Retail $12.99
Manufactured by Reacher (www.reacher.com)
Last updated: 04-30-24
This is a digital LED alarm clock that features large, rainbow-colored LED segments and a handsome black plastic body.
It is powered with USB; the generously large display will remain illuminated continuously. The display is bright and cheery; and can be adjusted in intensity (continuously variable) to a large number of different levels.
The LED segment colors are:
Sky blue
Medium blue
To install batteries in this clock (they are used for backup-only), turn the clock over so that the display faces down. Look near the bottom for a door with a clip on its right-hand side. Unclip and remove it. Fly that little door to Hollywood and to the set of the new Halloween movie, "Halloween IX: Season of the Buzz Saw" and have the special effects crew grind it into microscopic bits to have those itty bitty bits implanted into millions of Playtex and Tampax tampons, and...O WAIT!!! YOU'LL NEED THAT!!! So save your airfare & just set it aside instead. ;-)
If necessary, remove and dispose of, recycle, or recharge the three expended AAA cells as you see fit. Please do not under any circumstances flush them down a toliet or throw them into a dolly varden-filled stream or those tree-huggers might hunt you down and then "pruseed" "tu" "bete" "thuh" "livengh" "tweadel" "owt" "uv" "ewe" "whith" "uh" "ded" "trei" "branchh" "orr" "uh" "bustid" "brumestik". ;-)
Install three new AAA cells, orienting them according to the graphic printed on the label affixed to the inside of the compartment.
Clip the battery door back on.
Aren't you glad that you didn't fly that battery door to Hollywood where it would get ground into microscopic bits for the sake of some phoney-bologna fake Halloween movie now? ;-)

To set this clock, just follow these simple {cough, sputter, sound of a wall-mounted porcelain uranal flushing} instructions:
Press and release the TIME SET button; the "HOURS" digit should now flash.
Press and release the "+" or "-" buton as many times as necessary to change the HOURS digit.
Press and release the TIME SET button; the "MINUTES" digits should now flash.
Press and release the "+" or "-" buton as many times as necessary to change the MINUTES digits.
Press and release the TIME SET button again to return the clock to normal operation.
This is an LED clock, not a flashlight meant to be carried around, thrashed, trashed, and abused, so I won't try to drown it in the cistern (toliet tank), run over it with a 450lb Quickie Pulse 6 motorised wheelchair, stomp on it, swing it against the loo ring (toliet seat), send it to the Daystrom Institute for additional analyses, or perform other indecencies on it that a flashlight might have to have performed on it. So this section of the web page will be a bit more bare than this section of the web page on a page about a flashlight.
This clock is not very water-resistant, so please don't place it where it could fall into sinks, tubs, loos (toliets), drinking fountains, fishtanks, pet water bowls, refrigerator drane basins or other places where water or water-like liquids might be found.
There are no current usage measurements or spectrographic analyses because I no longer own or have access to a DMM or spectrometer.
If you have any questions, please contact me at bdf1111@yahoo.com.

This shows the LED display.
Test unit was purchased from Amazon.com on 03-15-24, and was received on 03-16-24.
I purchased this clock because my last clock went to pot.
Large, easy-to-read display
Rainbow, saturated colored digits make this clock very colorful and gay*
Multiple intensity settings
Has battery back-up
*Gay = bright and lively, NOT homosexual. ;-)
Not waterproof or submersible - but most clocks aren't. Will not figure into my rating.
PRODUCT TYPE: Rainbow LED display digital alarm clock
LAMP TYPE: 7-segment LEDs, 2-segment LEDs, "dot" LEDs, "PM" LED, "alarm clock" LED
No. OF LAMPS: 8 (3x7-seg., 1x2-seg., 2x"dot", 1x "alarm clock", 1x "PM" indicator)
SWITCH TYPE: 4 pushbutton mode-change switches on back
BEZEL: Plastic; LEDs mounted behind plastic window
BATTERY: 3x AAA cells (as backup)
CURRENT CONSUMPTION: Unknown/unable to measure
WATER- AND PEE-RESISTANT: Light sprinkle-resistance at maximum
SIZE: Unknown/unable to measure
ACCESSORIES: USB cable, AC power supply
WEIGHT: Unknown/unable to weigh
WARRANTY: Unknown/not stated