JJR/C JJPRO X5 GPS 5G WiFi FPV R/C Drone, $189.99 (www.jjrc.com...)
Manufactured by JJR/C (www.jjrc.com)
Last updated 05-08-20

(This photo is of the newer model, called the EPIK+)

This isn't a flashlight, household lamp, Christmas light set, or other thing that glows, but it *DOES* have a number of LEDs on its fuselage (this word is definitely *NOT* pronounced "fyoo SELL' uh jee" as Drake Parker from the TV program "Drake and Josh" would pronounce it; the word is pronounced "
, so what the hey
I love things that fly; that's why I took the bate and also why I added a seperate section titled "PRODUCTS DESIGNED TO FLY" on my website a number of years ago and created a new website just a couple of weeks ago specifically for flying machines of this nature!!! I was also attracted to something that this drone has that many others don't...
- 1: It has GPS -- simply meaning that it can stably hover despite any mild wind and knows where 'Home' is.
- 2: It has a gyro -- that means it's easy to fly even for a "craptastic" pilot like me.
- 3: It has all of those wonderful LEDs
This is a small, not lightweight but not heavy either (400g), easy-to-fly 4-channel, brushless motor remote-controlled outdoor drone that has advanced features like GPS tracking, follow-me mode, orbit mode, waypoints, etc. Its remote uses RF (radio frequency) radiation at 2.4GHz to communicate to and from the drone.
It sports BRUSHLESS motors that deliver incredible amounts of power and have a far longer useable lifetime than their brushed counterparts.
It also flaunts a 1080p camera with a 5.8GHz transmitter to furnish a live video feed to the app; both still photos and aerial video can be taken with it!
You will however, need to procure your own MicroSD memory chip. I'd recommend a Class 10. If you use a memory chip that is rated lower than Class 10, you *MAY* see skipped frames, "jitters", unwanted intermittent video artifacts, and similar horse puckey.

This toy is a bit more complicated to get it to take off than your average toy-grade drone...here's how to get it off the ground:
As with any rechargeable product, charge it first (see directly below), install the flight battery, and then you can pretend to fly a dragonfly (well, that's what the kitty cats would think it was if it were designed to be flown in a small living room).
1: Plug the drone's battery into the drone itself; just push it into the battery bay until it stops. The drone will emit a series of tones when this is done. Turn the thumbscrew on the end of the battery ŧ of a turn counterclockwise (anticlockwise) as though you were loosening it. Place the drone on the ground.
2: On the remote control, slide the "OFF/ON" switch near the center toward the right. The remote will emit a BEEP tone when it is powered up. After several seconds, it should emit a second BEEP tone -- this lets you know that the drone and radio are bound with one another.
3: On your cellular telephone handset, go to WiFi settings and click, "Connect" on the entry that reads, "drone" followed by a series of numbers. (If you are not connected to a WiFi hotspot at this time, the drone WiFi signal may connect automatically.)
4: When that indicates "Connected", open the JJPRO- app.
5: At this point, you'll need to perform a geomagnetic calibration of the drone. Rotate it clockwise two or three times until the LEDs on the underside of its motor pylons turn from pale green to dark green. Now hold the drone vertically with its camera directed downward, and spin it clockwise again two or three times until you see two of the LEDs on its underside turn red. Place the drone on the ground so that the tail-end (the end where the flight battery goes in) faces you.
6: When the two rear LEDs on the drone turn a dark green, GPS lock has been established and you may now safely fly!
Press the Auto Takeoff button on the radio (it's the upper ledt button on the transmitter) or on the app itself. The JJPRO X5 GPS 5G WiFi FPV R/C Drone should now lift off the ground and come to a hover at approx. 1 meter (39 inches). Congratulations, you're now a pilot!!!
For additional instructions & tips on how to fly (including how to fly with your phone only or with the remote transmitter), please read the instructional material that comes with the product.
On the remote control, slide the "OFF/ON" switch near the center toward the left and unplug the drone's battery from the drone to neutralise them when you are finished.

