Rigel Systems Skylight, retail $30.95 (http://members.cox.net/rigelsys/rigelsys.htm)
Manufactured by Rigel Systems (http://members.cox.net/rigelsys/rigelsys.htm)
Last updated 07-22-03

The Skylite by Rigel Systems comes in a few different variations, this one comes in a day-glo green case and has 2 white & 2 red LEDs. A dial on the side lets you adjust the brightness of the white or the red LEDs, and allows you to switch between the two colors as well. The Skylite also comes with a 20" neck cord, but since the loaner sample I got from somebody didn't come with it, I can't test it or even take a picture of it.


The Skylite ought to come ready to use - though you might need to put the battery in first (see below). Once the battery is installed, you can start using your Skylite.

With the business end of the light pointed away from you, turning the dial to the left (counterclockwise) starts the two white LEDs glowing. They come on in the dimmest setting first, and brighten up as you continue turning the dial toward the left. If you turn the dial toward the right (clockwise), the red LEDs will come on; dimmest at first, brightening up as you continue turning the dial toward the right.

To turn the Skylite off, turn the dial toward the center position until the detent (substantial clicking feeling) is felt, and all LEDs are off.

To change the 9 volt battery in your Skylite, turn it so the lens and LEDs are facing down. Unscrew & remove the white plastic thing on the tailcap - be sure you don't lose that O-ring on there. Lift off the bottom part of the light - be sure that O-ring doesn't get away either. The O-ring should stay on the light, and be fitted onto the narrow ledge for it. Set the bottom of the light (the battery cover) aside. Now, push the battery out from the tail of the flashlight - it should swing out easily. Throw the dead battery away in whatever manner you see fit. I recommend using a garbage can. :-)

Install a new 9 volt battery by aligning the negative (-) (wide terminal) with the longer spring of the two inside the light. Swing it upright until it "clicks" into place. Place the cover of the Skylite back on (being sure the O-ring is seated properly), insert the white plastic screw into the hole on the Skylite's tail (also being sure the O-ring gets seated properly), and screw it in with your fingers. Tighten it only finger-tight; do not try to tighten it any more with wrenches, pliers, or other tools.

There. Done with that.

Battery life is advertised at 12 hours at full blast, up to 320 hours at its lowest intensity.

Since this is a loaner light, I won't bash it against a steel rod, stomp on it, run over it, or try to flush it down a toilet.

The Skylite appears to be water resistent, but because of the rotary pot (the dial that dims the LEDs), it's probably not waterproof. So you should probably keep it away from creeks, rivers, beaches, snowbanks, rain barrels, swimming pools, sinks, tubs, fishtanks, and other sources of water.

The plastic it's made from is unknown, but doesn't look particularly tough. And it's not very thick either. So stepping on a Skylite with jack boots or running over one with an electric wheelchair would probably kill the poor thing, so please try and play nice. ;-)

Although I'm still testing, and it's not dark yet, the Skylite's adjustable brightness is a real plus it has going for it. If it's too bright for you, just turn it down a little. If it's still too bright, turn it down some more.

With the side-mounted rotary dial to switch between and dim/brighten the LEDs, I don't believe it will "go off" too easily in storage and transport.

There's a transistor visible from the front, and some resistors and SMD parts (maybe caps or more resistors) that can kind of be seen through the sides, but I honestly don't know what they're for. Possibly a regulation circuit, but I can't tell for sure just by what I can see in there. Maybe it's a buffer circuit of some kind so all the magic smoke doesn't escape from the potentiometer (brightness dial). Or maybe it's a bit more sophisticated than that. I honestly can't tell by looking through the outside of the flashlight body.

Beam photograph at ~12" (White LEDs).
Brightness is 22,700mcd max.

Beam photograph at ~12" (Red LEDs).
Brightness is 4,200mcd max.
The hotspot with red LEDs is a bit more pronounced than this photograph shows.

Intensity at minimum was not measureable on my instruments on either red or white LEDs.

Sample was loaned to me for about a week by a Candlepower Forums member on 07-22-03.

UPDATE: 00-00-00

Adjustable brightness of both red & white LEDs
Bright enough to be truly useful

Not waterproof
A bit large for a 9v battery light

    MANUFACTURER: Rigel Systems
    PRODUCT TYPE: Specialty flashlight
    LAMP TYPE: LED, 5mm
    No. OF LAMPS: 4 (2 red and 2 white)
    BEAM TYPE: Central hotspot with wider corona
    SWITCH TYPE: Rotary on/off/dimmer pot
    BEZEL: LEDs protected by plastic window
    BATTERY: 9 volt rectangular
    CURRENT CONSUMPTION: Unknown/unable to measure
    WATER RESISTANT: Splash resistant at minimum
    SUBMERSIBLE: Unknown, but probably not
    ACCESSORIES: 9 volt battery, 20" neck strap
    WARRANTY: Unknown


    (I did not have sample long enough to apply a rating)

Rigel Systems Skylite * http://members.cox.net/rigelsys/rigelsys.htm

Do you manufacture or sell an LED flashlight, task light, utility light, or module of some kind? Want to see it tested by a real person, under real working conditions? Do you then want to see how your light did? If you have a sample available for this type of real-world, real-time testing, please contact me at bdf1111@yahoo.com or send your potential victim to:

Craig Johnson
c/o The LED Museum
1090 Lakefront Dr. #618
Sacramento CA. 95831-5632
ph. Please e-mail for phone number (costs me $0.50 a minute, use only if urgent)

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BLUE 430nm GaN+SiC
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GREEN 525nm InGaN 
YELLOW-GREEN 555-575mn GaAsP & related
YELLOW 585-595nm
AMBER 595-605nm
ORANGE 605-620nm
ORANGISH-RED 620-635nm
RED 640-700nm
INFRARED 700-1300nm
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