Stanley MaxLife 369, retail $25 (
Manufactured by Stanley (
Last updated 09-23-21

The Stanley MaxLife 369 is a fairly large, but versatile LED flashlight that features six LEDs (of which you can select one, three, or all six) in the business-end, focused by lenses moulded into the end window. It can be operated on three, six, or nine AA cells, depending on how light you want the flashlight to be or how light your wallet is.


To use the MaxLife 369, feed it first (see directly below), and then you'll be ready to rock.

Press and release the rubberised button on the barrel once to turn one LED on. Press and release the button again to turn three LEDs on. Press and release the button again to turn all six LEDs on. Finally, press and release the button again to turn the flashlight off.

Just like it reads on the back of many shampoopoo (or shampeepee) bottles, "lather, rinse, repeat". In other words, pressing and releasing the button again turns one LED on.

A red LED on the barrel above the switch comes on when the batteries are low, letting you know before it's too late that you need to change them.

To change the batteries in the MaxLife 369, unscrew and remove the rubberised disc on the tailcap, throw it in the {vulgar term for feces}bowl, yank that silver handle on the front of the cistern down, and flush it away...O WAIT!!! YOU'LL NEED THAT!!! So just set it aside instead.

Tip the dead batteries out of the barrel and into your hand, and dispose of or recycle them as you see fit.

Insert three, six, or nine new AA cells into the three chambers in the barrel, button-end (+) positive first.

With three cells, insert them all into the same chamber. With six cells, fill two chambers. And if you wish to use nine cells, fill all three chambers

Place the end cap over the open end of the barrel, and turn it clockwise (as if tightening it) until it's snug.

Aren't you glad you didn't flush away that tailcap now?

Measures 32.4mA with one LED, 67.2mA with three LEDs, and 106.0mA with all six LEDs.
These measurements were made with three AA cells and the 400mA scale on my DMM.

Photograph of the flashlight's bezel, showing the lenses moulded into its window.

The MaxLife 369 is reasonably durable. It survived my smack test (ten whacks against the corner of a concrete stair; five against the side of the bezel and five against the side of the tailcap), and I found the expected minor gouging on the side of the bezel and tailcap where it was struck - no surprises there. No optical or electrical malfunctions were detected.

It is splash-resistant at minimum, but it is not waterproof or submersible. It did not pass the suction test I gave it at the tailcap. The leak is not huge, but it is there.

One feature found in this flashlight (besides the battery versatility and the multiple brightness modes) not found on most others is that low battery indicator LED. It is designed to come on when the batteries are getting low enough to need changing. I do not have any dead batteries here to test that with, so I do not yet know the threshold voltage.

The three aluminum barrels (in a triangular side-by-side configuration) are surrounded by these rubbery ribs, so retention (the ability to hold the flashlight when your hands are oily, cold, or wet) should not be much of an issue here.

Beam photo (low) at ~12".
Measures 19,190mcd.

Beam photo (medium) at ~12".
Measures 44,700mcd.

Beam photo (high) at ~12".
Measures 111,200mcd.

All measurements were taken on a Meterman LM631 light meter.

The camera does not show the brightness differences, but the light meter does.

Spectrographic plot
Spectrometer plot of the LEDs in this flashlight.
Ocean Optics USB2000 Spectrometer graciously donated by P. L. of TWO-CUBED.

Test unit was sent by a fan of the website, and was received on the afternoon of 12-29-04.

UPDATE: 00-00-00



    PRODUCT TYPE: Large handheld flashlight
    LAMP TYPE: 5mm white LED
    No. OF LAMPS: 6
    BEAM TYPE: Medium spot with dimmer penumbra
    SWITCH TYPE: Pushbutton on/mode change/off on barrel
    BEZEL: Rubbery material; plastic window protects LEDs
    BATTERY: 3, 6, or 9 AA cells
    CURRENT CONSUMPTION: 32.4mA, 67.2mA, and 106.0mA
    WATER RESISTANT: Splash-resistant at minimum
    WARRANTY: Unknown/not stated


    Star Rating

Stanley Maxlife 369 *

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