Somewhat brief* flight of my DJI Phantom 3 Standard 07-16-19 (2.7k) (2)
Flight took place (launched anyway) in the airspace over the north parking lot of the Cedar Framery store located at 3035 N. Cedar Ave. in Fresno CA. USA at 8:08am PDT on 07-16-19 (or, "2019-07-16T08:08" or "2019 16 July" or even, "Jul 16, Twenty Stick-Seriously-Fracked-Up-Stick" if you prefer).
Weather conditions at flight time were mostly sunny, temperature was 79°F (27.2°C), and winds measured with my stupid sodding "rotten polar bear urine yellow" digital "windometer" (as JD from JD Quad in the UK calls them even though the bloody things are actually called, "anemometers") ;-) were generally variable with gusts not exceeding 4.3mph (6.92kph) at the surface and aloft.
The music that you hear is zax from various games & demo programs ("demos") for the Commodore 64 computer.
This product is not audio (sound)-sensitive in any manner; the music may safely be ignored or even muted if it pisses you off
I'm a metalhead *MOST* of the time, but not *ALL* of the time!!! :-)
L'un peu gros «tas flamboyant de bâtons» (LE FAGOT BAISANT) que vous y voyez dans le fauteuil roulant électrique baisant fait sauter avec les batteries mortes sacrées stupides est le pilote - moi évidemment !! {The somewhat fat "flaming pile of sticks" (THE FV¢K!NG F46607) that you see in the blasted fv¢k¡ñg electric wheelchair with the stupid gosh darn-diddly-arn dead batteries in it is the pilot -- me of course!!}
* Somewhat brief because the MicroSD memory chip had filled to capacity in mid-flight. :-(
***NSFYE*** Flight of my DJI Phantom 3 Standard 07-16-19 (2.7k) (1)
Flight took place (launched anyway) in the airspace over Einstein Park located at 3566 E Dakota Ave. in Fresno CA. USA at 7:28am PDT on 07-16-19 (or, "2019-07-16T07:28" or "2019 16 July" or even, "Jul 16, Twenty Stick-Seriously-Fracked-Up-Stick" if you prefer).
Weather conditions at flight time were mostly sunny, temperature was 68°F (20°C) increasing to 77°F (25°C) as the flight progressed, and winds measured with my stupid sodding "rotten damselfly larva poddy* yellow" portable digital "windometer" (as JD from JD Quad in the UK calls them even though the bloody things are actually called, "anemometers") ;-) were variable to 9.90mph (15.94kph) at the surface and aloft.
Light some candles, draw a refreshing (but soothing) bubble bath, and immerse yourself in the sweat dulcet tones of some nice relaxing Anthrax. ;-)
This product is not audio (sound)-sensitive in any manner; the music may safely be ignored or even muted if it piddles you off.
*THE FV¢K?!?*
Anthrax has *NO SWEET DULCET TONES* (except for maybe in the song, "Pieces") and is most certainly not *RELAXING!!!* ;-)
It's like Arizona scorpion venom to the ears of many!!! :-O
I added, "***NSFYE***" (Not Safe For Your Ears) to the video title because not everybody who comes here to watch drone vidz is a metalhead and would appreciate the unwelcome surprise earwhipping and subsequently won't appreciate seeing all of those bloody Q-Tips floating in their toilets. :-)
L'un peu gros «tas flamboyant de bâtons» (LE FAGOT BAISANT) que vous y voyez dans le fauteuil roulant électrique baisant fait sauter avec les batteries mortes sacrées stupides est le pilote - moi évidemment !! {The somewhat fat "flaming pile of sticks" (THE FV¢K!NG F46607) that you see in the blasted fv¢k¡ñg electric wheelchair with the stupid gosh darn-diddly-arn dead batteries in it is the pilot -- me of course!!}
That yawing (rotation) that you see near the beginning of the flight was just me being goofy -- e.g., it was intentional. I might be almost 55, but I can still be a bit of a sillyfish at times. :-)
* Damselfly larvae (all insects for that matter) do not hit the head or visit the whizzer like a person does (by storing their micturition in an expandable sac and then ejecting it through the urethra and into the loo or into the walltoliet when the bladder is full -- the stupid loud insect would not be able to flush the bog or the urinal as well); therefore there is really no such thing as damselfly larva poddy.
