Flashing LED Teeth, retail $14.95* (www.orientaltrading.com...)
Manufactured by (Unknown)
Last updated 04-14-20

This is a set of flashing LED teeth that are meant to be worn on Halloween as part of your Halloween costume.

They are made out of a soft plastic compound designed not to cause pain or injury when you put them in your mouth, and use four colored LEDs that rapidly flash in a pseudo-random fashion.

* Price of $14.95 is for 12 units; this works out to a price of ~$1.25 apiece.


The flashing LED teeth are ready to go as soon as you remove them from the package.

To turn them on or off, press & release the black button you see in the center of the product at the center of its underside.

See that black thing near the center of the middle segment?
That's the switch.

Put them in your mouth; teeth facing down, and press them onto your upper teeth.
They are apparently designed for children's mouths, as they are too small to fit an adult's mouth.

According to the packaging, you should douche them off thoroughly before & after first use and after each subsequent use.

This product appears to be disposable, so I don't have battery changing instructions for you today.

This is a set of flashing teeth meant to be used on Halloween, not a flashlight meant to be used every day, carried around, thrashed, trashed, and abused. So I won't throw them against the wall, stomp on them, run over them with a 450lb Celebrity (a motorised wheelchair), swing them against the concrete floor of a patio, bash them open to check them for candiosity, fire them from the cannonada (I guess I've been watching the TV program "Viva Piņata" too much again - candiosity is usually checked with a laser-type device on a platform with a large readout or with a handheld wand), send them to the Daystrom Institute for additional analysis, or inflict upon them punishments that I might inflict upon a flashlight. So this section of their web page will be SIGNIFICANTLY more bare than this section of the web page on a page about a flashlight.

11 of the 12 units functioned properly; the 12th unit didn't turn on at first, then came on by themselves a moment later but dimmer than the others, indicative of partially expired batteries.

It has been brought to my attention that users of this product may be exposing themselves to lead from solder; however, this is ***NOT*** the case, as the circuit board is totally covered - the unit is even washable with water. So you need not worry about it.

Photograph of the product, illuminated, of course.
Product is upside-down in this photograph.

Brief video on YourTube showing the product flashing in my mouth.
This clip is approximately 3.0 megabytes (3,148,158 bytes) in length; dial-up users please be aware.
It will take no less than twelve minutes to load at 48.0Kbps.
I cannot provide it in other formats, so please do not ask.

A Star Trek: Voyager episode was playing on the boob tube when this was recorded;
the product is not sound-sensitive, so the sound may be ignored or muted if it piddles you off.

Test units were purchased at the Oriental Trading website on 08-19-07, and arrived on the afternoon of 08-27-07.

Product was made in China.
A product's country of origin really does matter to some people, which is why I published it on this web page.

UPDATE: 00-00-00



    PRODUCT TYPE: Flashing LED teeth prosthesis
    LAMP TYPE: 3mm LED
    No. OF LAMPS: 4 (1 ea. red, yellow, green, blue)
    SWITCH TYPE: Pushbutton on/off
    CASE MATERIAL: Flexible plastic
    BEZEL: N/A
    BATTERY: 3x button cells; type unknown
    CURRENT CONSUMPTION: Unknown/unable to measure
    SUBMERSIBLE: Yes, to shallow depths at minimum
    ACCESSORIES: 3x button cells
    WARRANTY: Unknown/not stated


    Star Rating

Flashing LED Teeth * www.orientaltrading.com...

Do you manufacture or sell an LED flashlight, task light, utility light, or module of some kind? Want to see it tested by a real person, under real working conditions? Do you then want to see how your light did? If you have a sample available for this type of real-world, real-time testing, please contact me at bdf1111@yahoo.com.

Please visit this web page for contact information.

Unsolicited flashlights appearing in the mail are welcome, and it will automatically be assumed that you sent it in order to have it tested and evaluated for this site.
Be sure to include contact info or your company website's URL so visitors here will know where to purchase your product.

WHITE 5500-6500K InGaN+phosphor 
ULTRAVIOLET 370-390nm GaN 
BLUE 430nm GaN+SiC
BLUE 450 and 473nm InGaN
BLUE Silicon Carbide
TURQUOISE 495-505nm InGaN
GREEN 525nm InGaN 
YELLOW-GREEN 555-575mn GaAsP & related
YELLOW 585-595nm
AMBER 595-605nm
ORANGE 605-620nm
ORANGISH-RED 620-635nm
RED 640-700nm
INFRARED 700-1300nm
True RGB Full Color LED
Spider (Pirrahna) LEDs
True violet (400-418nm) LEDs
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