LED Upgrade Kit/Combo Upgrade Kit, retail $4.92 (www.niteize.com... and www.niteize.com...)
Manufactured by Nite Ize (www.niteize.com)
Last updated 11-20-05

Thuh kompanie thaat maiks thuh Nite Ize retroafittz kant spel "night" orr "eyes", but they still make an excellent product.

This is a product designed to replace the incandescent light blub in your Mini-Mag with LEDs. The white LEDs do not have delicate filaments to break when your Mini-Mag is dropped or thrown, and LEDs don't normally burn out after a couple of dozen hours like incandescent flashlight bulbs do.

The Nite Ize LED Upgrade Kit consists of a three-LED module that replaces the bulb in the flashlight, and a reflector ring that turns the light on and off. The LED module in the kit has a step-up circuit built in that allows the white LEDs to operate at full power from the two AA cells the flashlight uses.

You can also purchase the Combo Upgrade Kit, which contains a tailcap switch in addition to the LED module and reflector.


To use either kit, you'll need to have or purchase a Mini-Mag flashlight - this is the type that runs from two AA cells, and has a twist-to-light bezel. Install the batteries in the Mini-Mag first.

  • Unscrew and remove the Mini-Mag's head, and set it aside. Remove the incandescent bulb while it's burning - do not remove the batteries.

  • Remove the bulb by pulling it straight out with your fingers.

  • Grasp the flashlight head firmly, and unscrew the metal ring at the lens-end.

  • Remove the reflector, and replace it with the reflector ring furnished with the kit.

  • Screw the metal ring back on the flashlight head.

  • Install the Nite Ize adapter by inserting its two round pegs into the holes once occupied by the bulb. Push the adapter straight down; don't twist or try to force it in at an angle. Use gentle but firm pressure to insert the adapter.

  • If the Nite Ize adapter did not light up, remove it, turn it 180° (to reverse the position of the two pegs), and reinsert it. It will light up when you have it in correctly.

  • Screw the flashlight head back on, and tighten until the flashlight goes out and the head stops turning. The head only needs to be finger-tight. Do NOT overtighten it, because something might become broken if you screw the head on too tight. If you purchased the Combo Upgrade Kit, turn the Mini-Mag's head counterclockwise until it lights. Unscrew and remove the original tailcap, and screw the tailcap switch on that was supplied with the kit.

    Press tailcap button lightly and hold it that way to get intermittent light; release it to turn the light back off.

    Press the tailcap button a little more firmly until it clicks and then release it to turn the flashlight on in continuous or hands-free mode. Press and release the button the same way to turn the flashlight off.

    If you purchased the Upgrade Kit without the switch, turn the bezel counterclockwise to turn the flashlight on, and turn the bezel clockwise to turn the flashlight off.

    Functionally, the finished flashlight is pretty much like a regular Mini-Mag, except that there is no beam width adjustment. Batteries are loaded from the rear.

    This light uses the same 2 AA cells as the original Mini-Mag, and they're loaded and unloaded the same way. Unscrew the tailcap, dispose of the old AA cells (or recycle them, if your community has a battery reclamation program), slide two new AA cells in with the button-end (+) positive going in first, and screw the tailcap back on. This battery change is easy when compared to some other flashlights, and you should be able to accomplish it in total darkness.

    Measures 269.9mA on my DMM's 400mA scale.

    As a flashlight, the unit is reasonably sturdy (as all Mag-Lites are), and is of a proven physical design. Mag Instruments (of which Nite Ize has *no* affiliation!) has been making flashlights for years, and they have a long track record for durability.

    Smacking the unit ten times against a steel rod (five near the tailcap, and five on the side of the bezel) caused no visible damage other than possibly some slight marring of the ribbing on the bezel, and the adapter itself was not damaged in any fashion.

    The assembled flashlight is weather- and water-resistant, and has at least some degree of waterproofness. When the tailcap was removed, the unit was relieved of its batteries, and that dreadful suction test was performed, no leakage was detected. I don't know how waterproof it is, but you would not kill it if you dropped it in a puddle, slush pile, snowbank, or similar.

    The light consists of a wide spot with soft edges. The light has a slight bluish tint, but if you showed a roomfull of people the beam and asked them to tell you what color they saw, everybody in that room would holler "WHITE!!!" in response to that query. I think I can pretty much guarantee you that.

    Beam photo at ~12".
    Measures 45,300mcd on a Meterman LM631 light meter.

    Test units were sent by Nite Ize and were received on 05-19-05. I waited until today because I had to go to Fred Meyers and buy a Mini-Mag because I did not have one in its feral state handy at the moment.

    UPDATE: 11-20-05
    I have heard that Nite Ize LED Mini Mag kits are at Wall*Mart now for $4.92.

    Easy to install
    Decent brightness for a 2 cell product


      MANUFACTURER: Nite Ize
      PRODUCT TYPE: LED bulb retrofit
      LAMP TYPE: 5mm white LED
      No. OF LAMPS: 3
      BEAM TYPE: Wide spot with smooth penumbra; three blobs in corona
      SWITCH TYPE: (If used) Pushbutton momentary/on/off on tailcap
      BEZEL: Metal; LEDs and reflector protected by plastic window
      BATTERY: 2xAA cells
      WATER RESISTANT: Yes (when assembled)
      SUBMERSIBLE: Yes, to shallow depths anyway (when assembled)
      ACCESSORIES: Reflector, tailcap switch if you buy the "Combo" kit
      WARRANTY: Unknown/not stated


      Star Rating

    LED Upgrade Kit/Combo Upgrade Kit * www.niteize.com... and www.niteize.com...

    Do you manufacture or sell an LED flashlight, task light, utility light, or module of some kind? Want to see it tested by a real person, under real working conditions? Do you then want to see how your light did? If you have a sample available for this type of real-world, real-time testing, please contact me at bdf1111@yahoo.com.

    Please visit this web page for contact information.

    Unsolicited flashlights appearing in the mail are welcome, and it will automatically be assumed that you sent it in order to have it tested and evaluated for this site.
    Be sure to include contact info or your company website's URL so visitors here will know where to purchase your product.

    WHITE 5500-6500K InGaN+phosphor 
    ULTRAVIOLET 370-390nm GaN 
    BLUE 430nm GaN+SiC
    BLUE 450 and 473nm InGaN
    BLUE Silicon Carbide
    TURQUOISE 495-505nm InGaN
    GREEN 525nm InGaN 
    YELLOW-GREEN 555-575mn GaAsP & related
    YELLOW 585-595nm
    AMBER 595-605nm
    ORANGE 605-620nm
    ORANGISH-RED 620-635nm
    RED 640-700nm
    INFRARED 700-1300nm
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