Hot weather* brief post-repair test flight** of my DJI Phantom 3 Standard 07-15-19 (2.7k) (1)
Flight took place (launched anyway) in the airspace over the 3600-block of N. Maple Ave. in Fresno CA. USA at 3:11pm PDT on 07-15-19 (or, "2019-07-15T15:11" or "2019 15 July" or even, "Jul 15, Twenty Stick-Seriously-Fracked-Up-Stick" if you prefer).
Weather conditions at flight time were mostly sunny, temperature was 110°F (43.3°C), and winds measured with my stupid sodding "rotten Weddel seal piddle yellow" portable digital "windometer" (as JD from JD Quad in the UK calls them even though the bloody things are actually called, "anemometers") ;-) were variable to 6.80mph (10.95kph) at the surface and aloft.
The music that you hear is zax from the Pee-Cee computer demo, "Crystal Dream 2" by the PC demo group Triton.
This product is not audio (sound)-sensitive in any manner; the music may safely be ignored or even muted if it torques you off.
«Le paquet brûlant quelque peu gros de brindilles» (LE FAGOT BAISANT) ces vous voyez est le pilote -- je naturellement! {The somewhat fat "burning bundle of twigs" (THE FV¢K¡NG F46607) that you see is the pilot -- me of course!}
* Hot weather in this context means an ambient temperature of 104°F (40°C) to 121°F (49.4°C) at flight time.
** brief post-repair test flight because this flight was made with a brand spanken new set of props; I'm making the flight at this location so I won't have to waste a trip to a more distant flying venue in the event that the drone misbehaves. :-)
As you can see, the drone functioned within established parameters; so now I feel sufficiently confident to take the Phantom 3 Std. for a "real" flight! :-D
Officer Jerry, the propellers came today; this is the first of three flights that I've made on the new props thus far; a sunset flight is also planned if I can get a battery charged in time.
VERY BRIEF* flight of my DJI Phantom 3 Standard 07-13-19 (2.7k) (1)
Flight took place (launched anyway) in the airspace near a socker pitch, an unused group of three baseball diamonds, and a canal located near the intersection of E. Ashlan Ave. and N. Barton Ave. in Fresno CA. USA at 7:23am PDT on 07-13-19 (or, "2019-07-13T07:23" or "2019 13 July" or even, "Jul 13, Twenty Stick-Seriously-Fracked-Up-Stick" if you prefer).
Weather conditions at flight time were mostly sunny, temperature was 69°F (20.6°C) increasing to 81°F (27.2°C) by the time I returned, and winds measured with my stupid sodding "rotten praying mantis urine** yellow" portable digital "windometer" (as JD from JD Quad in the UK calls them even though the bloody things are actually called, "anemometers") ;-) were generally clam at the surface and aloft.
The music that you hear is zax from the Commodore Amiga computer demo, "Grind" by the Amiga demo group Dekadence.
This product is not audio (sound)-sensitive in any manner; the music may safely be ignored or even muted if it piddles you off.
L'un peu gros «tas flamboyant de bâtons» (LE FAGOT BAISANT) que vous y voyez dans le fauteuil roulant électrique baisant fait sauter avec les batteries mortes sacrées stupides est le pilote - moi évidemment !! {The somewhat fat "flaming pile of sticks" (THE FV¢K!NG F46607) that you see in the blasted fv¢k¡ñg electric wheelchair with the stupid gosh darn-diddly-arn dead batteries in it is the pilot -- me of course!!}
* VERY BRIEF because immediately after liftoff, the drone was making a queer sound and was visibly wobbling, so I attempted an auto-landing on the spot -- but the drone seemed to develop a mind of its own. :-(
It soon crashed into the side of a structure (near ground level, thankfully) and ended up "landing" upside-down which "destroid" the front port (left) prop and the rear starboard (right) prop. Since I have no spares on hand, I'm going to see if I can snag a set of props on Ebay -- but it looks like flights are on hiatus until I receive them.
(Props ordered; they should be here this coming Thursday 07-18-19! :-)
** Praying mantids (all insects for that matter) do not visit the loo or make a pit stop at the whizzer like a person does (by storing their poddy in an expandable sac and then ejecting it through the urethra and into the bog or into the walltoliet when the bladder is full -- the stupid painful insect would not be able to flush the head or the urinal as well); therefore there is really no such thing as praying mantis urine.
