Fictional Band Names / Fictional Album Titles/Fictional Song Titles


10,757 Busted Light
Bad Band Names/Album Titles/Song Titles as of 03-28-25

Soggy Slippers Mirror,,rorriM Stormtrooper Cum Laude {pronounced "kumm lodd"} Invasion of the Body Crabs Mouldy Teeth Piss Bottle Bomber Vacuum Bag Infection Vomitoriumle The Band-AIDS Napalm Christmas TreefFfek Sweaty Showerhead Phist Phuck Phun Sunny Botulism Syringe Licker Toliet Tank Defecator Hooked on Cryonics Foooo-Luuuush! The Rat's Asses PHUQ2 Faggot Moose {The sysop of a BBS I logged onto in the early-1990s added this to the "Sysop Comments" field of my account} Piano Turd Burglars Piss Christ Sewer Pickle Wet Dog Smell Assimilated Nanites Blaze of Gory Kervorkian's Satanic Death Robots Cock-a-doodle DOO DOO Phat Urinator Ronco Rotisserie Victims Seat Up Or Down? The Amazing Plastic Toliet Band Accordion Destructors Slashing Bus Seats Rage Against the Answering Machine Polly's Got Anthrax Sanitised for Your Protection Toxic Wheelchair Elvis' Favourite Enema Thorny Jesus Houseplant Nicofool Talking Bomb Scrotum Driver Rusty Walker Sunflower Sperm 3D Toliet Tank Massengator Broomstick Douchewads Porta-Poddy Phoot Phetish Flushlight Twilight Nerds Stomp Your Hands and Clap Your Feet Moonshine Dildo Shitbowl Spazbag Magical Poo Shower Radiance of the Commode Spermbag Roundpants Dark Bulbs Ding Dong, The Toliet's Dead! Faggot Sweat Overkilljoy Gamma Puking Force Mouldy Phishes Fear The Toliet The Dirty Diaper Stompers Ratgut Sodium Sniffer Guitar Mutilator Healthy Hosebags Fabulous Fartbags Toliet! Toliet!!! {sp. intentional} Huffing Liquid Neon Vacuum Bag Urinator Bong Warriors Mouse Poop Gun Black Hole in One or Two 3-In-1 Bullshit Detector Musical Rat Fur Counterfucker Massenguillotine Uranal Straw Depending On Depends Walk Of Shame Shit in the Shower and Stomp it Down the Drane Dog Water Iced Doormat The Bagless Condoms Vacuum Fat Hate Mail Enema Flushing After Midnight Stepping on Insulators Dead Pepsi Wench The Sink is Your Toliet The Mighty Pisstones Saliva Spool Nieu Dunce Bust a Cap in Your Nightlight Poontang Heroes Brooz Crooz The Decaffeinated Stoplights Gangsta Masta Batas Cumseat Ejectors Testicular Atrophy The Lost Souls of NASCAR Shotgun Enema Underarm Micturition Taillight Pacifists Hoof & Mouth Kitty Litter Pussywhipped Aspirin The Unflushed Urinators Tampax in Tampa The USB Uranal Mints The Vacuum Pricks Sleeping in Cat Urine Packaged Rebellion Sunflower Feces Urine Potato Electric Harley House of Hate The Busted Urinators Toliets Kicked Off the Wall Sunflower Urine Bathtub Vitamin Brocolli Aspirin Green Jello Bites Testes Smashed with a Ball Peen Hammer He's Got...Pooooo-Pooooo The Bear Went Over the Mountain Mountain Doo-Doo Stomp 2,458,770 Tripping on Extacy The Pee Bottle Bombers RepHresh This! The Busted Light Bulbs Tampons + 18-Wheelers I've Got Poo-Poo On My Shoe Hairdryers In Toliets That's My Rat, Give Me Back its Ass! Terrifying Tinky Winky The Overflowing Airsickness Bags Telephone Spam Smells like Burning Poo Chrysanthemum Perspiration Cardiac Perspiration Armpit Rainbows Risk of Fecal Injury Liver Perspiration There Ought to be a Law Bloody Dentures Urine Broccoli Daisy Cum What's that Smell? Cellular Micturition Cephalic Odour Hillbilly Snatch The Rat Pellets Punk Piss Boob Pus Solar Powered Flashlight Sticky Lamp Rose Thorn Insemination Urine Jesus Afterbirth on Toast Instant Microwave Poo The Mouldy Flashlights Rhino Clit Electrodynamic Nerds Garbage Mouth Toliet Tongue Sewer Mouth Sewer Chute Urinator Cum Laude (pronounced "kumm lodd") Slutty Neon Sign Password to H-E-Double-Bendy-Straws That's the Answer "Y" is Not Really a Bowel - EVER!!! Cinnamon Toast Feces Plad to the Bone Speedlightpee ElectroUranalysis Crunchy Rat Poo Gee, Your Hair Smells Shitty!!! Sperm Urination Cannibal Wedding Canadian Fries Making Whoopie with My Whoopie Cushion Chewing Gum Under the Urinator The Ultimate Defecator 31,054,500 Points of Hate Ejection Toliet Seat My Job: The Dish Doucher Itsy Bitsy Teeny Weeny Urine Polka-Dot Bikinis Helicopter with Wings Ding Dong, the Sink is Dead The .38 Lights Gee, Your Hair Pisses Me Off! I'm Eighteen (And I Hate It!) Submarine Screen Doors Ding Dong, the Urinator's Flooded Mini-Wheat Cinnamon Prick The Boob Toobs AC/BC/CC/DC Here a Fece, There a Fece, Everywhere a Fee-See!!! ?ILLEGAL BICUSPID ERROR IN 64738 Hey hey hey!!! Fat Albert is Kicking Your Ass!!! Marshmallow Baseball Bats The Exposed Plutonium Cores of Broken Bowling Balls Dirty Washingmachines Eating Cereal out of the Toylet Bowl Suicide-Resistant Urinator/Drinking Fountain The Phoenix is Not Warp-Capable Zefram Cochrane is a Fraud Chrysanthemum Micturition The Brown Team Tongue Cheese Phillips Screwdriver Enema Hammer Nads The ISA Urinator Deodouriser Cakes Lingo-O-NO!!! CW (Charles Woolery) What Can Feces Do for You? Highway Flare Perspiration The Magic Toaster Airplane Pee Massengill brand Post-Mailbox Disposable Douches Sidewalk Poo Hamster Puke Pretty in Pre-Menstrual Princess Pink Phideaux's Kidney Odour Begin Round 2,458,770 We Took the Little Test Molly is Phun to Buttphuck! {sp. intentional} Snap! Crackle!! Pop!!! Free Testicular Meter k Brush...brush your teeth...31,054,500 times a day...every day!!!k kFloss...floss your teeth...15,527,250 times a day...every day!!!k kBrush Your Teeth 31,054,500 times a day, That's the Way to Fight Decay!k kFloss Your teeth 15,527,250 times a day, Helps Remove that Plack Away!k Women Want MORE Than All Frozen Urine Popcycle Shitting from the Brain Co-Co-Co-Co-Pilots Reach In & Get Yourself a Testicle Tater Tot Diapers Constipated Labia King Kong Krunch Wall Cabinet Bungalow Cheerio-NO!!! Breakfast Under the Wharf Tunneling Neutrino Beam Ding Dong What's Wrong with the Toliet? O NOOOOO!!! NOT NADS!!! Headlamp Hangover A Beautiful Whammy Unflushed Desk Lamp Cotton Pencil Laser Urine Beating Off in Baghdad Out To Lunchtime Wrecking Ball Masturbator Hunt It Down & Kill It Helium Neon Laser Potluck I Love Commercials...NOT!!! The Jenny Craig Christmas Catalogue I'll Have a Screwdriver...No, a Phillips Screwdriver Semicolon in Your Colon Snake Sweat 3-in-1 Polygrip Test Have You Called Jenny Yet? Sally Jesse Raphael's Boot Camp Punks kIt's The Most Wonderful Time...Of The Turtles!k Chickenshit Feces Teenaged Tunneling Ninja Mutants Digimon: Digital Monstrosities You've Got Enemail!!! Drinking Massengill Brand Post-Menstrual Disposable Douches Lips Sewn to Assholes You Can Edit Your Dog Water Mouldy Sewer Pickle Phear the Toliet The Grim Reaper Sucks Ass Sewer Truck Shenannigans Bullet Flashlight We Eat Frozen Fleet Brand Disposable Enemas The Seminiferious Bungsnoidial Tubloidial Buttsnoipes Unholy Water The Phlushed Phlashlights Micturition Apple Wastoids Pizza Back Diet Rong Unpure Zero {note sp.} Rhymes with Orange Wallet Clog Snake Chainsaw Douche Cat on a Cold Uranium Roof Fistful of Metal Enema kKirby, Kirby, Kirby He's Not the Star of the Show!k The Atomic Testing Ground Punks Got Battery Acid? "Vaccuummnne" Balls {sp. intentional} Paper Dog Cotton Horse Rubik's Sphere Global Cooling Nasonex...Day or Day! My Cat Neelix Preying Mantis Insert Slug to Play 1 Slug 1 Credit Game Not Over White Dhalias Moose-Lite Bulbs Whale Sperm Just Hose Me Down!!! Cat666 Satanic Network Cable Dick Cup ROG (Ride On Goons) SpectraSweet Flight Mistress Non-Atomic Battery Accordion Pythons King FFF We Are The Dumbasses...You Will Be Asslaminated...Resistors Are Fertile!!! Fleming Valve Destructors Wall Bins that Look Like Blue Urinators Acid Cat Mouse Mat Mayhem Flowers in the Dustbin Horse on the Bed Carpet Dog Redhouse Minimum Dave Dyslectics Untie Boner X-Ray Fetal Matter No Money Back Guarantee Polly Wants Anthrax The Dead Toliets The Live Milkmen Maddest Max at Thunderflush Broken Wheelchair kThere Was a Cat who Had a Name and Puffy Was His Name-Ok Retaliation of the Fembots The Winking Smilies Family Non-Matters Johnson Aircraft The Pee Spuds Folding Locksyrup Waffle He Thinks TV is a Disease The Smith Family Enemas I've Got Pee Pee On My Shoe Purple H-E-Double-Bendy-Straws Cartoon People LED Message Cock LED = Light Emitting Dude Transporters MicroScream Star Flyer Transom Splatter Milkdud Sweat The Swiffer Swappers kWho Was Evil, Who Was Five?k Shovel Your Conscience Into the Grave The Hershey Squirts Trucktoad Deadbeat Desk Lamp Salivation The Sloan Urinator Spuds SpectraSour Cameras With Busted Lenses Asparagus Micturition Joey, Joey Get Me Some Massengill The Rubber Band Paper Toliets Red Ryder in Siam Bad Band Names (Made-Up) Plutonium Pencil Lead Left-Footed Scissors Knives in the Garden Terrifying Telephone Tubas Paper Cut Amputation Altoids - The Diarrhea Giving Mints Green Eggs & Spam Dog Water Balloons The Busted Condoms Did Did Did Did You Hear the Falling Bombs? Ketchup Sprinklers Satan's Horseradish What's Wrong With My Poo? The Milky Urinators Why Is My Pee Green? Busted Pills in a Bottle Not Unsanitised for Your Unprotection The ISA Turd Burglars PISS ON, PISS GRASSHOPPER!!! Toliet Eggs {Vulgar Term for Vagina} (yes, that phrase and not "pussy") The Vitamin B4 Caplets are Tainted The Groggy Milkwomen Apple Sweat The "Hoo Phlung Pu" Band Tape Measure Defecation Toyletta Airplane Pee Slashing Truck Seats Dr. Pecker Digital Cameras with Faulty Photoflashes The MRI Jerkoffs Lighting & Death Appliance The Euro-Pro Bagged Cylindrical Tuna Who Left the Toliet Unflushed? Blue Clues!!! Vinegar & Water Dressing The Blown Rubbers Leaving the Iron On 2-Litre Bottle of Pop Rocks A Summer's Eve in Massengill Chainsaw Micturtion Ensign Wildman's Baby is Sick Holographic Doctor Doolittle Paper Screen TVs That Class M Planet is a Booby Trap!!! The MassenGators Sea Lion "Lite" Bulb Please Smoke in the Elevators Large Intestine Perspiration Kidney Flatulence Flat Tyre Orgasm The Clay Oragami Stools Thyme Hookah Pipe Don't Flush, the Garden Hose is Flooded!!! Christmas Dark Bulb Strands Temporal Tape Uranate in the Coffeepot The Cat Shat in My Shoes! KumKast Kable Remote Controlled Turds Fire Hydrant Uranation The Dog with the Flog Butchered Baby's Intestines Purina Rat Chow...Chow Chow Chow!!! Water Huffer Urine Tylenol Vaccuummnne Bathtub Vitamins Rubik's Puke Mailbox Enema The Doosh Crew Bagless Vacuum Bags The Poop Chute Vandals Would You Like Bungwipe with That? Paper Sink Snuggles Toliet Bear Kowabunga Dudette!!! Frownies, Not Smilies Toliet Turd Trap Telstar Telegraph Set Puke Green Traffic Cones F(l)at Tyre Urine Vited Shattered Mirror Honey, Grab Me the Plunger!!! O o, the Toliet's Flooded!!! Washingmachinemouth Boob Toob Clitoris Mirapex Makes You Gamble 21st Century Uninsurance Who Wants a Bloodbath? Vaginal Enema Sluts Chain Link Fence Micturition Skull & X-Bones Roger Dodger Toliet Sweat Catalouge of Amenities in H-E-Double-Bendy-Straws Cell Phone Spam Nightlight Antiperspirant That Stupid Cheerios Bee is Clogging the Toliet Again Thiss Sentense iz Pruufred! Helicopter Urine Think They're Sweating? Bubble Twine Spermjohn Ovalpants The Lockblade Frogs There's a Urinator Mint in My Throat Gerber Folding Baby Food Gangster Nightlight Light Bulb Nerds Pokemon Pokedad Semen Whale Rozarem is Speed!!! Pop Rocks Feces Musical Electric Chairs Liquid Helium Wheelchair LOX and Cream Sperm Rubik's Cube Fart Stinky Cat Box Odour Get In the Pool of Jello Carpet to Carpet Walling 1:37 to Midnight The Dog Kilogram Rat Kennel Kervorkian's Satanic Destructors Maternity Test Results Toad Stool Pigeon We've Pitted Out! The Overheated Spatulas O o, the Urinator's Unflushed! The Flaming Pepsi Blockheads I, FAGGOT!!! Polygrip Test Results Bally's Leather Hoar Men Without Fugly Hats Men Without Jobs Cesspool Idiot Pteradactyl Light Bulbs Jerry Springer's Loose on Campus!!! The Tight Cannons Unloaded Gun...*BANG BANG!!!* Shimmering Urine Incandescent Feces Magnificent Armpit Sweat Ding Dong Doily Khatty Kathy Drink Piss & Sperm @ The Cum Bar Cesswimming Pool Kee Ki Ko Kum!!! TAP FOOT FOR BJ Bloody Q-Tips Floating in the Toliet It's the Rotten Apple from Apple Jacks!!! Give Me Your Blood and Urine Please Texas Hold Up Geico Gecko Dead in the Toliet Gimme Your Sebum Please Dropping a Toadstool Ding Dong the Doorbell's Busted! Scrubbing Bubble Death Crash Course in Brane Surgery Independence Day of Rest Forgive Me Father For I Have Committed Flatulence Crying Tears of Coffee Pop That Zit on My Bunghole Cum Guzzling Guttersluts Updates are Not Ready for Your Computer The Fry Brain Train The Muck Truck Bells On My Pinkies Kaspersky Overload! Balls to the Hall Crunchatise This, Asswipe!!! Cap'n Soggy Spachela H8red My Lil' Defecator Urine Laser Sitting on Frozen Neon Wall Flatulence Unit Vault 1,053,000 Pancake Turner Feast Bubbleope of Nitrogen Dioxide Fluorescent Tube Whores Maynard, and Poopy, They're Both Good Names One Teaspoon of H-E-Double-Bendy-Straws The Sun is a Giant Fission Reactor...NOT!!! Tongue Paper Cuts from Licking Toads Pimp Your Sink Just Shoot Me...No Really!!! Star Track Marks Toliet Tissue Sandpaper Time For Your Meds, Maynard! Iggy, and Gurdie, they're Both Insane! Merferator Police The Tanqueray Faggots Tears for Queers Preparation-H Bunghomos The Turd Burglars Kandiosity Kweens Faggy Cheerios The Smashed Urinator Deodouriser Cakes It's a Chair...With Wheels!!! Cellular Telephone Defecation Excessive Bladder Perspiration Halitosis of the Spleen Coffee Cup Full of Urine Toliet Keyboard Clogged Magazine Cat Hairball Enema Ikkakumon Is a Queer Renamon is a Lezzy O no!!! Not With a Knife!!! Soda Fountain Rectangular Jerks Potato Salad Diarrhea Tonight...Solid Perspiration Goes Boom! GSN's 24-Hour Happy Hour Bunghole Alarm Clock Sand Dollar Toliet Tissue Vaginal Keyhole Testicular Diarrhea Land of Bagpipes Accordion Mutilators Electric Guitar Destructors Bongo Drum Cornholios I Need Pee-Pee for my Bunghole The Zester Farts Vaya Con Bungholio Micro Testicular Clips Pet Blinker Lead Weights Pop That Balloon Like a Zit Dental Carriers Cat on a Cold Soft Bed The Velveeta Sluts Scrotal Aspirin Photochop Five Year Beard Clippings Uranation {note sp.} Tomato Toliet Spud Valve Greasy Book Dog On a Warm Plutonium Roof Barium Douche Gadolinium Enema Radium Douchema Mouldy Houseplant The Frowning Graemlins The Mouse Pound Cutting Off Boobs House Rat Victor Humongous Sally Jessy Raphael's a Douchebag Ribbon Cable Torture Device Enemabag!!! Stilleto Heels of Death Drag Queen Victoria Prom King of Spades Dillhole!!! Dickweed!!! Boob Tube Augmentation The Rat Hairballs "Thuh" "Doosh" "Krew" Cathy Withakay Buzz Saw Perspiration Springfield Enema Academy Officer Smudgepot Police Candiosity Super Sour Butter K9 Disadvantix Santa's Little Harmer Catch Me if you Can, Little Bow Wow! Ziplock Storage Vacuums Pledge of Satanism Uranated Cat Wee Springfield Crime Spree My Own Dog Bit Me Telephone Spermicide Porch Light Poddy Covered In Camel Wee Rocket Micturition Folding Broccoli Sticky Doorknob Greasy Axe Handles Twelve is the Unluckiest Number My Best Friend's Midget is a Midget Test Target Insanity Phideaux's Noo Shooz Patio Puke STOP OR I'LL FLUSH!!! Hydrogenated Flashlight Corn Poop Heinz 31,054,500 Windex for the Elderly Stop-Phone Victorian Flea Collar OD on Baking Soda The Swimming Nuns Compass Jizz Scissors Enema Church in H-E-Double-Bendy-Straws Battery Poo The Evalyn Woodhead Slow-Reading Program Drowning Suit Geritol for Infants Burned Out Dark Bulbs If a Tree Falls in the Forest, Does Anybody Smell It? Barney the Purple Toliet Dinosaur Ronco Barney Slicers Baby Bop Broke Barney's Ant Farm Open -- for 1.47µS (microseconds) Wet Camel Smell Dry Dog Smell Concentrated Blue Whale Feces Shotgun Drippings "Wal"-"Mowntid" "Porselen" "Urenater" {noat: al werds intenshonely mispelt} Carpet Halitosis Shooting (of a) Star Closed Forever Rubik's Octagon Tinkertoys for the Elderly Little Zip Lock Bags of H-E-Double-Bendy-Straws Solar Cellulitis Smoking By People Who Have To Go #2 May Result In Fecal Injury Drane Bamage Lunar Eclipse of the Small Intestine Plastic Uranal Micturition Acute Cellular Mitosis Xenon Hexafluorane Chronic Liver Defecation Arbor Mist (Tree Sweat) Sierra Mist (Mountain Sweat) Deer Bacon Magma Sprinkler Dixie Cup of Hot Hydrogen Pentoxide Wet Tire Smell Subterranean Enuresis Cyclops - The Bounty Hunter Sweat Pee Sweatheart Thrown Brick Drive-Through Sears Big Book of Toliet Paper Hot Sunflower Sebum A Hundred Bucks for Your Thoughts Little Fuschia Book Jesus is Coming...and Boy is He Pissed Fifth Down!!! The Toliet Museum Hall of Urinators Light Saber Cum Laude I'll Have Some Coffee with My Sugar Booger Queen Diary King This Water Requires 45 to 90 Days to Harden O O the Cat Got Away!!! This Is Not an Exit Metal Thrashing Pissed Thank You for Not Flushing Howling Furies Hang Your Pants on a Telephone Wire DMM for Measuring Love & H8red Used Douche in a Phone Booth This is Not a Robbery!!! S.O.S. (Shit On the Shingles) Mayday!!! Juneday!!! Julyday!!! Jebediah Springfield Sounded like a Queer Rusty Scissors Card Sharks from Heaven It's OK to Tell a Lie if You Have Your Fingers Crossed Obtaining Spectrographic Analyses of Dark Matter Dinner Plate-Sized Armpit Puddles Yes, We Have No Radios The Snuggles Dryer Bear is Stinky!!! The Lamisil Dermatophytes Weight Watchers Diet Milkshake Toe Jam Big Bet Small Fried Douche Bottles Pennies from H-E-Double-Bendy-Straws Mannitol for Teenagers Saccharin is Good for You! Marry Poppin's Umbrella Orbited Jupiter Preparation-A Asteroid Reliever Edith Bunker Plays the Tromboner Spanking the Gorilla Candelabra Punishment Quantum Phase Inhibitor Running Over Busted Beer Bottles Tweezee is Hardee 3,000,000,000 Times Faster than Ordinary Tweezers Hale Bopp Crashes Into Neptune M-Joi Hair Growth Enhancer Underwatered Christmas Lights Spectroscopy of a Black Hole Remote Controlled Diahhrea Phoam Head Phred The Price Is Wrong, Bitch!!! Rat on an Incandescent Tungsten Roof The Masturbating Jaguars Rat Penises Iguana Vaginas Scrotal Boogers Excessive Bladder Fluoridation Knee Jerkoff Reaction Coffee Cups with Penile Handles Innover 24/7/365/366 13:59 The Dishdoucher's Flooded Tarantuala Pee The Urinous Rat Pellets Scrubbing Bubbles Flushable Toliet Brushes are NOT Flushable!!! Password Minus Les is Mor Cellular Telephone Micturition The Flushable Flashlights Disposable TV Sets Hang Up and Drive!!! The Jewel Box of Obsidian Meteor Pee Fistful of Picards Blades of Gory Hat Clip Enemabag Sloan Urinator Waste Valves Wet Whale Smell Pop Bottles Chock Full of Diamonds Urine Radish Underbyte Here Shampoo!!! Uranated Cat Turds Neil Fistful of Diamonds The Sye Fye Network Running Over Busted Insulators Urinators Kicked Off the Wall Kitty Cat Scan Break It Like a Party Animal! DianneDianne GPS Receiver Phone H-E-Double-Bendy-Straws The Woman's Warehouse Piñata Central The Women are Green Star Trek: Secondprise The Perry Como Homos The Unas are Queers Who Let the Madagascar Hissing Cockroach Out? YUCKY PEE!!! Pussy Whip Meterwoman LM531 The Cannoñatas Viva Viva Piñata Yata Yata Giraffe Semen Ferry Wand The USS Tustumena The Horse Flies Excalibur Doughnut Hole Micturition Chainsaw Douchebag Stepping On Used Enemas Liberal Twats The Dead Cokeheads Wheel Of Misfortune The Protons are Oozing Conservative Penises Merferatorfools The Chainsaw Gang Dead Avon Ladies Ding! Dong! The Bathtub's Clogged! Sonny Bravia Low-Definition Television Set The Garden Hose Won't Flush Snake "Lite" Bulb I'd Like to Buy a Consonant Sleeping in Enema Fluid Dirty Rotting Fuckbags 11.575" Ruler Aluminum Foil Bunghole Kitty Do Not Litter Disorders of Micturition Valspar Cold Drink Shark Turds Turning Wine into Pee The Wall*Mart Wallabies Chair Halitosis The Seminiferious Bungsnoidial Penises Field Fluctuations The Horizon Expanse Exocomp Urine Hoshi is a Lezzy Puke Bag Splitting Headachephones SKRU2 Fucking Cocksuckers WarpCoreOverloadFromHeck When the Bullet Hits the Phone Sour Sour Cream Gameboy Primitive Cordless Tub Lamp Wrapped Up Like a Douche On a Scale of One to Ten...Urinate Tube Steak of Death H8RED Cum-Stained Dresser Drawers Warp Activated...10...9...8...7...6..*BOOM!!!