Toollogic TracLite, retail $14.95 (
Manufactured by Toollogic (
Last updated 05-11-04

The Toologic TracLite is a small, mostly metal white LED flashlight. It has what I believe is a 3mm (T1) LED behind a small diverging lens, and is powered by four small button cells, type #392.

What sets this small flashlight apart from others is that the TracLite has a small but powerful magnet attached to a ball-and-socket swivel on its tail that allows you to affix it to most any ferrous (magnetic) surface and aim the TracLite wherever you need the light to go. You can also insert it, magnet-first, into a hollow case with a keychain loop on its tail, and carry it around on your keychain. The TracLite's magnet will be attracted to a magnetic disc in the bottom of this tube, and it holds the TracLite securely.


The TracLite and its accompanying keychain tube come to you in form-fitting compartments in foam, which is inside a lidded steel presentation case. Since it comes with batteries already installed, you don't need to {vulgar term for intercourse} with anything before you can use it.

To get light, turn the bezel (head) counterclockwise (as if unscrewing it) until the TracLite comes on. To not get light, turn the bezel clockwise (as if tightening it) until the TracLite goes off. This is opposite of how most other twist-bezel flashlights operate, so you'll probably have to get used to it.

The TracLite comes with a magnetic base on a swivel, so you can affix it to any iron, cobalt, nickel, and some steel surfaces. Stainless steel is not magnetic, so you cannot affix a TracLite or any other magnet to it.

Once you have the TracLite affixed to a magnetic surface, you can pivot and tilt the light itself to aim in any direction you wish. The swivel connector can be adjusted to around 45 degrees in any direction; one side of the socket is open though, and allows you to swivel the TracLite over 100 degrees. This effectively gives you the ability to aim the light wherever it is needed when the unit is magnetically attached to a flat surface.

You can also insert the TracLite into the hollow case or sleeve that comes with it, and the magnet at the TracLite's base will be attracted to a ferrous disc in the bottom of its sleeve. There is a keyring loop at the end of this sleeve, so you can affix it to your keys.

Using this case or sleeve adds 1/2 to 3/4 of an inch to the total length of the TracLite. See the photographs directly below.

Changing the batteries in your TracLite isn't that hard, but you do have to buy them from, from this link. The cells come in stacks of four in a plastic sleeve, which you are not supposed to remove.

Assuming you have one of those battery packs, unscrew and remove the head of your TracLite, and throw it away...O WAIT!!! YOU'LL NEED THAT!!! So just set it aside instead. ;-)

Tip the barrel of the flashlight in your hand, and dispose of or recycle the 4 button cell battery pack that comes out.

Drop in a new battery pack, flat-end (+) positive first - so the button-end shows. Screw the bezel back on, and be done with it. Aren't you glad you didn't toss out that bezel now? ;-)

Battery packs consist of four AG3 button cells, which I have since learned can be removed from the sleeve and replaced in the sleeve, so you don't need to buy battery packs from Toollogic.

The photograph above shows the business-end of the TracLite. The LED is behind what I believe is a diverging lens.

The TracLite appears to be quite durable, and should not become broken with ordinary flashlight accidents. I usually beat flashlights against a steel rod, but the table hosting that rod also holds a battery discharge analysis test in progress on another product, and beating the TracLite against this rod now would queer the test. So I'll have to wait - as long as a week - before I do this test.

Water-resistance should be decent. There is an O-ring between the bezel and the body. I would say "weather-resistant" at absolute minimum. Since the tailpiece is sealed and cannot be opened without sawing it off and ruining the TracLite, I cannot perform the dreaded suction test on it. Best I can do here is drop it in a cistern or sink full of water, and see if it leaks.

After filling up the sink, turning the TracLite on (to ensure the head was slightly unscrewed or disengaged from the body as it might be during use), throwing it in, and leaving it there for three minutes, no water was found inside. So not only should it be weather-resistant, but falls into shallow water like creeks or mud puddles should cause no harm either. Just shake it off and keep going. If the dog takes a leak on it, wash it off under the faucet and it should be good as new.

There is some knurling (texturising) around the bezel of the TracLite; this aids you in turning the unit on and off much better than a smooth surface might. Remember, counterclockwise (as if unscrewing) to turn the TracLite on, and clockwise (as if screwing in) to turn the TracLite off. This is opposite of how most "twist bezel" switches operate, so I don't feel bad about saying it twice.

The TracLite has a magnet in its base; care should be taken to keep it at least two feet from magnet-sensitive materials like floppy diskettes and bank cards, and not to store it on top of TV sets or computer monitors. The magnet will cause a distortion on a CRT (boob tube or computer monitor) picture, but only from several inches away or closer. So it's not as strong or dangerous as the magnets on some other lights, but you should still be at least reasonably careful.

The light beam appears to be dimmer than most other LED lights, but there is a diverging lens in front of the LED. So please don't be surprised at this when you receive and try out yours. The beam emitted by the TracLite is also wider than usual; and has softer than usual edges.

Beam photo at ~12".
Measures 3,050mcd on a Meterman LM631 light meter.
Remember, there is a diverging lens over the LED, so the reading will naturally be lower.
Light has a cool white color to it.

Test sample was sent by D.K. of along with five other lights, and was received on 05-10-04.

TracLite is available with a black or silver finish.

UPDATE: 00-00-00

Durable construction
Water-resistant and submersible to at least 1 foot
Magnet in ball & socket joint allows you to use light hands-free if ferrous surface is available

Not as bright as most other LED lights; diverging lens accounts for most of this

    MANUFACTURER: Toollogic
    PRODUCT TYPE: Small flashlight
    LAMP TYPE: White LED
    No. OF LAMPS: 1
    BEAM TYPE: Narrow flood; spot with corona
    SWITCH TYPE: Twist bezel on/off
    BEZEL: Metal; LED protected by plastic lens
    BATTERY: 4 #392 (AG3) button cells
    CURRENT CONSUMPTION: Unknown/unable to measure
    WATER RESISTANT: Yes, weather-resistant
    SUBMERSIBLE: Yes, to at least 12"
    ACCESSORIES: Batteries, sleeve for keyring use, gift tin
    SIZE: 3.125"L x 0.5"D
    WEIGHT: 0.8 oz.
    WARRANTY: 3 years


    Star Rating

Toollogic TracLite *

Do you manufacture or sell an LED flashlight, task light, utility light, or module of some kind? Want to see it tested by a real person, under real working conditions? Do you then want to see how your light did? If you have a sample available for this type of real-world, real-time testing, please contact me at

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