Solar Rechargeable Flashlight, retail $12 (Golden Gadgets)
Manufactured by (Unknown Chinese manufacturer)
Last updated 03-26-04

Ok, I've asked this three times now...who the {vulgar term for intercourse} would invent a solar powered flashlight anyway???

Actually, like the other two I've reviewed, this is a solar rechargeable flashlight, that uses an internal NiCd (nickel cadmium) battery and six white LEDs to produce its light, and a solar panel on its top to recharge the battery when you run it down.

It's made of a silvery colored plastic, and measures just under 6" long (not counting the lanyard loop), just under 2.25" wide at the head, and just over 1.5" deep, again at the head.


To use the light, be sure it's charged first (see below), and then you can go to town.

Slide the switch on the side of the barrel forward (toward the LEDs) to turn it on, and slide the switch on the barrel backward (toward the light's tail) to turn it off.
Things just don't get much easier...well, not flashlights anyway. :-)

To charge the light, set it somewhere in direct sunlight so the solar panels are facing up (like you see in the photograph near the top of this page). Six hours in sunlight is supposed to charge the internal batteries fully; providing 8 hours of operation. That's what it says on the box anyway.

There appears to be 16 distinct solar cells; probably wired in series or in a series-parallel array of 8x2.

The above photograph shows the business-end of the flashlight, showing 6 LEDs and the reflector.

This flashlight seems relatively durable, but I don't believe it is too water-resistant. So you'll want to keep it away from lakes, ponds, swimming pools, rivers, creeks, puddles of coyote pee, snowbanks, mud puddles, irrigation ditches, tubs, toilets, sinks, fishtanks, or anywhere else where water or water-like liquids may be found.
Since it cannot be readily be disassembled like many other lights, if it gets douched inside, you might be SOL. Unless you're handy with tools anyway. The light body is held together with four phillips head screws, and I have not tried to disassemble mine.

The flashlight seems a bit on the clunky side, but it would be good to keep it around as an emergency flashlight, as long as you charge it in the sun every couple of months or so.

It doesn't seem that bright for a 6-banger; but I don't know in what state of discharge the batteries are in. Once we get some decent weather here, I'll be sure it's fully charged and then remeasure it.

Beam photo at ~12".
Measures 28,500mcd on a Meterman LM631 light meter.

I do not know the state of discharge on its batteries, and it's
currently dark and rainy here so I can't charge it at the moment.

Unit was purchased on Ebay for $25 plus $10 shipping on 03-12-04, and arrived yesterday afternoon, 03-24-04.
It was shipped directly from Hong Kong to Seattle, so the longer-than-usual shipping time doesn't bother me a bit.
A direct link to the listing I purchased it from is right here, but will stop displaying around 06-12-04.
Use the seller's View Seller's Other Items link to see if he has any more of these.
As I understand, these lights are also available for $12 at Golden Gadgets.

UPDATE: 00-00-00



    MANUFACTURER: Unknown Chinese manufacturer
    PRODUCT TYPE: Handheld flashlight
    LAMP TYPE: 5mm white LED
    No. OF LAMPS: 6
    BEAM TYPE: Narrow flood with wider corona
    SWITCH TYPE: Slide switch on/off on barrel
    BEZEL: LEDs and reflector protected by plastic window
    BATTERY: Internal NiCd rechargeable
    CURRENT CONSUMPTION: Unable to measure
    WATER RESISTANT: Light splash-resistance only
    WARRANTY: Unknown/TBA


    Star Rating

Solar Rechargeable Flashlight * Golden Gadgets

Do you manufacture or sell an LED flashlight, task light, utility light, or module of some kind? Want to see it tested by a real person, under real working conditions? Do you then want to see how your light did? If you have a sample available for this type of real-world, real-time testing, please contact me at

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