Hot weather* flight of my DJI Phantom 3 Standard 07-12-19 (2.7k) (2)
Flight took place (launched anyway) in the airspace over the 3600-block of N. Maple Ave. in Fresno CA. USA at 2:37pm PDT on 07-12-19 (or, "2019-07-12T14:37" or "2019 12 July" or even, "Jul 12, Twenty Stick-Seriously-Fracked-Up-Stick" if you prefer).
Weather conditions at flight time were mostly sunny, temperature was 109°F (42.8°C), and winds measured with my stupid sodding "strong giraffe uranation yellow" portable digital "windometer" (as JD from JD Quad in the UK calls them even though the bloody things are actually called, "anemometers") ;-) were generally clam at the surface and aloft.
The music that you hear is zax from several demo programs for the Pee-Cee computer.
This product is not audio (sound)-sensitive in any manner; the music may safely be ignored or even muted if it piddles you off.
«Le paquet brûlant quelque peu gros de brindilles» (LE FAGOT BAISANT) ces vous voyez est le pilote -- je naturellement! {The somewhat fat "burning bundle of twigs" (THE FV¢K¡NG F46607) that you see is the pilot -- me of course!}
* Hot weather in this context means an ambient temperature of 104°F (40°C) to 121°F (49.4°C) at flight time.
***NSFYE*** Flight of my DJI Phantom 3 Standard 07-12-19 (2.7k) (1)
Flight took place (launched anyway) in the airspace near a socker pitch, an unused group of three baseball diamonds, and a canal located near the intersection of E. Dakota Ave. and N. Barton Ave. in Fresno CA. USA at 7:23am PDT on 07-12-19 (or, "2019-07-12T07:23" or "2019 12 July" or even, "Jul 12, Twenty Stick-Seriously-Fracked-Up-Stick" if you prefer).
Weather conditions at flight time were mostly sunny, temperature was 69°F (20.6°C) increasing to 77°F (25°C) as the flight progressed, and winds measured with my stupid sodding "rotten cicada poddy* yellow" portable digital "windometer" (as JD from JD Quad in the UK calls them even though the bloody things are actually called, "anemometers") ;-) were generally clam at the surface and aloft.
Light some candles, draw a refreshing (but soothing) bubble bath, and immerse yourself in the sweat dulcet tones of some nice relaxing Anthrax. ;-)
This product is not audio (sound)-sensitive in any manner; the music may safely be ignored or even muted if it piddles you off.
*THE FV¢K?!?*
Anthrax has *NO SWEET DULCET TONES* (except for maybe in the song, "Pieces") and is most certainly not *RELAXING!!!* ;-)
It's like platypus venom to the ears of many!!! :-O
I added, "***NSFYE***" (Not Safe For Your Ears) to the video title because not everybody who comes here to watch drone vidz is a metalhead and would appreciate the unwelcome surprise earwhipping and subsequently won't appreciate seeing all of those bloody Q-Tips floating in their johns. :-)
L'un peu gros «tas flamboyant de bâtons» (LE FAGOT BAISANT) que vous y voyez dans le fauteuil roulant électrique baisant fait sauter avec les batteries mortes sacrées stupides est le pilote - moi évidemment !! {The somewhat fat "flaming pile of sticks" (THE FV¢K!NG F46607) that you see in the blasted fv¢k¡ñg electric wheelchair with the stupid gosh darn-diddly-arn dead batteries in it is the pilot -- me of course!!}
* Cicadas (all insects for that matter) do not hit the head or visit the whizzer like a person does (by storing their micturition in an expandable sac and then ejecting it through the urethra and into the loo or into the walltoliet when the bladder is full -- the stupid loud insect would not be able to flush the bog or the urinal as well); therefore there is really no such thing as cicada poddy.
Hot weather* flight of my DJI Phantom 3 Standard 07-11-19 (2.7k) (2)
Flight took place (launched anyway) in the airspace over 4504 N. Valentine Ave. (this is a street with virtually no traffic on it!) in Fresno CA. USA at 3:31pm PDT on 07-11-19 (or, "2019-07-11T15:31" or "2019 11 July" or even, "Jul 11, Twenty Stick-Seriously-Fracked-Up-Stick" if you prefer).
Weather conditions at flight time were mostly sunny, temperature was 108°F (42.2°C), and winds measured with my stupid sodding "strong rabbit piss yellow" portable digital "windometer" (as JD from JD Quad in the UK calls them even though the bloody things are actually called, "anemometers") ;-) were variable (but largely out of the W) and a bit gusty to 6.40mph (10.30kph) at the surface.