* Fighter Pilots Needed in Vulva Wars...Play Sperm Blaster! Suzuki Flower Mowers DR. Brand Field and Poo Scrambler Using the Marinator as the Urinator Chickensplat!!! Baby Dead Bloody Ketchup Twilight Hoars Drinking Glass Defecation The Vacuum Cleaner Colostomy Bags Jewelry Case of Sand Watch Your Asshole!!! Lip-Synching Defecation Have a Phoney Meal at KFC Scooping Up What Gets Away Smells like Burning Gastric Acid Vise Grip Dick Clamps Eureka Penile Vacuum A Survey for Wheel Owners Mitchum Woman How To Iron Shoes 666,666,666,666,666 Microseconds of Halloween Bury the Full Bucket Frog, the Wet Gear Ironing a No-Iron Sweatshirt PrtScrn Disaster LED Tester/Exploder Boiling Liquid Helium II Toliet Cake in Your Urethra Herniated Axillae Hose/Dick Clamp Wire Testicles Sonic the Foresthog Stepping in Wolf Shit Arthritic Pliers Tadpole the Dry Clutch 1,000,000 Points of Hate Caffeinated Alarm Clock Menstruated Hamsters Sticky Playboy Pages Oozing Hair Drop Your Dresser Drawers!!! Marinated Ashtray 185,999.998 Miles Per Second: Not Just a Good Idea, It's the Law Happy Syphillis Swauve Shampee Faster than the Speed of Genital Crabs Howling Anthrax Watch Out for that Smithee Combination Toenail/Cable Nippers Masterbator Lock Testicular Wall Clock Cigarette Stubs & Clouds in your Coffee Cock-A-Doodle Don't!!! Micro Nipple Test Hook Adapters Johnson's Really a Granny Smith Plenty More Tears Elderly Shampoo Curdled Chunks of Sour Puss Kicking a Puppy Rat Lactation Gooey Keyboard Macabre Babies Twisted Capacitor Broken Titanium Walker Altoids: The Curiously Urinous Mints Science 442 Wheelchair Footprints Waffle Stomper Tread Marks FED = Flame Emitting Diode Extra Crispy Transistor The Choke Coil Suffocates You Milkbed Flashlight Alkalosis Spermjism Triangularpants Fly Shit Cadillac Classical Box My Heart Perspires! Flashalcoholic Addicted to Hate Jeroen Tephone {sp. intentional} Porpoise on a Frozen Neon Roof EKG - EEG = EGG Non-Boob Tube TV Wheelchair Quarterback Exocomp Poo The Dirty Diaper Flatteners UVA LEDs are Good for Your Eyes Fecal Pen Rotgut the Hunted Manufactured by Saten Tritium "ENTER" Sign The Lockblade Turtles Teenage Dirtbag Elephants Lukewarm Soda Pop Rockets Fat Pockets by Cold Pockets Brand Massengill brand Post-Military Nondisposable Enemas Fleet brand Indisposable Pussy Cleaner RepHresh Your Bunghole Military Candiosity Fired from the Cannoñata! Radiometer of Filth Venomous Rollator Jade Plant Vomitorium Wheelchair Toxin Arm & Hammer Fridge Rotten Spectra of Dark Bulbs Daisy Sperm Puke Potato Urine Cauliflower The Unroaming Gnome Using an Empty Pop Can as a Urinator Hall of Flame The Original Iron Slow System Down the Chute Aleut! Drink it Tlingit! Don J********e is a Queer Egg-A-Muffin!!! Runny DMC Feral Cat Litter Involuntary Uranation {note sp.} Iron Swab Cat Poop Hooplah Here, cat shit!!! Here, kitty kitty kitty litter!!! Oragami Scissors Where's the Toliet? The Sink is my Urinator Have Your Pet "Sprayed" or "Nootered" Toliet Clog Ecstasy Stop or I'll Yank the Silver Handle on the Front of the Cistern Down!!! Rat Hair The Dog's Meow! Uranated Blender Message Clock Dicklicks Urea. It's What's for Dinner. Door Sweat Too Short a Season O o the Dryer's Flooded! Dio and Spice Ensign Kim's a Faggot Urine Pineapple Blacklighting Appliance of Doom Controlling the Elements of Nature Iridium 0047 Atomic Alarm Clock Monsoon Too Soon Dishwasher Crapola Can a Man Really Die Taking a Dump? InDirectTV Mouse Pee Squirtgun Vaginal Defecation Penile Perspiration Blender Infection RepHResh This, Asswipe!!! Table Lamp Micturition Tampax Sweat Smudge Pot Cops Gold Lamé Underwear Star Trek: Voyeur Looking Through Dirty Windows Shooting Blank Master Locks Laptop Computer Extrusion Dishwasher Candiosity Why do they Orbit like That? Fucktards in Red Phee Phi Pho Phlush!!! Plutonium Baby Carrots The MRI Cunts Concentrated Salvia Saliva The Module Seska Stole kMinimum Effort Maximum Candiosity!k Playtex Bras are Yummy! Open for Beeswax Double Boobectomy WHDFXUP with Flushing the Commode? I Can't Stop Sp-Sp-Sp-Sp-Sp-Sp-Sputtering Urinator Mint in My Milkshake Penile Defecation Anal Urination The Koil Spanner Faggets Zorro, the Gay Blade Spitfire, the Lesbian Kitten Zorrfire, the Bisexual Puppy "SIGNS" LED Signs Singing Fairy Wand Magazines in the Clothes Basket The Generator is Offline Marisol Still Hasn't Found the Baby Daddy! Envelope Uranation {note sp.} Flushed Baby Alligators Defective Clocks See Spot Kick the Bucket!!! Salamander the Moist Derailleur Massengill Brand Post-Zit Facial Wipes Mass Spectroscopy of Semen Stinky Acne Fluid There's Peanut Butter in My Urine! There's Chocolate in My Feces! Doorknob Whores Bridge Across the River Styx Summer's Eve in Fleet Drunk Wall Clocks Uranated Brass Bells Can You Hose Me Down Now? Cow Nanites in Your Orange Juice Pissy Mattress Puss-Encrustulated Panties Crotch Rot We Have Crabs on our Balls & Penises! CBDSRDM (Computerised Band Destroying Satanic Robot Death Machine) N.F.L. (Nice Fuckin' Life) Popcornhole Ceiling What's That Smell Under the Toliet? Assimilate This!!! We Are Dyslectic of Brog!!! You Will Be Asslaminated!!! Spilling Boiling Water Patio Doorknob Enema Resistors are Futile, Number Two! Clothes Basket of H8 TruGreen Landcare Kant Spel thuh Werd "Grene" Suspension Bridge Decadence In the Jungle, the Mighty Jungle, The Lion Pees Tonight Hardware Vomitorium Elogium He Eats the 1,000 Fleas in His Armpits I 8 PP Molten Paper Yogurt Ecstasy Axle Clowns Brownie Uprising Not the Douche, You Douchebag! Yes, We Have No Enemas Soggy Polar Bear Smell Midas, Can You Please Hold Up Uranus? Cheeze Waste Dustbin of Doom Wheaties...Breakfast of Whimps Hefty Hefty Hefty, Wefty Wefty Wefty! Wheelless Wheelie Bin Here is Your Money, Thank You!!! Refrigerator Micturition Radio Controlled Defecator Let's Not Make a Deal! The Sperm Bottle Bomber Live Batteries in the Garbage Scrolling Billboard of H8RED The Puckernuts Requiem for a Hosehead Butterflies are Brie Galloping Kittens The National Anthrax Reverse-Reverse Morgage The Unflushed Bidets We Don't Speak Mexican Italian Fries Telephone Hate Mail The Exerion Faggots Those Blue Things Aren't Toliets Light Bulb Whores Zetia for Midgets Ask Your Sewer Pickle Mini-Wheats without Arms Shogun Puke Gun Hearing Aids for the Infantile Lunar Jeopardy! Enema Sharks Rayburn's 2,458,770 The Pee Spuds Corroded Mirror Move Over the Thaw Bar Jerry, We Asked 100 Douchebags Rusty Envelope Pee Sleeping in Hot Whale Piss Stepping On Booze Bottles AARUrine Telephone Sweat Go to the WHEELCHAIR Store Rubik's Demolition Wrecking Ball of Confusion The Antimony Cards Play the Nine Golf Rackets Tennis Clubs Underarm Rain The Shape of the Table Defective Cupboards Clogged Fireplace Compact Disc Micturition Veemon Sex Demidevimon Bowling Ball Mirror Cum Laude (pronounced "kumm lodd") The Trabe is Delicious Melting Keyboards of Time Millionaire Squalor Sweet Toothache Bunghole Ashes Bitter Desk Lamp These CDs Taste Sour! Eeeeek!!! A mousetrap!!! The Sysop's a Homo Stargate SG-666 Ginny's Gin Something Smells like Cat Pee Clean Wash in the Washing Machine Eating a Pack of Cheese Dogs Getting All Squeaky Cleaning Out {cymbals crashing} the Plastic Cat Toliet Prufredin inn Oneh Our Severe Seismic Dist...O SHIT!!! AN EARTHQUAKE!!! Volcanic Cola Superwoofer Underwater Xenon Eruption O Look at the Squeaky Mouse...EEEEEEK!!! A RAT!!! Religious Excrement The Travelocity Roaming Gnome is a Faggot 1,000,000,000-A-Day Vitamins Let's Go Inback Today Uranal Sweat Not-So-Gentle Incandescent Afterbirth Light Unbroken Link The DHD is Busted! Patio Turds 63 Billion Combinations JATO Jeep The Gate System's Hosed Answer That, You Cocksucker!!! Laser Coaster Garbage Can Infection Bang Her Maine Yeast Bag Harvey Ceilingbangers Tripod with One Leg Ghosthunted The MRI Faggots Light Sabre Leakage Bubblehead Dolls Get Out of My Wheelie Bin The Dustman Did It!!! Dipsty Dumpster Diarrhea Dustbin Devils Pledge...For Sparkling Clean Bin Liners Dust Lorry Flat He Makes Rash Decisions Overwatered Togemon The Dead Christmas Trees Who Let the Tarantula Out? Urine Saguaro Rubik's Pukalution Underwatered Palmon Dead Knives Who Killed Mr. Clean? The Chantix Method Menstruated Panties Window Flatulence Scissors Perspiration Vaginal Enema Anal Douche The Overflowing Colostomy Bags Peach Skin Vowels Towel Trash Smoking Outside the Box Mr. Pee Pee Poo Poo Pants Insulator Mitosis The Woody Allen Champagne Bubbles Is That Your Ultimate Response? The Fucking Douchebag's a Whore! I've Got a Secret in My Litterbox...ARM & HAMMER CAT PEE!!! Stinky Gloves Yucky Boots I've Got a Secret in My Refrigerator...ARM & HAMMER CAT TURDS!!! Bare Marrow The Pain in My Diodes Sgt. Stedenko Smoker's Sneeze Cough of the Valkries Lint Umbrella Pitted Out Shirts Rain *OR* Snow? Make Up Your Mind! SET = Smoke Emitting Transistor Burglar Alarm Cheese Thank You for Not Defecating in the Urinators Kitty Litter Hooplah Sgt. Patterson of the Police Emergency Rapeline All Circuits are Not Busy Right Now! Do the Piñata Thing Fergy Wants to Go to a Party Paulie Wants to Party Too Big Beehive Tampons Ho Ho O NOOOO!!! Miracle Bladder 1-2-3-Dot-Com Not Eligible for Medicaid Increase Your Prescription Drug Spending Gene Rayburn is Bad to the Bone Office Staff Infection Strep Liver IHOP = International House Of Pee Chicken Little Nuggets Radiometer of H8RED Desktop Pee-Cee Shotgun Douche Remote Controlled Urine Harmful Headphones Chainsaw Douche Hydrofluoric Acid Enema Broccoli Defeciation {sp. intentional} Throwing Feces at the Camera Chainsaw Masturbation Dresser Micturition Hu Flung Poo? Mesothelioma Ratz Cancerous Lettuce Spilling Bleach on Blue Jeans Toliet Aircraft Kirk's Least Favourite Enema Cut Your Ass on a Blade of Grass Type IV Soft Anodize The Refrigerator's Clogged! Carpenter Ant Uranation {note spelling} The Toliet Has No Water Cotton Floor Yo, Wassup Homes? Donkey Cirrhosis 1,000,000 Harems 360° Knee Life Saver in Your Bladder Banjo Perspiration Deer Flatulence The Magic Toaster's Malfunctioning 'Sup? Jewelry Radio Cat on a Warm Plastic Computer Keyboard Something's in the Garage Rayburn's Billion GSN = Gnome Sex Network Poisonous White Powder from Busted Fluorescent Light Blubs The Humana Vaginas Rubbers with Holes in Them! Garbage Angels Defective Cervical Ring Prostrate Cancer Rats The Harmon/Kardon Douches Phoam Head Linda Party Pooper Bulbs Enema Juice from the Sky Trash Cookies Ballpoint Birds Nests Hold the Mail!!! As Valuable as a Used Douche Robot Hydration I Tied on Jeopardy! Can You Push in My Stool Please? (only if the band members are all faggots) Deadly Chandelier Worthless as a Used Enema Monday Night Swiffer Panther is a Big Fat Idiot Pussy Cleaner (not cat shampee) Mercury Insurance *IS* from Outer Space Willard Brimhole has Diabeetus Toxic Acetaminophen The Keebler Queers Dude Your 19,457 Layers are Showing Rome for Pot Smokers Quantum Phase Inhibition is Queer ?CHR$(147): ?CHR$(13); Unpleasant Mailbox Odour Corroded Hedges Loves Leaky Baby Toliets "Wrascle" "Scuterz" "uv" "Dume" Dice Sharks Lunchbox Odour Shark, the Dry Moose Bathtub Sweat Gameboy Primitive Monkey Spittle Beans Up Your Urethra Time Flies Like the Wind...Fruit Flies Like Bananas Jenny Gregory's Diet Phude eDiets Offline Dial Brand Feces Vonage Sucks!!! Sub Par Bathrooms Hit the Bowling Ball with Your Club's Hosel Legpit Deodourant The Brick is In My Purse! Pukebox Razor I'll Bet It All Lower! Excessive Cephalic Urination Honey, the Stairs are Clogged Washing Machine Defecation Keys to H-E-Double-Bendy-Straws My Baseball Bat has a Hosel You, Robot DSL = Doody Sewer Love Somebody's Flushing the Door Anal Gloves Cellular Telephone Mitosis Rubber Mittens Cold-Blooded Canadians Glass Baseball Triangular Stop Sign Greenish-Blue Blood Black Like a Cardinal The Wicked Witch of the West is Brie I've Never Assimilated Butterflies Probiotic Antibiotic Nanites in the Bathtub Somebody's Knocking on the Doorbell Kick Over the Ironing Board There's a Ship Called Enterprise, You Can Smell it With Your Eyes The Password Today is "DOUCHE" To..Lye...Et...It's that Thing You Shit In Gary Burghoff Uses Barbie Pins Orange Jello Eats It!!! The Alarm Clocks are Flushable Envelope Tears Cat on a Solid Block of Krypton Requiem for a Lezzy Dumpster Pee Garbage Tricycle Army Toliet Tank Wee Donnt Knead Know Edumacashen Uncle Elmo Lives in a Bottle Cockroaches in the Bathtub Rat Urine Squirt Gun Miracle Earwax Little Black Dress Disapproved Hi, Flower!!! Josephine the Plumber Fucked the Ty-D-Bol Man The Carnation is Ticking Nicodermatologist PHUQ Neutral Ammortisation Cat Tree Psoriasis The Toliet's Too Hot Liar Liar Pants on Phire Programmed by Predators Entomology Douchebags Bug Collector Bungholes The Freezer's Too Cold I Want Lies...and Nothing But Lies Betasnoidial Behaviour Urine Off, Urine Ant! Th3 F3d3ration 3x3cut3s P3opl3 The Bungsnoidial Piss Ants Self-Inflicted Spanken Mom, Get the Belt!!! Gentlemen...Start Your Shavers! Dogprints on the Ceiling ESmarmony Do You Want Toliet Paper with That? High-Fat Yogurt Spermproof Shoes Anti-Laser Car Wax The Shark Attack Vaccum Sign Up for Life Unlock The Unflushed Dishwasher Violence & Violence Crunching Apricots Dishes in the Toliet Bowl Smashing Milk Cartons Stepping on Rusty Fish Hooks Sleeping in Hot Dog Waste Gastronomic Athletes Pigeon Poop Party PPDPP = Pink Polka Dot Plant Pee Uranated Micturition Let's Go Get Stoned so We Can Hear the Talking Dog WHDFXUP With Toliet Paper Stuffing Up the Urinators Totally Forgot Tiny Presentation Today And Before You Know it, the Motor Starts to Blow Tuvok's Busted Glass Table Paper Bag of Vomit Psychotectic Therapists Preparation P Protostar Relief Pampers Smelly Baby Toliets Your Account is Not Way Past Doo Uranated Potato Coming to a Briefing Late The Armageddon Game Teal'c Acts like a Prick Get Inside Dreadnought, You Cunt!!! Reflection Therapists Saw XIV the Movie Schisms That Wendy's Fartknocker Secret Men Clinical Protection Digimon: Digital Bungholes Interior Undecorator Vaya Con Bungsnoids! Yeah Yeah Yeah FIRE! FIRE!! FIRE!!! Garbage Compactor Urine Headlamp Defecation Grindable Alarm Clocks EEK!!! A Porpoise!!! Wet Doorknob Smell Helium-Urine Laser Flying Clock 0.01¢ Stamps Burnt Galaxies Toasty Coffee Grinds Receipt for Purchases Made in H-E-Double-Bendy-Straws Access Denied Access Denied Access Denied Saran Wrap TV Boob Tube Probability Assessment Shitty Home Theatre, Coach EEK!!! A Brontosaurus!!! Smoking Ziggurats Are Hazardous to your Toliet Bad Attitude Mouse Cow Poop Crossbow Aaron Esurance is a Bitch Garbage Disposal Spam Newspaper Toaster kRain Drops Keep Falling on My Buttk Give the Rat a Bolus! Step on the Candiosity Meter Sperm Bear Raisins Without Brains Cinnamon's a Dummy I Eat Food off the Floor I Play with Fluorescent Tubes in the Toliet I Don't Wash My Hands All Huge & Weak The Lunesta Butterfly is Radioactive Always Take Lunesta with Alcohol! Bad Day Taped Woman Goes Out of a Pet Store Stop Playing with those Light Bulbs in the Toliet!!! Rusty Cistern Restasis Makes You Cry Drew Carey Hosting TPIR is Lame India in South America The Stinky Poalcats {sp. intentional} Eton's Technological Institution Sucks!!! Tune-Up or Tune-Out Eager Mole Skating on Thick Syrup We do Not put Bacon in the Dryer Clothes on the Ceiling Moist Camel Odour Vacuuming Up 50¢ Pieces ♪ Get Your Colonoscopies...on Route 66 ♪ Underwatered Christmas Tree Stand Chewing on Cans The Panty Sniffers Automobile & Tricycle Tyres are the Same! Suction Noses Liver Obstruction Spleen Masturbation Removal Of Stomach Contents May Be Hazardous To Your Cigarettes Puffy Balloon Smell Man Wakes Up...Film at 11:59:58.7 Ceiling Fan Huffer Urine Incubator Morning Wood Radiator Snout Snipping Off Our Inseminators Enuresis of the Soul Spreading the Terminus Snot from My Zits 5.8 Watt Cornflower Carol Wrong Gifts Mugix Guilmon's a Fagget Wristwatch Uranation {note sp.} Magic Smoke from TV Sets Box of Rat Turds S'Not Snot Charlotte's Dead Spider Poison Chartreuse Magic Cleanax Stuffing Up the Washer Camel Feces Pistol Tritium "FAGGOT" Sign LED Tester/Destructor Spiders for Din-Din Leprosy Spindles Burning the Candle at Five Ends Hot Overflowing Robots from H-E-Double-Bendy-Straws Telephone Infection Your Roommate's a Ruminant! That Coily Hot Thing Inside a Light Bulb Full Power to the Elektroblaster!!! H-E-Double-Bendy-Straws Damn Fart!!! Crap Boobs Crap!!! Machinery of Peptic Ulcers Radioactive Mousepad Tripping Over Washing Machine Hoses Eeeewww! The Doorknob's Inseminated!!! Who Forgot to Flush the Deep Fat Fryer? Flaming Bags of Poo on the Porch The 'El Kabatski' Pest Control Method The Pooping Ruminants That 3-Wheeled Scooter has a Nasty Bite Poisonous Vanity Carpet Pig Dangerous Christmas Light Blubs Find it Now in the Diary Case {note sp.} Venomous Cane Praying Mantis of H8RED Polly's Got Metallica Toxic Rug Slay Her Slayer White Metal Toliet Pig Hinge-Lidded Wooden Urination Case Carpet Inseminator Gangsta Masta Bata Table Oinker Chandelier of H8 Vamoose ya Varmint! Edible Feces {yucko!!!} The Puss-Encrustulated Penises Vomiting Band-Aids Dipsy Dumpster of Destruction What's That Hole near the Center of my Toliet Muscle? Hairdryer Douche Worth About as Much as a Used Bottle of Pepto-Bismol Retroactiv Busted Booze Bottles in the Shower Venomous Insulators When the Pee Hits the Heater Terror at 2.5 Feet! Nightstand Horror of H8RED Jackoff-O-Lantern PISS ON, PISS DRAGONFLY! Dildon't O no!!! The cat!!! Little Plastic Balls of H-E-Double-Bendy-Straws Urine and Acetic Acid Telephone Sperm Remote-Controlled Enema Dichromate Catalyst Desk Lamp Dildo Dr. Dr. Gimme the News..I've Got a Bad Case of H8ing You! Area 2,458,770 Flight...Number...Thirteen! "KIK" "UH" "URENATER" "OPH" "THUH" "WAL!" Thunderdome of Lust Phat Dephecator Tense Up the Embouchure {"embouchure" is pronounced like "ombusher"} I Play with My Poops in the Toliet Stepping on Busted Light Bulbs Diarrhea on a Roll It's a Mouthful of Bolts! Nonphat Urinator Female Bull Lactation If I Get Sick the Bidet is Near! I Want some Sperm Polliwog the Dry Cog Life From Above...aka "Jet Fighter" Herbicide for Bears Rhubarb Cake I Said the Craw Not the Crow! You'd Better Not Piss I'm Telling You Why...Antienuresis is Coming to Town Wet Rot I've Got My Hands on Your Asses! Urine Trouble 3-In-1 Scotch Tape Detector The Defecator (instead of "The Defector") Lights On Their Butts Commercials I Don't Hate Forums Fuuu...uuu...uuu...LUSHLIGHT!!! Dick Cavett is Stinking Drunk on the Couch R. J. Helton's Armpit Sweat Puddles Premenstrual Neck Warts Piss Ant's Motorcycle Inactive Telegram Trouser Rattlesnake ACME Pill Smasher Disposable Cameras in the Wastepaperbasket Fictional Desk Lamp How Many Ways Can I Kill Thee? Let Me Count the Ways Turquoise Sunday Violet Moon Setting Fezzywig's a Queerbate The Lesbian Toliets The Gay Urinators Jimmy Dean Dry Overcooked Burned Replicated Dead Bird Meat Energy Billion XP-31,054,500 Nitrogen Supply Mosquito Requires Liquid Neon Boob Tube Mastectomy 10 Pounds of Shit in a 100 Pound Bag Huffing Gaseous Cobalt Uranated Apples Ester-C: The Worse Vitamin C Byetta Makes You Puke & Have Liquid Poo-Poo Rock-Solid Pee Waterproof MP9 Players Diaper Pail Inseminator Frozen Perspiration Faggot Piss Pencil Lamp Paper Webcam Remote Controlled Dildo Dyke Breath The Dirty Diaper Eaters {yucko!!!} Work, Cry, Shrink! ThermaIgnorance The Best Part of Waking Up is Dilithium Crystals in My Cup! Property Tax Colonoscopy He Shoots Up Drugs with Dirty Needles {spoken in a nearly monotone robot voice} Wall Clocks are Brie Don't Spin the Wheel Super Cash Fever Gett A Iee Testt Satanic Mechanic Jacketed Streams of Positrons & Antiprotons Go Tee Tee!!! Chrystler Bible Cruiser Gosh Darnit Pee Pee Poo Poo Broken Toliet Muscle No Telephony! You Won a Tank!!! Rusted Out Toliet Bowl Corroded Bathtub Mike Hunt {say it five times as rapidly as possible} Mike Ockhurts {say it five times as rapidly as possible} Mary Had a Little Whore Broken Battery Burst Toliet Do Not Spit in the Urinators King David Bites!!! Blanket Uranation {note sp.} Stem Cell Osterisation Pecker Pecker Eggplant Flecker Stop or I'll Run the Bidet!!! Access Granted Access Granted Access Granted Rent is Not Based Upon Les Miserables 12:34:56 7-8-90 Addicted to GSN & ESPN! Abraham Lincoln Lied About that Cherry Tree Pathetic Clown Bakery Guts How to Disembowel a Penis Uranated Fan Blades {Not peed on - infused with uranium salts!