5mW 635nm Red Laser Module, retail $1.90 (www.shawohwa.com)
Manufactured by Shawo Hwa Industrial Co., LTD (www.shawohwa.com)
Last updated 08-08-09

This is a small, pre-wired red diode laser module. That is, it already includes the optics assembly, and it's ready to connect to any source of 3 volts DC that you happen to have handy; whether that's a pair of 1.5 volt AAA or AA cells, a 3 volt lithium CR2 or CR123A cell, or a "wall wart" type AC adapter that you know has an output of 3 volts DC and can deliver at least 27mA.
It comes prepped with power wires, approximately 6.25" (~15.875cm) in length.

The laser module is ready to go as soon as you receive it.


To use the laser module, just connect it to any source of 3 volts DC via the included wires. Red is (+) positive, white is (-) negative.
There is no on/off switch; if you wish to use one you will have to supply and connect it yourself.

This module has an adjustable focus ranging from very narrow spot to medium spot; just rotate the "business-end" of the laser module one way or the other. If you unscrew the end all the way until it comes off, be careful not to let the small spring shoot out unnoticed and later fall prey to the hungry, hungry vacuum cleaner.

Because this device runs from any source of 3 volts DC, this section will contain very little additional information.

A lithium-ion rechargeable R123A cell was used for this test.
Consumes 26.010mA on the same R123A cell, using my DMM's 40mA scale.
The open-circuit voltage of this cell is +4.12 volts; this sags to 4.10 volts under the laser module's load.

This photograph is of the business-end of the laser module, showing the aperture and lens.

Because this is a component designed to be installed in something, and not a flashlight, I will not beat it against a steel rod, stomp on it, try to drown it in the toilet, run over it, or bestow upon it other misfortunes that may be bestowed upon flashlights, so this section of its web page will be relatively bare.

I currently do not have the equipment necessary for measuring output power, but it appears to emit somewhere between 4mW and 5mW, right about where it ought to be for a CDRH Class IIIA laser device.

Wavelength appears to be 634nm to 636nm, again, right about where it should be for this device. This product uses a diode laser, so it can be operated at low voltage (3 volts) at low current (just over 26mA).

Beam photos, first at ~12", then at ~15'.

The yellow & white color you see in these photographs does not actually exist; it was created by the camera. In the upper photograph, the beam appears significantly larger than it actually is. And that dim red spot to the lower right of the main part of the beam really does exist, but I do not find it too objectionable. The photograph makes it look a lot brighter than it actually is.

That red circular thing in the upper part of the lower photograph is from an American DJ Laser Widow

Power output measures 2.510mW (collimator in place) and 6.130mW (collimator removed) on a laser power meter.

Spectrographic plot
Spectrographic analysis of this laser module.

Spectrographic plot
Same as above; spectrometer's response narrowed to a band between 625nm and 650nm to pinpoint wavelength.
USB2000 spectrometer graciously donated by P.L.

ProMetric analysis
Beam cross-sectional analysis (X-axis).

ProMetric analysis
Beam cross-sectional analysis (Y-axis).
Images made using the ProMetric System by Radiant Imaging.

Test unit was sent by Shawo Hwa Industrial Co., LTD on 01-10-05, and was received on 01-19-05.

UPDATE: 00-00-00

Low current consumption.
Uses batteries or any other source of +3 volts you can find.
Appears to output the power it is advertised to.
Includes the proper laser warning sticker.

Not waterproof or submersible - but no bare laser module is. Will not affect rating.
Beam has a slight artifact in it. Will probably knock 1/2 star off its rating, but this laser module should still end up in The Trophy Case.

    MANUFACTURER: Shawo Hwa Industrial Co., LTD
    PRODUCT TYPE: Red laser module
    LAMP TYPE: Laser diode
    No. OF LAMPS: 1
    BEAM TYPE: Very narrow, it's a laser ;-)
    BEZEL: Brass; lens slightly recessed
    ACCESSORIES: Laser warning (CDRH Class IIIA) sticker


    Star RatingStar Rating

5mW 635nm Red Laser Module * www.shawohwa.com

Do you manufacture or sell an LED flashlight, task light, utility light, or module of some kind? Want to see it tested by a real person, under real working conditions? Do you then want to see how your light did? If you have a sample available for this type of real-world, real-time testing, please contact me at bdf1111@yahoo.com.

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