It comes in a rather large plastic body, and has the following operational modes:
Glow wand.
Both flashlight and glow wand simultaneously (at the same time).
Glow wand flashes.
Glow wand automatically flashes when dropped into the toliet or any other water.
Not only does it have those handy modes, much of the barrel can be used to store small items, such as paper money, keys, change, jewelry, spare batteries, or other small articles.
It has two rather bright (medium-power) LEDs, and feeds those LEDs from three AA cells.
The Grab And Glow Flashlight comes ready to use as soon as you purchase it -- the batteries are included and already installed (the batteries in mine were deader than doorknobs, so you should expect that possibility when you purchase one from a "brick and mortar" store).
On the barrel near the front of the light, there is a rubbery black button.
Press it until it clicks and then release it to turn the unit on in "flashlight" mode.
Do the same thing to have both the flashlight and the glow wand on at the same time.
Do the same thing again to turn the flashlight part off but leave the glow wand on.
Do the same thing again to cause the glow wand to blink at a rate of approx. 1.25Hz (approx. 5 flashes every 4 seconds).
Finally, do the same thing one last time to turn the unit completely off.
Just like it reads on the backs of many shampoo (or shampiddle) bottles, "lather, rinse, repeat".
In other words, pressing & releasing the black button starts the cycle anew with the white LED flashlight portion of this product coming on.
If the Grab And Glow Flashlight meets water (lake, stream, oceanside, falls off a dock, rolls off the boat, your sub springs a significant leak, if it falls out of an airplane and into Niagra Falls, etc.), it will automatically begin flashing its safety wand at the expected flash rate (~1.25Hz) and will keep flashing until the batteries poop out or until it is fished out of the water and the black button is pressed once. If the unit begins blinking again shortly thereafter, you may need to dry off the two small metal contacts located almost directly on the opposite side of the unit's head as the black pushbutton; then press & release the button and see if you have better luck.
It was tested successfully with fresh water (both in the cistern and directly from the faucet), so it ought to work just as well in salt water.
If the unit is already on in any mode when it goes "splash", the wand will not blink.
The Grab And Glow Flashlight feeds from three AA cells; they are included and already installed when you purchase the product.
When they peter out, follow these instructions to change them:
Unscrew & remove the bezel (head), and set it aside.
Tip the "guts" out of the flashlight body and into your hand, and set the flashlight portion aside as well.
Remove the three used AA cells from the compartments in the "guts", and dispose of or recycle them as you see fit.
Insert three new AA cells into the chambers for them, orienting each one so that its flat-end (-) negative faces the spring for it in each chamber. If the unit comes on at this time, don't worry about it -- that wil be taken care of shortly.
Place the "guts" back into the barrel, orienting them so that the white "platform" faces outward, and the end of that "platform" that almost looks as though it has been cut off faces the black arrow printed in the inside of the barrel.
Place the bezel back on, and screw it snugly in place.
If your light is indeed on at this time, turn it off using the black pushbutton on the side of the barrel.
Current usage measures a reasonable 109.3mA on the primary (white) LED using my DMM's 200mA scale.
I was not able to mesasure current usage in the other modes due to the way the flashlight was constructed and how it functions.
This is a flashlight/safety wand in a rather hollow plastic body, not a flashlight in a metal body that's meant to be bashed, thrashed, trashed, and abused, so I won't bash it against a steel rod or against the concrete floor of a porch, run over it with a 450lb Celebrity motorised wheelchair, stomp on it, use a large claw hammer in order to smash it open to check it for candiosity, fire it from the cannoñata (I guess I've been watching the TV program "Viva Piñata" too much again - candiosity is usually checked with a laser-type device on a platform with a large readout, with a handheld wand that Langston Lickatoad uses, or with a pack-of-cards-sized device that Fergy Fudgehog uses; and the cannoñata is only used to shoot piñatas to piñata parties away from picturesque Piñata Island), send it to the Daystrom Institute for additional analysis, or perform other indecencies on it that a flashlight in a metal or sturdier plastic body might have to have performed on it. So this section of the web page will be a bit more bare than this section of the web page on a page about a flashlight in a metal or exceptionally sturdy plastic body.
