3 IN 1 LED/

3 In 1 LED / Incandescent / CCFT Flashlight, retail $12.50 (www.sciplus.com...)
Manufactured by (Unknown) for American Science & Surplus (www.sciplus.com)
Last updated 08-13-09

The 3 In 1 LED / Incandescent / CCFT Flashlight (hereinafter, probably just called a "flashlight" or "the/this product") is a nifty product that has three light sources: three Nichia white LEDs, a xenon-filled incandescent bulb, and a CCFT (cold cathode fluorescent tube).

It comes in a mostly-plastic, translucent blue body; and all three of its lighting modes are easily selectable with a single rubberised pushbutton on the barrel.

The CCFT in this particular unit is very dim; I will not be derating the product too much for this unless I hear of other units with the same issue.

 Size of product w/hand to show scale SIZE

To use the product, first you have to get it out of the sonically welded plastic h-e-double-tippy-straws it comes in - I managed to stab my thumb with the point of the knife I was using, and subsequently had to fashion a bandage out of toliet paper (or "paper toliets" as I called it as a young child) and some packing tape so that I wouldn't ruin the carpet with blood.
O the ways I hurt myself in the name of science.

As Seven of Nine on Voyager would say, "you've been damaged."

Install the four included AAA cells (see directly below), and THEN you can go make yourself a bandage.

Press & release the rubberised button on the barrel one time to turn the LEDs on.

Do the same thing to turn the LEDs off and turn the incandescent on.

Do the same thing to turn the incandescent off and turn the CCFT on.

Do the same thing to turn the entire product off.

Just like it reads on the back of many shampoo (or "shampee") bottles, "lather, rinse, repeat".
In other words, pressing & releasing the button again turns the LEDs on.

To change the batteries when necessary, give the tailcap a firm counterclockwise twist until it turns approximately 1/6th of a turn and then stops. Pull it straight out ~1.3 inches until it stops - a semirigid tether keeps it from coming out any more.

If necessary, relieve the flashlight of its used batteries, and dispose of or recycle them as you see fit.

Insert four new AAA cells, orienting them as shown in the photograph below. There are no polarity markings and no obvious polarity indicators (such as springs), which is why I furnished that photograph.

Press in on the tailcap until it meets the barrel, and (while still pushing) give the tailcap a clockwise twist of approximately 1/6th of a turn until it does not turn any more.

This photograph shows the correct orientation of the batteries - this is as the side with the CCFT faces up toward the ceiling or sky.

Current usage measures:
223mA (LED), 316mA (incandescent), and 244mA (CCFT).

This product is reasonably durable, but because it has a plastic case and a big glass thing with a strong partial vacuum in it built into its side (the CCFT), I won't do the smack test on it. I know you love to see me break things, but it "ain't" "gonna" happen today, folks. So I won't throw it against the wall, stomp on it, try to drown it in the toylet bowl or the cistern, run over it, swing it against the concrete floor of a patio, use a small sledgehammer in order to bash it open to check it for candiosity, fire it from the cannoņata, drop it down the top of Mt. Erupto (I guess I've been watching the TV program "Viva Piņata" too much again - candiosity is usually checked with a laser-type device on a platform with a large readout (located at Piņata Central), with a handheld wand that Langston Lickatoad uses, or with a pack-of-cards-sized device that Fergy Fudgehog uses; the cannoņata (also located at Piņata Central) is only used to shoot piņatas to piņata parties away from picturesque Piņata Island, and Mt. Erupto is an active volcano on Piņata Island {In the episode "Les Saves the Day...Again", Paulie Preztail says "Hey, ever wonder why this park's called 'Mount Erupto' anyway?", then Franklin Fizzlybear says "I think its an old native term. Means 'very safe.'"}), send it to the Daystrom Institute for additional analysis, or inflict upon it punishments that flashlights in metal or sturdier plastic bodies may have inflicted upon them. So this section of the 3 In 1 LED / Incandescent / CCFT Flashlight's web page will seem a bit more bare than this section of the web page on a page about a flashlight that has a sturdier plastic or metal body and no fragile glass thing in its side.

That being said, there *IS* a rubber shroud around the flashlight's bezel (head) that helps protect it against "life's little bumps".

Water-resistance would be rather minimal at best; especially considering that CCFT - those things generally require high voltages, and electricity + water seldom play well together.

The flashlight can be rather easily stood on its bezel so that the CCFT faces sideways.

Beam photograph (LEDs) on the test target at 12".
Measures 58,800mcd on a Meterman LM631 light meter.

