Awards & Commendations

Although technically not an award, this website was given mention on the Make Magazine's front page. The article can be found right here if you're interested.

WINNER: Top 100 Ominous Valve Site!

3rd Place winner in the Candlepower Forums "Homemade and Modified" lights contest, Class 4.

This is my entry for the Class 4 category: The Toylet.
The link to the page The Toylet is on is right here if you're interested.
This has to do with me and LEDs, so I think it's appropriate here.
This is dated 07-29-04.

Although this is technically not an award, I found it noteworthy enough to add to this page.
IDFuel article about LEDs shows my website as the first listing under the "Other Resources" section near the bottom of the page, shown as:

The LED Museum - this place has reviews of basically every LED made
since 1970 or so, plus tons of links to tutorials and other information.
They even give pictures of the beam spread and color. Amazing.

Voted #3 in the Candlepower Forums Lummies 2003 Awards.
Voted runner-up as "Best Informational Website".
This is an informal award, but it does have recognition.

From the British Inquirer website, comes this snippet (second story down from the top).
Dated 12-01-03.
In it, he mentions Nichia, Luxeon, and Arc; using my website as a reference.

From the website, comes this article, dated 09-09-03.
The writer describes LEDs as "nascent technology" though, so I guess he was an egg roll short of a poo-poo platter when he wrote the article. LEDs have been around for 40+ years, which is hardly nascent. :-)
(As of 03-01-04, the link is no longer any good.)

This article from Network World Fusion was found when I snooped around in Google. The date is 08-02-02.

The Ultimate Insult
The Ultimate Insult is labelled as a "home for unwanted websites". :-/
The LED Museum was given this "home" on 02-20-02.

So this is where that big spike of visitors came from December 11th 2001.
The LED Museum was 'Site Of The Day' on the rather sizeable Site Of The Day mailing list.

A story on TechTV from
November 06, 2001 featured a bit about this website.

For The Love of LEDs was "Site Of The Moment"
on, May 25 2001 at 12:37pm.

Featured on (or more accurately, AS) the front cover of EE Product News, March 2001.

December 29, 2000: A "Link Of The Day" on Dimka Daily.

Mentioned in Electronic Design magazine, December 18 2000.

December 2000 Web Pick of the Week by Sensors Magazine!

Featured as a HOT SITE in the November 25 2000 "Star Phoenix"
from Saskatoon Saskatchewan.

All right, maybe you don't want to know anything about
LEDS (light emitting diodes), those coloured things that light
up the control panels of home appliances, but maybe others do.
Tell them. They'll thank you.

Cool Pick Of the Day for November 4, 2000!

November 2, 2000. For The Love of LEDs was on the radio!
Internet radio, that is. David Lawrence of "Online Today" mentioned this site in his "Bookmark This!" segment.

Our first "dubious" listing... on the Mad Science section of - a site listing the worst of the web. :(
But hey... publicity is publicity, no matter what the source. :)

Yahoo Pick Of The Week
Yahoo Pick Of the Week for the week of October 30 2000.

Yahoo Cool Link
Now a Yahoo! Cool Link!

We have also been "slashdotted" - one of the highest honours a site like this could hope to achieve! On October 24, 2000, the site registered more than 100,000 visits solely from the Slashdot story!

Click This! Frank Catalano, tech editor for the Seattle FOX TV affiliate KCPQ-13, gave this website a bang up review on Q-13's weekly Click This segment! The two minute piece aired on Sunday, October 15 2000 on Q-13 Reports at Ten.
Thank you Frank and Q-13!!!

This site was also honoured by AT&T, the company who
provides the server space and functions as my ISP.
Community Port Member Showcase For the Love of LEDs
Light-emitting diodes - or LEDs, as their friends and fans call them - are everywhere. You've probably got a few on your night table or even on your keychain. But have you really thought about them? Well, we hadn't either, but the creator of this remarkable sight has. Every aspect of LEDs is celebrated here, and there's even a Virtual LED Museum. Further proof that you really can find anything on the Web.

This website is the featured Site Of The Month for May 2000 in AT&T Worldnet's Community Showcase, Science & Technology Port, honouring some of the best websites on the Internet today.


Here are but a fraction of the comments I've received regarding my LED site.

P.D. in Uruguay says...
"Dear Sir:
Congratulations. Very good .
It is the most complete led flashlights webpage
You helped me to decide my purchase."

