Update 06-26-15 My housing situation has just gone to pot yet again.
The landlord was here to have us sign a new lease on 06-14-15, and they're only renewing the lease until 12-31-15 -- that means we have until New Year's Eve to get our butts out of here and into another place -- which could pose a problem because none of us have any money (all three of us are overdrawn in our bank accounts) and none of us are suffiently creditworthy to pass muster with another landlord.

Update 09-13-12 The possible move I mentioned in late-July is off the table; looks like my housing situation is quite stable for the forseeable future.

Update 07-29-12 Looks like I ***MAY*** be "on the move" again within the next six months.
The reason is because my sister is moving out, and our incomes will be insufficient to pay the mortgage and bills -- let alone food for us & the cats.
Moving is not a certainty, but it ***IS*** a distinct possibility!!!

Update 02-27-12 A number of you have emailed me asking if I can perform spectroscopy of the sun from my new "digs"...the answer, no.

Here are a couple of photographs taken out my window...drumroll please...and viola (or "walla" if you prefer to be incorrect)

Update 11-12-11 I must have spoken too soon regarding the last entry being my final one on this web page...the buyer of the home (my stepmother's sis) and my stepmother are now arguing about various things concerning the house, including such things as rights of survivorship and the lease my stepmother signed -- we could now be legally evicted at any time.

Update 10-04-11 This will very likely be my last entry on this web page...the move went swimmingly, and only one thing of mine became broken.

Update 09-23-11 I guess I jumped the gun a bit...THIS will be my last entry from my present location; if everything progresses as it should (and so far, so good), I will be at the new location in approximately 35 hours as of this writing (5:01am PDT 09-23-11).
I'll be dismantling the computer system a bit later today.
If there's an unsecured wireless connection that my receiver can pick up at the new place, I may be able to post an "I've arrived" update on my laptop computer sometime on Saturday 09-24-11; but anything that involves money (such as Ebay, Paypal, my bank, etc.) will still be unavailable, as I would never input passwords to financial institutions and other sites that deal with anything "money" on an unsecured network. But if there is no wireless connection that my receiver can get, then you won't hear from me for at least several days.

Update 09-22-11 This will very likely be my last entry from my present location; if everything progresses as it should, I will be at the new location in approximately 60 hours as of this writing (4:09am PDT 09-22-11).
Internet access at the new location should be established relatively quickly; as my sister needs it rather badly for her schoolwork and (of course) I have a large website that has daily updates.

Update 09-18-11 No new testing or analyses will be done on flashlights, lasers, LEDs, or other products on this website until well after I've moved into the new place and gotten some things unpacked.
This is primarily because I've already packed up my test instruments for transport:

Beam cross-sectional analyser
Laser power meters

Update 09-17-11 The move has been moved back (yes, sooner now) to 09-25-11.
This is because the house is finally "closing", and we'll save some $$$ on rent here by moving in a week earlier.

Update 09-16-11 The move has been postphoned again until 10-01-11 due to some minor complications with the lease on our current residence.
The move ***WILL*** still take place; it has simply been delayed by two weeks.

Update 09-09-11 The deal is off the table -- therefore, the move will not begin early as had been planned for a brief time.

Update 09-08-11 The move could begin as early as later this afternoon; the buyer is in negotiations with the seller to allow us to begin moving in approx. a week early.

Update 09-04-11 Internet access could be lost at ***ANY TIME*** now; it is very likely going to be early-October 2011 before I can get back online. So if you emailed me after today and have yet to receive a reply, this is the probable reason.

Update 08-29-11 Here is an exterior photograph of the new place:

This location is *SOMEWHERE* in western Washington; that's about as much info. I can divulge at this time. So the move will not be a long-distance pain in the diodes as it were.
This is a single-story home; no stairs for anybody to deal with.

The only possible fly in the ointment here is that I'll have to park my scooter on the covered patio; when winter comes I'll have to wrap the batteries in an electric blanket and turn the blanket to "low" so that the batteries don't freeze and subsequently become queered.