} Travelling Vacuum Cleaner Repo Men Faggot "Lerker" {sp. intentional} Floor Lamp Infection Mood Watch Solar Eclipse of the Kidneys Kitchen Shower Radiance of the Seven Urinators Table Lamp Fungus Periodic Table of the Nerds Stop or I'll Squish this Brown Recluse Spider! Doorbell Deodouriser Mouthdouche Go or I'll Run the Dishwasher! Fungal Scrotum Bowling Ball Infection And it's Three, Four, Five Strikes You're Out Garbage Disposal Infuction {note spelling} Dipsty Dumpsters on Strike The Busted Washing Machines Stove on Strike Peeing in the Pool Milking Refrigerators Tripping Over Microphone Cords Your Swimming Pool is My Urinator Toidy Floor Flushers Don't Eat the Big Pink Mints in the Urenaters {sp. intentional} Is It Just Me, or Does Anybody Else Hear a Telephony Ringing? Broken Dryers Who Flushed the Ty-D-Bol Man? Squirrel Water Happy Meal of Rats Weakening Your Immunity Syndrome Oven Mulch Dutch Elm Disorder Banana Peelings Miraculous Small Intestine Monkey's Milk Shift to Neutral & Put the Hammer Down The Coffee Table's Flooded! Rotting Tomato Plants The Wall Doilies Insulator Sweat Mouldy Birthday Sour Sweet Cream Butter Dumpster Breath Biclops the Hunter Die Hard the Waste Disposal Technician Deaf Leopard Go Colonel, and Don't Come Back! Peterbreath Drink Less Water High Nutrients Rx Essentials is Rx Only Take Rotten Care of Yourself Jerry Springer's Loose in the Woods! Labour Day Telephonethon or Whatever the F it's Called Curdled Chunky Breast Milk Stepping on Rusty Bic Brand Post-Menstrual Disposable Shavers Used Enema Fluid Falling from the Sky The Smashed Titmouses Smelly Mukluks The Full Ballcocks The Corroded Cisterns There's a Tyre Loose in the Garage Spermbags!!! Loose Pocket Lint Shandy has a Wildcard in her Stem Bottle Rocket ICBM Sticky Banister Cat on a Very Narrow Windowsill Pulsar of Love Here Comes a Little Gift for You Circuit (Un)breaker Dog on a Hot Magma Roof Pictures Dripping off the Wall What's Wrong with this PWPOSMF?!?!? H8 in a Dog's Eyes We Have Mr. Arthur Itis Mouse with Discolored Nostrils Dull Rat Teeth Dead Housefly Society Mutated Magma Labelled H8RED Schedule to Avoid Betsy Fecally Kronos is Class L Pull a 43 for $14,000,000.00 It's Not Just Letters, It's Diarrhea! Eighty is Enough Playtex Bras are Delicious! Drinking a Phillips Screwdriver at the Gay Bar Mellow Yellow = Dilute Urine Burn *THIS* Flag, Bitch!!! Ms. O'Leary's Cow was a Pyromaniac Courtney Cox-Arquette-TomCat That's Not My Final Answer! Eighteen Heads of Skunk Cabbage The Rice Crispies Elves Act Like FaGg0tS!!! Who is Two French Fries Short of a Happy Meal? Tripping Blind People Kicking Puppies for Fun and Profit The Looping Queers The Onion Peel Cracked Popcycle Stick Some Bunghole Got Stuck in the White House Bathtub Leiutenant Electric Those Girls Like Girls Bring Your Flyswatter to the Table when You Open Keebler's Snacks Humira Causes Autonomous Syringe Ejection I Play with Light Bulbs in the Toliet Who Framed Roger Dodger? Is a Lotus a Flower or a Car? Tie Italy Up...It Looks like a Boot! Broken Bicycle Spokes Spooky Sounds Urinator Clumped Cat Pee Dance Hairdryer Enema Car Insurance Thieves Paintball Gun Ecstacy Sickly Sweetheart Boyz to Boyz Ratz Ratz Bigger than Catz Radiofinger College Desk Lamp of H8 Spreading the Enuresis Mouldy Spoons The Dark Spore Re-Re-Revisited Eliza Douchekoo Control Spires of Disregard Park Bench Pigeon Poop Stepping on Wrenches Lake of Poo Magmatic Cool-Aide Purple Jellÿ The Douche Crew Arsie LaVargis Volcanic Steak Whizzing in the Sink Motorcycle Urine Giving Him the Clap Used Toliet Oil Alberta V13 Cold Grease Treatment You've Got Enemas!!! Die Easy The Used Douche Porpoise the Dry Sperm Whale Sticking Our Heads through Bars Flashing Pet Dark Broken Pool Cue Hoopla Get the 17 Ball!!! Prince Fairy Stick Giving the Dog a Bidet Don't Tep on the Titty Tat! Drug Dogs Crime Dog We Haven't Come for You All Cat Water Bowl Enuresis Rock Dogs Lazy like a Log The Pack is Not Back Camel Water Gamegirl Advanced Pool Ball Madness Pinball Nerds Ping Pong Puckernuts Tennis Shoe Sissies Stomp Your Hands and Jump Up & Down Patio Micturition Kibbles & Bits & Nybbles & Bytes Love Mail Douche Piano Burglars Cello Keys Accordion Strings Bongo Tuning Pegs Bubble Gun Smasher Lighting Candy Siggerets {sp. intentional} Uranated Closets DED = Dark-Emitting Diode The Enigmatic Enemabags The Diaper Pail is My Urinator! Automatic Dishwasher Douche Exploding Mirrors in the Wastepaperbasket The Doorbell Sluts Sweating on a Fan Lawnmower Baseball Bats Pickled Hamsters Lava Tube Loogies Periodic Table of the Geeks Larval Volcanoes Watching TV in the Rain Offenders in Triplicate Hedgehog Chrysalis Professor Pester & the Ruffians The Telephones are Crying Bowling for Juneau Doggy Dog Irradiated Goldfish The Lunesta Butterfly is Rather Queer, You can See it With Your Ear Philodendron Micturition Joy" to© the© World® Pirate Shipwreck The Woman Trap Melted Popcycle Stick Motherfucker Goose Land Line Ringtones Smoking Pots in the Kitchen Chantix is like a Turtle & a Rabbit The Cat is Drowning in the Toliet Again! Fried Rat Tails The Very Best Juice for the Very Best Faggots Dipsty Dumpster Lactation Antilock Brake Pulsation Extra Heavy Duty Three Muskerteers Bar Duncan Hines Oven-Not-Ready Business-Style Brownies Transmission Feces Chad (on "Doggy Dog") is a Faggot! Boy or Boy? Maury Povich and the Drag Queens Ugly in Magenta Eye of the Sperm Whale Urethra of Destruction It's 11:59:58.7...Do You Know where Your Fire Hydrant Is? One-Touch Can't Opener Left-Handed Blanket The Number Bed Sux!!! You Can go Swimming, You Can Go Horseback Riding Trifecal "Lazer" Dresser of Doom Street Machine of Gallium Nitride The Moon is Refrigerated Menstruation of Trazodone Jelly-Filled Hot Dogs Bobbing for Penises Uranation at 30,000 Feet {note sp.} Razor Blade Scooter Giraffe Pricks Who Dropped the Iron into My Coffee? Wiley Willies The Heebie Jeebies Sticky Pencil Lead My Scooter is Fucked Up The Dishwasher is Salivating Cupboard Micturtion Clothes Basket Maggots Printer Inkling DPSS Green Laser Pointer Feces Milking the Rutabega The Onions are Crying Hole in One or...SPEAKER! Sour & Sour Scittles Sweating like a Cop Horse Snot RGB = Rusty Glass Blazers Pitted Out Underwear Smells like Rotten Honey Blackberry Infarct Dementia Smells like Teen Armpits Multi Infarct Cirrhosis Peptic Ulcer of the Bladder Used Syringe Stabbers Urine Drinking Laboratory Diverticulous of the Brain Stem Depends Adult Diapers I Suppose...You can Hear them with your Nose Pampers PT Cruisers Spoke Gun Star Dark, Star Dim Destroy the Life Star!!! Good Day Taped Riddex is *NOT* Sceptic Tank Cleaner Rid-X is *NOT* Bug Killer Lasts 150 Hours...Then You Throw it Away 20,000,000,000 Flushes The Ty-D-Bol Man Sunk My Battleship! Maintenance (Coming Out of the) Closet Mouse in a Cold Microwave Cavity Periodontal Death The Flashlights are Urinating Where am I Going and Why am I in this Handbasket? Water Extinguisher The Nasonex Bee is so so Gay, that if You Lick It He will Spay Candiosity of the Fire Dept. Doorknob Micturition Rotten Brush The Devil Made Me Fuck Him Cassette Tapes are Evil OK! Magazine is for Lesbos EMD = Enema Moose Douche Jesus Wears Prada Satan in a Bright Chartreuse Skirt Laser Beam Masturbation Have Your Pet Bobbed or Declawed Enablex May Cause Lack of Urination Over There's a Blade of Grass, You can See it with Your Ass Spoke Gun of Potatoes Boob Tube Micturition Siphoning Toliet Water Drink Tranny Fluid Lighting our Farts Pouring Coffee on Your Keyboard Peeing on Stamps Running Over Penises Embarrasing Scalp Hair Electrolysis of the Vagina Toyz "ᴙ" Not Us It's Late and Someone Busted the Coffeepot! Pathetique Klown Worth as much as a Bag of Garbage Kitty Dog Uranation {note sp.} Model Airplane Motor Creaking A Black Man Pops Out of a Vending Machine Somebody You Wouldn't Want to Get a Phone Call From It's Late and Somebody Forgot to Flush Beverly Hills Enemabag Spongebob Douchepants Talking Mini-Wheats With Floating Gloves Lame Dry Bladder Where's the Dog? Wheelchair Error I'm Getting All Excited Chicken Feet The Tucked In Raincoats Sad Light Bulbs Happy Antarctica Rat on a Warm Uranium Bed Overflowing Computer The Gipper was Dwight Eisenhower Jinx is a Fish Queer the Test Tube Eighty Lifelines Left FalseBrown Landcare Calling Hubby to the Rug! Moving in Monaural Greyhound Bus Tub Tipping is Not a City in China The Bagless Garbage Bags Urinous Pee Fecal Poop The Unibomber's a Lezzy Penis Up Your Ears! Belly Button Night Light Air & Water Deodouriser The Land of Cow Piss & Bee Vomit Houserat Ambush AT&T = Ambush Toliet & Toliet kThey Say Two Thousand Zero Seven Party Over {oops!} Pick up Sticks...And Tonight I'm gonna Party like it's 2006k Bidet Cheese Franklin Tinklybear Pisses Everywhere! Kitty Cat Oblivion ?BLOODY TAMPAX ERROR IN 12288 999,999 Grün Balloons The Vesicare Pissing Robots ?OUT OF HEFTY BAGS ERROR IN 49152 Acid Reflux Stabiliser Drinking Di-Hydrogen Oxide Requiem for a Studmuffin Chainsaw Pussy Used Chocolate Milk Kitten Water ?BLOODY Q-TIPS FLOATING IN THE Toliet ERROR IN 24576 PussyWhipped Cream PWPOSMF Tomato Shooting Pigeons Snipping the Geico Lizard's Pecker Off Your Mother, the Flexible Container of Massengill Air Rat Poop Hoopla Irradiated Mouses Camel Crapola The Broom is Dead Vacuum Urine Banister Sweat Urine Tylenol Toliet Micturition Fusion Nightlight The English Bee Publik Enema Groom of Chaotica The Mop isn't Wet Gigantic Light Sensor The Other Driver *CAN* See You Flipping Off the Cops Tempest® in a Toliet® Swiffer Propaniacs Dove is Chocolate *AND* Shampoo? Lane Anita Bryant Footwear, Toewear, Handwear, and Fingerwear Corroded Rollator Angelic Mechanic He Keeps Hanging Up...But it's a Man Answering Even Higher than 70 Drake the Damp Earthworm Baby Sweat Adult Plastic Toliets This Frog Smells Funny Ghost Poop Uranated Pepsy Puppy Saliva Run Hero!!! I am Sinistar! It's Kumkastik Coward Urine Formula 449,500 Uronium SWAT Team The Punishment Zone The Merferator Enforcers Military Cannoñata Rat Crap Barf Warm Horse Brander Dog Milk Canary Spittle Steel Wool Lantern Paper Stove What's Wrong with My Peepee? As Valuable as a Bucket of Fungused KFC Select Wings Toto, We're Not in Alaska Any More! My Feet Smell like Foxglove! Living Out of a Sneaker Not a Creature was Stirring, Not Even a...RAT!!! Your Father, the Flexible Container of Fleet Syrup Noodle Marinated Rhubarb Pie The World Series of Scuba "Siggeret" Stubs in the Garden {sp. intentional} Greyhound Bus Urinator Riding a Skateboard with No Hands or Feet Oil Painting on Vinegar Cane with a Broken Leg Voyager is Damaged Tuvok Falsified His Logs Romulan Cloaking Devices are Bogus Federal Express is Soooo Sloooow! Holographic Crocodile Packaged Candiosity Alka-Seltzer Minus Defective Whammy Microwaveable Water Rugcats No Halloween Costume This Year? You Want a Vasectomy with That? Plastic Christ Statues The Devil Wears a Tattered Black Blouse The UPS Strikebreakers Welcome to Garbage-Littered Piñata Island! I Don't Want a Pickle...I Just Want to Ride on My Window Cleaner 16.66" Ruler Lava Light that uses Real Lava Who's the PWPOSMF Who Stole My Shoes? That's Mister Faggot to You! I'm the Rapping Whammy L8R SK8R!!! That's the Pee Spud We Be Toyz!!! The Number Bed Eats Dust Call Now for an Expensive DVD Thirteen Past Marriages Defective Tampons Madonna is a Lezzy! Mom, the Moose Won't Flush! What's Wrong with the Dishdoucher? The Mouses Dad, the Walrus is Broken Again! "OPEN" Sign Micturition ToilaFlex Turd Burglars Heat the Engines What's Wrong with the Couch? Beavis & Butt-Head are Real! Feel the Chocolate Billy Mays Acts like a Choad Pustule Cops Flattened Enemabags Spray-Painted H-E-Double-Bendy-Straws Pus-Encrustulated Faces Desktop Pee-Cee Extinction We Love Eight-Tracks Vinyl is Mute Southern Fried Stem Bolts Batteries in the Toliet The Mouldy Purpose Room It's Time to Play the Garbage Can Urinator Sweat Honey, the Ceiling is Overflowing! Happy Country Camel Bogus Pissons Uterine Litter Shotgun Toliet Tissue Intestinal Yeast Infection I Can't Poo!!! That Silver-Haired FAGGOT from "America's Next Top Model" Take Me Back to a Heavy Time...from '85 to '89! You're Supposed to Pee on It! All for One One for All The Wasteful Busted Sink and Rusted Out Urinator Band What's so Great About the AARP Card? Stark Raven Mad! The Condom Band Eye Vomit Uranated Mouse Plutonium Cow Radium Rat Technicium Turtle The Irradiated Guppies Radioactive Spider The Slayer Slayers Stepping in Wolf Shit The Scharmen Poo-Poo Bears Don't Kick Over the Toliet Bowl! The Kicking Milkmen Excedrin Faeces Milkwoman Oedipus Rex Backward "X" "Siggerets" in the Garbage Disposal {sp. intentional} Commode 64 Computers {note sp.} Party Hardly Cannoñata of Beer Mercurian Overlords Voiding the Chimney A Toke or Three The Cereal Killers Telephones in Bras Magnetic it Pulls So Hard Sparking Up a (Cat Water) Bowl Dragon Slash! Pyrosphere! Pyro Blaster! Gene Rayburn is *NOT* Bad to the Bone The Squeaky Light Bulbs The Atomic Punks Ogi Ogas Looks like a Homo Whirlybird Defecation Pigeon PeePoo Urinated Commercials Live Soft the Hunted Switch 31,054,500 Petrified Puckernuts Uranated Moose Metal Health Naked Drag Queens Guitar Thrashers Over the Gun Public Enema #1 The Thrown-Away Used "Dooshes" Summer's Eve brand Post-Chair Disposable Suppositories I'm Off the Shallow End, Throw Me some Lead! Eating Cardinal Shit Drumstick Assassins Mop Handle Doucheholes Dillhole Pickles Enemabag Sweat Douchebag Lacrimation Tumbledickweed Camel on a Hot Plasma Roof Their Tag Line: "If You Sprinkle while You Tinkle, Please be Neat & Wipe the Seat" Our Tag Line: "If You Miss while You Piss, Please be Cool & Wipe the Stool" We Have a Flap in the Bottom Little Squeaky Mouses Uranium Urine PHUQ and the SKRU2s Expelling Feces Accidental Recharge Lamppost Rats Immerse Yourself in Urine Plutonium Poo Cat Scratch Elevated Body Temperature The Pac Maniacs This Box is Really Shittily Designed Cleanax Cottonelle Puppy Semen Eggland's Worst Chicken Embroyos Eddie's Not Home Today Reniassance Man Clam Enema Smelly Chainsaw Discharge Douche Liquid Under the Car Pee Tomato Fecal Cauliflower Solid Plumr Chemical Drane Clogger Plumber's Harmer Pee your Pants "Tephone" Cheese {note sp.} Prince Flatulence Those Blue Things on the Wall Aren't Defecators! Kik Uh Phuking Wal-Mowntid Porselen Urenater Oph thuh Wal! {noat: al werds intenshonely mispelt} Broken Telegraph Wire Bowling for Urochrome Octopus in a Cold, Damp Cellar Dryer Micturition The Family Food Small Beehive Hair Toliet Soup Flush the Bathtub! Honey, there's Poo in the Faucet! What Are You, a Faggot of Some Kind?!? Aquapod SUX!!! "All" Large & Weak Grab a Cue and Play Some Pocket Pool Cellular Phoney Radiometers of Fury Quit Talking and Start Chalking! The Jogging Assclowns Buttmonkey Enema Used Stoves Hydrofluoric Acid Mouthdouche The Pussywhipped Accordions Leaking Desk Lamp Bulb Marinated Squirrels Squeaky Feral Cats COPD of the Penis Crestor = Dick Medication? Coprophilia Pocket Swimming Pool Instant Asshole: Just Add Alcohol Zested Squirrels Orange Peel Vomit Do Not Feed the Rat Sewer Camels Mouse Urine in the Marinator The Commodore 64 has 64 Sprites...NOT!!! American Idle Chemical-Free Champagne Unlimited Time Offer Phallic Grafitti The Toylet Bowl KFC Extra Extra EXTRA Krispy Insecure Horizon "Cheer" Small & Whimpy Regis Philbin is a Dillhole Got Cow Piss? Lap Band Slippage Ask Your Doctor if Penilaberry is Right for You Nature Maid Monovitamins DisposAll Sweat Dog Food Lactation Spandex Dixie Cups Dressed like a Douche Reptile Dysfunction Fleas in the Cat Water Bowl Give that Orphan a Popcycle Beelzemon is Good Dingleberry Stew What's That? A Urine Laser? Wrapped Up like a Doozer The Igottasaurasses Aunt Flo is a-Knockin'...And Boy is She Pissed! Barbie's on the Rag Again Chromodynamic Insemination Ringer's Lactate for the Amish Neodyne Pustules Authorisation for Nonrelease Inna Godda Da Vida Douchebag! What's Wrong with Our Kootches? Plasma Torch H-E-Double-Bendy-Straws Pain in the Toliet Muscle Masturbation Defecation Snake in the Ass Dressed to Commit Homocide {sp. intentional} Call From U.S. Bitch! Fan Blade Enema Sign Here for No Cash Back Cephalic Lavage Rat Barf This Pencil Smells like Cat Pee Bic Stic it Up Your Ass Toliaflex Candiosity Bunghole Dranes The Butthole Net Surfers Faggot Lacrimation Give Me those Ears! Stable Unstable Wormholio Used Douche Hooplah Pukey Garbage Can Urinous Fan Blades Foard Mavrik uv Dume {all words intentionally misspelled} Relieved of Doody 700 Megajoules of Technobabble Inna Da Godda Piss Ant! Autogyro Feces The Crapweasels Sucking Out Juicy Wet Armpits Yucky Pee!!! Burned Toast & Milk Toliet Water Foot Spa The Flashblasters The Game with Small Bucks & Whammies is Even Worse than Ever! Holographic Termites Folding Bird of Prey Jared from Subhole is a FAGGET!!! Don't Force Me to Relieve You of Command Too! Come the Diodes Lift Your Heads Eternal Destitution Chronowerx vs. Microsoft Uncle Molton's Goliath Beetle Farm Jared's Mouth Looks like a Pussy Keekay is a Faggot Five Trillion have Died on this Mission! O look at the puppy!!! Isn't he cute? {sound of urine splashing onto carpeting} Not an Unpaid Testimonial kOne More Day till Halloween, Sil-Ver Shamrock!k Pantywaste Who Busted the Magic Toaster? Someone's in the Kitchen with Dinopterous Holy Toliet Water Cuisinart Enema Bundle Me Up! Woo Hoo, Woo Hoo Hoo!!! After 3 Milliseconds they Jack the Rate Up on You Hello, Locker Hello, Lunchmeat Hello, Faggot The Grass is Radioactive "Vacume" "Urenater" Lower than the Three! Uranium Glass Testicles Electrodynamic Hosebags Light Bulb of Destruction The Grass is Browner on the Other Side Tunguska Never Happened! Alien Jism Plastic Glass Termite PeePoo Uranated Flashlight Bulbs Cracked Walking Stick The Magic School Bus is a Heap of Twisted Metal Silver Shamrock Novelty Co. Freezing Oven Microwaveable Kitties Malfunctioning Steering Wheel Toxic Faucet kHappy Happy Halloween, Sil-Ver Shamrock!k The Unflushed Toliet Bowls I Lost on Jeopardy! The Uranated Bathtubs Pink Elehpant Car Wash 2,458,770 Films to Live For The Regurgitated Douches Star Trek Watchtower That's Not the Question! Ultraviolet Farts Vomited Enemas Crushed Plastic Garbage Can Used Cigerette Stubs Vaccume - Masters of Enemabag Metal Wheel of Destitution Learning is H-E-Double-Bendy-Straws Work. Cry. Shrink. Refrigerated H-E-Double-Bendy-Straws Boiling Hot Urine Premenstrual Jack-O-Lanterns Spooky Flashlight Small Town of 1,053,000 Silver Shamrock SUCKS!!! Liquid Helium II Fridge - Masters of Ice Cold Jazz The Micturition Stoves Stomping on Beer Bottles Coffee Cup Psoriasis Weenus Beaver Snatch Rhino Inseminator Ballpoint Penis Q the Ordinary Flameless Candle Whitelight Cat Pee Detector Uranated Bulls Warp Core Breach in Progress!!! Fleming Valve Nads Rotating Clock of Doom Witches Tasty Broo Positron Poo Antiprotons from Heaven Antineutrinos from Purgatory Antileptons from H-E-Double-Bendy-Straws Antitachyons from...Somewhere The New Ball & Chain Alert! Alert! Massengill Sector 256 Player 254 to Enema Stations! We Put the Fun back in Funeral We Put the Die back in Diode We Put the Fun back in Dysfunctional Firebug Majick Opaque LED Day Lights There's a Firefly Setting Dipsty Dumpsters Ablaze! Murder for Rent What Happened to the Light Bulbs? O, That's What Happened to the Light Bulbs! Cockroaches in the Urinator Your Home: Superfund Site Homo Alone Commiting 1st Degree Murder on Two Avifaunal Life Forms with One Sedimentary, Metamorphic, or Igneous Sample Gasoline in the Toliet Diet is Die with a "T" Bloody Tampons Floating in the Toliet Unsanitary Napkin Hooplah Grasser Hopper 160.57 Decibel Cricket UVA Infrared Bulb Burning Cigerette Stubs Melt a Wax Wall Urinator Urinous Amber Resinous Vomit Rabbit Fecal Pellets Gooseneck Shiites Miracle Dick How Bad is Our Urine? Sweat Glands Suck! Pee Trap Micturition Nursery Cryme TV Defecation A Rat Stole My Shoes My Socks have Holes Urine Fever Using Beer Bottles as Defecators Pattern Buffer Disaster Pitons of Destruction Screwdriver of Chocolate Watch your Braining! Overflowing Sock Drawer Soul Inhibitor Quantum Phase Homosexuality Ponn Farr Flatulence The Ritual Wristwatches That Incessant Psychobabble Tinkle Tantrum 3-In-1 Rat Pellet Detector Instinctual Micturition Poisonous Blanket Redlight Dog Piss Detector Requiem for A47 866-66-SLOWER, You Got the Red Light! Poddy Vegetable Prototype Number Zero Zero Zero One is Ready to Receive an Ass Beating The Poddy Factory Leggo Eiffel Tower Toppler Spin the Octogon! Toxic Furnace Is it Erin or Aaron? Hockey Ball The Sink is Clogged! Mouldy Bathtub The Beer is Squirrely! A Keg does Not have a Bunghole Waterford Plastic The Peetoons Air Rats Ground Whales Concentrated Moose Spittle Swimming with a Bisquit Whack the King! Sandtoliet Paper Let Me Axe You a Question Your Neutrinos are Drifting Piss Blanket Lincoln Log Extinction Leggo Exterminator Tinkertoy Trash Etch-A-Sketch Extraction Dental Rabies Poisonous Rollator UVA IR LED Lensatic Nonadjustable Bed Plastic Cat Toliet P&V (Urine and Acetic Acid) My Lederhosen are Toxic Liquid Cobalt Frying Brains in a Skillet Ding! Dong! The Uranal's Dead! Dimes in Your Gloves The March of Nickels Cantaloupes of Wrath Jackass-O-Lantern Hilloween Backward "W" Compound Em Not UL Listed Zoloft Enema Prozac Douche Prilosec OTC Columbarium Wooden Door Micturition Run, Elephant Run! Ding! Dong! The Witch is Alive! Monaural Sound in Stereo Moving In Binarual Stereo Cat Turds Max Gimme HEADroom Mmmmm, This Boob Meat is Yummy! Owe the IRS? You're Screwed!!! The Chick Shiek Re Tire Mint Tammy from The Magic Toaster Game is a Lezzy! Dead Christmas Tree Vacuum Drop and Give Me 2,458,770!!! The Wish Foundation is for Fatsos! (***NOT*** to be confused with the "Make a Wish Foundation"!!!) Somebody's Knocking the Doorbell The Envelopes are Micturating Sapphire Slippers Citrus Burns Rhymes with Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious Sniffing at Busted Bulbs Rechargeable Fleet Enemas Quantum Fashions for Single Mastectomies Administering Corporal Punishment to a Primate (spanking the monkey) Faggot Blue Whale Incendiary Perspiration Grapefruit Orgasm The Extension Cords are Squeaky Gay Light Sockets Lesbian RJ44 Telephone Receptacles Bisexual Electrical Connection Perspiring Writer Infant Bug Collector Armpit Pustules {ewwww ick!!!} Unicycle with Three Wheels Exterminator Breath Uranal Micturition TV Guideposts Circus Circus Circus Circus Those Blue Things on the Wall are Peeing The Sleep Hard Loan Muddy Sweat Puddles in the Street Fatal Alka Seltzer Plus Cuisinart Infection Rubbing our Asses on the Rug Author Author, You Bastard!!! Runny Waffles Ham Sandwich Mucous What's That Noise?!? 