Maiden flights* of my Hoverair X1 Flying Camera 12-06-23 (1)
Flights* took place (launched anyway) in the airspace over
4120 N Valentine Ave. in Fresno CA. USA at 00:00pm PST on 12-06-23 (or, "06 Dec. 2023" if you prefer) .
Weather conditions at flight time were mainly sunny, temperature was 68°F (20°C), and winds estimated at westerly and a bit gusty to 2.0mph (3.22kph) at the surface. I say "estimated" here because I no longer own or have access to an anemometer.
The music that you hear is zax from the Commodore 64 computer video game, "Outrun"; music by Jeroen Tel.
This product is not audio (sound)-sensitive in any manner; the music may safely be ignored or even muted if it causes you to become piddled off or makes your ears bleed (it isn't even *CLOSE* to being metal, so if you find mysterious bloody Q-Tips floating in the loo, you just might want to see a doctor!) ;-)
* FlightS {note plural} because the nature of this product requires a number of brief flights rather than a single extended flight.