Marshalling Wand/Flare, retail $21.99 (
Manufactured by Dorcy (
Last updated 11-02-19
The Dorcy Marshalling Wand/Flare is just that: a marshalling wand that also fits in a tripod accessory made specifically for it so it can be used as an "e-flare". It is non-incendiary (does not use fire), runs cool, and uses common batteries so it is reusable.
It has six high-output red Nichia LEDs in its translucent red wand; which is texturised inside so it offers true 360° visibility.
To use the flare, install the batteries first (see directly below), and then you'll be ready to rock.
Press the button on the side of the barrel near the red wand until it clicks and then release it to turn the product on. It should now blink at approximately 10Hz (10 flashes per second).
Do the exact same thing again to turn it off.
If you wish to use the tripod accessory, extend the tripod's legs as far as they will go, set the tripod on the road or other surface you are deploying it on, insert the base of the wand into the center of the opening of the tripod for it, slide the wand down until it does not lower any further, and turn the wand on. It's much easier to do in person than it looks in writing.
I don't have ready access to an airport, nor would I be allowed onto the tarmac with 500 tons of Jumbo Jet headed toward me - as I do not know how to use marshalling wands to direct the aircraft's movements, so I will not be able to furnish you with that information.
To change the batteries when necessary, unscrew and remove the red wand, and set it aside.
Tip the used D cells out of the barrel and into your hand, and dispose of or recycle them as you see fit.
Insert two new D cells in the barrel, button-end (+) positive facing up.
Screw the red wand back on finger-tight, and be done with it.
Due to the way the product is constructed and how it operates, I cannot furnish a current measurement for you today.
Because this is an all-plastic product, "The Smack Test" would really not be appropriate here.
The red part of this wand is made of a fluorescent "day-glow" type of material; this helps to assure maximum visibility during the day when the LEDs themselves might not be as visible.
When the wand is used at night, the LEDs offer a viewing angle of 360° horizontal by approximately 200° vertical; so it can be either handheld or mounted on the optional tripod and the LEDs will be pretty much equally visible.
The wand appears to be weather- and water-resistant enough that you need not be concerned about using it in the rain or snow; and falls into shallow water or unintentional kicks into snowbanks should not kill it either. There is a beefy gasket between the red wand and the barrel; I believe this will do the job.
I tossed it in the cistern (at least 12" water depth) at 66°F (18.9°C) for approximately one minute, dried it off with some bungwipe, and examined its interior. I found no water inside, and the product did not fail or malfunction.
The unit uses two D cells, and has an expected battery life of ~400 hours.
The marshalling wand has a wrist lanyard included, already attached to the tail. So you can carry the wand this way and have both hands free for other tasks if necessary.
It can be ordered with a tripod accessory, Folding Tripod Stand #1059, $5.99.
The tripod stand has folding legs, so it can be conveniently folded and stored when not needed.
The photograph directly below shows this accessory attached.
Photograph of the Folding Tripod Stand as it should be deployed & used.
Photograph of the wand - in its "on" cycle of course.
The wand glowing in the ~405nm NUV radiation from the five NUV LEDs in an Inova X5T flashlight.
Spectrographic analysis of the LEDs in this marshalling wand.
Spectrographic analysis of the fluorescence of the outer casing of this product when irradiated with the Yellow DPSS Laser Module.
USB2000 spectrometer graciously donated by P.L.
Quicktime movie (.mov extension) showing the product blinking.
Blinking is much more regular than this movie makes it appear.
This clip is ~1.2 megabytes (1,358,600 bytes) long; dial-up users please be aware.
It will take no less than five minutes to load at 48.0Kbps.
This is a video on YouTube showing the wand flashing.
Blinking is much more regular than this video makes it appear!!!
This clip is approximately 5.45593004337 megabytes (5,636,016 bytes) in length; dial-up users please be aware.
It will take no less than twenty seven minutes to load at 48.0Kbps.
I cannot provide either video in other formats, so please do not ask.
Test unit was purchased on 06-16-05, and was received late on the morning of 06-28-05.
Its evaluation was delayed by three days because I did not have D cells for it.
UPDATE: 07-10-05
After I called 911 for my housemate last night (07-09-05) (he needed an ambulance), I reached for the Dorcy Marshalling Wand, put it in the tripod accessory, and deployed it on top of the recycling can out front so that the driver could more easily identify which house to stop at as our house numbers aren't conspicuous. Needless to say, they stopped at the correct house and did their business. If I did not have the Dorcy Marshalling Wand, I would have used a TurboFlare 360, a Safety Site e-flare, an Ezyflare, or an eflare EF-510.
So I would have not been SOL in any case.
Glad my housemate had a flashlight reviewer move in last autumn, or he might have been SOL!!!
UPDATE: 01-03-06
After I called 911 for my housemate this evening (he needed an ambulance), I once again reached for the Dorcy Marshalling Wand, and used it to ensure the ambulance stopped at the correct house.
Needless to say, they did...again.
I function as his live-in aide, so it is my job to summon medical help when it is needed...glad I have the Dorcy Marshalling Wand on my side.
UPDATE: 01-10-06
After I called 911 for my housemate this evening (he needed an ambulance *AGAIN*), I once again reached for the Dorcy Marshalling Wand, and used it to ensure the fire response unit (they arrived well before the ambulance did) stopped at the correct house.
Needless to say, they did...again.
UPDATE: 01-13-06
I just now realised that the Dorcy Marshalling Wand is retroreflective - that is, it reflects rather brightly when a light source near a person's eye level is aimed at the wand.
UPDATE: 02-10-06
After my housemate needed an ambulance *AGAIN*, I once again reached for the Dorcy Marshalling Wand, and used it to ensure the fire response unit (they arrived well before the ambulance did) stopped at the correct house. They missed by one house, but that was because they arrived before I got outside. They said "Okay!" when I stood on the sidewalk in front of our house and briefly waved it about.
UPDATE: 03-05-06
I used the Dorcy Marshalling Wand again to be sure Medic One and the fire truck stopped at the correct address after my housemate asked me to call 911 for him (he thinks he might have been having a heart attack). As above, it functioned as intended.
UPDATE: 04-12-06
I used the Dorcy Marshalling Wand YET AGAIN to be sure the fire truck & Medic One stopped at the correct address after my housemate asked me to call an ambulance for him (he was experiencing #10 pain). As above, it functioned as intended.
Bright enough to be truly useful (see 07-10-05 update directly above)
Retroreflective wand
Water- and weather-resistant
Uses inexpensive and readily available batteries
Long battery life is expected
Inexpensive tripod accessory available
Possibility that it could become broken if sat or stepped on
It's rather large, so storage could be an issue if space is limited
PRODUCT TYPE: LED marshalling wand/road flare
LAMP TYPE: High-output red Nichia LED
BEAM TYPE: 360° horizontal, ~200° vertical
SWITCH TYPE: Rubber-covered on/off button on unit's bezel
BEZEL: Plastic; LEDs protected by plastic wand
BATTERY: 2xD cells
CURRENT CONSUMPTION: Unknown/unable to measure
SUBMERSIBLE: Unknown/probably not
ACCESSORIES: Wrist lanyard
WARRANTY: Unknown/not stated
Do you manufacture or sell an LED flashlight, task light, utility light, or module of some kind?
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