The battery in the JJPRO X5 GPS 5G WiFi FPV R/C Drone itself is rechargeable; however the batteries in the remote will need to be changed from time to time.
To do this, slide the battery door off, carry it to the top of the basement stairs, and kick it down those stairs into the basement crawling with thousands of hungry termites that have to piddle -- they'll think it's something yummy to eat and start chewing on it, but quickly find it unpalatable, so they all pass micturition on it...O WAIT!!! YOU'LL NEED THAT!!! So just set it aside instead. 
Remove the four used AA cells from the compartment, and dispose of or recycle them as you see fit.
Insert four new AA cells into the compartment, orienting each cell so its flat-end (-) negative faces a spring for it in each chamber.
Finally, slide the battery door back on.
Aren't you glad you didn't kick that battery door down the stairs to all those hungry, hungry termites that really need to go poddy now?
To charge the battery in the JJPRO X5 GPS 5G WiFi FPV R/C Drone, plug the larger end of the USB charge cable into any USB port on your Mac or pee-cee, and plug the battery into the other end of the cable.
When the charge cycle is in progress, the green LED on the charger will be flashing at approx. 1Hz (one blink per second). When the charge cycle is complete, this LED should illuminate steadily.
You may then safely unplug the battery from the charger, and unplug the wired USB dongle from your computer.
Fully charging the JJPRO X5 GPS 5G WiFi FPV R/C Drone' battery should give you approx 15 to 20 minutes of flying time.

This R/C drone is meant to be used as a toy in a dry area outdoors (or in a large open room indoors), not as a flashlight meant to be carried around all the time, thrashed, and abused; so I won't throw it against the wall, stomp on it, try to drown it in the {vulgar slang term for a fudge bunny}bowl or the cistern, run over it, swing it against the concrete floor of a patio, bash it open to check it for candiosity, fire it from the cannoņata (I guess I've been watching the TV program "Viva Piņata" too much again
- candiosity is usually checked with a scanner-type device on a platform with a large readout, with a handheld wand that Langston Lickatoad uses, or with a pack-of-cards-sized device that Fergy Fudgehog uses; and the cannoņata is only used to shoot piņatas to piņata parties away from picturesque Piņata Island), send it to the Daystrom Institute for additional analyses, or inflict upon it punishments that I might inflict upon a flashlight.
So this section of the drone's web page will be significantly more bare than this section of the web page on a page about a flashlight.
The unit has a 4-channel remote control; this allows for forward / backward / up / down / left / right movement (movement on all three axes -- X, Y, and Z). It also has a fully proportional control system; simply meaning that the motor speeds can be varied depending on how far you move the joysticks -- it isn't simply "full power and no power at all" like some other R/C products.
The camera has a video resolution of 1920×1080 (1080P video quality).
Latency appears to be a significant issue that may forbid true FPV flight -- there is a delay of two or more seconds between what the drone sees vs. what you see in the app!
Altough having live feed on your smartphone is nifty, it is of little actual use beyond lining up photographic or video recordings. Seeing what the drone sees (esp. at altitude) kinda makes up for this little deficiency however!!!
I love my EPIK so much that I don't feel the need to derate it because of its FPV performance!

Photograph of its remote control with my own cellular telephone handset affixed to it.

Photograph of the remote control in its feral state (with no cellphone affixed to it).

(This pic is of the radio in the new EPIC+)
Spectrographic analysis of the OLED display in the radio.
Spectrographic analysis of the OLED display in the radio; spectrometer's response narrowed to a band between 445nm and 465nm to pinpoint native emission peak wavelength, which is 453.290nm.
The raw spectrometer data (tab-delimited that can be loaded into Excel) is at epik.txt
USB2000 Spectrometer graciously donated by P.L.

