SureFire E2D Defender, retail $105 (
Manufactured by SureFire (
Last updated 05-11-09

IMPORTANT: As of this writing (03-15-04), the SureFire Excutive E2D Defender is not yet available for retail sale. So this should be considered a "pre-release" review.

The SureFire Executive E2D Defender flashlight (hereinafter just called the E2D or SureFire E2D) is a high intensity, small, handheld flashlight that has a little twist: a crenelated (scalloped) bezel and tailcap (functions a bit like a TID - Tactical Impact Device) that can be used for defensive purposes if it becomes necessary.

Since I'm not a defensive weapons reviewer, I'm a flashlight reviewer, the majority of this page will focus on the E2D's use as a flashlight.

The E2D features a 60 lumen bulb, a pair of CR123A cells to power it, and a "clicky" tailcap switch to turn it on and off with. It has a black body with a Type III hard anodized ("HA-III") finish to it.


To use the E2D (as a flashlight), press the tailcap button partway in to use momentary or signalling mode. Hold it that way as long as you need light. Release the tailcap to turn the E2D back off.

To turn the E2D on in continuous (hands-free) mode, press the tailcap button more firmly until it clicks and then release it, and the light will come on and stay on. To turn the E2D off, press the tailcap button the same way, and it'll go off.

The E2D is equipped with a LOTC (Lock Out TailCap). There is a witness mark (dimple) in the barrel, but not on the tailcap. If you place your finger on the tailcap directly behind the witness mark on the barrel, and give the tailcap 1/2 of a turn counterclockwise (as if loosening it), the LOTC will engage, and the light will not turn on no matter what smashes into it. This is a handy feature to have when you store the flashlight in a box, or throw it in with your camping gear in the car. You don't want dead batteries when you do not expect them, and this will help prevent that from happening.

I'm not much of a fighter, so the crenelated (scalloped) bezel and tailcap will be of limited usefulness here. But if you were in a dark alley and you weren't alone, you could grasp the E2D in your fist, so that the tailcap protrudes where your pinkie finger is, and the bezel protrudes where your thumb and forefinger are (or vice versa), and strike your opponent with the bezel or tailcap. Be sure to strike your opponent where it hurts most, such as in the face or in the groin. Well, striking someone in the {vulgar term for testicles} with this flashlight or any other device is probably a no-no, but you get the idea.

Added by somebody who knows a bit more than me:
"I would think that blows against testicles are best done with heavier instruments such as shoes/boots, baseball bats and Mag lights.

I would advise potential buyers of the E2D to consult someone who knows better how to use such things as weapons."

To change the batteries in your E2D, unscrew and remove the bezel (head), and set it aside. Tip the expired CR123A cells out of the barrel and into your hand, and dispose of or recycle them as you see fit.

Insert two new CR123A cells in the barrel, flat (-) side first (pointed toward the tailcap), and screw the bezel back on.

Current consumption was measured at 1.10 amps, measured on the meter's 20A scale to help minimise shunt resistance error.

Eventually, the bulb will pop and need to be replaced.
To do that, unscrew and remove the bezel, and gently tap it open-end down on a hard surface. Doing this should dislodge the lamp assembly, and cause it to fall out. Dispose of the old lamp assembly as you see fit. Install a new SureFire MN03 lamp assembly, bulb-first, into the bottom of the E2D's bezel, and push it straight in until it stops. Screw the bezel back onto the flashlight body, and there, you're done.

High-pressure xenon lamps do not like being touched - at least not until they're burnt out. If you think you touched the glass bulb with any part of your skin, be sure to clean it well with cleanex or toilet paper moistened in alcohol - tape or disk head cleaner works well for this - before installing it in your flashlight.

The picture on the left shows the crenelated (scalloped) bezel of the SureFire E2D, and the picture on the right shows the crenelated tailcap of this flashlight.

True to SureFire's other flashlights, the E2D is built to take it. The inside of the barrel is protected by a Chemcoat treatment, which appears as a gold colored material. This protects the insides of the barrel against damage from leaking batteries or water entry.

The outside of the flashlight is protected by a Type III hard anodized ("HA-III" as us flashaholics know it) finish. This finish is very tough, and I was not able to cut through it with the blade of a Swiss army knife. (Would I really try to cut up a brand spanken new flashlight? You bet your sweet patootie I would, if it's in the name of science!)