1,053,500 Day 1,053, 499 Night Vacation Getting Quotes 31,054,500 at a Time Skid Marks on the Toliet Seat Pop Can Ulcer Pinano Pissano Peeano Piano Flammable Alkaline Metal Class "D" Fire Starter Urinous Carrot Ronko Dino Slicer The Barney Urinator Screen Enzyme Stew 1.PUSSWHIP'D/TDM 2.PUSSWHIP'D/TDM 3.PUSSWHIP'D/TDM Grits are Wierd "X"Marks Your Nose Tennis, Antibody Piss Stains on the Urinator Holosystolic Mumble Smoke Gets in Your Ears Hello...I'm Fred Necrosis Behind Clothes Drawers Micturition Pineapple Urine Glass Marbles Lesbian Sweat PEE ON, PEE WATERBUG You Gotta Work on Your Put-Down Technique Off the Ropes Blu-ray Laser Diode Enuresis The Autourination Spuds Poddy Animals Tampax Motherfucker of Pearl FreedHem Zit Medication Proactiv Hemmorhoid Medication Massengill brand Post-Menstrual Disposable Soda Pop Summer's Eve brand Post-Menstrual Disposable Candy Bar Fecal Raspberries Fresnel Lens Butter Radioactive Glowing Rocks in My Sock Drawer Drag Queen Latifa My Unfave Five Lava Lamp Poo Anal Grapes of Wrath TriLight MCMLXXX Tempest® in a Urinator Carbonated Hamsters Brain Stem Transplant Failure Cinderella Mopping the Floor Worth as Much as a Leaking Bag of Garbage Drinking Mouldy Cool-Aid Uranated Stegasaurus Epinephirine Junkies Water Addicts "C" Movie Dinosaur Princess Viva Eñemabags Fruit Loops for Homos Urochrome for Lezzies Hudson Tells Nothing! Toliet Cat Venting Your Bladder Celery Flatulence Brownish-Black Sinks Backwater Enema Frogs in the Sewer Womanhole Cover The Main Drag Queen Paramedic Brutality Some Squeaky Creature Sonic Y Dr. Eggman is Cool Side Effects may include Bunghole-Emptying Laughter Spiderwoman Batman's Partner is a Faggot!!! Chaos Control is Fantastic! Turn the Volume Up to 47!!! The Chaos Ruby The Dangerous Typewriter Mythconfirmers Bulletproof Popcycle Quarter Power to the Life Ray! Deep Space Forty Seven Disposable Rechargeable Batteries Evaporated Enema Solids Budweiser is Piss Water Dressing the Deceased Steve Roll Heinekin is Whimpy Taking Your Life into Your Own Hands Hot Water Cooler The Streetlights are Peeing You *CAN* Unflush a Toliet You Can Tuna Fish but You Can't Tuna Pinano Fresnel Lens Cumbags Empty the Dirtbag...Not the One in the Vacuum! Ogi Ogas Wins Grand Slam!!! Pair a Dime Shift Beware I Live!!! The Charmin TP Bears use Newspaper Undump Your Unfeather Unduster! The Toliet's On Fire Eeeekkk!!! A giraffe!!! Take Valtrex Even if You Don't have Genital Herpes HeadOn...Apply Direc{gunshot!!!} Lose Bragging Wrongs Busted Chainsaw Bastages Skate Punks Sodium Vapour Lamp Micturition Epsilon Queers The Sour Milkmen Bleeding from Your Ears Wake up Dead in a Plywood Bed Six Feet from the Rest of Your Life Gimme some Goopenthol! Death from Massenguillotine Oblivion Faggot Piss Kitty Cat Ambush Eardrum Sweat Bowler's Piss Ding, Dong, Ditch {also a prank that some Trick-Or-Treaters do on Halloween} Radiometer of Rath Source One Sux!!! Housewife Doormat The Relaxed Ombushers {sp. intentional} Deadly Keyboard Venom Neuroleptic Shock Therapists Electric Ice Cube Warmer Bloody Tampaxes in the Wastepaperbasket Housecat Assassin Fireplug Micturition Freezing Furnace Bad Rat!!! Shame!!! Running a Sink Filling the Bath Chamber Where's Month #13 on this Calendar? Plunging a Toliet Pie Alfa Knew Fag Bracelet kTo-Lye-Ett...It's the Thing You Shit In!k {sung to the tune of "Lowrider"} Tuberculosis of the Gonads STOP! Or I'll Shoot the Urinator!!! Sucking Up Busted Light Bulbs with a Hoover Rosarem Keeps You Awake Space Abhors a Vacuum Cleaner This Electrolux Really Sux! Poisonous Insulators STOP!!! Or I'll leave the Toliet Unflushed!!! Uranated Glass Marbles {yes, they really *DO* exist!!! I used to have some!} Folding Dog Poop on the Lawn Luggable Fleming Valve Calculator You Might be a Faggot If... Dominator Pogo Josephine Master of the Refrigerators Rat Turds in the Marinator Tennis Ball Testicles Disk Space Abhors a Vacuum There's a Rainbow Flag on My Car Cancer of the Shower Nozzle Rinky Dinky! Tungsten Carbide Puppies Toliet Hanpenis (John Hancock) Drinking Glass Micturition Fused Carbon Kittens Lava Dark iDark Speakers Say Hello to My Little Enemy! Control Spires of Love Monument of H8RED Leaving the Sink Unflushed I said the Enema, Not the Enema! Milkshake of Destitution The Hostest with the Mostest Unpleasant Urinous Liver Odour Effexor XR Makes You Kill Yourself Ikkakumon's Horn will Kill You! Famlie Fyood Regis in the Electric Chair Rowenta Makes Ironing Fun? Hefty 'One Billion Zip' Garbage Bags Hasta La Vista Snuggles Bear...Down the Shitbowl You Go!!! Alarm Clock Feces Dragonfly Micturition Pill Bottle Sweat Flashlight Spam Your Dreams Don't Miss You! Just go through that Zanax Detector {telephone incessantly ringing} Answer That, You Cocksucker!!! Eternal Darnation H-E-Double-Bendy-Straws in a Handbasket Cockroaches in the Sink Lyre Lyre Pants on Fyre {sp. intentional} Cinerary Urns The Crawling Vermicular Life Forms Wet Columbarium Cable TV is Tyrannical Fragile Banister The Old Used-Up Douches There's Something about Insemination Radiator Flatulence Lambs to the "Slotter" {sp. intentional} Freezer Log Chimney Ice Cubes Mood Ring of Intoxication Tyrant of the Airwaves Dead Cats in the Bicycle Path Shaver of Loneliness Frying like a Birdie on a Wire Wiped Out! Coalescent Enema Constable Odo is a Faggot Who the F is Siddig El Fadil? It's 11:00...Do You Know where Your Water Is? Fat Dog Squishee Farts Wake Up Screaming The TVA Light Bulb Destructor Urinous Marigolds Pissed (angry) Pajamas The Gold Club is *NOT* Free!!! Afterbirth on Toast (that's pizza) Vacuum Cleaner Destructors Green Laser Pointer of Death Kinky Sons of Bitches The Nonhirsute Monkeys Spanking the Stove Get Down on Your Waist!!! Making Ice Cubes in the Oven What Happened to the Chandelier? Flap on the Bottom like PJs I Promise...You *WILL* Miss the Stanes Sweat Puddles Behind Your Ears Think Hard so You don't Strain Something! The Pissed-In Urinators War is H-E-Double-Bendy-Straws "Phavourite" "Dotter" {sp. intentional} Transistor Destructor Nonphat Refrigerator Garbage Water Uronium in the Mattress Pail Ryder Diamonds are *NOT* Forever Scotchguard my Heart Let's go get Hammered at the Bar! A Cold Day in H-E-Double-Bendy-Straws Committing Uricide The Toilaflexors Some Bogus Pisson Uranal Defecation Astral Eddy Micturition WHDFXUP with Bidets Ben Winkler Looks Fucked Up! Corona Light Weighs as much as a Regular Beer Papa Murphys Delivers...NOT!!! Distant Origin Hit Your Head playing Paresi Squares! Fire Down the Tractor Beam Uricision of Love Suicide-Resistant Urinator/Shower Carpet Roaches Getting Stoned on Parsnips The Rat is Incontinent Flying into a Neutron Star The Graviton Ellipse is Your Friend Shattered Cool Aide Pitchers Vacuum Anus Making a Deal with the Devil Chronowerx uses Old ICs Church in H-E-Double-Bendy-Straws If You're Under 18, Zymbalta makes You Commit Suicide! That 10's Show Poopy Poopy Diapers!!! Enemabag Towel The Bathtub is Your Toliet! Frozen Used Douches All Spambags are Evil and Must Die!!! Floor Lamp Mess Bunghole Paper Toliets Worst...Enema...EVER!!! Molten Popcycle Chainsaw ATV 1.47 Gram Test Kite String Who Busted out of Prison? Bungsnoidial Donkey Wild West Jailbreak Lockpick of Death Zamboni Emesis Rechargeable Light Globes Tonight...Long Stick Goes Boom!!! Strokeman Strokeman! Drink Cow Piss for Lowered Cholesterol Motorcycle Porkbellies BK Precision Candle Smashing Toliets with Ball Peen Hammers Kick Bowling Balls with Slippers On Air Powered Kicker Superhuman Dishwasher Flashing Cursor of Destitution Shooting the Dummy's Skull Just Fucking Rediculous!!! McToke: The Drug (smoking) Dog Micturating Cabbage Butterfly Larvae Throwing BBs at Mosquitos Silence of the Silverfish Those Dragonfly Larvae can Fly The Screamapillars Phoney McRing Ajax Facial Cleanser Take These Chains Off Peeing in a Coffee Filter Licking the Wrong Side of a Stamp Smells like Geriatric Urine Venomous Sphinx Moth Caterpillars Taking Chemicals on the Promenade Class VII Plasma Storm Garutie Death Lite Micturition of Faggots Emesis of Lezzies Lacrimation of Bisexualz Camera Insemination Radio Lactation RDS (Restless Dick Syndrome) Most People Don't Know how Good or Bad Their Urine Is Dawn...and Grease is Broken Taking the Music Back Chainsaw Lactation Urinous Coffee Sour Sugar Storage Shed Sweat Dickwhipped Cream Soggy Molten Pizza Eating Out of the Garbage Can Chickens Peck at their Eggs You Wear High Tops on you Ears Alligator Pee Dead Whales in the Highway Tincture of Valtrex Santa Flush Being a Big Douche Being a Medium Colostomy Bag Being a Small Enema Light Bulbs Sucked up the Vacuum What's That Crunchy Smell?!? Urineproof Barrier Hello Ooze Goodbye Sea-Bond Busted Dentures Coffeepot Micturition The Old Testicle & Rope Squeaky Mouses Shitting in the Coffeepot! The Adrenal Glands Suck Do Naa Light tha Candle!!! What's that Squeaky Noise Behind the Toliet? Did I Hear You Incorrectly? Free Urine Test Spittle in a Dixie Cup Dog Pee Catharsis Windproof Flashlight Chowing Down on Sea Urchins Spiny Lobefish on the Menu Shooting Starfish Tower of Greediness "C" is Never a Consonant Snapping Off Spark Plugs Growing Effeminate Facial Hair Thin Girls have Cellulite Grey Hair Tolietries Cupboard Defecation The Dog Water Dish has Pee in It! Who Busted the Coffeepot? Some Psycho Stole My Underwear RCS (Restless Cock Syndrome) Vanilla Cleanax They're Not Buzzers!!! What's Wrong with the Doorknob? EEEEK!!! A Camel!!! Hiding from the IRS Bloody Q-Tips on the Floor Sneaking Out of the Bar Dichon Alpha is Really BRIGHT!!! Relax the Ombusher Data is Not an Android Data is Not a Robot Stealing Booze Moose on the Expressway Carpet Urination The Klash Zone Screen Door Venom Peeps are Microwaveable...NOT!!! Trident Gum gives You Rabies All I Want for Christmas is Depends! Pissing on the Third Rail Legpit Puddles Foul Penile Odour Flaccid Fingers Boner of the Neck Cardiac Erection Butterfly Micturition Moth Emesis Light Bulbs in Bicycle Spokes Deadbolt Feces Amperstand {sp. intentional} Are You & Chuck Homosexicles? {sp. intentional} RPS (Restless Prick Syndrome) RPS (Restless Penis Syndrome) RFS (Restless Fingers Syndrome) RNS (Restless Neck Syndrome) Vacuum Brain Think with Your Dick Nocturnal Wood Babie Phat Asshole Candy Scotopic Touch Viva Enemañata Stahr Campain Maid of Dishonour Cool Whip Enema Chewing on Christmas Lights Light Bulb in the Turkey Baby Tornado Micturition Giraffe Vaginas Pussywhipped Cough Syrup Heavy Metal Tallahassee Pee Root Vegetable Black-Nosed Pees Pissing on a Carpet Nail Seattle Lacrimation of Radios Testicles Smashed with Rebar Give that Amish a Piñata Leaking Vacuum Cleaner Bags Kitten Boner Cephalic Alkalosis Foul Stomach Contents Our Urine is Purple Airplane Dentition MedaKair Part F Cub Poop Black Screen TV Toliet Lactation Facial Enuresis Sad Cleanax Dickwhipped Tylenol The Funnel is Flooded! Goat the Tolet {as my grandmother used to say} Puffs Minus Duresel: The Silver Top Battery Tornado Hunters are Faggots The Michelin Man is a Tiresexual! Puppy Dog Insemination Supercell Enuresis The Black & Decker Pecker Wrecker Total Eclipse of the Fart Vicious Birthday Vaccuummning the Toliets {sp. intentional} The Crapweasels Venomous Carpet Bear Hibernation Enuresis Tin Can Prison The Price is Wrong Envenomated by a Tiger This Yacht Smells like Snail Pee Try All 31,054,500 Great Flavours! Rye Bread has Tarragon Seeds Hamburger Harmer Microwave Sextuplets That Little Person Inside You is a Douchebag! Brain Excersize Gym Rat Work while you Play You're Ugly!!! Waiting Long? 1-800-BAR-ALLL Smelly Cat, Smelly Cat! Why would a Dog Eat another Dog? The Princess and the Pee Playing Hooky from the Bathroom Fetal Matter in the Champagne Nonphosphor Black LEDs Fishslapped! The Rats are Adorable Pneumatic Device Writes in Blood Ink Urine on the Rocks Torx Bit Crescent Wrench Somebody Ate the Cat! A Nose in Need Deserves Toliet Paper Indeed! The Herbal Essences Shampoo Lady is a SLUT!!! The Minnesota Hacksaw Massacre His Wishes could make a Genie Crawl Back in its Bottle Sofa Micturition The Urinebed Sprung a Leak! 50,000 Watts of Power Picking at Each Brain The Gorton Fisherman's Boat Sank Honey, Fill the Lacrimationbed!!! As Valuable as a Popped Enablex Balloon Binary Pulsars are Kewl!!! Lab Rats that Fight Back The Corrigans Furniture Meltdown Stargate SG-047 Stuffed Crust Couches Chair Potato Downie Fabrik Hardener If you see "G-H-T" then Shit Yourself! Credebit Card Poddy Yam Cuisinart Hoars Santa down the Furnace Chimney Malomyotismon is Super!!! Togemon's a Lezzy Mosquito Larvae Wriggling in Your Beer Cheeze Fud {sp. intentional} Old Beer in the Wall Another Bottle down the Hall Spaghetti and Flatulence Paper or Paper? kAll in All You're Just Another Uranal in the Wall!k Blood Plasma Laser Gooey Bricks Superglue Wicket Franklin Stonerbear Likes Pot! He Keeps Hanging Down Bleeding Bleeding Hearts That Flashlight Peed All Over My Socks Barefoot in Busted Glass It's Late and Someone Busted the Cool-Aide Pitcher! Mourningcloak Butterfly Larvae are Strange Evil Catterpods Locusts...They'll Destroy Bajor!!! Butterflies are Wierd The Magic Toaster is rather Queer The Owl is Unwise Grift of the Maggie Dragonfly Larvae in Your Pepsi Plush Tadpoles Uranated Cauliflower Teapot of Destitution Threadbare Automobile Every Ciss Ends with Cay GREETINGS, SHOWER BEASTS.... {From the C=64 computer demo "Mag Factor Three" that I wrote in mid-November 1992} Urinous Showerhead Roll-AIDS Spider in your Soup You Got Your Peanut Butter in My Coke!!! kDooooo Theeeee Puuuu Syyyyy Whippppp!!!k ?NOT READY WHIP ERROR IN 32768 Waiter, There's a Soup in My Bug! Spider Under the Table There Was Pee in My Coffee! Carbonated Gerbils Oxygenated Plutonium Would You Like some Coffee with Your Sugar? Super Salt Bear Oven of Destitution Bathtub Spigot Micturition I Figured Out Blue Clues!!! Venomous Rental Wheelchair Fridge Bottom Stuphing Cupboard Flatulence Partial Eclipse of the Dryer Poisonous Light Bulbs Exveemon's V-Laser is Ineffectual at Best Cat in a Burning Grocery Bag Spilling Beans My Lil' Forgetter Baby Scorpions & Rhinocerous Beetle Grubs (Larvae) Tarantula Defecation Radiance of the Testicles Annular Eclipse of the Ass Why, Motherfucker? Ain't a Black Man Allowed to Carry His Own Toliet?!? RepHresh Pussy Cleaner is Pussywhipped Black Widows are Spectacular Med-4-Graveside Tiny Nippleless Boobs Fuck the Majik Toestor {sp. intentional} Home-4-Med Money in the Garbage Debby Meyer's Everrotten Black Bags Drinking from the Port-O-Let Busted Scooters Burning Electrical Odour Got a Torn Dollar in My Pocket The Steering Column's Flooded Milk in the Gasoline Urine Parsnip Stepping on Dead Pepsi Wrenches Eu de Armpit {pee you!!!} Eu de Toliette {Eu de WHAT?!?} Cockroach Poop in the Eggs Used Ketchup in the Lawn That Talking Cool-Aide Pitcher is So Gay! Ho, Ho, HOOOOOLY SHHHIIIITTT!!! I've been Sitting on the Toliet! Poopoo in the Urinators That Sink is Queer! Washing Machine Flatulence Busted Pencil Leaky Fountain Penile Instrument The YuleHightides Dripping Dog Water Kandiosity of Kops ?SYNTAX ERROR READY. Spittle Sysop Shower Beasts of Burden Pepsi Boogers Coca-Cola Snot The Nanites are all Squeaky JERRY!!! JERRY!!! JERRY!!! JERRY!!! JERRY!!! Buckeyballs of Destruction Sleeping in the Same Bed Oscilloscope of H8RED Screaming Pee! Boner of Contention Work it In Who the Baby Daddy? He's a Couchwetter! Nowadays, You Gotta have Toliet Paper The Dining Table's Burning The Chairs are Soaked with Pee Fizzy Scorpions Douchy Tarantulas Who Fell Off the Showerhead of Knowledge? Diarhhea of the Faucet Fireplace Lacrimation Who's the Fat Chick? Pussyface! Sleeping in Buckminster Fullerenes Camel Urine Enema Your Cellular Phoney is Ringing! Waiter, My Soup is Dry Dillhole! Bungnocker Consume Urination & Insemination @ the Semen Bar! Buttknocker Dickweed Fartknocker Blue Whale Snot The Onions are Crying Concentrated Camel Saddles Beowolf is Gosh Sailboat Insemination Denaturating the Kitty Cat We Be Toys The Hirogen H8 Diplomacy The Nasonex Bee is Truly a FAGGOT!!! Trident Watermelon Twist: A Mouth's Worst Enemy Octopussy is a LEZZY!!! Nonphat Stove I Gotta Drop a Stool In Need of Psychotectic Treatments You're Supposed to Pee on It! Crisper Drawer Perspiration Who Let the Rat Out? Fried Munchies Pulitzer Prize for Sewer Grates Drop a What? Pinch a Loaf?!? Ancient Romans Looked Like FAGGETS!!! O Nooooo!!! The Wench Slipped!!! Stop and Change Light Bulbs Attention All Planets of the Solar Federation! Romulans are Wussies Atari Computers are Pieces of Shit Commodore Computers are #1 Let's Play Chickensplat! Marinator Micturition Ambush of the Kitty Cats 31,054,500 Smoke Bad Urine!!! Go Down the Toliet!!! Rat in the Meatloaf Business Card Paper Cut The Carburetor on the Bus goes Suck Suck Suck! Spiriva Makes You go Poo-Poo Labia-Slapping those Assholes!!! Pencil with Wings Flying Books Newspaper Feces Gum Insemination Use That Ballwasher Very Carefully! Bitten by an Armpit Viper Honda Civic CVCCVCVVCVCC Ladybugs are Brie TV is a Vast DOUCHE The Nerds are Flammable Whipped-Ass Niacin If I Get Sick the Toliet is Near! {Above the TP dispenser} "Betchya You Can't Use Just One" It's Early and Somebody Busted the Ashtray Anubis is a Butthole!!! Apophis Sounds like Armpit Sweat :( Peeing in the Punchbowl The Theraflu Ghost There's a Worse Bulb Piñator is Brie Going Bye-Bye in the Car 360° Knife Lock the Cash Box Hey, Assmunch!!! Clorel Sounds like Bleach Stop the Catbox ?ILLEGAL MASSENGILL ERROR IN 65534 Hot Gazpacho The Spittle has Crystallised Jaywalking for Jesus Pray for H-E-Double-Bendy-Straws Good Fences make for Lousy Neighbours ?ILLEGAL QUANTITY OF SUMMER'S EVE ERROR IN 0 Shut that Car Alarm Up As the Earth Behind You Reeks Cum Kleen B.O.Douriser Bad Dog!!! A****e C****a Bites!!! I Vant to Ddink Your Spumm {yes, some fartknocker actually said this to me (and used this pronunciation) when I was 16 or 17 in Juneau AK. USA} First Avenue Self Service Center Rat Pellet Extacy Wilted Asparagus Spears We are Not Carbonated Elephants!!! Partying in Bumfuck Egypt "Flourescent" "Penuses" {sp. intentional} Arid Extra-Wet Perspirant Sysop of Heaven Igneous Micturition Metamorphic Urination Sedimentary Poddy Vaccume: Masters of Molten Metal Coyotes Howling at the Sun Drinking from a Urinator Big Bucks to Buy a New Barium Enema Small Bucks to Buy a Used Massengill brand Post-Menstrual Disposable Douche Barking at the Doorknob The Statue of Slavery Why do Bagpipes Sound Like That? Dr. Pecker and Splice in the Pop Machine kCampbells...Tomato Soup...Impossibilities!!!k Who Peed in the Newspaper Machine? O no, the Cupboard is Flooded! Give That Amish a Busted Popcycle Stick Drinking Empty Bottles of Mickey's Big Mouth Penny Sysops Uncut a Tomato Unflush a Toliet Unshatter a Window Unstrike a Match Syrup of Puke It's Midday and Someone Busted the Shopping Carts Chocolate-Covered Sysops Buying a Fast-Cooker Skid Marks on the Urinator Preparation-A Stops Killer Assteroids {note sp.} Preparation-C Stops Killer Comets Preparation-M Stops Killer Meteors EAROMulans If it's Mellow let it Yellow, if it's Brown Drink it Down! THE FAGGOT SHAVED OFF HIS MOUSTACHE Be Sure to Clean Under the Toliet The Cat Pissed in the Bathtub Hot Massengator brand Pre-Menstrual Nondisposable Dooshes {sp. intentional} Losing Weight on Your Waste Joe Farago (of "Iron Quick" fame) is a Puppy Dog Ingenio Fat-Loaded Pans Sneaking to the Supply Room to Throw Something Away Leper Messiah Stealing Office Supplies The Stapler is Bleeding Bloody Q-Tips on the Rug Poisonous Typewriter Billy Mays is Very Quiet!!! Vemomous Spud Valves Peeing the Bed for Allah I've Got a Secret in my Litterbox...DOG POOP!!! Who's Funeral is it Anyway? Reception Hall for Syringes Candiosity! Drunk with Power, Go Take a Shower Make Me Laugh Fired from the Cannoñata Free Candiosity Test HERE -->*<-- Beer is Pisswater Mike Ockhurts So Good! Don't You Know it's Easy as 1-2-3 Don't be a Faggot now That's the Key Stinking Drunk with Power Radio Controlled Farting Washer Spreading the Disease The Light Bulbs are Crying kThree Full Weeks past Halloween, Sil-Ver Shamrock!!!k Nonstinky Dirty Diapers Over There's a Dr. Pepper, You can Smell it with Your Pecker The Unoriginal Iron-Slow System What's That Scent? Eu de Dirty Diaper: Perfume for New Mothers Hot, Corrosive Baby Urine Who Pissed in the Baptismal? Epaulets of Agony Peace On Pluto Snowing on Venus The Rings of Mars Tavern on the Brown The Fag Bar Boiling a Pot of Dog Water There's a Cherub in My Peanut Butter It's a Free for None Itty Bitty Discombobulator Urine Sysops Fergie is a Lezzy The Dog Pee Band The Cows Came Home Drinking Whammy Pee Playing Cow Pie Frisbee Why not Angeled Ham instead of Deviled Ham? Michael Shanks is Cute! Ring-Around-the-Toliet Douches in the Oven Spending Thanksgiving Aloner with my Boner Ringworm Destitution Washing Machine Infection Beer Flatulence Rotten Honey Behind the Couch Who Crapped in my Mr. Coffee? The Little Pink Pill...A PINK HEART!!! YEAH!!! You are One Egg Roll Short of a Poo-Poo Platter Stoner Steve Dickwhipped Viagra Teepz Warm Front of Urine The Fucktards are Squeaky What's WD-40? Vacuum Bag Explosion Toliet Clog Barbituates Stone Knives & Bearskins Phat-Phree Toliet The Typewriter's on Fire There's a Pretty Kitty Cat, You can See it with Your Phat Super Swirlee!!! The System Lords are So Kewl! The Enterprise is in Orbit Around the Planet...Tranchhhh!!!