Test unit was purchased on Ebay on 12-04-18 and was received on 12-17-18; it became destroyed in mid-January 2019 so a replacement was ordered on 02-01-19 and was received on the afternoon of 02-18-19.
During a flight that I made on 03-12-19, the studly little UAV summarily fell out of the sky and was 'destroid' on impact.
Therefore, the always-dreadful, "
" icon will have to be appended to its listings on this website at once.
Shame too, I really liked the little fella.
UPDATE: 06-11-19
The replacement arrived at 11:36am PDT yesterday!!!
UPDATE: 06-25-19
The camera for the new drone was fuxxored; however I was able to successfully transplant the camera from one of my broken EPIK drones; but that's not why I'm adding this update.
While attempting an all-Follow Me mission yesterday, the drone inexplicably fell out of the sky from an altitude of ~30 meters, and was damaged upon impact with terra firma (the ground).
The casualty report:
- 1: The flight battery no longer fits into the drone's battery bay (I've got three more on hand).
- 2: One of the propellers is bent and will have to be replaced.
- 3: The motor with the damaged prop appears to be fuxxored; it's physically partially jammed but pulling upward on it frees it up. Only my next flight attempt will tell if this is a fatal injury or not (as it turned out, part of the pylon became broken and was rubbing up against the motor; a few turns of electrical tape around the broken part of the pylon has rectified this issue).
- 4: The flight camera and its mounting bracket were ripped from the underside of the fuselage and one of the rubber vibration damping washers is MIA (but I do have spares). Once the rubber washers are in place, I can use tape to hold the camera in place.
- 5: The camera's Y-axis adjustment is totally fuxxored; I can alter the tilt less than 15° instead of the 90° it was originally designed to move.
Post-repair testing has shown that the drone flies as good as new. :-)
But because the flight camera is a bit fuxxored, I'll be adding the "
" icon to let my viewers know that the product has PARTIALLY lost some of its functionality but essentally still works as intended (e.g., it still flies).
UPDATE: 06-26-19
I'm beginning to suspect the flight battery itself was responsible for yesterday's air disaster.
The only way to test this hypothesis though is to fly over short vegetation with the suspect battery powering the drone and just let my EPIK hover approx. 2 meters off the ground and see if anything happens before the battery goes to pot.
UPDATE: 06-27-19
Well, both of the suspect the batteries passed their tests; my final conclusion was that the catastrophic in-flight failure of main power was simply a very unfortunate fluke.
UPDATE: 07-06-16
Drone went haywire and crashed into a wooded area.
Because the drone is lost and therefore unrecoverable, the dreadful, "
" icon will have to be appended to its listings on this website.
UPDATE: 05-02-20
The replacement that I ordered with my COVID-19 stimulus money arrived yesterday; it's a medium-grey in color and the radio (controller) is extremely different than the one for the older-style EPIK drone.
I'll pop off some photos really soon.
BTW it's now named the EPIK+
According to the box (and the camera itself) the EPIK+ is equipped with a 4K camera.
UPDATE: 05-08-20
I no longer have the EPIK+ because on a flight that I made on the morning of 05-07-20 , the drone collided with a light standard inside a baseball park at Granite Fields in Fresno CA. USA and I watched helplessly as it plummeted to the surface.
Since the baseball park is closed and there is no obvious way in, the drone is very likely a total loss.
Because the drone is lost and therefore unrecoverable, the dreadful, "
" icon will have to be appended to its listings on this website.
UPDATE: 05-08-20
I was able to recover the drone, but it is damaged beyond my ability to repair. The front starboard motor has been sheared off (there is extensive damage to that pylon as well), and the battery is stuck in the battery bay -- my attempts to remove it have thus far been futile.
To wit:

PRODUCT TYPE: R/C GPS quadcopter (drone) w/inbuilt camera
No. OF LAMPS: 11 (1 red in remote, 1 red & 1 green in charger, 2 red, 2 green, 1 white in drone, 2 red & 1 blue in camera)
SWITCH TYPE: Slide switch on/off on remote
BATTERY: 4x AA cells for remote (2x AA cells for the newer EPIK+); 7.4V 1.8Ah (1,800mAh) Li:PO battery for drone
CURRENT CONSUMPTION: Unknown/unable to measure
WATER- AND URANATION-RESISTANT: Very light sprinkle-resistance only
ACCESSORIES: USB cable, balance charger, 2x flight batteries, remote controller, 2x front rotor blades, 2x rear rotor blades, small Phillips screwdriver, prop removal tool, 4 rubber grommets, smartphone bracket
SIZE: 350mm Sq x 95mm T
WEIGHT: 400g (incl. battery)
WARRANTY: Six months

(Yes, that's seven (7) radios that you see!
This is the best R/C drone that I've seen to date!!!)
JJR/C JJPRO X5 GPS 5G WiFi FPV R/C Drone * www.jjrc.com...
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