Creative 3D Visualisation Lamp (Pot Leaf), retail $12.00 (
Manufactured by (Unknown/not stated)
Last updated 12-19-21

The Creative 3D Visualisation Lamp (Pot Leaf) (hereinafter probably just called the, "marijuana lamp" or the, "pot lamp"; but sold as a "maple leaf" lamp on the website) .

The pot lamp doesn't just sit there and illuminate the pot leaf; no, it has nine (some solid colors, some switching colors, and a slow "smooth color wash") modes that you can easily select with a single touch-sensitive button on the lamp's base.

The pot lamp comes in two primary pieces: the base which houses the LEDs and circuitry, and the top laser-engraved acrylic top piece which (in this case) is shaped like a marijuana leaf.

The pot lamp is powered by a USB cable or with three AA cells if you're away from your computer or don't have a USB phone charger.

 Size of product w/hand to show scale SIZE

To use the marijuana lamp, first peel the brown protective paper off the acrylic "pot leaf", and insert it into the slot for it on the upper surface of the black base.

Plug the smaller end of the USB cable into the receptacle for it on the side of the lamp's base and plug the larger end into a USB port on your computer or into the receptacle for it on a USB "wall wart" frequently used for charging tablets & cellular telephone handsets. The pot lamp should spring to life at once in its color wash mode.

To change the modes of the pot lamp, gently touch the circular button located on the upper surface of the lamp's base one or more times until you reach the desired mode.

1: Color wash.
2: 7-color transform (fast).
3: Cold white light
4: Red light.
5: Green light.
6: Dark blue light.
7: Yellow light.
8: Purple light.
9: Light blue light.
10: Off

Just like it reads on the backs of many bottles of shampee, "lather, rinse, repeat".
In other words, touching the button again starts the pot lamp in color wash mode.

From any mode, just press and hold the button for a couple of seconds to neutralise the pot lamp.

The marijuana lamp comes with a handy-dandy USB power cable; however it can also be powered with three AA cells.

To change the AA cells when and if necessary, look on the underside of the pot lamp's base for a battery door. Unclip it, swing up & remove it, and use your foot to gently nudge it under the Lazy Boy chair so that the hungry, hungry silverfish find it, try to eat it, and then find it unpalatable so that they get all pissy at it and go poddy all over it.
O WAIT!!! YOU MIGHT NEED THAT!!! So just set it aside instead.

If necessary, remove and dispose of or recycle the, "deader than a doorknob" AA cells from the compartment.

Install three new AA cells, orienting each cell so that its flat-end negative (-) terminal faces the spring for it in each chamber.

Replace the battery door, and press down on the clip-end until it snaps into place.

Aren't you glad that you didn't push that battery door under that chair crawling with all of those hungry bugs with full bladders now?

This product is meant to be used as a lamp in a dry area indoors, not as a flashlight meant to be carried around, thrashed, trashed, and abused, so I won't try to drown it in the toilet tank, bash it against a steel rod or against the concrete floor of a patio, let my stepmother's big dog's ghost or my landlady's dalmatians go poddy on it, run over it with a 450lb Quickie Pulse 6 motorised wheelchair, or perform other indecencies on it that a regular flashlight might have to have performed on it. So this section of the web page will be significantly more bare than this section of the web page on a page about a flashlight who's sole purpose is to be a flashlight.

The physical tests ("The Smack Test" and, "The Toliet Test" to name two) really aren't appropriate for the Marijuana Lamp, so this section of the page will be more bare than this section of the page about a flashlight that was born to be a flashlight and nothing but a flashlight.

Having said that, the pot lamp can be used as an emergency flashlight if the acrylic pot leaf is removed and the mode is set to, "Cold white light".

Photograph of the lamp illuminated in green.

Spectrographic analysis
Spectrographic analysis of the LEDs in this lamp, emitting red.

Spectrographic analysis
Spectrographic analysis of the LEDs in this lamp, emitting red; spectrometer's response narrowed to a band between 620nm and 640nm to pinpoint emission peak wavelength, which is 633.310nm.

The raw spectrometer data (tab-delimited that can be loaded into Excel) is at potr.txt

Spectrographic analysis
Spectrographic analysis of the LEDs in this lamp, emitting green.

Spectrographic analysis
Spectrographic analysis of the LEDs in this lamp, emitting green; spectrometer's response narrowed to a band between 505nm and 525nm to pinpoint emission peak wavelength, which is 513.730nm.

The raw spectrometer data (tab-delimited that can be loaded into Excel) is at potg.txt

Spectrographic analysis
Spectrographic analysis of the LEDs in this lamp, emitting blue.

Spectrographic analysis
Spectrographic analysis of the LEDs in this lamp, emitting blue; spectrometer's response narrowed to a band between 460nm and 480nm to pinpoint emission peak wavelength, which is 470.880nm.

The raw spectrometer data (tab-delimited that can be loaded into Excel) is at potb.txt

Spectrographic analysis
Spectrographic analysis of the LEDs in this lamp, emitting white.

USB2000 Spectrometer graciously donated by P.L.

In this video, you can see the Pot Lamp being cycled through its modes.

That music that you hear is zax from the Commodore Amiga computer video game, "Flashback".

This product is not audio (sound)-sensitive in any manner; the music may safely be ignored or even muted if it causes you to become piddled off or makes your ears bleed. ;-)

Product was purchased on the website on 12-04-21 and was received on the afterenoon of 12-16-21.

* Gay = bright and lively, NOT homosexual!!!

UPDATE: 00-00-00

Very colorful and gay*
Can use two sources of power (AC and batteries)


Not very water-resistant

    MANUFACTURER: Unknown/not stated
    PRODUCT TYPE: Novelty household lamp
    LAMP TYPE: 3mm diffused RGB LED
    No. OF LAMPS: 10
    SWITCH TYPE: Pushbutton on/mode change/off on base
    CASE MATERIAL: ABS plastic and acrylic
    BEZEL: N/A
    BATTERY: 3x AA cells, USB cable
    CURRENT CONSUMPTION: 135.0mA (all LED dice energised)
    WATER- AND URANATION-RESISTANT: Very light splatter-resistance at maximum
    SIZE: 96mm Dia. x 40mm T (base) (unable to measure "pot leaf" because my new caliper already went down the tube)
    WEIGHT: 1290.50g (6.72 oz.) w/ batteries
    WARRANTY: Unknown/not stated


    Star RatingStar Rating (420 baybee!!!)

Creative 3D Visualisation Lamp (Pot Leaf) *

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