B.J. says...
"Hi, I am a big fan of your site, I think it's great that someone finally put up something like this."

J. says...
"Love your site! I am a LED 'fanatic' myself. I just have one suggestion: for your LEDSaurus shop, did you ever consider using PayPal to accept credit cards?"

Here's fan mail and a very great suggestion all in one!

A.B. says...
"Hey man, love the site. I've been using it for months. I got so intrigued by the taxonomy of LEDS (hey, I never knew), it goaded me into making a couple of LED projects myself...

...As you can tell I have all of a sudden become enthusiastic about this because after years I FINALLY HAVE A LEAD!!
Anywho- thanks dumploads and keep bringing news on the strange and wonderful L.E.D. to 'light' (har har)..."

E.R. says...
"Craig: Just got the LEDs - love them all! Thanks again for the freebees - keeping them all. The rectangular Nichia white is by far the best white LED pn earth. Could you please set aside for me another 30 of these babies?"

E.B. says...
"Between your site and Don Klipstein's, I have learned a lot about which LEDs to look for, and how to use them properly."

R.B. says...
"Hi Craig,
I really like those little Nichia NSPWFS-O's. I got those forty(two) you mailed yesterday. They're really impressive and I think very usable. I've been putting 20ma through them, and would be a little apprehensive to load them up to 30. Damn, the "new" chip version must be blindingly bright.

In fact, unless you email me (that you don't have them available) before my Postman shows up, I'm putting a check in the mail today (Friday) for one hundred more."

C.B. says...
" Very nice site, glad to see someone reviewing these (LED modules)."

G.G. says...
"Dear Curator,

with great interest have I browsed through your exellent compilation about LEDs. I think it its the most complete and also graphically the most appealing web site on this subject. Congratulations !

It was very pleasing for me to find that there are people out there who are similarly fascinated by these astonishing little pieces of weird quantum behaviour."

"...I want to thank you for all the effort you have made already and encourage you to go on with it, especially with the museum and the LED shop."

B.H. says...

Wow! How quick and helpful to a simple chemist who is just learning about LEDs.

Thanks very much. We are trying to incorporate an LED experiment into our general chemistry lab for engineers."

C.C. says...
"Hi Craig,
Nice website you have. I'm a frequent visitor. After reading your reviews of the CCrane LED lights, I went to their website. On the site, I believe the Trek-7 has been renamed the CC Expedition, and the Pilot-3 is now the CC Trek Light. Just thought you might like to know."

Compliments and information all in one... how about that? :)

H.B. says...
"Hey, Craig! Wow! I just put your web site under my favorites in two places!"

..."I expect I'll be wading through your whole site over the next little while, and I really appreciate the reviews of both the flashlights and the discreet LEDs."


Don Klipstein ( was instrumental in getting The Virtual LED Museum project off the ground, mainly by providing samples of LED technology which I could either not find myself or could not afford to purchase myself. Many of his LEDs also appear on this site as test samples as well.

Additional acknowledgments go out to the following people:

Professor Purnendu K. Dasgupta (Texas Tech University)
DJ Peterson (Fairchild Semiconductor)
Ken James (Deep Creek Design)
Doug Moore
Steve Zilonis (FLIR Technologies)
And numerous visitors who have either provided tidbits of information or supplied test samples.

Thank you!

WHITE 5500-6500K InGaN+phosphor 
ULTRAVIOLET 370-390nm GaN 
BLUE 430nm GaN+SiC
BLUE 450 and 473nm InGaN
BLUE Silicon Carbide
TURQUOISE 495-505nm InGaN
GREEN 525nm InGaN 
YELLOW-GREEN 555-575mn GaAsP & related
YELLOW 585-595nm
AMBER 595-605nm
ORANGE 605-620nm
ORANGISH-RED 620-635nm
RED 640-700nm
INFRARED 700-1300nm
True RGB Full Color LED
Spider (Pirrahna) LEDs
True violet (400-418nm) LEDs
Agilent Barracuda & Prometheus LEDs
Oddball & Miscellaneous LEDs
Programmable RGB LED modules / fixtures
Where to buy these LEDs 
Links to other LED-related websites
The World's First Virtual LED Museum
The Punishment Zone - Where Flashlights Go to Die
Legal horse puckey, etc.
LEDSaurus (on-site LED Mini Mart)

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If you arrived on this page through an outside link,you can get the "full meal deal" by clicking here.