Update 07-21-11 The date range for my near-future move has been bumped up to early to at latest mid-September 2011; the location is to be approx. 1 mile (~2.20km) from my current location. The new place will have limited space; however I'll be able to store things I don't need right away instead of disposing of them like I had to do last time.

Update 07-19-11 The date range for my near-future move is tentatively scheduled to be 08-01-11 to 08-03-11 (or "01 Aug 2011 to 03 Aug 2011" if you prefer). I say "tentatively" here because if a place is not found by then, we could be here until 09-01-11 ("01 Sep 2011").

This is to be an intracity move (or a move to a very nearby community at worst), but "moving" is "moving"...what a pain in the toliet muscle.

Update 07-09-11
Here is yet more evidence that the move is now iminent:

Saw this stuck in the front yard yesterday morning; the leaseholder officially gave the landlord 30 day notice a couple of days ago. So moving soon is not just a probability, it's a certainty now.

Update 07-02-11 The military burial that was originally planned is now off the table; the new plan is to have his body creamated and the ashes given to us. When my stepmother "goes", her body will also be creamated and both of their ashes plus those of the puppy dogs are to be deposited near Puget Sound (in western Washington state USA) by my stepsister.

If you wish to donate to help assist with funeral expen$e$, you may do so via Paypal using the following button:

If you aren't able to get this button to function properly (some have reported problems with it), you may go to Paypal directly at and send money to me at

If you wish to donate but do not use Paypal, you may email me at and request my mailing address so that you may dispatch a check or money order.
Thank you!!!

Update 07-01-11 My father left this mortal coil at 12:25am PDT today (07-01-11).
Toward the end, he had a temperature of 106°F (41.1°C) that was apparently caused directly by the cancer; and a body temperature that high is usually deadly -- that may very well be what actually terminated his life.
He will receive a military burial at no cost to us, but we still have to find the money for the coffin and other miscellaneous funerary expenses.

Update 06-30-11 I went to see my father in the hospital yesterday, and the first thing I noted is that he has so many lines, tubes, and hoses coming out him that he looks like a Borg from Star Trek!!! He's being pumped full of drugs to keep his blood pressure up, and he's breathing a 70% O2/air mixture via a ventilator. Things are not looking good here folks!!!

The only other significant update I have for you today is that the move is tentatively scheduled to occur sometime in August.

Do you manufacture or sell an LED flashlight, task light, utility light, or module of some kind? Want to see it tested by a real person, under real working conditions? Do you then want to see how your light did? If you have a sample available for this type of real-world, real-time testing, please contact me at

Please visit this web page for contact information.

Unsolicited flashlights, LEDs, and other products appearing in the mail are welcome, and it will automatically be assumed that you sent it in order to have it tested and evaluated for this site.
Be sure to include contact info or your company website's URL so visitors here will know where to purchase your product.

WHITE 5500-6500K InGaN+phosphor 
ULTRAVIOLET 370-390nm GaN 
BLUE 430nm GaN+SiC
BLUE 450 and 473nm InGaN
BLUE Silicon Carbide
TURQUOISE 495-505nm InGaN
GREEN 525nm InGaN 
YELLOW-GREEN 555-575mn GaAsP & related
YELLOW 585-595nm
AMBER 595-605nm
ORANGE 605-620nm
ORANGISH-RED 620-635nm
RED 640-700nm
INFRARED 700-1300nm
True RGB Full Color LED
Spider (Pirrahna) LEDs
True violet (400-418nm) LEDs
Agilent Barracuda & Prometheus LEDs
Oddball & Miscellaneous LEDs
Programmable RGB LED modules / fixtures
Where to buy these LEDs 
Links to other LED-related websites
The World's First Virtual LED Museum
The Punishment Zone - Where Flashlights Go to Die
Legal horse puckey, etc.
LEDSaurus (on-site LED Mini Mart)

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