Halloween Spooky Sounds Flashlight, retail $9.99 ()
Manufactured by (Unknown)
Last updated 11-02-10

This is a Halloween-themed LED flashlight that is specifically designed to play eight spooky sound effects, depending on which of the eight buttons on the side of the unit you press.

It comes in a very large black plastic body with an orange bezel ring and orange buttons.

The sounds come from a small speaker on the top & toward the front of the unit; a 10mm white LED provides some light - it flickers in time with the sound effects. I do not believe there is a way to turn the LED steady-on without playing the sound effects.

The unit comes with four pattern lenses that you affix to the front of the unit. These lenses are intended to project the image on them onto walls, ceilings, or other relatively flat, light-colored surfaces the light is aimed at, but the projection quality is lower than expected - please see below.


The unit comes with batteries already installed, so it's ready to hand off to the children for Trick Or Treating as soon as you remove it from the package.

Press and release any of the eight buttons on the sides of the product to play any one of the eight spooky sounds & cause the white LED to flash & flicker in time with these sounds.

If nothing happens when you press these buttons, press & release the button on the top of the unit's handle, toward the front of the handle. THEN the eight buttons on the sides of the product will do something.

Press & release this button again to turn the product off for storage or transport - the buttons on the sides will not do anything while the unit is in this state.

This product comes with four thin plastic lenses with Halloween-themed graphics printed on them. They can be affixed to the "business-end" of the flashlight with four small tabs that fit into receptacles for them on the unit itself. Although they are intended to project images onto walls, ceilings, or other light-colored, relatively flat surfaces, the projected images are little more than colored, amorphous blobs.

To change the batteries, take a small phillips screwdriver (size #0) and unscrew & remove the screw holding the battery door on. Throw it in the graveyard so the zombies find it and drop it into an open grave...O WAIT!!! YOU'LL NEED THAT!!! So just set it aside instead. Remove the battery door and set it aside.

If necessary, remove the used AA cells from the compartment, and recycle or dispose of them as you see fit.

Install three new AA cells into the compartment, orienting each one so its flat-end (-) negative faces a spring for it in each chamber.

Place the battery door back on, and screw in that screw.
Aren't you glad you didn't throw that screw into the graveyard with all those yucky zombies now?

Unable to measure current due to how the product functions.

This product is made entirely of plastic (the outer portions anyway), so "The Smack Test" would not be very appropriate.

The product is also not too water-resistant; there are no O-rings or other environmental seals visible in it. The loudspeaker is also another point of water entry. Clean it with a damp cloth before storage if necessary - that ought to be kosher with it.

This is a seasonal product, and as such, won't be thrashed, trashed, used, and abused like a flashlight that you use every day would be. I know you like to see me try and break things, but it "ain't" "gonna" happen today, folks.

The battery door is secured with a screw so that children would be far, far, FAR less likely to remove and eat the batteries in this product than a product with a battery door that simply clips on. I believe this is the reason for the screw.
This is a safety feature, and you should not try to defeat it. But if the screw does become lost, you can tape the battery door on.

Beam photograph on the test target at 12".
Unable to measure because the light does not have a "steady-on" mode.
Just by "eyeballing" it though, it appears to have a peak intensity of ~50,000mcd.

Photograph of the Halloween-themed lens covers.

Photograph of the beam with the "witch" lens on.

Photograph of the beam with the "pumpkin" lens on.

Photograph of the beam with the "skull" lens on.

Photograph of the beam with the "devil" lens on.
All four of the projection photographs were taken at ~5' on a white ceiling.

.WAV sound allowing you to hear the product.
This clip is approximately 0.4 megabytes (462,372 bytes) in length; dial-up users please be aware.
It will take no less than two minutes to load at 48.0Kbps.

Test unit was purchased for me by my sister on 10-23-06 specifically so I could add Halloween sounds to three other Halloween product movies I shot within the last couple of weeks.
But because it lights up too (and uses an LED to produce its light no less), I decided the best place for it to be is on this website.

Product was made in China. A product's country of origin really does matter to some people, which is why I published it on this web page.

UPDATE: 10-31-06
I used the product while handing out candy to Trick-Or-Treaters, and noted a very positive overall reaction. One child, ~4 years old, and dressed in a full Spiderman costume, came up and played with it for several minutes, pushing all of the buttons multiple times to hear the sounds. His mother finally had to ask the child to leave; as he was quite literally entranced with it.

UPDATE: 11-02-06
I kept hearing this wierd noise this morning; it turned out that the Halloween Spooky Sounds Flashlight had fallen and became wedged between a box and my mattress. Whenever I shifted position in bed, I'd set the silly thing off. It sounded realistic enough that when I first heard it, I thought that the sound was coming from elsewhwere in the house, but when I checked, I did not find anything.

UPDATE: 09-05-07
I converted the .AVI file on this web page to a .WAV audio file; this saves a considerable amount of space and greatly reduces your load time.

UPDATE: 10-31-07
I dug out this light this morning, tested it for functionality, and intend to use it this evening while handing out candy to Trick-Or-Treaters.

UPDATE: 11-01-07
As promised, I used it while handing candy out to little witches, goblins, ghosts, rats, and other little squeaky creatures that were Trick-Or-Treating last night, and did not receive any negative reactions.

UPDATE: 11-02-10
The product has become destroyed due to the batteries having leaked inside the compartment; let's show you with a photograph...*snap*...*click*...and it's off to the Fotomat we go...

Therefore, that dreadful "Failed or was destroyed during/after testing" icon will now appear appended to its listings on this website.

Potential for long battery life because of the LED
Child-resistant battery door secured with a screw
Loud enough to be heard yet not so loud so as to potentially damage young ears
Eight spooky sound effects - good, given how inexpensive the product is

Pattern projection is sub par at best
Large size could make it more vulnerable to breakage if thrown or dropped - this large size makes it easier for youngsters to handle however - will not detract from final rating

    PRODUCT TYPE: Halloween LED flashlight w/spooky sounds
    LAMP TYPE: 10mm white LED
    No. OF LAMPS: 1
    BEAM TYPE: Medium spot w/dim corona
    SWITCH TYPE: Pushbuttons for sounds & light
    CASE MATERIAL: Plastic
    BEZEL: Plastic; plastic window protects LED & reflector
    BATTERY: 3xAA cells
    WATER- AND PEE-RESISTANT: Splatter-resistant at best
    ACCESSORIES: 3xAA cells, 4 pattern lens covers
    WARRANTY: Unknown/not stated


    This is a seasonal novelty product and will not be assigned a "star" rating for that reason.

Halloween Spooky Sounds Flashlight *

Do you manufacture or sell an LED flashlight, task light, utility light, or module of some kind? Want to see it tested by a real person, under real working conditions? Do you then want to see how your light did? If you have a sample available for this type of real-world, real-time testing, please contact me at bdf1111@yahoo.com.

Please visit this web page for contact information.

Unsolicited flashlights, LEDs, and other products appearing in the mail are welcome, and it will automatically be assumed that you sent it in order to have it tested and evaluated for this site.
Be sure to include contact info or your company website's URL so visitors here will know where to purchase your product.

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GREEN 525nm InGaN 
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AMBER 595-605nm
ORANGE 605-620nm
ORANGISH-RED 620-635nm
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