Princeton Tec Pulsar II

Princeton Tec Pulsar II, retail ~$20
Manufactured by Princeton Tec (
Last updated 02-06-02

LED Light

The Pulsar II is the fraternal twin brother to the original squeeze-only Pulsar I, a colorful and small, super bright LED keychain light from Princeton Tec. This new model has both a squeeze on/off switch and a slide switch to allow the light to run without having to keep squeezing. It comes in a variety of LED colors and features a transluscent body in a variety of bright, cheerful colors. The dark smokey grey model pictured here has a white LED in it.

Pictured with a common household pen to provide scale.

The Pulsar 2 is ready to use as soon as you open the pack. You will probably want to attach the split ring to the slot at the rear of the light first though, as the flashlight is tiny and can be easily lost or misplaced. That's a bit less likely to happen if you put it on your keys right away. The split ring is a bit difficult to get on, but can be done with the aid of a small screwdriver or a dull butterknife and a few moments of patience.

To use the Pulsar II, just give it a squeeze. As long as you squeeze, it stays lit. Stop squeezing, and it goes out. If you need the light to stay on without squeezing, slide the small switch found on the body of the light forwards (towards the LED), and the little light will stay on by itself. Sliding the switch back towards the tail end turns it off.

The Pulsar II is slightly but noticeably "fatter" than its progenitor; this is to accomodate the extra mechanism for the slide switch. The difference in thickness can easily be seen and felt if you compare the two side by side, but you'll never notice the difference on your keychain.

[image 1 CR2032 and 2 CR2016 cells]
Depending on the LED color, the Pulsar uses either a single CR2032 cell or a pair of CR2016 lithium coin cells.

To change the batteries, insert a small flat bladed screwdriver or a butterknife into the slot you'll find near the keyring, and gently pry the flashlight halves apart. Note the position of the old batteries first, then slide them out. Install the new batteries the same way. The button (-) side of the battery faces the LED lead that has the small insulator on it.

battery change

This picture should help clarify things. (NOTE: Picture is of the Pulsar 1)
Once you have the new battery or batteries in place, just snap the case halves back together. Be sure to squeeze very hard along the sides so the seam is completely together, or else the slide switch may not work properly. Pay particular attention to the area of the flashlight near the LED. A seam of even a fraction of a millimeter left open (especially near the LED) will disable the slide switch; sqeezing the two halves together tightly all around the edges until it stops snapping is necessary to assure correct functionality.

This sample made a loud "SNAP!" sound when it was opened on two occasions, however no damage of any significance was found other than some pry marks left in the screwdriver slot where the split ring attaches.

Total battery life should be in the 10-15 hour range with intermittent use; with the brightest light being within the first half hour or so. This is typical for *any* light using this size and type of battery.

Durability testing to commence shortly

LED Light
Brightness measured at -----mcd (to be determined)

LED Light
Interesting blue ring artifacts that are not typical of Nichia white LEDs,
but an examination showed the lamp *is* definitely a Nichia product.

Sample was provided by William at Texas Tactical Supply.
Optical testing will take place before durability testing, for obvious reasons.

UPDATE 00-00-00:



          MANUFACTURER: Princeton Tec
          PRODUCT TYPE: Keychain style mini-lite
          LAMP TYPE: 5mm LED, multiple colors
          No. OF LAMPS: 1
          BEAM TYPE: Varies with LED color. Usually medium dia. with rings.
          SWITCH TYPE: Momentary squeeze on/off, locking slide switch
          BEZEL: None.
          BATTERY: 1 CR2032 or 2 CR2016 lithium coin cells
          CURRENT CONSUMPTION: Unknown
          WATER RESISTANT: Not stated
          SUBMERSIBLE: No
          ACCESSORIES: Small split ring attachment
          WARRANTY: Lifetime

                PRODUCT RATING:

                DURABILITY: --
                BRIGHTNESS: --
                USEABILITY: --
                BATTERY LIFE: --
                BATTERY AVAILABILITY: --

                OVERALL SCORE: TBA

Princeton Tec 'Impact' * Princeton Tec (

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WHITE 5500-6500K InGaN+phosphor 
ULTRAVIOLET 370-390nm GaN 
BLUE 430nm GaN+SiC
BLUE 450 and 473nm InGaN
BLUE Silicon Carbide
TURQUOISE 495-505nm InGaN
GREEN 525nm InGaN 
YELLOW-GREEN 555-575mn GaAsP & related
YELLOW 585-595nm
AMBER 595-605nm
ORANGE 605-620nm
ORANGISH-RED 620-635nm
RED 640-700nm
INFRARED 700-1300nm
True RGB Full Color LED
Spider (Pirrahna) LEDs
True violet (400-418nm) LEDs
Agilent Barracuda & Prometheus LEDs
Oddball & Miscellaneous LEDs
Programmable RGB LED modules / fixtures
Where to buy these LEDs 
Links to other LED-related websites
The World's First Virtual LED Museum
The Punishment Zone - Where Flashlights Go to Die
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LEDSaurus (on-site LED Mini Mart)

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