Pubic Restroom Puddle {sp. intentional}
Cups of Hot Wolf Pee
We're Going Digital!
Bitten by a Firefly
Little Gay Pen {yes, I have one of these!}
Urine-Colored Liquid in a Plastic Cup
It Makes a Great Suctioning Sound
Renal Failure of the Nose
Vomit-Flavoured Jelly Beans
Zero-Touch Can't Opener
Metal Illness
Bruz Cruz in the Crapper
MRI of the Penis
Tin Man is a Comet!
Pooping Out Whole Insulaters
A Thanksgiving Feast Fit for a Rat
Feed the Toliets
Vacuum the Monsters
Playing the Throw-Up Round!
On the 13th Day of Christmas My False Love Sold to Me
Peeter Rooter
Momentary Lapse of Destitution
Should You Quit Being a Dueche? {sp. intentional}
Happy Dry, Burned Replicated Dead Bird Meat Day!!!
There are Firebugs Flying in the Weeds
Over There's a Fire Truck, You Can Smell it while You Fuck
The Santa Closet
Centipede Enuresis
Pitching a Tent in the Cesspool
There's a Puffy Puff Adder, You can See it with Your Bladder
Tick the Titty Tat or Ticking the Titty Tat {sp. intentional}
The Xindi Suck Ass!!!
It's Midnight and Somebody Busted the Helicopter
The Spaceman Croaked on Titan
Battlesun Galaxy Rayzer
Jimmy Claus
Gingerbread Man Going Poo-Poo
Paulie Wants to Go to a Piñata Party Too!
Batman and the Homosexual Scissors
Dead Rats Rotting in a Tank
The Meteoroids are Gay
Bole uv Bugz {sp. intentional}
Alarm Clock Auditory Assault
Furnace Burner Micturition
Butter in the Chimney
Got thee...TELEPHONE
Spending Christmas Aloner with Your Boner
Stool Pig
Unpleasant Cleavage Odour
Volume Vacuum
Ravioli for the Dying
Malomyotismon is Cool!!!
Meramon is HOT HOT HOT!!!
Agumon's "Pepper Breath" Makes You Sneeze
Palmon's "Poison Ivy" Makes You Itch
Togemon's "Needle Spray" Makes Fantastic Air Freshener
Lillymon's "Flower Cannon" Makes You Piss Beehives
Buttal Assault
It's Tubular Man
When Good Toupees...GO BAD!!!
Fetal Lacrimation
Geriatric Flatulence
The Jem'Hadar are So So Cool!
Cat Pee Love
It's Early and Someone Busted the Stove!
Superman Demolishing a Uranal
Cat Turd H8red
Litterbox Euthenasia
The Pecker Quintet
Alphabetising Our Cow Chips
Hairy Mule Larvae
The Analogue Owls
The Thermostats are Fucking Again!
The Helicopters are Weeping
Who is Disturbed?
Old Unimproved Swiffer Dusters
The Green Cold Chili Peckers
Who Let the Tarantulas Out?
Phat Phree Toliet Tank {sp. intentional}
The CFLs are Broken
What's Wrong with the Truck?
Straight as a Broken Arrow
Gay as an 8 Dollar Bill
Never and Never Again
The Coffeepot Has Nothing but Hot Water in It!
Dick Cup Perspiration
Charging this Flashlight Resembles a "Spanking the Monkey" Motion
Euthenasia of the Refrigerator
The Oven is Pissing
My Huge' Forgetter! {punctuation intentional}
You Did Designate Him a 'Windbag'
Who Stomped on the Magic Toaster?
Anesthetise this Bitch!
Turned Resistor
Winter's Morn Nondisposable Douches
It's Late and Someone Busted the Pepsi
Captain Proton to the Rescue
Six Thousand Chicken Fajitas {pronounced "fuh-JYE'-tuhs"}
Hummer Feeder
The Freezer is Melting
Drinking Hot Cat Poddy
Poor, Poor Pitiful You
Get Off My Uranal...It's a Funeral!
The Dick Cup is Crying
Alex Krebeck is a Faggot!
Calamity Jane is a Lezzy
The Sahara Desert is in Antarctica
{making loud vaccuming noises} It's a Sandstorm!!!
Battery Enema
The Penile Instrument is Out of Squid Fluid
Hole in Eighteen or Nineteen
I'm 43 and I Love It!
Too Old to Wear Anthrax Shirts?
IR-Emitting UV Laser
The Wall Shelves are Peeing Again!
Doorframe Trauma
Hoo Kant Spel Potatoe? {sp. intentional}
Ben Gay Stops Morning Wood
USB Urinator Spud Valve
Santa Clause Destroying a Toliet
Polly Wants an Enema!
Tilex Grows Mould
{shouted in golf} Sicks!!!
As Valuable as a Dented Garbage Can
Screen Door on a Submarine
Maintenance Shed Lacrimation
Rudolph the Brown-Nosing Reindeer
Taking the Bate
You Got the Douche Crew, You Got the Douche Crew, You Got the Douche Crew, Fuuuuuck You!!!
Tugging On Neelix's Whiskers
Sleeping in Hot Camel Urine
Tennis Ball Micturition
Broken Knife
The Stinky Plastic King Heads
Aural Illusions
Extreme Makeunder Business Edition
Optical Delusions
Ninja Snake Micturition
Scanning the Garbage
Viva Toliet!!!
STFU Billy Mays!!!
Flushing the Sink
What's Wrong with the Dipsty Dumpster?
Warm Dog Candy
You Can't Edit Your Cat Pee
Flushing for Ketchikan
The Juneau Black Sphere UFO
Cockroach on a Hot Vanadium Cofee Cup
When Good Toliets...Go BAD!!!
BLOG = Bullshit Log
Bowling for Barrow
P&V {Urine & Acetic Acid}
Billy Mays is a Fartknocker
Dad, What's a Fartknocker?
Catnip for the Amish
What's That Fucking Noise?!?
kCh-Ch-Ch-Ch-Charley Horse!!!k {sung to the "Chia Pets" jingle}
Shitting in the Sauna
Left Guard
Once More Unto the Wastepaperbasket
Worshipping Cat Urine
Throwing Wolf Shit to the Wolves
Used Tampaxes Behind the Toliet
Invasion of the Stoves
Giving the Dog a Boner
Floody McFlood
Fiery McFire
Finite Spirals
Woody Woodpeckerhead
Fart Noc Ker {three lizards around a butthole say each word sequentially}
Bathing in Warm Camel Poddy
What's With the Replicals?
DMM = Doo Moofah Moolah
The Jack Daniels Worm
You're a Douche, You're a Douche!
Crestor is Not Dick Medication!
Skid Marks on the Toliet Seat
The Robot has been Neutralised
"The 'Toliet' Test" {The word "toliet" is intentionally misspelled}
The Misadventures of Commander Antiproton
Iced Gasoline
Zymbalta Makes You Put Your Head in the Oven!
Crazy Glue Your Fingers Together
Flammable Ice Cubes
Noise from the CD Player
The Porno Buttmonkeys
Dangerouswatch Video Sphere
The Magic Toaster's So So Gay, You can Smell it While You Spray!
I am Charmin of Borg. You are Buttholes. You Will Be Wiped.
The Crickets are Stinking
The Magic Toaster is Not Really Magical
Doctors & Malpractise Lawyers Working Together
Radio Killed the Video Star
Who Put the Fork in the Garbage Disposal?
It's Raining Tarantulas & Scorpions
The Astronaut has Rotor Blades
Toxic Pet Strobe
Batteries are Flushable
You Can Edit your Camel Urine
Tambor Beta Six is Cool!!!
Smoking a Bowl to Avoid Getting Stoned
Verteron Particles from the McPherson Nebula
Jimmy Carter did Not appear on Laugh-In
Gumby is Not Flexible
The Daily Quadruples
The Magic Toaster vs. A Claw Hammer
Chandeliers are Brie
Cut Through the Bullshit with a Knife!
Get Off my Dick, It's Sick
Venomous Wristwatch
{sung like Britany Spears} kOops, I Fucked Up Again!k
Heaven's Devils
Super Glue in the Toliet
Bun Gho Lio {three cartoon teens around a dude say each word sequentially}
Repossesions? Let Guido Loan You Money!
Miracle Pancreas
Bert Convey Acted like a Fagget
Your Robot keeps Fucking my Vacuum Cleaner
Wheaties Festival
Chinchilla Tightening Machine
Stepping in Worm Piss
Enema Douches
Sonny Walkwoman
There's Urine in the Washingmachine
Poopy Fridge
Baby Swimming after Money
Zitt Vacumn {sp. intentional}
Ripping Your Bunghole Off
Vaccuummnne - Masters of Thresh Metal {sp. intentional}
Mountain Poop is Yucky!
What the H-E-Double-Bendy-Straws Was That?!?
Vytorin is Not Dick Drugs!
Fecal Dryer
Paying the Bug Guy
Happy Hyundai Days
Vertizontal Shades
Flashing Blinding Sunglasses
The Butt Sausages
Iced Penises
Worm Quintet are a Bunch of Pricks
Do Cricket Feces Chirp when they Hit the Ground?
Setting Fire to Dirty Wash
Sojournen Urine
Set Your Cocks Forward this Spring {note sp.}
Teenage Mutant Ninja Mouse Droppings
Hairy Pothead
Carbonated Hand Mixer
Captain Underwear and the Attack of the Talking Toliets
Burst Garbage Bags
Taking Out the Lamps
Binary Cock {note sp.}
Gee, Your Hair Smells like Cat Pee!
Legpit Deodouriser
Air Rottener
Liquid Accordions
Blood-Engorged Penguins Live at the Equator
Semisweet Tennies
The Rice is Crying
Radioactive Towels
Pocket Full of Semen
CDs That Perspire
She's Getting all Squeaky
Blender Cup Infection
Cummed Vacuum Bag Explosion {what happens if you vacuum sperm off red satan sheets}
Garbage Can Infuction {sp. intentional}
Dipsty Dumpster Deodourant
The Soap is Delicious
Cistern Straw
Drinking from the Urinators
Slipping on Soiled Depends
Bathtub Drane Squishee
The Mad Tromboner
And OH Gets the Square!
Band Liquidators
All "Licker" is Vile {the word "Liquor" intentionally misspelled}
Not Time for the Unbonus Square
Drink Like the Dog Does - Out of the Toliet Bowl
Inverted Studmuffins
Pr0n >=< Porn
Semisolid Dishwasher
Insufficient Postage on that Thanksgiving Card!
Kant Fule thuh Speeling Pollese {ahl werdz intenshenaly mispelt}
Crab Grass Semen
I Like Big Bugs and I Cannot Lie
Eating Used Syringes
Willard Brimhole *IS* a Queer!
Toaster Micturition
Can't Say "ING"
Spittle Police
Betraying that Pop Bottle
Goiter on your Testes
Box of Geriactric's Toys
No More Games
Testicular Waffles with Urochrome Syrup
Is William Shatner a Queer?
Turn On the "Koff" with Delsim
666 More Shopping Days until H-E-Double-Bendy-Straws
The Macey's Easter Parade
Vicks Late-Defense
Cauliflower Micturition
Going Over the Nife {sp. intentional}
Uncozy Sleepwear
Smoking a Bowl in Amsterdarn
Creeping Streetlights on TV
Holiday Sataned Ham Dip
Cold Springs Cold Tub at 47.40960°F
Mike Golic is Waif-Thin!
Poaperee - Unique Gifts for Retards {sp. of "potpourri" intentional}
Job? Career? Job? Career? Job? Career? What's the Fucking Difference?!?
Can the Trajector Send Me to Juneau?
Interest in Polish Culture
Photons & Forcefields?
Rosetta Stoner!
Deodourant Duck Bone with Cheese
Violating Whole Grain
Optical Intercourse
Stop Fucking my Toaster or Corporal Antilepton will Pee in Your Hair
Viola Solo!
Flushing Goldfish Down Old Toliets
Satan's Public Hair {note sp.}
Apple Flavoured Broccoli
Fire Fruitarts
Colonel Fartknocker and the Bungknockers!
Tampons in the Drinking Fountain
What's That Thing Floating in the Urinator?
My Watermelon is Squeaky
♪ Impossibilities!!! ♪
Get Him a Rusty Old Truck
Edison was a Fraud!
Who *REALLY* Invented the Microphone?
The Booger Eaters
Pissing in a Teapot
Ball Up Raw Meat and Throw It!
Stuffing Paper Towels down Bathtubs
PFC I. P. Freely Pisses the Bed at Sally's Boot Camp
Any Place but Here
{computerised male voice} He Eats Light Bulbs and Drinking Glasses and Poo Poo
Zefram Cochrane went to Warp 9.997 but the Bunghole Kept it a Secret!!!
Leaving a Trail of Slime in Your Wake
Boner of Contention

Shoving Busted Light Bulbs up Barney's Bunghole {"Barney" - the purple toliet dinosaur from PBS}
Baby Bop Broke Your Uncle Milton's Ant Farm     {"Baby Bop" - the yellow toliet dinosaur from PBS}
♪ Smoking in the Girl's Room! ♪
Is Uncle Milton a Fartknocker?
Vacuuming Up Christmas Balls
Failing to Water the Tree
The Always-Ending Story
Peter Piper Picked a Peck of Pickled Peckers
Never Good at Pubic Speaking {note sp.}
♪ I'm Full like the Wolf ♪
Piss Christmas
Shitty New Year's Eve
Resume Your Disorder
Aqua de Pee
Stinky Yule Log Floating in the Toliet
We'll Make a Few Tweaks
Nasty Chainsaw Accident
Covering the Christmas Tree with Polyurethane
Internal Blue Alert
Contributing to the Garbage Can
Your Toaster Desecrated My Crayons
Pouring Vodka in the Christmas Tree Water Basin
That Cow is a Lezzy!
Milk in the Urinators
Alien vs. Predatory Bird
Who Uranated in the Dryer? {sp. intentional}
Skunky Gatoraide
Twist-Offs Let In More Neon
Orange Juice in the Stove
Strapping Fartknockers in Wheelchairs with No Brakes at the Tops of Hills
♪ Have a Holly Jolly Enema, It's the Best Thing Up your Butt! ♪
♪ Two More Days Till Christ-mas, Sil-Ver Tree ♪
Aaron Esurance Uses a Pink Wig!
Broken Leaking Plastic Douche Bottles
Regurgitated Colon Contents
♪ If Your Website Sucks Big Walrus Cock Don't Send it to Me ♪
Not the Vagina, the Vagina!
It's Bassackward
Contracting HIV from a Broken, Diseased Ken Doll
Stoner Steve Sparks Up 100 Bowls a Day
Don't Move Laterally
Why are there Paper Towels Floating in the Commode?
Soap in the Drinking Fountain
Ice Cold Beer in the Urinators
Who Has #13 On?
Betsy Wetsy has Enuresis!
Half the Time You're at the Coffeepot the Rest You're in the John!
Cum Guzzling Guttersluts
Some Bogus Pisson
Some Stupid Fucker
Downing a Glass of Urochrome
Poo Pot Makers
A Guppy Called "Wendy"
Exploding Toliet
My Oompa Loompa Became Damaged
A Goldfish Called "Santa's Little Helper"
The Spatulas are Crying
Unimatrix 2,458,770
A String of Satan Bright Christmas Bulbs
Involuntary Uranation {note sp.}
Eye Kant Vacume {noat: al werds intenshonely mispelt}
Santa Flush
I Want some Fucking Trix!
Cactus Testicles
Uncle Milton's Armpit Hair Farm
Bird Fork
Battery-Powered Carrots are Deadly
Sitting on the Toliet Stroking My...SPACHELA, Spachela, spachela... {sp. intentional}
Oops!!! The Garbage Bag Busted!!!
Lizard Slotted Spoonhead
Leaking Fishtank
Beaver and Butthole How Nice! {spoken like that drill seargant-type character on the program}
Golf is for Faggets!
The Garbage Broke my Wheelchair
Break Up those Boxes
Ronny Doich is a Really Douchey Douchebag!
Botched Colostomy Bag
Polygrip Test Results {as Beavis & Butt-Head might call them}
{spoken like Willard Brimhole} Check Your Blood Salt and Check it Often!
Did You Uranate in the Coffeepot? {note sp.}
Sucking Carpet Pigs Up with an Industrial Vacuum Cleaner
kI Bring these Gifts for You they're Up in My Bummmmk
Swauv Shampee is for Wussies
Performing Bad Magic Offstage
Yankee Leg
Who Uranated in the Eggnog? {note sp.}
kWrapped Up like a Douche Another Runner in the Nightk
kYou'll Shoot Your Eye Out, You'll Shoot Your Eye Out!k
Caffienation Deactivation
A Hair on the Toliet Seat
Sally's Boot Camp Survivors
Makes You go Poo-Poo
Getting an "A" on the Polygrip Test
Uranation in the Uranator {note sp.}
Two Hot Juicy Alligator Meat Burgers
Get that Amish a Colostomy Bag!
Cut Your Tongue on a Busted Boob Tube
He Called Us {vulgar term for multiple penis vacuums}!
Yay Telephony!!! {pronounced 'tel uh FONE'ee'}
kChristmas Comes just Once This Yeark
The Bungknockers
Public Restroom Puddle
Stargate SG-2,458,770
kOoooooooooo...Who Died in a Cantaloupe Over the Sea? SPERMJIM ROUNDPANTS!!!k
Tell the Rapping Spermbags to STFU!!!
Let's Play on the Dyson Sphere
Drake & Josh Look like FAGGETS!
Catch Me if you Can, Little Meow Meow!
Aircraft Bumblebee
Ninja Micturition
Carpet Rat
{male singing} kI Married my Dream Boy I Married my Dream Boyk
Fighting Futons
N.F.B. (Dnabnikufesin)
Violence Metal
The Pack isn't Back
Smash Bulbz!
