery hatch in place. Remove the battery door, buy yourself an airline ticket and fly yourself plus the battery door and screw to Hollywood (put it in checked baggage if necessary), bring it to the set of the new movie, Halloween V: Season of the Bitch, have the special effects crew grind it into microscopic bits to have those itty bitty bits implanted into millions of Kotex and Tampax tampons, and...O WAIT!!! YOU'LL NEED THAT!!! So save your airfare & just set it aside instead.

Remove the tired old CR2032 lithium coin cell, and dispose of it properly.

Lay a new CR2032 lithium coin cell into the compartment, orienting it so its button-end (-) negative goes in first.

Place the battery hatch back on, and screw the screw snugly in.

Aren't you glad that you didn't fly that battery door & screw to Hollywood where it would get ground into microscopic bits for the sake of some phoney-bologna fake Halloween movie now?

The Pop-Open Ghost is somewhat delicate but is durable enough to withstand an accidental fall to the floor and that it should not just fall apart of its own accord or through just casual handling.

This product is meant to be used as a Halloween decoration indoors or in a covered dry area outdoors, not as a flashlight meant to be carried around, thrashed, used, and abused; so I won't try to drown it in my toilet, bash it against the concrete floor of a patio or a steel rod, let my landlady's dalmations go poddy on it, run over it with a 450lb Quickie Pulse 6 (motorised wheelchair), or perform other indecencies that a regular flashlight might have to go through.

Photograph of the product in relatively dark conditions.

Photograph of the Pop-Open Ghost deployed on our porch as it will be for Halloween.

Spectrographic analysis
Spectrographic analysis of the LED in the Pop-Open Ghost with all three dice (light-emitting chips) on simultaneously.
The peak wavelengths are 632.650nm (red), 524.430nm (green), and 454.350nm (blue).

The raw spectrometer data (tab-delimited that can be loaded into Excel) is at pog.txt

USB2000 Spectrometer graciously donated by P.L.

Video on YourTube allowing you to see the Color-Change Pop-Open Ghost blinking while hanging over the front porch (I haven't yet chosen a location in which to hang this).

O BOY!!! Some blinking lights! So thrilling!! So heart-stopping!!!
Actually, it kinda makes you want to kick one of those wall-mounted porcelain uranators off the wall, doesn't it?

Video on YourTube allowing you to see the extent of our Halloween decorations this year (2019).

O BOY!!! Some blinking lights! So thrilling!! So heart-stopping!!!
Actually, it kinda makes you want to "kik" "thuh" "lidd" "oph" "uh" "Jak" "Oh" "Lanturne, "pea" "inn" "iht", "ahnd" "thenh" "pruseed" "tu" "bete" "thuh" "liveng" "tweadel" "owt" "uv" "itt" "whithe" "thuh" "handel" "uv" "ahn" "olld" "orr" "yoozed" "puschbrume" doesn't it? ;-)

That music that you hear is the song, "Monster Mash" by Bobby Pickett.
None of these products are audio (sound)-sensitive in any manner; the music may safely be ignored or even muted if it piddles you off.

The video was allowed to loop several times in order to accommodate the length of the song.

Another video on YourTube allowing you to see the Color-Change Pop-Open Ghost blinking while hanging over the front porch.

O BOY!!! Some blinking lights! So thrilling!! So heart-stopping!!!
Actually, it kinda makes you want to kick one of those wall-mounted porcelain uranators off the wall, doesn't it?

That sound you might hear is music from the Silver Shamrock jingle from the movie, Halloween 3: Season of the Witch.
This product is not sound-sensitive; the sound may be ignored or muted if it piddles you off.

Test unit was purchased at a local Wall*Mart on 10-01-19.

In my OPINION, the entire ghost should be illuminated, not just the head.

UPDATE: 10-31-19
For some reason, I thought that the Color-Change Pop-Open Ghost had an auto-on/off timer (e.g., 6 hours on, 18 hours off) like many other holiday-themed lighting products do, but it does not. So you need to remember to turn it off yourself

    MANUFACTURER: Unknown for Wall*Mart
    PRODUCT TYPE: Battery-operated "ghost" Halloween decoration
    LAMP TYPE: 5mm self-flashing RGB LED
    No. OF LAMPS: 1
    SWITCH TYPE: Slide switch on underside of product
    CASE MATERIAL: Plastic
    BEZEL: N/A
    BATTERY: 1x CR2032 lithium coin cell
    CURRENT CONSUMPTION: Unknown/unable to measure
    ACCESSORIES: Battery
    SIZE: 457.20mm L x 152.40mm W
    WEIGHT: 34g (1.34oz) incl. battery
    WARRANTY: Unknown/not stated


    Star RatingStar Rating

Color-Change Pop-Open Ghost *

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