Power Failure Light, retail $11.29 ()
Manufactured by Sylvania (www.sylvania.com)
Last updated 11-03-07

This is a combination nightlight/rechargeable flashlight/power failure light, made by Sylvania - known to be a relative powerhouse in the lighting industry.

The product has four white LEDs (three in the flashlight portion and one in the nightlight portion); these are powered by rechargeable cells inside the unit. These batteries are charged simply by leaving it plugged in like a nightlight.

You can set the switch to "AUTO" so that when the power goes out or if the unit is unplugged, the flashlight portion will automatically come on.

You can also unplug it and use it as you would use any other flashlight.


To use the product, cut it out of the plastic heck it comes in with a pair of sharp kitchen scissors, a sharp knife, or a razor blade.

On the back of the unit, pull back on the plastic tab to swing the AC prongs out.
Then, to borrow a phrase from a TV commercial, "plug it in, plug it in!"

The diffused white LED under the large plastic dome will come on if it's dark enough. There is a CdS (cadmium sulfide) photoelectric cell on it; this is what automatically turns it on at nightfall and turns it off in the morning.

Set the switch to the "AUTO" position to allow the flashlight to light up automatically when power is removed, such as if the electricity goes out or if the unit is unplugged.

Set the switch to the "ON" position to turn the flashlight on, regardless of whether the unit is plugged in or not.

Set the switch to the "OFF" position to force the flashlight to stay off, regardless of whether the unit is plugged into an energized AC receptacle or not. This also turns the nightlight off.

All you need to do to keep it charged & ready to go at a moment's notice is to plug it into any ordinary household (United States) 110 to 130 volts AC 60Hz receptacle.

This is a nightlight with a built-in power failure light, not a flashlight meant to be thrashed, trashed, and abused. So I won't throw it against the wall, stomp on it, try to drown it in the toylet bowl or the cistern, run over it, swing it against the concrete floor of a patio, use a claw hammer in order to bash it open to check it for candiosity, fire it from the cannonada (I guess I've been watching the TV program "Viva Piņata" too much again - candiosity is usually checked with a scanner-type device on a platform with a large readout, a handheld wand that Langston Licktoad uses, or a pack-of-cards-sized device that Fergy Fudgehog uses; and the cannonada is only used to shoot piņatas to piņata parties away from Piņata Island), send it to the Daystrom Institute for additional analysis, or inflict upon it punishments that flashlights may have inflicted upon them. So this section of the Power Failure Light's web page will be ***SIGNIFICANTLY*** more bare than this section of the web page on a page about a flashlight.

Photograph showing the AC prongs extended.

Beam photograph on the test target at 12".
Measures 32,900mcd on a Meterman LM631 light meter.
I'll remeasure after I have placed a full charge on the batteries.
With fully-charged batteries, measures 47,300mcd on a Meterman LM631 light meter.

Nightlight & red charging light shown on.

Spectrographic plot
Spectrographic analysis of the LEDs in this product.

ProMetric analysis
Beam cross-sectional analysis.
Image made using the ProMetric System by Radiant Imaging.

Test unit was purchased at a Bell-Aire store (an offshoot of Raleys) in Sacramento CA. USA on the early-afternoon of 10-29-07

Product was made in China.
A product's country of origin really does matter to some people, which is why I published it on this web page.

UPDATE: 00-00-00



    MANUFACTURER: Sylvania
    PRODUCT TYPE: Nightlight/flashlight/power failure light
    LAMP TYPE: 5mm white LED, 3mm red LED
    No. OF LAMPS: 5 (4 white, 1 red)
    BEAM TYPE: Medium spot w/dim corona
    SWITCH TYPE: Slide auto/off/on on front of product's body
    CASE MATERIAL: Plastic
    BEZEL: Plastic; LEDs & reflector protected by transparent plastic
    BATTERY: Unknown type & number of rechargeable cells
    CURRENT CONSUMPTION: 0.8 watts at 120 volts AC
    WATER RESISTANT: Very light splatter-resistance at maximum
    WARRANTY: Unknown/not stated


    Star Rating

Power Failure Light *

Do you manufacture or sell an LED flashlight, task light, utility light, or module of some kind? Want to see it tested by a real person, under real working conditions? Do you then want to see how your light did? If you have a sample available for this type of real-world, real-time testing, please contact me at bdf1111@yahoo.com.

Please visit this web page for contact information.

Unsolicited flashlights, LEDs, and other products appearing in the mail are welcome, and it will automatically be assumed that you sent it in order to have it tested and evaluated for this site.
Be sure to include contact info or your company website's URL so visitors here will know where to purchase your product.

WHITE 5500-6500K InGaN+phosphor 
ULTRAVIOLET 370-390nm GaN 
BLUE 430nm GaN+SiC
BLUE 450 and 473nm InGaN
BLUE Silicon Carbide
TURQUOISE 495-505nm InGaN
GREEN 525nm InGaN 
YELLOW-GREEN 555-575mn GaAsP & related
YELLOW 585-595nm
AMBER 595-605nm
ORANGE 605-620nm
ORANGISH-RED 620-635nm
RED 640-700nm
INFRARED 700-1300nm
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