Screaming Against Vengeance
Feel the Slotted Spoon
The Priests of the Devils of Syrinx
Kelp Eat Abaloney
Punch Buggy
Peeing on the Third Rail
Taking a Maternity Test for Maury
Spayed Blue Whales
Neutered Polar Bears
Uranated Water Heater {note sp.}
ATM Machine (Automatic Teller Machine Machine)
Fuck You and Fuck the Fucking Fuck Too!
The Magic Intestine
Pissing on an Electric Fence
Mom Warned Me Never to Marry that Douchebag
Super Duper Huey
Having a Vowel Movement
It's the Meeeeeers!
Crystal (Meth) Castles
Taco Smell Makes You have Liquid Poo-Poo!
Fructose for the Lactose Intolerant
Peeing Out Consonants
Warp Core Breach Not in Progress
Time to be a Hero Doctor!
Who Busted the Toliet?!?
Stop Desecrating my Patio or Subcommander Testicle will Inseminate Your Cistern {toliet tank}
Stuffed-Up Bathtub Drane Hooplah
Gay Pride of Lions
Octagonal Festival
Taking a Dumpster
Wild & Out-of-Control Infants
Crying on My Stage
Triangular Rats
There's a Dead DEAD Christmas Tree, You can Smell it with Your Knee
kWho's Highly Absorbent and Soaked with Cat Pee? SPERMBAG PISSPANTS!!!k
Our Songs are all Earworms
You Got a Cash Mayday!
Food Fight Quest
Urine Cabbage
Money Taxi
Uranated Coffee Grinds {note sp.}
Greenteeth® Earphones
Here a Pecker, There a Pecker, Everywhere a Dr. Pecker!
Cans of Mt. Poop in the "Siggeret" Machine {sp. intentional}
I'd Like to Buy a Bowel
Buxten Disorganiser
Cellular Telephone Discharge
Forced Emesis Every Nite {sp. intentional}
Jellyfish Feces
It's All Urine, Pee-Pee!
A Regular Handbag can get Kyped
Snails that Sweat
Porno for Sperm Whales
Decibal Police
Used Breast
Hitting the Pope in the Balls with a Baseball Bat
kEight Hundred Five Eight Eight Two Three Hundred Empire Tomorrow!k
Shooting Corks into Pigeon's Vents {bungholes}
Dirty & Unclear
Bird Poop Hooplah
The Rain is Crying
Get $10.00 of Unaffordable Coverage
Radioactive Waste of Bungwipe
Lose,Lose, LOSE!!!
SpongeBob Plays the Nasal Recorder
Create Learning that Sucks
Refund Disposition Loan
Peeing in Plastic Cups
Heating Used Douches in the Microwave
Custodian in a Bottle
Waste of Paper Toliets
Broken Mop Handles for Janitors
What a Urinator...I mean What a Pisser!!!
Smoke Weed...It's Good for You
This Yacht Smells like Cat Pee
Punish the Vacuum Cleaner
What's Burning?!?
Scottowels Stuffed Down Johns
Spanking the Giraffe
Popping Zits in your Pissbladder
Playing the Nose Flute
Radioactive Waste of Paper Towels
Cheese in the Garbage Disposal
Daniel Jackson is a Faggot
Reads like Science Fiction
Automatic Poop Throwing Machine
SpongeBob SquarePants Flunked the Maternity Test on Maury
Veemon is Not the Baby Daddy
Flamedramon {The Fire of Courage} is Not the Baby Daddy
Raidramon {The Storm of Friendship} Is the Baby Daddy
Sandy Cheeks is a Lezzy
Smash that Fucking Couch See if it Steals Your Change Again
Dumb Stupid Douchenozzles
The Issue with the Tissue
The Distinct Sound of Cheese Being Cut
A Neighbour with some Paper
Drymon...Digivolve to...WETMON!!!
Blasting the Pants Cannon
(Crash Course in) Brane Surjurie {sp. intentional}
kOoooooooo Who Fell in a Toliet Inside the Abyss?k
Smelly Hairy Peebag
kSan Wakeen Valley Urinator!k
Renamon...Matrix Digivolve to...TOWELMON!!!
Alex Krebeck is Not a Faggot?
Raining Piss Ants & Rottenhoneybees
kOooooooo! Who Stepped in some Doody while Catching a Bus?k
kWho's Highly Corrosive and Soaked with Boob Pus!k
Garbear {pronounced "gair'bare" like "care bear"}
Garbear {pronounced "gar'bare" like "tar bear"}
There's Coffee in that Nebula
Dragonfly Envenomation
Crop of Sugar Coke
Lactic Acid is KOOL!!!
Growth Chamber for the 6th Century
Rat Scratch Fever
These Shotglasses Don't Work
What's Wrong with My Poo?
Instant Asshole: Just Add Alcohol
Beaver Snatch
Rhino Clit
Urea Milkshake
Grendyl isn't a Monster
kTake Drugs!k
kSmoke Pot!k
Heads Mounted on Spears
Meterdevil LM-666 Satanic Meter
Pills in the Toliet
A Man Who Ate Stones
kHigh Ho, High Ho, It's Off to the Fag Bar I Go!k
Bloody Kotexes in the Cistern
A Stone that Ate Men
Cello Solo!
Tainted Nonessentials
Lead Balloons that Fly?
Fire in the Bunghole!
Sawing Off his Sack
Drinking a Steaming Hot Glass of Cat Pee
This Owl is Defective
Eagle Sextupet
There's a Product called 'Nads'?
Joes vs. Joes
Leave Me the Fuck Alone!!!
Go to H-E-Double-Bendy-Straws!!!
kOooooooo! Who Lives in a Uranal Under the Sea?k
Guano? Tisk Tisk!
Belltone is Conducting Research on a New Antienuresis Technology
Chantix Makes You Ralf in the Bushes
The Gospel According to Toliet
Clean Jobs
A****e C****a is Kinda Cute
But A****e C****a Sucks Ass!!!
A****e C****a is Kinda Cute
But A****e C****a Sucks Ass!!!
♪ It's Raining It's Pouring the Old Man is Snoring Ashes Ashes We All Fall Down! ♪
Pee You!!! Something Really Reeks!!!
Getting Straight Fs
♪ Design It...Steal It...See It on the Runway! ♪
Introducing...The Naked Brot...GOOOOOONNNNNG!!!
Zoe 202
Is Dale Voltz a Fagot?
Earning a D- Average in Jr. High
The KOPO Dog Sucks Toliet Muscle!
Patrick Dooley had those Big Fucking Yucky Wet Puddles Under His Arms in 7th Grade
Drink Used Radiator Fluid
Setting Paper Bags of Cats Aflame
Running Over Raccoon Doody
The Box of Enuresis
The Little Doheny!
Squidward Tennis Balls
Fis Yo Gree
Cheese Made from Leggos
Eating Out of the Dustbin (garbage can)
Who the Phuck is Libbey?
Computer Monitor Sweat
Spilling Urine on your Keyboard
Dude, Pizza Fuck's New Pizza Mias are Just $310,545.00 Every Day!
Setting Fire to Smudge Pots
Potato Children {Tater Tots}
There's a Meowy Kitty Cat...You Can Hear it Where You Sat
Security Level 0
♪ He's Got a Plastic Peebag! ♪
New Seattle
Neiu Amsterdarn
Toliet of Destitutiuon
Lazer Galaxie {werds intenshonaly mispelt}
Terra Destroyer!!!
Positron Laser!!!
A****e C****a is Kinda Cute
But A****e C****a Sucks Ass!!!
♪ It's Raining It's Pouring the Old Man is Snoring Ashes Ashes We All Fall Down! ♪
Pee You!!! Something Really Reeks!!!
Getting Straight Fs
♪ Design It...Steal It...See It on the Runway! ♪
Introducing...The Naked Brot...GOOOOOONNNNNG!!!
Zoe 202
Is Dale Voltz a Fagot?
Earning a D- Average in Jr. High
The KOPO Dog Sucks Toliet Muscle!
Patrick Dooley had those Big Fucking Yucky Wet Puddles Under His Arms in 7th Grade
Drink Used Radiator Fluid
Setting Paper Bags of Cats Aflame
Running Over Raccoon Doody
The Box of Enuresis
The Little Doheny!
Squidward Tennis Balls
Fis Yo Gree
Cheese Made from Leggos
Eating Out of the Dustbin (garbage can)
Who the Phuck is Libbey?
Computer Monitor Sweat
Spilling Urine on your Keyboard
Dude, Pizza Fuck's New Pizza Mias are Just $310,545.00 Every Day!
Setting Fire to Smudge Pots
Potato Children {Tater Tots}
There's a Meowy Kitty Cat...You Can Hear it Where You Sat
Security Level 0
♪ He's Got a Plastic Peebag! ♪
New Seattle
Neiu Amsterdarn
Toliet of Destitutiuon
Lazer Galaxie {werds intenshonaly mispelt}
Terra Destroyer!!!
Positron Laser!!!
A****e C****a is Kinda Cute
But A****e C****a Sucks Ass!!!
♪ It's Raining It's Pouring the Old Man is Snoring Ashes Ashes We All Fall Down! ♪
Pee You!!! Something Really Reeks!!!
Getting Straight Fs
♪ Design It...Steal It...See It on the Runway! ♪
Introducing...The Naked Brot...GOOOOOONNNNNG!!!
Zoe 202
Is Dale Voltz a Fagot?
Earning a D- Average in Jr. High
The KOPO Dog Sucks Toliet Muscle!
Patrick Dooley had those Big Fucking Yucky Wet Puddles Under His Arms in 7th Grade
Drink Used Radiator Fluid
Setting Paper Bags of Cats Aflame
Running Over Raccoon Doody
The Box of Enuresis
The Little Doheny!
Squidward Tennis Balls
Fis Yo Gree
Cheese Made from Leggos
Eating Out of the Dustbin (garbage can)
Who the Phuck is Libbey?
Computer Monitor Sweat
Spilling Urine on your Keyboard
Dude, Pizza Fuck's New Pizza Mias are Just $310,545.00 Every Day!
Setting Fire to Smudge Pots
Potato Children {Tater Tots}
There's a Meowy Kitty Cat...You Can Hear it Where You Sat
Security Level 0
♪ He's Got a Plastic Peebag! ♪
New Seattle
Neiu Amsterdarn
Toliet of Destitutiuon
Lazer Galaxie {werds intenshonaly mispelt}
Terra Destroyer!!!
Positron Laser!!!
A****e C****a is Kinda Cute
But A****e C****a Sucks Ass!!!
♪ It's Raining It's Pouring the Old Man is Snoring Ashes Ashes We All Fall Down! ♪
Pee You!!! Something Really Reeks!!!
Getting Straight Fs
♪ Design It...Steal It...See It on the Runway! ♪
Introducing...The Naked Brot...GOOOOOONNNNNG!!!
Zoe 202
Is Dale Voltz a Fagot?
Earning a D- Average in Jr. High
The KOPO Dog Sucks Toliet Muscle!
Patrick Dooley had those Big Fucking Yucky Wet Puddles Under His Arms in 7th Grade
Drink Used Radiator Fluid
Setting Paper Bags of Cats Aflame
Running Over Raccoon Doody
The Box of Enuresis
The Little Doheny!
Squidward Tennis Balls
Fis Yo Gree
Cheese Made from Leggos
Eating Out of the Dustbin (garbage can)
Who the Phuck is Libbey?
Computer Monitor Sweat
Spilling Urine on your Keyboard
Dude, Pizza Fuck's New Pizza Mias are Just $310,545.00 Every Day!
Setting Fire to Smudge Pots
Potato Children {Tater Tots}
There's a Meowy Kitty Cat...You Can Hear it Where You Sat
Security Level 0
♪ He's Got a Plastic Peebag! ♪
New Seattle
Neiu Amsterdarn
Toliet of Destitutiuon
Lazer Galaxie {werds intenshonaly mispelt}
Terra Destroyer!!!
Positron Laser!!!
A****e C****a is Kinda Cute
But A****e C****a Sucks Ass!!!
♪ It's Raining It's Pouring the Old Man is Snoring Ashes Ashes We All Fall Down! ♪
Pee You!!! Something Really Reeks!!!
Getting Straight Fs
♪ Design It...Steal It...See It on the Runway! ♪
Introducing...The Naked Brot...GOOOOOONNNNNG!!!
Zoe 202
Is Dale Voltz a Fagot?
Earning a D- Average in Jr. High
The KOPO Dog Sucks Toliet Muscle!
Patrick Dooley had those Big Fucking Yucky Wet Puddles Under His Arms in 7th Grade
Drink Used Radiator Fluid
Setting Paper Bags of Cats Aflame
Running Over Raccoon Doody
The Box of Enuresis
The Little Doheny!
Squidward Tennis Balls
Fis Yo Gree
Cheese Made from Leggos
Eating Out of the Dustbin (garbage can)
Who the Phuck is Libbey?
Computer Monitor Sweat
Spilling Urine on your Keyboard
Dude, Pizza Fuck's New Pizza Mias are Just $310,545.00 Every Day!
Setting Fire to Smudge Pots
Potato Children {Tater Tots}
There's a Meowy Kitty Cat...You Can Hear it Where You Sat
Security Level 0
♪ He's Got a Plastic Peebag! ♪
New Seattle
Neiu Amsterdarn
Toliet of Destitutiuon
Lazer Galaxie {werds intenshonaly mispelt}
Terra Destroyer!!!
Positron Laser!!!
A****e C****a is Kinda Cute
But A****e C****a Sucks Ass!!!
♪ It's Raining It's Pouring the Old Man is Snoring Ashes Ashes We All Fall Down! ♪
Pee You!!! Something Really Reeks!!!
Getting Straight Fs
♪ Design It...Steal It...See It on the Runway! ♪
Introducing...The Naked Brot...GOOOOOONNNNNG!!!
Zoe 202
Is Dale Voltz a Fagot?
Earning a D- Average in Jr. High
The KOPO Dog Sucks Toliet Muscle!
Patrick Dooley had those Big Fucking Yucky Wet Puddles Under His Arms in 7th Grade
Drink Used Radiator Fluid
Setting Paper Bags of Cats Aflame
Running Over Raccoon Doody
The Box of Enuresis
The Little Doheny!
Squidward Tennis Balls
Fis Yo Gree
Cheese Made from Leggos
Eating Out of the Dustbin (garbage can)
Who the Phuck is Libbey?
Computer Monitor Sweat
Spilling Urine on your Keyboard
Dude, Pizza Fuck's New Pizza Mias are Just $310,545.00 Every Day!
Setting Fire to Smudge Pots
Potato Children {Tater Tots}
There's a Meowy Kitty Cat...You Can Hear it Where You Sat
Security Level 0
♪ He's Got a Plastic Peebag! ♪
New Seattle
Neiu Amsterdarn
Toliet of Destitutiuon
Lazer Galaxie {werds intenshonaly mispelt}
Terra Destroyer!!!
Positron Laser!!!
A****e C****a is Kinda Cute
But A****e C****a Sucks Ass!!!
♪ It's Raining It's Pouring the Old Man is Snoring Ashes Ashes We All Fall Down! ♪
Pee You!!! Something Really Reeks!!!
Getting Straight Fs
♪ Design It...Steal It...See It on the Runway! ♪
Introducing...The Naked Brot...GOOOOOONNNNNG!!!
Zoe 202
Is Dale Voltz a Fagot?
Earning a D- Average in Jr. High
The KOPO Dog Sucks Toliet Muscle!
Patrick Dooley had those Big Fucking Yucky Wet Puddles Under His Arms in 7th Grade
Drink Used Radiator Fluid
Setting Paper Bags of Cats Aflame
Running Over Raccoon Doody
The Box of Enuresis
The Little Doheny!
Squidward Tennis Balls
Fis Yo Gree
Cheese Made from Leggos
Eating Out of the Dustbin (garbage can)
Who the Phuck is Libbey?
Computer Monitor Sweat
Spilling Urine on your Keyboard
Dude, Pizza Fuck's New Pizza Mias are Just $310,545.00 Every Day!
Setting Fire to Smudge Pots
Potato Children {Tater Tots}
There's a Meowy Kitty Cat...You Can Hear it Where You Sat
Security Level 0
♪ He's Got a Plastic Peebag! ♪
New Seattle
Neiu Amsterdarn
Toliet of Destitutiuon
Lazer Galaxie {werds intenshonaly mispelt}
Terra Destroyer!!!
Positron Laser!!!
♪ It's Raining It's Pouring the Old Man is Snoring  Ashes Ashes We All Fall Down! ♪
Pee You!!! Something Really Reeks!!!
Getting Straight Fs
kDesign It...Steal It...See It on the Runway!k
Introducing...The Naked Brot...GOOOOOONNNNNG!!!
Zoe 202
Is Dale Voltz a Faggot?
Earning a D- Average in Jr. High
The KOPO Dog Sucks Toliet Muscle!
Patrick Dooley had those Big Fucking Yucky Wet Puddles Under His Arms in 7th Grade
Drink Used Radiator Fluid
Setting Paper Bags of Cats Aflame
Running Over Raccoon Doody
The Box of Enuresis
The Little Doheny!
Squidward Tennis Balls
Fis Yo Gree
Cheese Made from Leggos
Eating Out of the Dustbin (garbage can)
Who the Phuck is Libbey?
Computer Monitor Sweat
Spilling Urine on your Keyboard
Dude, Pizza Fuck's New Pizza Mias are Just $310,545.00 Every Day!
Setting Fire to Smudge Pots
Potato Children {Tater Tots}
There's a Meowy Kitty Cat...You Can Hear it Where You Sat
Security Level 0
kHe's Got a Plastic Peebag!k
New Seattle
Neiu Amsterdarn
Toliet of Destitutiuon
Lazer Galaxie {werds intenshonaly mispelt}
Terra Destroyer!!!
Positron Laser!!!
Ryan Seacrest Looks like a FAGGOT!
House Micturition
Paper Toliets Down Sink Dranes
Uranal Abuse
The Stove is Sparking
Nowadays, You Got to have Plutonium
What's Wrong with my Pancreas?
I am Cornholio!
I need TP for my Bunghole!
You will Give me...All Your Caca!
A Fugly Bedroom Group!
The Cocksuckers!!!
Looking for a Quarter in a Pile of Wolf Shit
Staircase Micturition
O Barnacles!!!
Spiral Escalator
Smoking Pot May Be Hazardous To Your Steering Wheel
Seska is a Dumb Stupid Doosh {sp. intentional}
Elevator Mosaic
DNA = Doody Numnuts Asshole
Cosmo is a Fairy Baby?
{spoken like Beavis} Yeah Yeah Yeah THTOMP ON IT!!!
The Baby Fags
As Gay as an 8 Dollar Bill
As Straight as a Broken Arrow
KIK UH PHUCKING PORSELEN WALToliet OPH THUH WAL!!! {seen on an electronic billboard - al werdz wer intenshonely mispelt ohn itt}
Breaking Light Bulbs While They're Burning!
Crabby Patties
Changing the Garbage
What's Wrong with the Dark Bulbs?
It's Not Shampee!!!
Let's Brew some Crappy
Oranj Krush {intentionally misspelled}
Plenty Pack {intentionally spelled correctly}
Continuing Month Pack {intentionally spelled correctly}
Awwww Tartar Sauce!!!
Rhymes with Orange
kAll you Need is Loves!k
Just Hose me Down!!!
Watering the Fire
Crocker of Shit {"Denzel Crocker": the bungsnoidial teacher from The Fairly Oddparents}
Unfoster Your Immune System
As Valuable as a Used Enema
Getting into the Army is as Easy as 3.14159...
Another Dusheebag! {sp. intentional}
Picture Perfect...NOT!!!
Broken Milk Bone
Unnabel tu Uzze uh Dickshenerry cuz Eiy Kant Spel {all words intentionally misspelled}
{sung to the tune of "I've Been Working on the Railroad"} jI've Been Sittin' on the Toiiiiii-let!j 
kRental Car Smells like Dick!!!k
kChucky Dick-Cheese's...Where a Child Can't be a Child!!!k
Seagulls Bursting after Eating Alka-Seltzer
Nick at Night {the word "night" intentionally spelled correctly}
Cat in a Rectangular Six Foot Hole
Showing Up 20µS (microseconds) Late
Smoking Crack in the Boy's Room
Smoking Grass in the Girl's Room
Upright Movie Seats
Window Cornholers
Stewardess Micturition
Shooting Up in the Unisex Bathroom
Being a "Ho" in the Neighbour's Garden
Sheep-Tipping is Toxic
Not Your Average Walrus
He Went to Jagoffs!
The Fairly EvenParents
We'll Sign for you Candles
Trebuchet Hurling Old Toliet Bowls
The Average Joes
Nutcrackers for Oranges
Wet-Mop that Wall-Mounted Porcelain Urinator
The Asshole Skateboarders
I Need Pee-Pee for my Bunghole
Using the "N" Word  in February 
Faggot Cat
Styrofoam Crossbow
Toliet Lottery Hooplah
Running with Rusty Scissors
kOooooooo! Who lives in a toliet tank with an urchin?k
Exposing Yourself to Gamma Radiation
May Your Life Bring You the Peace You Never Found in Death
Forks for Cereal
Chemtrails Cause Irregular Bladder Syndrome
There's a Fungus Among Us
"Perspiration is a Brown, Gooey Substance" {a friend of mine told me this while we were in the 6th grade}
The Papasans are Squeaky
kOooooooo! Who lives in a Uranal under the sea?  SpongeBob PissPants!k
kWho's highly toxic and soaked with cat pee?  SpongeBob PissPants!k
Teaspoons for Spaghetti
You put the "I" in "Fungi"
Fastgo...on the Yasgos!!!
Putting a Cup of Pop in a Pneumatic Bank Tube
kNationnarrow is Not on your Sidek
Barfing Up a Fece
Used Pee Stuck Under the Desk
Why is the Sky Black?
Lizard Pee
Shooting a Uranal...Boy was he Pissed!
Mermade Boy & Barnacle Man
Pee On, Pee Cockroach!!!
Employee of the Microsecond
Uranating on a Carpet Nail for Earphones {sp. intentional}
Asbestos in Obstetrics
I Want it to Stand Up to Fingerprints, Smudges...and Uranals
Say Hello to my Little Enema
As Valuable as Used French Fry Grease
Inappropriate Uranation {sp. intentional}
Guzzling Icebreakers Sours
kStay Next To...Captain Howdy!k
Voluntary Uranation {sp. intentional}
Drinking Used Douches out of the Uranal
Spraying Armpit Deodouriser on your Testicles
Banging your Head against a Wall for Science
Whirlm Without a Dream
Curiosity Salted the Snail
Poo-Poo Noo-Noo
Fingerprints on Mayonnaise
Choking on a Fece
Finding some Fairly NewParents" and Raiding their Diaper Pale
What the Barnacles?!?
kWe're the Flowers in the Dustbink
Now That's just Pussywhipped!!!
Leaking Bin Liners
What's Wrong with this Cantaloupe?
That Man is a PWPOSMF
Flushing the Wastepaperbasket!
Give that Amish some Escargot
Tomato with a Chef's Hat
Uranation Medication
Turnip Blood Donation
Lettuce Clogging Up a Toliet
Cucumber Wielding a Machete
Tempus Fugit
Feeling like a Total Barnaclehead
Carbide Skunk
Eating Used Poop off the Floor
Is Yesterday Pronounced "Toozday" or "Tyoozday"?
Dragonfly Adhesive Wipes
Breaking your Laugh Box
The Walls are Squeaky
Ferrule Insemination
Shiver me Timbers!
Queensferd Charcoal Darker
Pentapus on a Hot Neutronium Roof
Tamp(on) it Home
Get on the Blunderbuss
A Busted Can {the toliet muscle, not a cylindrical metal dog food container}
Urine in the Spaghetti Sauce
Going Off Half-Cocked
{spoken like Rod & Tod Flanders on The Simpsons} YAYYY!!! Imagination Yom Kippur!!!
Dog Poo Skid Marks on the Rug
The Waste Band
Stride Gum Doesn't Last Long Enuff {sp. intentional}
Clarinet Solo!!!
It's a Shitty Day for Honey Diving!