The barrel and tailcap have knurling (texturising) to help you keep a grip on things. The knurling is fairly aggressive (sharp), so you'll be able to hang onto the flashlight even if your hands are cold, wet, or oily.

The bezel (head) of the flashlight has a hexagonal (six sided) profile machined into it; this performs well as an anti-roll device, so you can set the flashlight down on an uneven or slanted surface and it won't easily roll away.

The scalloped bezel can not only be used as a weapon, but you can tell if you left the light on after setting it down on a flat surface. I actually ruined the batteries in a SureFire KL2 by setting it down and forgetting it was on; but with the E2D you can tell it's on right away, turn the E2D off, and not waste the batteries.

The E2D is equipped with a stiff, springy clip, so you can affix it to your belt or pocket for bezel-up carry. I believe this clip is removeable if desired, but please don't hold me to that fact. The portion of the flashlight body the clip is on is smooth, so it will be much less likely to eat through clothes than if the clip faced a textured portion of the flashlight.

The lens or window of the E2D is curved, and I believe it is made of Pyrex glass. I have no handy way to verify it is made of Pyrex, but I *think* it is.

One thing the E2D can do that other SureFire E-series lights cannot do is stand upright on its tail. So if you had to, the E2D could be used as a "candle" by turning it on, and setting it tail-first on a flat surface so the light hits the ceiling and reflects off the ceiling. This gives a soft, diffuse glow that gently illuminates the whole room.

(Edit 07-17-04)
I've heard scattered reports that the E2D can cut holes in pants pockets, and possibly even cut your fingers when you search for something in a pocket containing an E2D. So my best suggestion at this point would be to carry the E2D in a holster.

Beam photograph at ~12".
Measures 990cd (990,000mcd) with a Meterman LM631 light meter.
The lamp supposedly outputs 60 lumens, but I'm not equipped to measure lumens.
You need a device called an "integrating sphere" to do that, and I do not have one.

The yellow color in this photograph is not as pronounced as it
appears; a more accurate representation is shown directly below.

The reflector is textured, giving a very smooth beam to the E2D.

Beam photograph at ~6 feet.

Spectrographic plot
Spectrographic analysis of the bulb in this flashlight.

Spectrographic plot
Same as above; newer spectrometer software & settings used.
USB2000 spectrometer graciously donated by P.L.

Spectrographic plot
Different spectrometer used to "dig" a bit deeper into the NIR.

ProMetric analysis
Beam cross-sectional analysis.
Image made using the ProMetric System by Radiant Imaging.

Sample was sent by PK of SureFire, and was received on 03-15-04.
I also received a second E2D, but I believe it was a mistaken address, so I mailed it off to the correct recipient as soon as I could - around 1:15pm PST today.

UPDATE: 04-29-05
SureFire has confirmed that all current SureFire lights should be waterproof to about 33 feet/10 meters. Some evaluations were posted before Surefire made the affirmation that their lights were watertight to 1 atmosphere depth. Any new SureFire lights you purchase now should be considered waterproof to 33' (10M).

Blindingly bright for its size
Extremely durable
Easy to grip & use even in foul conditions
Bezel and tailcap can be used as a weapon if you're properly trained
Lithium cells give very long shelf life (won't die in your flashlight drawer).
Light output remains more constant throughout duration of battery life.

Very short battery life when compared with other incandescents
Batteries can be expensive unless you really shop around. They're $14.00 apiece locally, but you should be able to find them for $2.50 or less apiece if you shop around.

    PRODUCT TYPE: Tactical handheld flashlight
    LAMP TYPE: High pressure xenon lamp
    No. OF LAMPS: 1
    BEAM TYPE: Wide spot with dimmer corona
    SWITCH TYPE: Tailcap click on/off/momentary
    BEZEL: Crenelated (scalloped) with curved pyrex window to protect lamp and reflector
    BATTERY: 2 ea. CR123A cells
    ACCESSORIES: 2 CR123A cells
    WARRANTY: Lifetime, except batteries and bulbs


    Star RatingStar Rating

SureFire Excecutive Defender E2D *

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