Update 12-02-23
I fell prey to a crippling stroke on 03-21-22 (I'm almost but not quite bedridden); everything I owned was destroyed by a paranoid relative on 05-15-22 while I was still in a nursing home. And I do mean ***EVERYTHING*** -- clothes, shoes, furniture, product test samples, vintage and antique LEDs, test equipment like DMMs, spectrometers, laser power meters, etc., clocks, medication, picture ID, furniture, lamps, bedclothes, memorial items, money, computers, I mean the whole shebang.

As of 08-24-22, I live with my sister and brother-in-law, but I am disallowed from obtaining any test equipment or product test samples, so this website is largely archival-only.

There have been at least three moves between mid-July 2016 and 08-20-2022, but for reasons as-of-yet unknown, the moves were never documented.

Update 01-15-17
All of our belongings stored in two (2) storage lockers have been lost -- the contents of both storage units were auctioned off sometime within the last several days for nonpayment of rent!

This includes my bedroom furniture (my bed, night table, lamps, etc.), my $10,000.00+ electric wheelchair, all of my clothes, almost all (98% anyway) of my flashlights, task lights, lasers, R/C aircraft, miscellaneous products, my beloved GE AR-1 argon glow bulb, all of my vintage, rare, and antique LEDs, two hard-sided memorabilia cases with old photographs, magazines with lengthy articles about me or my website, Christmas and birthday cards, etc.; plus my (once awesome) collection of glass & porcelain electrical/telephone/telegraph insulators -- the more I think about what was in there, the sadder I become.

All I have left are my Arc-LS Prototype flashlight, my 2003 Arc AAA "CPF Special" light, a rechargeable UVA "cat piss detector" from Advancedmart, my Skytech green directly-injected Class IV laser, a blue-emitting portable laser, two laptop computers, my Ocean Optics USB2000 spectrometer, my LaserBee USB 2.0 laser power meter, and a couple of busted drones.

Update 07-07-16
Oh s**t!!! Looks like we fell prey to a Craigslist scambag!!!
The a-hole made off with our money and now we are officially homeless. We're looking to check into a welfare motel approx. 65 miles (104.65 km) north of here, but that will soon drain our money and then we'll be truly SOL.

Update 07-05-16
Looks like we found a place just in the knick of time!

We're moving tomorrow (07-06-16) and I just found the place yesterday morning after months of house hunting!

Update 05-25-16
This is another place that can help us if that one directly below dissuades you for any reason (such if you can't or won't use Paypal)!

Update 05-22-16
The LED (and Laser) Museum needs your financial help with moving! Please go here to see how you can help.

Update 02-03-16
We may have found a place, but I'm going to have to dispose of approx. 90% to 95% of my belongings.
The reason is that we're going to be moving into a much smaller space, and our storage facility is already filled to capacity.
I'll be keeping my prototype Arc LS flashlight, most of my lasers, most (or all) of my SureFire flashlights, all of my test equipment, at least three of my computers, some of my R/C flying machines, and most of my clothes & bedroom furniture -- but I'll have to get rid of the rest.

Update 01-22-16 My housing situation is going to pot yet again.
The reason is that my sister is moving out on 06-30-16, and between my mother and myself, our combined incomes are too low to support a rental; and both of us have crappy credit scores that would dissuade most potential landlords from renting to us.

Update 06-26-15 My housing situation has just gone to pot yet again.
The landlord was here to have us sign a new lease on 06-14-15, and they're only renewing the lease until 12-31-15 -- that means we have until New Year's Eve to get our butts out of here and into another place -- which could pose a problem because none of us have any money (all three of us are overdrawn in our bank accounts) and none of us are suffiently creditworthy to pass muster with another landlord.

Update 06-10-14 YIPEE!!! WE FOUND A PLACE!!!
It is in Shelton WA. USA and we can begin moving our {vulgar slang term for caca} in by 06-14-14!

Update 03-29-14
My housing situation has just become very critical!!!
My stepbrother, who serves as my late aunt's POA, has just announced that this home is now being sold!!! Since the lease was in my aunt's name, there's really nothing that can be done to stop it. We have until June 01 2014 to find new digs.

None of us have sufficient incomes or credit scores to get a new mortgage or even rent an apartment.

We're going to look for & hire an attorney this coming Monday (03-31-14) to try and get things straightened out, but there are no guarantees here.

Do you manufacture or sell an LED flashlight, task light, utility light, or module of some kind? Want to see it tested by a real person, under real working conditions? Do you then want to see how your light did? If you have a sample available for this type of real-world, real-time testing, please contact me at

Please visit this web page for contact information.

Unsolicited flashlights, LEDs, and other products appearing in the mail are welcome, and it will automatically be assumed that you sent it in order to have it tested and evaluated for this site.
Be sure to include contact info or your company website's URL so visitors here will know where to purchase your product.

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