Saxons of the Firing Line
Tuba Solo
Electric Cat Urine Orchestra Pit
77 Tromboners
Urine Cherry
Gogert's Tame Ride
It's a Great Day for Dumpster Diving at Music-Vend!
Drum Sextuplet
Diving for Pearls in the Toliet
Gorfian Robots Attack Attack!!!
Growing Mould in the Coffeepot
Heck Patrol
Sonic Infant Boom
Don't Kick Over the Toliet Bowl!
There's a Plastic Cat Toliet in front of the Shitbowl
Timy Kant Shredd {sp. intentional}
The Bungsnoidial Wastoids
The Lindblad Explorers
Crusty the Clown {all words intentionally spelled correctly}
Lighting a Firecracker with a Mowhawked-Teen {a punk}
Jacob Marley can Vacuum My Inseminator! {suck my dick}
Lighting a Zippo Under the Sprinkler
I Call Rifle!
Kurmet the Toad
Squeezing the Uranation out of a Plastic Dog {sp. intentional}
How It's Broken
kC-O-S-T-L-Y That's Supposed to spell Free, Debit Report Dot Com Bay-Bee!k
Offer Enrolls with Applyment in Triple Disadvantage
Vending Machine that Dispenses Used Douches
kThere's Pee-Pee in the Bag, There's Pee-Pee in the Bag, High Ho the Stereo there's Pee-Pee in the Bag!k
Pile of Used Feces Behind the Garbage Can
Salamander, the Black Gear
Control Spire of H8red
And the Antelope Fell Into a Volcano
Noses Floating in the Toliet Bowl
Destroying a Water Heater with an Aluminum Baseball Bat
Hot Water Cooler
Excellent Embouchure for Drummers {"embouchure" is pronounced like "ombusher"}
Mouse Ambush Clock!
You Might Poof your Pants
Toucan Sam for President
"Spectrum" is a Holographic Accordion
?UNDEF'D URANATION ERROR IN 8192 {sp. intentional}
Clean that Mop Handle!
Mop that Clean Handle!
sKOOP aWAI THATT kAT lITTRE {al werdz intenshonely mispelt; capitalisation intentional}
Roll that Die!!!
Kids Bop 2,458,770
Year of H-E-Double-Bendy-Straws
The Crash Expert Dumbies
Rubber Barrier
The Used Douchenemas
Spurred by a Broken Laugh Box
Uranal Sysop
Slow Week
Looking for Hate in All the Wrong Places!
Throwing TV Sets at Cars
Spittle Detective
Looking for more Baby Poop?
Windshield Wipers of Destitution
Give That Canadian an Enema!
The Devil may Not Care
Look at that Car Crash!
That Bicycler has Great Embouchure! {"embouchure" is pronounced like "ombusher"}
Chrysalids of Cockroaches
Amazing Technique Blasts Phat
The Poo-Poo Noo-Noo will Kill You!
Violet Diode Lasers of Profit
Pictures of Broken Toliets
Master of the Incandescent Light Bulbs
Fabulous Embouchure for Bass Guitarists {"embouchure" is pronounced like "ombusher"}
Vacuum Up the Poo-Poo Noo-Noo
Graveyard Shift of H8RED!
Recycling Toliet Paper in the Dishwasher
I Think Someone Needs an Enema
Stubbing your Toe for Science
Using the Wastepaperbasket as a Uranater {sp. intentional}
Bowling for Kotzebue
Taking a Dump in the Marinator
Cars of Jesus
Golfing for Nome
A-koo-chee-moya...We are Far from the Penile Implants of our Ancestors
Vaigra is Not Dick Medication {note sp.}
Get Out of Here You Stupid Dumb Animal!!!
Getting a Charley Horse for Medical Reasons
Committing Aggravated Violent Thought
Clips to the Wasteband
Mouldy Urine in a Cup
Taking a Bath in the Marinal Chamber
Incendiaryinsect {"firbug"}
Cherries Don't Grow from Cisterns
Squidward with a Lampshade on his Head
{imitating Bart Simpson} Yaaaayyy!!! Garbage Angels!!!
Using the Marinal Chamber as a Toliet
Money Doesn't Grow Under Mattresses
Garbageinsect {"litterbug"}
A-koo-chee-moya...We are Shockingly Close to the Boners of our Grandfathers
Squidward's a Faggot
Used Beetle Grubs (Larvae) in your Favourite Chair
Something's Rotten in {insert country of choise here}
Used Dog Pee on the Sidewalk
O TARTAR SAUCE!!! I Tripped Over a Toliet Pipe!!!
There are Anacondas in our Pants!
Axe Us About the Bloody Ask in the Trunk!
Milking those Squeaky Mouses!
Polly Wants a High Colonic!!!
The Hirogen are Enemabags
Receiving a "Dear Toliet" Letter
Look at the Puppy...Isn't He Cute? {sound of urine splashing onto carpeting}
O BARNACLES!!! The Sink's Clogged!
Squidward So So Loves those Gays...You can Hear him While He Plays  {he plays the clarinet; rather badly though}
Brats Unfashion Undesigner {"brats" intentionally spelled correctly}
Barium Enema Baby Fag!!!
Tu Thuh Slotterhaus  {al werdz intenshonely mispelt}
Logan (from Zoey 101) Looks like a FAGGOT!
There's the Garbear!!!
Toliet {intenshonely mispelt}
Tiolet {intenshonely mispelt}
Tolet {intenshonely mispelt}
This Uranal Earth
But We Sang the F.U.N. Song!
The Killing Game
Destroying a Piano
The Violin's Flooded
"Siggeret" Lighter/Flashlight/Dildo Combination
Designer Underware
Bag of Cat Turds
Pissing Plastic Dogs
Pikachu Looks like a Homo
The Play Dough Octopus is So So Gay, You can Smell it While you Spay!
Infantile Geritol Teepz
Flushing the Shampoo
Horton Hears a Douchebag
Pissing into a Mailbox
Sadness is a Cold, Dead Kitten
Piss Off, Piss Damselfly
It's All Fun & Games until Somebody Loses a Wiener
Hudson Horstachio is a Urine Wingless Hymenoptera
Pissing your Pants to Study Incontinence
You're a Stinky Stinky Sea Star
kMy Little Blue Whale!kMy Little Blue Whale!k {sung to the "My Little Pony" jingle}
That Uranal is So, So Clean, You can Feel it with your Baleen
Uranating into a Beer Bong {sp. intentional}
{robotic computer voice} He Has Crabs on his Balls & Penis
{robotic computer voice} He Eats the Crabs on his Balls & Penis
kTalking About the Pissinary Tract...Is Something We Should All Do with Tactk
Fish Paste!!!
Urine Mailbox
Fecal Oven
The Seminiferious Bungsnoidial Wastoids
Are Mermaids Lezzies?
Reeling In a Sea Turtle
That Toliet Bowl is So So Icky, You can Hear it with your...FAIRY GODPARENTS!!!
Son of a Diddly!!!
Ehhh Doodlebugs!!!
Leonardo Da Vinci is So So Cool, You can Hear him with your Stool!
The Doodlebug is a Not So Cool-O-Bug
Wilted Lettuce for the Easter Rabbit
Guzzling Sour Cow Lactation
To Err is Human; To Really Fuck Up Requires a Computer
The Power's Out so the Shitbowl Won't Flush?!?
Why Buy the Milk When the Cow is Free?
Spiriva is Deadly Shit!!!
Taking a Bath...of Evil
Alaskan Bull Worm
Bottom Line
Leave Me the Fuck Alone!
Gimme All Your H8ing!!!
Well, La De Fucking Da!
Max & Ruby Fuck Like Rabbits?
This is Not a Test of the EBS
Drunk with Power, Go Take a Shower
Are You Ready Baby Fags?
You Blasted Barnaclehead!!!
Hurthouse 884
The Robot has been Neutralised
Using Our Spacesuits as Defecators
Nightmare Ride
How'd You Get so Crazy?
We're Going to Die Full of Pee
I Seen it on the Tee Vee
No One Would Believe Me
Enuresis Cursor
Dynamite Camel
Hockey Puck Perspiration
Come Right Back with More!
Pissie the Golden Uranal Dinosaur
How It's Destroyed!
kI Fed the Garbear...But I Did Not Feed the Squeaky Rat!k {sung to the tune of "I Shot the Sheriff"}
The Blue Toliet Deodouriser Cakes
Yucky Wet Foot Puddles
Big Macs for Acid Reflux
Urine On, Urine Paper Wasp!
Chinchilla Answering Machine
You're Calling me a Fruit?
The Borg...Party Poopers of the Galaxy
Airplane Lavatory Micturition
It's My Money, and I'll Never Need It!
Backsassing Bed
Turn Off the Door and Lock the Light
Subroutines are Brie
{spoken in a deep, evil male voice} Run, Run, Run!!! I Am Sinifag!!!
{spoken in a deep, evil male voice} Run Hero!!!!
{spoken in a deep, evil male voice} I Hunger, Hero!!!
Mariposa...The Butterfly Faggots!!!
Coloring Hard-Cooked Unfertilised Bird Larvae and Giving them to a Rabbit in Late-March {Phew!!! Was that a long band name or what?}
kWe All Live in a Yellow Subroutinek {sung to the tune of "Yellow Submarine"}
The Easter Rabbit is So So Queer, You can Hear it while you Steer
Targ Manure!!!
Camel Urine? Tisk, Tisk!
Baconator Sounds like Urinator
An Environmental Seal has been Compromised!
Gary, Shame on You!
Ballad of Marshall Douchebag
This Lesson is Terminated
Almost like we Knew what we were Doing!
Range Hood Insemination
Production has Ended
Pothead Scotthead
Uranal Fizz
That Krackor Roxorz! {sp. intentional}
Toliet Pipe Defecator
165 Watt Gas Motor
Talaxian Maturation Compartment
The Krenim are Bungholes!
Who Pissed in the Shampee?
Halogen Drill Bit
What's Wrong with the Vinculum?
Screaming Coffee Stane
The Gould are Stupid Dumb Bungholes!
Steam with Grease Particles
The Shampoo Killer
Stepping in Rusty Razor Blades
Swimming in Busted Glass for a Dollar Bill
I Hate Sushi!!!
Puking in the Bushes
kYou're an Asshole Yesterday!k
kYou're an Asshole Tonight!k
I Need Rollios for my Bunghole!!!
The Noo-Noo Economy
kSo Fun to Plunge, Vacuum, Crunch!k
Nickelodeon KCA 2063
Shockwave Concrete Truck
Giving Away a Crane
Push Me, Pull You!
Getting a Lesson in the Hard Stuff
18-Wheeler Micturition
Getting a Twerpectomy
Mad Max at Urine Dome
Making a Boom Boom in your Depends
Flying the Gay Little Styrofoam Helicopter
Shredding like you've Never Shredded Before!
Suitcase Perspiration
Being Sceptical about Sceptics
Species 5618
Ass On!!! Apply Directly to the Toliet Muscle!!!
N0rm41 H!ghL0w
Paree, the City of Dark
Disorder in the Court!
Gas Oven Defecation
The Monkey Starship Fund
The Waste is a Terrible Thing to Mind
Opening the Bicycle Window
The Kitty Cat Made a Boom Boom on the Carpet
Luminous Spandex Pants {from a Raven song}
Sugar Honey Frosted Puffs
Salted Vinegar Lye Puffs
Filling Out the Ravioli in Triplicate
This Creature has an Exoskeleton
The Rent is  Through April
Blasting a Dookey for Science {"dookey" is a slang term for feces or shit}
STOP! Or I'll Stuff Scottowels down the Urinator!
Invisible Guillotine
The Paper Swords
Cut Off my Armpiece
One Must Live Wild
Combine Odours for So Many Years
Now Two is Reduced to One
When Your Clock is Up
Leper Christ
Embouchure of the Cistern {"embouchure" is pronounced like "ombusher"}
He's a Dillweed!
It's the End of the World as We Know It!
Finding a Cat Fece on the Rug
Squeaky Creatures {living sanitary napkins?} with Wings
Stepping in a Used Dog Fece on the Lawn
Boiling a Pot of Ketchup
A Toliet Roll in Liquid Neon
I am Dyslectic of Brog. You will be Asslaminated. Resistors are Fertile.
Dyeing Fraaglz {note sp.}
Electronic Skunk Cookie
I See the IC
Capt. Cig Hanson of the Southeastern
Eat Spatula and Die!!!
Annika Hansen is Hot...For a BORG!!!
So Difficult a Robot Couldn't Do It
When Worlds Collide
Going Past the Gates of Grethor
Forgetting How to Make Krabby Patties
Digi Modify!!!
You Bent my Spatula
That's Totally Unfair!
Phear the Krabby Patty!

Jumping out of a Helicopter While Full of Urine
Strawberry Lumps
The Perspiration Jump
My Lil' Enemabag
Armpit Uranation {sp. intentional}
Yo Dawg, Let's Go Break some Light Bulbs Yo!!!
Stomping on Dirty Douchebags
They Ate their Yogos Too Quickly
Drivers with Bad Embouchure {"embouchure" is pronounced like "ombusher"}
Reclamation of Broken Toliets
Instrumentation of Nuclear Weapons
Give Me those Soil Reclamators!
Charlie Wilson's Peace
Is a Nub like a Crapweasel?
kO Twinkle Twinkle Patrick Stark
kPiss You What's that Horrible Smell?!?k
Salmon Swimming Upstream through your Toliet Pipes
Rhymes with "Mould Mereal"
Dry Cleaning our Uvulas
Uranium Micturition
Disinfecting our Eyeballs
Molten Pistachio Ice Cream
What's Wrong with my Poo?
Shame On You!!!
kPray...For...H-E-Double-Bendy-Straws k
Assume the Fecal Position
What's Wrong with my Prostrate? {sp. intentional}
Yes, we have no cow piss {milk}
The Stinking Gun
Autourination Financial
kT-O-L-I-E-T Toliet Bowl!!!k {sp. intentional} {sung to the "" jingle}
Cigerette Lighter Chopper
Battery Poop
Capacitance Destructor
Spring is a Rusty Time!
Bloody Asshole - er...uh... BODY & SOUL
Stepping in Bug Doody
Leif Ericsson Day
IJLSA {International Justice League of Super Acquaintences}

It is Wrong to Beat Off Nature
Be My Musical Idiot
Practise Makes Imperfect
Drowning in the Gene Pool
Weed Whack-Off
Madman at the Wheel
Got my Foot Pinned to the Floor
The Gigantic Underarm Sweat Puddles Band
Igniting a Petroleum Product at Zero Hundred Hours
555 Days of F.L.A.R.G.
Remote-Controlled Urinator Spud Valve
Go To Heli!!!
Bathtub Beer
Loser Boomerang
Flat Bowling Pins
Put the Brown Thing in the Round Thing
Urinous Confetti
Flat Tyre Beer
Chase {from Zoey 101} Looks like a Faggot!
kGiving the Dog a Spanken!!!k
Toothy TV
Getting Pancreases Willy Nilly
Spanking Drinking Straws with Plastic Flashlights
Ektachrome Defecation
Click on the Megaphone
Nocking Over Ten Pins with a Heavy Pyramid
Time Captains
Super C-Straps
Super C-Sections
Liking this Chud
Going to Glove World to Ride "The Fiery Fist 'O Pain" {the roller coaster on the SpongeBob SquarePants episode "Roller Coward"}
Neptune's Trousers!
Seeing the Dentatron
That Window Glass is So So Dirty, You can Feel it with your...FAIRY GODPARENTS!!!
Slice These Vegetables Transversely in 5mm Increments
Money Talks, Bullshit Walks
Overactive Apocrine Glands
Underactive Eccrine Glands
Banned from Bikeenie Bottom {sp. intentional}
Unflushed Urinator
Unstruck Match
"Fuck" is Not a Toliet Word...NOT!!!
Unfinished Demo
It's a BAD Word!!!
Dingleberry Soup
Shit on a Stick
Shit on a Twirly Stick
Finger Eating Good"
Itchy and Q-Ball would make a Great Couple...if they were 5!!!
The Ass Doilies {toliet seat covers}
Ruining your Evening
Bungholes are Not Just on Kegs
Cockroaches that Stomp Back!
Fishy Animal Control Officers
kThe Public Took right To You, like Flies to a Pile of Shit!k
Like Mould on a Shower Curtain
Not a Piñata, a PiNOTa!
You Broke my Toy(let)
Gary who Eats Fungus

The Violet LED will Bring You Scientific Technical Mystery and Emergency Light
{seen on an actual spec sheet for a NUV LED from China}

Snail-Slow Unracer
Waiting for the Rinse Cycle
Cat Needles
Some Fungi Among I
Left in the Wilderness
Harder to Get Rid Of than Cockroaches
Lasting More than a Single Day
As Tough as Sandy Cheeks?
Chipmunk Saliva
Out Here it's Eat or Have an Enema
O Bother, Where's the Massengill brand Post-Menstrual Disposable Douche?
Duuuuuuude, Where's my Toliet?
Learnatorium Sounds like Creamatorium Sounds like Vomitorium Sounds like Defecatorium
Time to Take a Nappy Wappy {from The Fairly Oddparents" episode "Baby Face"}
Silly Rabbit, Tricks are for Hoars!
Lye-Filled Butt Plugs
Timy Kant Spel {sp. intentional}
The Douched Moose
Nonstinging Yellowjackets
Urinated Potatoes
The Sassy Dominatrixes
Cold Dogs
The Innocent Piss Ants
Dragonfly Defecation
By the Power of Neptune!!!
Squidward, the Unfriendly, Downright NASTY Ghost
Premenstrual in Pink
The Ass Mallets
Ass Hammer
Shut Up Fartknocker!!!
TP For Your Bunghole
Double Inverted Nad Twist
Sneezing in the Salad Bar of Death
The Unphlushed Urinators
The Lypozeme Experience Project
The Talking Cheese is going to Preach to Us
Answering Questions Incorrectly
The Cab is Clogged
Poo-Poo Noo-Noo-Noo-Noo-Noo Week
Spiriva Kills Old Folks Dead!
Quick, Reactivate the Cenotaph!!!
Smashing a Ukelele after a Song
Overwork that Greenhorn!
Spitting Molten Foodstuff at You
The Campfire Song Song
The Sea Bear Attack!!!
Spilling Bong Water in the Couch
Austria Endless!!!
Zit Columbarium
Cannonball Enema
The Nick Two Million Four Hundred Fifty Eight Thousand Seven Hundred Seventy
Taking a Dump in the Cistern
Urinous Toliet Tank
Honey, the Dryer's Flooded Again!
Uranated Asphalt {note sp.}
Sweating in the Bushes
The Urinator Phell on my Pheat! {sp. intentional}
It's All Clabbered Up
Have Another Horn {my older brother used to call a can of beer a "horn"}
Did I Leave the Stove On? {from the Viva Piñata episode "The Fudgetive"}
For Every Punchbowl there's Somebody who Wants to Pee in it.
This Vomitorium Saturn
Clapboard Prison
The Shrivelled-Up Penises
That R/C Helicopter is as Attractive as an Insect
Look! A Penny!!!
Lighted Cigerette Stubs Melt a Wax Wall Urinator
Douching your Eyes Out with Warm Wolf Pee
Disengaging from the Unicomplex
What's that Fucking Noise?!?
Just Get Out of Here you Stupid Dumb Animal!!!
Unwish the Wish!!!
STOP!!! Or I'll Leave the Washingmachine Unflushed!!!
Unblow the Blown LED
Uncutting that Paper
That Urinator is So So Clean, You can Smell it with your...FAIRY GODPARENTS!!!
My...My...My...SHOES, What do you Mean?!?
Supersoaker Filled with Pee
The Number Bed
Double-Headed Dildo Filled with Hydrofluoric Acid
Absofuckinglutely Zero
Strangers Coming to your Home Spraying Poison
Radiometer of Chemistry Sets
Getting a Comb-Under
Failing your Piss Test
kSoulja Boy...Made of Clay...Now an Empty Shell!!!k
Smoking Under the Smoke Alarm
Magnet Pointing Toward a Light Bulb Base
Pee You What's that Horrible Flavour?
The McDonald's Flea Jumping Over a Toliet Pipe
The Doughnut of Shame
The Suliban are Enemabags!!!
Flushing Used Douches Down the Toliet
Patricia is No Lady!
Stabbing the Fire Alarm with a Screwdriver
Disinfecting our Uvulas
What Are You, a Faggot of Some Kind?
I Think We Need to Take Showers
The Toliet Bowl is Still Unflushed After Taking 47 Dumps
The Chalice of Mome {"mome" pronounced like "mommy"}
Toliet Paper that Leaves Your Fingers Besmudged with Feces
Onions and Unions---That's the Problem!!
The Nematoads {sp. intentional}
The Oxygen Thieves

We're a Total Waste of Bungwipe!!!
Somebody Farted in the Projector Room
For the Love of Neptune!
kI'm Ready to Strike...GORGON!!!k
That Song Makes Me like Wanna...Nock Something Over! 
Getting a Double Wandectomy
Making Shiny Dog Urine
Lose $$$ When you Switch
Goodbye, Nationnarrow?
Turd Polisher
Do You Want some ABC Gum?
Looking like Fartknockers
Pathetique Klown {sp. intentional}
Wet's Go Take Care of You...Wet's Go...Wet's Go...I Gotta Stop Tawking Wike This!!! {from The Fairly Oddparents" episode "Fairly OddBaby"}
Night Sequence Complete {female computer voice from Enterprise-D}
Pre-Dawn Sequence Complete {female computer voice from Enterprise-D}
Dawn Sequence Complete {female computer voice from Enterprise-D}
Sunrise Sequence Initialising {female computer voice from Enterprise-D}
Cat Emitting a "Don't Fuck with Me" Meow
Cleaning a Wall-Mounted Porcelain Urinator with a Toothbrush
Whinney the Poo {note sp.}
Deoxyribonucleic Acid
We're Just a Bunch of Ugly Pricks
Defy Diarrhea!
Beaver & Butthole How Nice!!!
Piddle On What you Want To
Paying an Innocent Visit to a Deathtrap
Bringing the Fairies Pain
Awww, Circus Peanuts!!!
Bad Cow! BAD COW!!!
Deadly Piss Ants
The Grand Proxy
kDestroyer of Life...EMO!!!k
Packing Fudge for Fun & Profit
A Bunch of Pant-Loads 
Breaking Light Bulbs for Christ Sakes
k24 is my Age and 22 is my Gaugek
The Party Switch is in the "ON" Position
Stay Away...From Captain Howdy!
Captain Howdy's a Pedo!
Enemabags Filled with Battery Acid
I've Got a Special Power
I'm No Ordinary Dude!
Poop Chute Cleaner
Skidding Out on the Hershey Highway
It's Much Easier than you Think, to Drane your Lizard in the Sink
The Dirty Bubble has Awesome Surface Tension
Growing a "Rat Tail" in 2063
Like Money in the Wastepaperbasket
Dri Bole {sp. intentional}
The Busted Rubbers
That Microwave is So, So Clean, You can Feel it with your...FAIRY GODPARENTS!!!
{as exclaimed like Denzel Crocker, that asshole teacher from The Fairly Oddparents"}
The Leaking Garbage Bags
Drinking Boob Pus {yucko!!!}
Maximum Higgentolietmuscle Week
Punching Ourselves in Our Noses
Nasal Tampons
We're a Bunch of Pantywastes
You're In Sample {say rapidly several times in quick succession}
Vulcans get Blood Fever; Romulans get Urine Fever
Jellyfish Comrades
kGet On your High Horse & Leave the Partyk
The Dynamic Mode Converters
Duotronic Bloody Axe Wound
Blackened, Smelly Sponges
SpyBob UrinePants
Selling Coke Made out of Ajax {without the little blue things}
Cutting (Free)base
I Need a Double Wandectomy...STAT!!!
{spoken in a monotone computer voice} He Shoots Up Urine with Dirty Needles!
Finding High School Dropouts
You Are a Piece of Crap
Blowing Walltoliets off the Wall with M1000s
Using M80s to Destroy Mailboxes
Stuffing M1000s in Bus Tailpipes
Shooting Roman Candles into Open Windows
Flushing Lighted Cherry Bombs Down Toliets
Inserting Lighted Seal Bombs into Barney's Bunghole
Blasting a Dookie for Christ Sakes
Urinator Buddy"
Bathtub Buddy"
Sink Buddy"
Toliet Buddy"
Peeing in a Closet
What Happened to the Light Bulbs?