It *IS* waterproof and it floats when dropped in water, so you need not be at all concerned about using it in inclement (bad) weather.
And if it falls next to the mailbox and the dog pisses on it, just douche it off under the tap (faucet) or take the garden hose to it...good as new!
Beam photograph (white LED) on a wall at 12".
Measures 709,000mcd on an Amprobe LM631A light meter.
This high value is due in large part to its unusually narrow beam.
Beam photograph (blue LED) on a wall at 12".
Beam photograph on a wall at ~10 feet.
Photograph of the barrel (wand) when illuminated with its blue LED.
Spectrographic analysis of the LED (flashlight mode) in this product.
Spectrographic analysis of the LED (flashlight mode) in this product; spectrometer's response narrowed to a band between 440nm and 460nm to show LED's native emission peak wavelength of 447.650nm.
The raw spectrometer data (tab-delimited that can be loaded into Excel) is at gng-white.txt
Spectrographic analysis of the LED (glowstick mode) in this product.
Spectrographic analysis of the LED (glowstick mode) in this product; spectrometer's response narrowed to a band between 440nm and 460nm to show LED's peak wavelength of 451.180nm.
The raw spectrometer data (tab-delimited that can be loaded into Excel) is at gng-blue.txt
A video on YourTube showing how this light turns on automatically when dropped into the toliet (or any other water for that matter).
I used the cistern (toliet tank) for this test because the water here is actually potable (drinkable) if you do not use an "in-tank" bowl cleaner; so the test unit did not have to be disinfected or even disposed of after this test. The toliet was used because it is the deepest water I have ready access to. Note if you will that the light floats when dropped into the water.
This also doubled as, "The Toliet Test" which (unsurprisingly) it passed with flying colors (or, "colours" if you're from the UK).
Another video on YourTube showing how this light's blue wand turns on and flashes automatically when water hits the two metal contacts on its barrel; I threw it in the kitchen sink this time and then turned on the tap (faucet).
Test unit was purchased at the Right Aid store in Fresno CA. USA on 10-31-20.
UPDATE: 00-00-00
Reasonably bright for a one-banger
Appears to be at least reasonably durable at minimum
Bright safety wand with a very attention-getting light color
Automatically turns on if it falls into the toliet or other water
Uses batteries that are common and relatively inexpen$ive
The "wand" seems a bit on the large side...actually, the F-ing thing is downright huge!
This is what lopped off that last star
MANUFACTURER: Unknown for Life+Gear
PRODUCT TYPE: Large flashlight/safety wand combo
LAMP TYPE: Medium-high-powered LED
No. OF LAMPS: 2 (1 ea. white and blue)
BEAM TYPE: Narrow/medium spot
SWITCH TYPE: Pushbutton on/mode change/off on barrel
BEZEL: Plastic; LED & reflector protected by plastic window
BATTERY: 3x AA cells
SUBMERSIBLE: Yes; to 1.50M (~4.60 feet)
ACCESSORIES: Batteries (the ones in the test unit were deader than doorknobs)
SIZE: 200.80mm L x 59.0mm D (incl. anti-roll fin)
WEIGHT: 156g (5.50 oz.) incl. batteries
WARRANTY: Lifetime (except batteries & bulbs)
Do you manufacture or sell an LED flashlight, task light, utility light, or module of some kind?
Want to see it tested by a real person, under real working conditions? Do you then want to see how your light did? If you have a sample available for this type of
real-world, real-time testing, please contact me at
Unsolicited flashlights, LEDs, and other products appearing in the mail are welcome, and it will automatically be assumed that you sent it in order to have it tested and evaluated for this site.
Be sure to include contact info or your company website's URL so visitors here will know where to purchase your product.
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