Light some candles, draw a refreshing (but soothing) bubble bath, and immerse yourself in the sweat dulcet tones of some nice relaxing Metallica. ;-)
This product is not audio (sound)-sensitive in any manner; the music may safely be ignored or even muted if it piddles you off.
Metallica has NO SWEET DULCET TONES (well, except for maybe the songs, "The Call of Ktulu" and, "Orion") and is most certainly not RELAXING!!! ;-)
It's like box jellyfish venom to the ears of many!!! :-O
I added, "***NSFYE***" (Not Safe For Your Ears) to the video title because not everybody who comes here to watch drone vidz is a metalhead and would appreciate the unwelcome surprise earwhipping and subsequently won't appreciate seeing all of those bloody Q-Tips floating in their toilets. :-)
L'un peu gros «tas flamboyant de bâtons» (LE FAGOT BAISANT) que vous y voyez dans le fauteuil roulant électrique baisant fait sauter avec les batteries mortes sacrées stupides est le pilote - moi évidemment !! {The somewhat fat "flaming pile of sticks" (THE FV¢K!NG F46607) that you see in the blasted fv¢k¡ñg electric wheelchair with the stupid gosh darn-diddly-arn dead batteries in it is the pilot -- me of course!!}
* Hot weather in this context means an ambient temperature of 104°F (40°C) to 121°F (49.4°C) at flight time.
Very warm weather* slightly brief** maiden flight of my DJI Phantom 3 Standard 07-11-19 (2.7k) (1)
Flight took place (launched anyway) in the airspace over the packed dirt & grassy field in front of Apex Granite Outlet located at 4708 N. Marty Ave. in Fresno CA. USA at 11:47am PDT on 07-11-19 (or, "2019-07-11T11:47" or "2019 11 July" or even, "Jul 11, Twenty Stick-Seriously-Fracked-Up-Stick" if you prefer).
Weather conditions at flight time were mostly sunny, temperature was 95°F (35°C), and winds measured with my stupid sodding "strong goat urine yellow" portable digital "windometer" (as JD from JD Quad in the UK calls them even though the bloody things are actually called, "anemometers") ;-) were variable (but largely out of the W) and a bit gusty to 13.00mph (20.93kph) at the surface.
Light some candles, draw a refreshing (but soothing) bubble bath, and immerse yourself in the sweat dulcet tones of some nice relaxing Anthrax. ;-)
This product is not audio (sound)-sensitive in any manner; the music may safely be ignored or even muted if it piddles you off.
*THE FV¢K?!?*
Anthrax has *NO SWEET DULCET TONES* (well, except for maybe the song, "Pieces") and is most certainly not *RELAXING!!!* ;-)
It's like brown recluse venom to the ears of many!!! :-O
L'un peu gros «tas flamboyant de bâtons» (LE FAGOT BAISANT) que vous y voyez dans le fauteuil roulant électrique baisant fait sauter avec les batteries mortes sacrées stupides est le pilote - moi évidemment !! {The somewhat fat "flaming pile of sticks" (THE FV¢K!NG F46607) that you see in the blasted fv¢k¡ñg electric wheelchair with the stupid gosh darn-diddly-arn dead batteries in it is the pilot -- me of course!!}
* Very warm weather in this context means an ambient temperature of 95°F (35°C) to 103°F (39.4°C) at flight time.
** slightly brief because the flight battery was apparently in a state of partial discharge despite having tested full during the preflight check.
On the evening of 07-05-19, a LEO (Law Enforcement Officer) from the Fresno PD named Jerry stopped at the end of the driveway, walked up to me, and said that he was a huge fan of my YouTube channel and he recognised me from one of the videos that has my ugly mug on it -- and yes, he even likes my choice of music! -- he looked for my JJPRO "EPIK" drone which had gone down in a stand of trees earlier that evening; and when he returned a couple of hours later empty-handed,he told me that he'd GIVE ME one of his DJI drones just so I could keep my YouTube channel in regular updates!!! How cool is that?!? :-D
I went and got the drone this morning (I was on the other side of town petsitting my sister's kitties while she was out of town), charged up some batteries, and flew that puppy!!!
You sir, have singlehandedly restored my faith in humanity!!! :-)
Do you manufacture or sell an LED flashlight, task light, utility light, or module of some kind?Want to see it tested by a real person, under real working conditions? Do you then want to see how your light did? If you have a sample available for this type of
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