Beam photograph (incandescent) on the test target at 12".
Measures 432cd on a Meterman LM631 light meter.

Beam photograph (LEDs) on a wall at ~10 feet.

Beam photograph (incandescent) on a wall at ~10 feet.

Those rectangular graphic things in the upper right quadrant of this photograph are marquees from:

Sega ''Star Trek''
Atari ''Tempest''
Venture Line ''Looping''
Jaleco ''Exerion''

upright coin-op arcade video games from the 1980s.

Those colored graphics toward the left are my "Viva Piņata" posters.

Photograph of the CCFT.

Photograph of the area under my desk being illuminated by the CCFT.
Yes, that shadow really *DOES* exist near the center of the light emission region.

Note how dim it is; I attribute this to a defect,
not an intrinsic fault of the product in general.

Spectrographic plot
Spectrographic analysis of the LEDs in this flashlight.

Spectrographic plot
Spectrographic analysis of the incandescent lamp in this flashlight.

Spectrographic plot
Spectrographic analysis of the CCFT in this flashlight.

I had to hold the unit right up against the spectrometer's
sensor in order to obtain this chart.

Spectrographic plot
Same as above; bulb was warmed up for ~5 minutes beforehand.

As above, I had to hold the unit right up against the
spectrometer's sensor in order to obtain this chart.

ProMetric analysis
Beam cross-sectional analysis of the LEDs.

ProMetric analysis
Beam cross-sectional analysis of the incandescent.
Images made using the ProMetric System by Radiant Imaging.

Test unit was sent by an anonymous website fan along with one other product, and was received late on the morning of 10-06-08.

As far as I able to determine, product was made in China.
A product's country of origin really does matter to some people, which is why I published it on this web page.

UPDATE: 08-13-09
One of the AAA cells leaked inside the product; however I was able to retrieve and dispose of it.
As a side effect though, the LEDs now stay on *VERY* dimly except when the CCFT is in use. The following photograph shows this:

Hmmm...now the CCFT stays energised all of the time, regardless of how many times I push the button - and the incandescent portion does not function at all.

3 products in 1 handy-dandy package
Decent intensity from three LEDs
Uses batteries that are common and relatively inexpen$ive

Not very water-resistant and not submersible at all
CCFT is very dim, even with known-new batteries

    PRODUCT TYPE: Multifunction flashlight
    LAMP TYPE: Xenon incandescent bub, 5mm white LED, CCFT
    No. OF LAMPS: 5 (3 LED, 1 incan., 1 CCFT)
    BEAM TYPE: Medium spot w/softer corona and ringy artifacts in penumbra (LEDs), narrow spot (incan), wide flood (CCFT)
    SWITCH TYPE: Pushbutton on/mode change/off on barrel
    CASE MATERIAL: Plastic
    BEZEL: Plastic; LEDs, bulb, and reflector protected by plastic window; CCFT & its reflector protected by domed plastic winow
    BATTERY: 4xAAA cells
    WATER RESISTANT: Light sprinkle-resistance at maximum
    ACCESSORIES: 4xAAA cells, wrist strap
    WARRANTY: Unknown/not stated


    Star Rating

3 In 1 LED / Incandescent / CCFT Flashlight * www.sciplus.com...

Do you manufacture or sell an LED flashlight, task light, utility light, or module of some kind? Want to see it tested by a real person, under real working conditions? Do you then want to see how your light did? If you have a sample available for this type of real-world, real-time testing, please contact me at bdf1111@yahoo.com.

Please visit this web page for contact information.

Unsolicited flashlights, LEDs, and other products appearing in the mail are welcome, and it will automatically be assumed that you sent it in order to have it tested and evaluated for this site.
Be sure to include contact info or your company website's URL so visitors here will know where to purchase your product.

WHITE 5500-6500K InGaN+phosphor 
ULTRAVIOLET 370-390nm GaN 
BLUE 430nm GaN+SiC
BLUE 450 and 473nm InGaN
BLUE Silicon Carbide
TURQUOISE 495-505nm InGaN
GREEN 525nm InGaN 
YELLOW-GREEN 555-575mn GaAsP & related
YELLOW 585-595nm
AMBER 595-605nm
ORANGE 605-620nm
ORANGISH-RED 620-635nm
RED 640-700nm
INFRARED 700-1300nm
True RGB Full Color LED
Spider (Pirrahna) LEDs
True violet (400-418nm) LEDs
Agilent Barracuda & Prometheus LEDs
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Programmable RGB LED modules / fixtures
Where to buy these LEDs 
Links to other LED-related websites
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