਍ഀ ਍ഀ Bad BBS Usernames਍ഀ ਍ഀ ਍ഀ
਍ഀ 75 Busted Light Bubs...er...uh...Bad BBS Usernames as of 12-17-12.

਍ഀ ਍ഀ ਍ഀ Urine Potato਍ഀ Tampon Submarine਍ഀ Corporate Douche਍ഀ 11001001਍ഀ Robot Turd਍ഀ Liquid Mullet਍ഀ Rock Dog਍ഀ Chair Urin8r਍ഀ Tegretol Cirrus਍ഀ Bathtub Vitamin਍ഀ Broccoli Aspirin਍ഀ Faget਍ഀ TumblerEnema666਍ഀ Corporate Tampon਍ഀ Toliet!!! TOLIET!!! {note sp.}਍ഀ Potato Douche਍ഀ Urine Cirrus Trouble਍ഀ Doggy Dog਍ഀ Love Mail Douche਍ഀ Piano Burglar਍ഀ Cello Keys਍ഀ Vampyre Moose਍ഀ Larval Volcano਍ഀ Accordion Strings਍ഀ 5FingerShuffler਍ഀ 5FingerParkinson਍ഀ AutoDrip਍ഀ AutoJizzle਍ഀ Urine Trouble਍ഀ Urine Myface਍ഀ Fatsack Pisseron਍ഀ Genital Ben਍ഀ Fudgster਍ഀ AngMcPissbucket਍ഀ Toilet Pig਍ഀ You're in Sample਍ഀ 333666999਍ഀ Vomitorium਍ഀ Sunny Botulism਍ഀ PHUQ2਍ഀ Drāno Enema਍ഀ Peckerweasel਍ഀ Diaper Repairman਍ഀ Chainsaw Enema਍ഀ Uranated Tampon {note sp.}਍ഀ Killing Box਍ഀ Fish Bulb਍ഀ Carrot Micturition਍ഀ Sweat Pea਍ഀ Glove World਍ഀ Coffee Soil਍ഀ Homosexual Fungus਍ഀ Douche Kitty਍ഀ Eyeball Toliet {note sp. of the word 'toilet'}਍ഀ Prostate Petey਍ഀ Slim pickins'਍ഀ Artie Choke਍ഀ Beano Believer਍ഀ Dick Hedd਍ഀ Harry Balszak਍ഀ Hot Sauce Diahrea਍ഀ Corn Cobb Hemmorhoid਍ഀ Rectal Ooze਍ഀ Rush Limbaugh਍ഀ Master Baiter {fishing forum}਍ഀ NiteRaidah਍ഀ zerocool਍ഀ Jimbo਍ഀ The Douched Moose਍ഀ Tampax Bathysphere਍ഀ Cancerous Faucet਍ഀ Sunflower Sperm਍ഀ Isomorphic Projection਍ഀ Urine MySpace਍ഀ ਍ഀ ਍ഀ Most of the usernames here are of my own creation.਍ഀ Some usernames (such as Tampon Submarine) were਍ഀ inspired by some of Worm Quartet's songs, and lyrics from same.਍ഀ Other usernames (such as AutoDrip and Urine MyFace)਍ഀ were furnished by users of the Commercials I Hate BBS.਍ഀ
਍ഀ Copywrong © 2012 Craig S. Johnson
਍ഀ Please have the courtesy to ask before using or retransmitting.਍ഀ
਍ഀ Page created on 11-16-12਍ഀ

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