Epieon Luxeon Replacement Bulb, retail $39.95 (URL no longer valid)
Manufactured by LEDCORP (URL no longer valid)
Last updated 05-26-09

The LEDCORP Epieon is a replacement bulb for your flashlight. You can get one to fit 2-cell (3 volt) lights, 3-cell (4.5 volt) lights, and 4-cell (6 volt) lights, provided the light you put it in uses a PR-type (flange) bulb.

The only other thing you need to pay attention to besides getting the right bulb for the number of cells is the bulb polarity. If the bulb nipple (bottom tip) connection is not (+) positive, the Epieon bulb won't work. With most barrel-style flashlights, this won't be a problem. But for a few, and many 6v lanterns, it may be. If you have any doubts at all, check your flashlight with a meter and see what the polarity is before you buy an Epieon for it.

The size is roughly the same as an ordinary PR-type bulb.

Since this will differ depending on what flashlight you use the Epieon in, this section can be largely skipped.

Basically, what you want to do is change the regular PR-base bulb in the flashlight with an Epieon bulb. As long as the bulb nipple polarity is (+) positive, you shouldn't have any problems. If the new bulb does not light, first be sure you have fresh batteries in there. If it still doesn't light, chances are the polarity at the bulb socket is all wrong.

Since the battery changing procedure varies from flashlight to flashlight, I'll skip this section.

Current consumption on the 2-cell version is about 165 milliamps.
I haven't yet tested the 3-cell version, as I don't yet have a 3-cell PR-base incandescent flashlight. Not handy, anyway. When I find one, I'll test the Epieon in it and post the results on this page.

The Epieon appears to be quite tough, but I don't yet have a water resistance rating on it so I won't try to drown it in the toilet, smash it into a snowbank, or let the dog lift its leg on it.

It has a gold plated body for decreased electrical resistance in the bulb socket, a silver solder nipple again for decreased electrical resistance on the lower contact, and cooling fins on the outside of the bulb to help reduce thermal issues that might otherwise be problematic without them. It's actually quite cool to look at even when it isn't in a flashlight. :-)

Although it should probably do best in a metal flashlight, I have the 2-cell test unit in a plastic flashlight and so far, heat has not been an issue.

The Epieon bulb uses a HD (High Dome) or Lambertian Luxeon Star LED, so it can effectively use the reflector of whatever flashlight you use it in. The flashlight I'm testing the 2-cell model in is of unknown age or pedigree. It has a partially faceted reflector (the upper portion is faceted), and I get a pretty OK beam out of it. The beam could be better, but it could be a whole lot worse too. The beam you get will depend mainly on what flashlight you put it in.

Beam photograph at ~12".
Note the pure white color instead of that "rotten dog urine green" color that's sometimes seen in other Luxeon Star LED products.

Measures 69,000 mcd using a Meterman LM631 light meter.
This reading will vary greatly depending on what you put it in.

Beam photograph at about 5'.

Spectrographic plot
Spectrographic analysis of the LED in this bulb.

Spectrographic plot
Same as above (3-cell version); new spectrometer plus new software & settings used.
USB2000 spectrometer graciously donated by P.L.

Test units of Epieon 2-cell and 3-cell lamps were received from John M. at LEDCORP in late June 2003. I apologise for taking so long to get them on my website. Since I just started this page on 10-12-03, I don't yet have a rating up.

Product was made in the United States of America.
A product's country of origin really does matter to some people, which is why I published it on this web page.

UPDATE: 10-12-03
Test sample of the 2-cell unit was installed in an unknown type 2 C-cell flashlight for the purposes of this web page.

Here's a picture of this flashlight for reference purposes. It has a swivel neck, and has three red LEDs on the tail section. I already sent several pictures of this to The Flashlight Museum, and they didn't know what it was either. But it works with the Epieon, so I used it.

Reasonably bright
Fits any flashlight with a PR-style bulb (watch the # of cells!)
Focusable flashlights retain their focusability
Flashlight's batteries should last significantly longer

Just like regular bulbs, they will blow up if you don't pay attention to matching the bulb with the right number of cells in your flashlight.
Not as bright as expected.
Focusing wide will leave rings in the beam - but regular bulbs do this in a Mag Light too.

    PRODUCT TYPE: LED Replacement Bulb
    LAMP TYPE: 1.2 watt Luxeon Star LED
    No. OF LAMPS: 1
    BEAM TYPE: Dependent on what kind of light you put it in
    SWITCH TYPE: Dependent on what kind of light you put it in
    BEZEL: Dependent on what kind of light you put it in
    BATTERY: 2 or 3 cells; AAA, AA, C, or D
    SUBMERSIBLE: Unknown
    WARRANTY: 5 years / 50,000 hours


    Star Rating

Epieon LED Replacement Bulb * URL no longer valid

Do you manufacture or sell an LED flashlight, task light, utility light, or module of some kind? Want to see it tested by a real person, under real working conditions? Do you then want to see how your light did? If you have a sample available for this type of real-world, real-time testing, please contact me at bdf1111@yahoo.com.

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GREEN 525nm InGaN 
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ORANGE 605-620nm
ORANGISH-RED 620-635nm
RED 640-700nm
INFRARED 700-1300nm
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