Slipping on a Banana Peeling
L8r Sk8r!!!
The Negachin is So So Black, You can Smell him with your...FAIRY GODPARENTS!!!
Houseplant Assassin
Pecker Griffin Acts like a Queer
Getting Cooties from a Leper
Wall-E Looks like a Queerbate
Toliet Tank Infection
The Boy Who was Raised by Bees Acts like a Homo
Embouchure of the Drinking Fountain {"embouchure" is pronounced like "ombusher"}
Micturition of the Desktop Wastepaperbasket
Deadly Walkman
That Ghetto Blaster is So So Shiny, You can Feel it with your...FAIRY GODPARENTS!!!
We're Going to Glove World!
I Don't Feel Tardy
Go to the Sk8Park
Riding "The Mitten" at Glove World!
Do You Have to Go Poddy?
The Poo Poo Noo Noo Made a Boom Boom in his Diaper
Paying a Visit to the Dentatron
Alaskan Blubberhound
The Jerkinators
kPoddy You What's that Horrible Smell?!?k
kTinkle You What's that Horrible Smell?!?k
kPee You What's that Horrible Smell?!?k
kUrine You What's that Horrible Smell?!?k
kWhiz You What's that Horrible Smell?!?k
kPiddle You What's that Horrible Smell?!?k
That Golf Club has Fantastic Embouchure  {"embouchure" is pronounced like "ombusher"}
Sour Balloon Smell
Flushing the Hose Bib
Douching Out the Dipsty Dumpster
Peeing in the Refrigerator
The Voyager Crew Dying in a Mutara-Class Nebula
Taking a Dump in the Litterbox
Eat and Forget
Floor Lamp Lacrimation
Tulip Sweat
Stepping on Click Beetles for Christ Sakes
Tastes like Sheetrock
Miracle Small Intestine
Shooting Old or Used Bowling Shoes
Salivated Wall
Cicada Micturition
Swallowing Plutonium from Broken Bowling Balls
Squashing Atlas Moths for Pete Sakes
I Will Not Comply
Bowling Ball Insemination
The Uranated Tomatoes {note sp.}
Hello Faggot, Buy You a Drink?
Virgo Toliet Paper
Slipping in Horseradish Sauce
Telephone Cuttledge
Cheating to Pass a Urine Test
There's a Hooty Hooty Owl, You can Smell it with your Cowl
Side Effects May Include Brain Perspiration, Underarm Micturition, Bladder Revulsion, Gastric Odour, Ulcerated Axillae, and Death.
kChristmas Comes just Once this Year!k
kAs the Earth Behind You Reeksk
Diving into the Pool Uranal-First
The Sebaceous Cysts
Deodouriser Duckbone with Cheese
The Rug Surgeons
Stanley Steamer {note sp.}
Superman Demolishing a Uranal
Hairdryer Emesis
Drinking Used Enemas from the Urinator
Not the Prom, the Prom!
Subaru Heavy Metal Box
The Sissy Sticks {"sissy stick" is what a drinking straw is often called in gay bars}
Stomping on Cicadas for Christ Sakes
Those Mail Receptacles on the Sidewalk Look like Gigantic Blue Urinators
Computer Mouse Lacrimation
Satan Destroying a Stovepipe
Uranation of the Toliet {sp. intentional}
Mowing Down that Mailbox
Imitation Butter Dispensers
Swatting at Dragonflies for Heaven Sakes!
kTime to Feed Him, Time to Feed Him, Now it's Pookie's Feeding Timek (sung to the tune of "Clementine")
Female Lavatory Lactation
Eating Snailpo for Fun & Profit
Spatula Feces
Shove *THIS* in your Face!
This Gizmo is Faster
I Declare Patty War!!!
Drier than Three Hells 
Be a Kidsbop Black Hole! {sp. intentional}
Deep-Frying Krabby Patties for Pete Sakes
Barbie Stealing a Bank Card
Smashing Fungus Gnats for Christ Sakes
It's 6:29. Do you Know Where Your Pecker Is?
Breeding Mosquito Larvae for Heaven Sakes
kChet's Nuts Roasting on an Open Firek
kJack F. Rost Snipping Off Your Nosek
There's a Cookie in the Washingmachine
Coffee Grinds in the Wall-Mounted Porcelain Urinator
King Neptune Destroying a Cistern {toliet tank}
Rotten Tomato Juice in a Coffee Cup
Febreze Air Rottener
Getting Stung by the Cheerios Bee
Maggots in the Pantry
A Flea in Her Helmut {sp. intentional}
Snipping Off our Uranals to Spite Our Nutsacks
kHalf the Time You're at the Coffeepot The Rest You're in the Johnk
Drink like the Dog Does...From the Toliet!
kI Got an Emailk
Drinking Skunk Milk
Uranated Bricks in the Wastepaperbasket {note sp.}
Disposable Amoebas
Hitting Cabbage Butterflies with Baseball Bats for Crying Out Loud
Feel the Serving Fork
Piss You!!! That Milkshake Reeks!!!
Snipping Off Our Toes to Spite Our Feet
Disposable People
Ladybugs are Brie
Science Director on Ventax II
Stacking the Deck in the Gin-Rummy Game
Disposable Elephants
I Spell "Knife" with an "N"
Don't Give Them what they Want
You're In the Way!!!
Synthetic Scotch, Synthetic Commanders
We're Being Hailed by the Borg
Some Fartknocker Stole my Underwear!
Eating Goliath Beetle Grubs {larvae} for Pete Sakes
Plankton's a Bungknocker
SpongeBoob JismPants
King Neptune Destroying a Uranal
Wearing Chum Bucket "Bucket Helmuts" {note sp.}
Barbie Wearing a Training Bra
Uranation of Fire Hydrants {note sp.}
Krabby Patty Disease
Stomping on Swallowtail Butterfly Chrysalids for Christ Sakes
Chitty Chitty Bang {GUNSHOT!!!}
Finding some Fairly NewParents" and Flushing their Toliet
Breaking a Window for Crying Out Loud
Reading a Digital Clock in a Mirror
Clubbing Baby Uranals?!? WHAT THE FUCK?!?
Stabbing Praying Mantids for Heaven Sakes
Uranated Showerhead {note sp.}
Suds & Surprise Cabbage Patch Kids
Getting Malaria from Faucet Handles
Flushing Away Telephones for Christ Sakes
kTeacher, Leave those Kids Alone!!!k
Defoliating the Skin
Damselfly Insemination
Running Over Doodlebugs for Crying Out Loud
Lye Puffs are Lye-A-Riffic!
Flushing Baby Turtles Down Toliets
Moon Rocks of Fury
Stomping on Doodlebugs for Christ Sakes
Kes is Back...and Boy is She Pissed!!!
Drake Parker Wrecking a Dune Buggy
Getting a Brain Scan for Pete Sakes
That's Dorky!!!
Flush the Fucking Toliet, Dooshbag!!! {sp. intentional}
Salivation of Computer Mouses
Money in the Sea for Heaven Sakes
Grass in the Radiator Grille
Blowing Up Electrolytic Capacitors for Crying Out Loud
Stay Out of Our Dreams!!!
Smashing Open Bowling Balls for Christ Sakes
Elevator of Dume {sp. intentional}
Taking the Dirty Bubble Challenge
Going Jellyfishing for Pete Sakes
Buying Moon Sand to Eat
Being a Goofy Goofy Goofy Goofy Goober
Shannon Loves Freddy
Peeing on Piss Ants for Christ Sakes
Breaking a Window While Shooting a Porn Video
That's "Tennis Balls"...eagh..."TENTACLES!!!"
Unlucky Charms
When the Falcon's Away, the Rats will Play
Stomping on Cockroach Egg Cases for Heaven Sakes
Rotting Apple vs. Cinnamon Stick
Cantaloupe Under the Ocean
Setting Fire to a Root Cellar for Christ Sakes
Is That a Flashlight in your Pocket or are You just Small like That?
Camel Pee in a Cup
Kicking Down a Door for Pete Sakes
Merry Sniffmas!
The Worstiest Week Ever {sp. intentional}
"Peggy" the Pirate
We'll Be your Disloyal Crew {you can tell by a lot of these band names that I
watch a lot of SpongeBob SquarePants on the boob tube}
Rock Top
Don't Clicket or Don't Ticket
More Higgentolietmuscle than you can Shake a Stick At
Remembering a Baby Cow
Piss You What's that Horrible Odour?!?
Jail Bars made of Marshmallow
Flushing Rocks down Toliets for Christ Sakes
Superman Destroying a Bathtub
Beating Up Beanbag Chairs for Pete Sakes
Hit It with Motor Oil
Breaking Light Bulbs for Heaven Sakes
The Dog Pissed on the Rug Again
What the Phuck is "OMG"?!?
Used Raccoon {vulgar term for feces} on the Sidewalk
He's Got Stankfoot
Used Squirrel Pee Under the Tree
His Shorts are Too Tight - You can See His Inseminator!!!
Used Starfish Excretions Under the Rock
The Doughnut of Shame
Is C3PO a Robot Faggot?
Everything's Not Shipshape!
The Crusty Plate is Indestructible
Hari Kari
Auf Wiedersehen
Diet of Garbage Food
Flamedramon's a Queerbate
Drake Parker has a Rash
Eating a Doodle Cake
Black Metal
It's Neutronium, Dammit!!!
Not the Remote, the Remote
Porche {from "The Mighty B"} Sounds like a Lezzy
Stuck in Your Craw
Eternal Garbage of the Dirty Soul
kAbsorbent and Yellow and Soaked with Rat Peek
Riding the Little Bus {the "little (school) bus" is usually ridden in by retards}
Conducting Wastepaperbasket Inspections
kRespect the Badgek
kFear the Gunk
Out Here it's Eat or Drink Douches
Crickets Chirping at Noon
Photograph Lactation
The Krusty Kabbage
Gwen has Chicken Pox
Socer Mother's Minivan
Yucky Legpit Puddles
Drinking Dog Water
Superhero Sidekick
Leave the Wheel Listener's Club
kAww She's a Brick...Shithouse!!!k
She Stomps at Night
Chewing Juicy Fag Gum
Touch but Don't Move
Polly Want a Used Douche!
Alligator Hockey
Raptor Baseball
Stewie's Got a Boyfriend!!!
kYou Will Always Be My Safe Business!!!k
iCan't Go Diarrhea
Dress for Jub Jub Jub Jub Jub Jub Bub
That Clogged Toliet Rulz!!!
Yeah, Stomp on It! Kick It!
Finding a Letter or Three
The Dog Drinks Fleet brand Disposable Enemas
A Matter of Timer
SEIU is Pussywhipped!
I'd Like to Buy a "G"
Selling a Dirty Towel
My Dog Has Cicadas
Santa Clause Flushing a Toliet
Bird Spoon
Hexagonal Giraffe
Cornflake Festival
Chipmunk Serrated Knife
Everything that Comes Out of this Flashlight is either Urine or David Hasselhoff
Priceful Family Airlume {sp. intentional}
Dog Fork
Buy Goalbond {sp. intentional}
Lose a Turn!
Pinching a Loaf in the Toaster
I Live in a Mop
Dying for Pie
No Ifs, Ands, Or Asses...My Family's Got Glasses
Imitation "Krab" Meat Going Bad {sp. intentional}
Starfleet Nugget
Squidward Destroying a Uranal
Squilliam Destroying a Bejeweled Toliet Paper Holder
Calling the Cops for Christ Sakes
Getting a Double Twerpectomy for Wayne Sakes
Suds & Surprise Garbage Pale Kids {Poddy Scoddy gets thrown
into the shitbowl along with a generous squirt of dish soap}
"The Battle of Panthatar" is Just Fucking Pussywhipped!
As Is!!!
Carmelising a Chicken McNugget
Get the 8 Ball!!!
Eating Swallowtail Butterfly Caterpillars {larvae} for Christ Sakes
kThere Goooes...The Crimson Chin!k
Putting Ketchup on Rice Crispies
Like a Monster Crossing the Hudson River...STOMPING!
kPiddle You What's that Horrible Feel!k
Superman Destroying a Sewer Pipe
Why Can't You See the River from Riverview Park?
Lyrics Websites Destroying a Computer
Fergy Wants to Get Shot from the Cannoñata
Getting Addicted to Pak Rat for Pete Sakes
Fixing Dinner Because it's Broken
{spoken in a nearly monotone computer voice} Squeeze Boobs!
Why Do the Curtains Smell like Piss?
We're Just Potheads {pronounced "poa'THEEDS}
Burying Dung Beetles for Christ Sakes
Swiffer...Digivolve to...DUSTMON!!!
Side-Effects of Meloxicamedia May Include Axillary Micturition, Bladder Revulsion, and Hepatic Hemmorhage
Batman Destroying an Antenna Array
Flushing Christmas Bulbs Down the Toliet
Remote-Controlled Vomitorium
Shrek Sweat
Kid Dirtee {sp. intentional}
This Offer *IS* Available in Stores
Mr. Crabs Floating in the Toliet {sp. intentional}
Going to a Fishuneral
Splenic Lavage
Cloning Winona Ryder's Poop
kEight More Days to Halloween, Sil-Ver Shamrock!!!k
Eu de Toliet {sp. intentional}
kCall the Glass Doctor He'll Fix Your Paink {note sp.}
Don't Wanna Lie like My Fence Does
Kick Start & Turn Me Over
We Aren't the Robots!
Taking a Shower in Hot Elephant Pee
Reflection is Automatic
The Buttlords
Rat Oblivion
The Poddy Song
Penile Detergent
Bleeding Socks
Hooray for Mylar!
Mounted PoliceHorse Pigs
When Good Pet Doors...Go BAD!
Disintegrating Keychain Flashlight
Who's the Late Turd Burglar?
Dropping a Stool in the Pool
Ogre Micturition
NO, Baby!!!
Legpit Underwear Pads
Cold Water Slime
Sysop Sweat
Laser Nebulae
Twisted Brother
Black Floyd
Neutering a Picture Tube
Venomous Poison
We're All FaggotS!!!
Poisonous Venom
A Hair on the Cistern {toliet tank}
Annoying a Broom
Shoe Testicle
Throwing a Bass Axe for Pete Sakes
Vacuuming Up Bong Ashes
Destroying an Accordion for Christ Sakes
Is Mermaid Man a Homo?
Uranating a Uranator for Heaven Sakes {note sp. of "uranating"}
Flying the Gay Little R/C Airplane
Egg Harness
Tight-Fitting Seattle Remover
Melting a Boat Anchor for Christ Sakes
The Bus Melted My Socks!
Puking Up Krabby Patties for Pete Sakes
Who Fell Out of the Tree of Knowledge?
Braiding Our Toliets
Shampooing a Squirrel
Uranating on a Chair {note sp.; "urAnating". not "urInating"}
Spilling Bong Ashes in the Couch
Spending the Nighter Aloner with My Tromboner
Fresh Bad Avacado
PCAT {said like "pee cat"}
Cactus Impersonator
Impmon Flunked One of Those Polygrip Tests on Maury
Gallantmon Flunked the Maternity Test on Maury
Beelzemon is Not the Baby Daddy
Hydrogenated Potheads
The Pee Spuds
Lenscap Hoars
What Do Uranal Mints Taste Like?
Squeeze Boobs!!!
Miserably Failing One of Those Polygrip Tests
Going Tee-Tee in the Toi-Toi
We Don't Feel Tardy!
Tree Inseminators
Superzapper Discharge
Kookie Krispy {sp. intentional}
Born Again Idiot
Is Clay Aiken REALLY a Faggot?
Trapped...Out of My Element
Incendiary Bushes
Finish My Drink, Down My Smoke
The Rechargeable Potheads {pronounced "poa'THEEDS" like Homer Simpson would pronounce it}
Salty Teeth
Here Comes the The Biggest Asshole
Arrested Development
Acting Like Nothing's Wrong
Beating Up a Frog for Posterity Sakes
The Air Toi-Tois (from a Tena® adult diaper commercial)
The Procreating Douchenoozles {sp. intentional}
Taking the Dirty Bubble Challenge
Flowers in the Dustbin
Some Bogus Pisson Vacuumed Up a Shoe!
Turn On the Gosh Darn Map Light!
Deodourant Chickadeebone with Mustard
Aspirin Toliet
Fizzy Uranal
My Little Poo-Poo Book
Stop Morning Wood!!!
Rat Tail Comb Attack!
Prefrontal Lavage
Testicular Shampoo
Savage Vacuum
Colonic Rabies
Hypodermic Pepsi
Fizzy Urinator
Defecated Underwear Models
Have You Seen this Slug?
Get a Cup of Coughea
Poddy Off, Poddy Yellowjacket
Sleeping in a Bed of Cockroach Egg Cases
Waiter, There's a Soup in My Fly
Kofy {pronounced like "coffee"}
Postnasal Drip Points {"Drip points" are those small projections on the bottoms of some telephone insulaters}
Gee, Your Hair Smells Like Rotten Octopus Urine!
Forget or Forget {based upon the now-defunct television program "Forgive or Forget"}
Hudson is a Piddle Paper Wasp
Not the Douche, the Douche!!!
Stomping on Praying Mantid Nymphs for Christ Sakes
Captain Uvula Sucks Big Walrus Cock
U-Rine Shipping Supply Specialists
DumbWAV Converter
Perspiration Christ {it's like "Piss Christ" but with a different fluid}
A Used Enema in the Wastepaperbasket
Stubbing Our Toes for Jesus
LinkSis DisconnectPeeCee
Corporate Douche


He or She Smells Like a Bus
Captain Proton Uses a Phucked-Up Phlashlight {sp. intentional}
Netscrape v4.79
R-Place is YouR-Place Too
Aural Enema
Sewer Pickles of H8Red
Why is the Wastepaperbasket All Stinky?
Wonder Woman Destroying a Cistern
Dogs Pissing on Tyres
Lighting Candy Cigerettes
Sparking Up a Big Bowl of Oregano
Fighting the Fighters
Hammering Bashing Pounding & Smashing
Pooping in the Shampoo
Piddle Parsnip
Lipstick Micturition
The Constipated Giraffes
Missy is Phun to Molest
Who Wants to be a Pennyaire?
You've Got UsedEneMail!!!
Sclera is Brie
As Valuable as a Used Can of Crisco
Wake Up Micturating
Eating Out of the Cistern
Performing Spectroscopy of Dark Matter
The Keebler Elves Look Like those Goddamn Queer Rice Crispies Elves!
Throwing Our Dog Water
Neon Darks
The Woman Machine
Tiger Woods' Wife Breaking Windows with His Favourite Golf Club
The Rice Crispies Elves Look Like those Goddamn Queer Keebler Elves!
Cleaning a Urinator with a Hairbrush
Cash In a Can = Money In a Water Closet
The Not-So-Mighty Piddletones
He'll Be Back for -$16,384.00
Eyelash Stilleto Knife
Feel the Tablespoon
Lisol: Infect to Unprotect
With Culturebifidus Regularis
The Ass Gaskets {toliet seat covers}
Those Are My Rats, Give Me Back Their Patooties!
Accordion Hosebags
The Bagpipe Blasters
He's Got a Razor Blade in His Shoo
Shandy Puts a Wildcard Back in Her Stem
I'm Lingo, and This is Chuck!
Armpit Sweat Puddles the Size of Turkey Platters
Illogic Probe
These Aren't the Voyages of the Starship Secondprise
He's Jim, Dead!
Sysop Lacrimation
It's All Fun & Games Until Someone Loses a Wiener
Using Resolve Without a Vacume
My Poo Poo Cup
My Menstrual Mug
My Perspiration Tube
My Vomit Vase
Frank Incense
Poppa Boyl
My Cum Dumpster
Waytoochatty Cathy
kHe's Got His Plastic Pee Bagk
kShe's Got a Robust Pursek
LASER: L-A-Z-E-R {buzzing noise}
Typhoid Marianne
Urinous Piddle
Violet "Lazer" of "Dume"
Ruth (from the now-defunct 611) Looks Like a Lezzy
Watching TV Underwater
Butt Whyy Per!
Babysitting a Pair of Plastic Slippers
Ginko is Good for the Bladder
Boniva Makes You Go Poo Poo
Grab a Couple of Lingo Testes!
The Kindegarden Cop Killer Wannabe Idiots {sp. of "kindergarten" intentional}
kYou Run Around like a Paper Towelk
It's Time to Find Out what Uranator Mints Taste Like
400 Teraquads of Crap
A Dog Pushing a Wagon
Used Cat Turds on the Comfort Blanket
The Princess and The Pee {note sp. of "pea"}
Urenal Sysop
General Douchebaggery
Extreme Asshattery
Pothead Scotthead
Who's Got Malaria?
USB Dog Turds
The Nitrogenated Penguins
Eight Ball Deluxe...Two Ball
Quit Chalking and Start Talking
Get the Eight Ball!
The Prince and The Uranation {note sp. of "urination"}
Getting Crabs from a Toliet Paper Dispenser
Feeding Solar-Powered Enemas to the Poor
My Spittle Sysop
Who Uranated in the Teapot? {note sp.}
The Flooded Defecals
Ashtray Lavage
Urine Trouble!
Screwdrivers of Destitution
Plad to the Bone
Flammable Puppies
Urochrome for Lepers
May Cause Fecal Injury
Uranated VHS {note sp.}
Agumon Flunked the Polygrip Test on Maury
Test for Battery Poop
Parsley, Rosemary, Thyme, and Vinegar
Squeaky Wheels Not Getting Oil
Apple Falling Far from the Tree
Uranated Carrot {note sp.}
Captain Howdy's a True Douchebag!
MegaFōn {sp. intentional}
Rat Emesis
Giving Triks to a Rabbit
Mr. Rogers is Raping My Trailer
Nasal Soap
Shooting Sleds for Fun and Profit
Annoying a Pushbroom
Screaming Overhead Projector
Making Fun of the Amish
R2-D2 Lives in my Belly Button
C3PO Lives in my Sinuses
Flushing Trout down a Toliet
Wastepaperbasket Incandescence
Invisible Sirius
Batman Destroying a Cistern
Maximum Candiosity to the Death Ray!
Finding some Fairly NewParents" and Cleaning Their Water Closet
Tape Dispenser Enuresis
Squeezing Boob Pus
Dyeing Fragglz {note sp.}
Snipping Off Our Uranals to Spite Our Ears
Partial Pillow
MNO Stopwagon
Penile Pustules
Rusty Syringe
Micturating LED Desk Lamp
Cirrhosis of the Bladder
Alopecia Of Scrotal Hair
Water Closet Lavage
Sitting on a Time Bomb
This Ear Hair Remover is Brie
Waiting By the Sink
Seeing the Trees for the Woods
kFriskers...Feed the Bunghole!!!k
Gastric Uranation {note sp.}
When the Bullet Hits the Phone
Inseminator I Optically Image
Hummingbirds Are Brie
Warfarin is Rat Poison!
Deal or Deal?
Snipping Off Our Testicles to Spite Our Pancreases
kPut a Little Love in Your Urethra!k
Invisible Stormtroopers
The Intelligenttolietmuscles
Lamp Floating in a Wall Uranator
Having Dain Bramage
Satan is a Soft Fabric
Satin is the Devil
Frown for the Camera
Wishing Well Lavage (pronounced "")
That Toothpick Pissed in My Sock Drawer
The Knarks are Squeaky
Sgt. Stadanko & the Potheads
Taking a Shower in Hot Blue Whale Pee
Sleeping Like a Sloan Uranator Spud Valve
The Ugly Giant Bags of Mostly Water
We Live in Mops
This Toliet Uranus {sp. intentional}
Sheliak Corporate Douche
Give Those Buttmonkeys some Change
Give that Turd Burglar an Enema
The "Poo-Poo On the Toliet Seat" Band
Disco Vacuums
Not the Vagina, the Vagina!!!
Stomp on the Candiosity Meter! Yeah Yeah Yeah STOMP ON IT!!!
Urine & Acetic Acid
Fecal Alcohol Syndrome
Corn Poop
Viva Uriñator
Loud Face
Crust Amateur Health 2D Douche
Flush the Johñ!
Contro Flexible
Janyu's Arc {a spoof of the title of the Digimon episode "Janyu's ArK"}
Why Do Piss Ants Smell Like Uranation?
Busted Eyeglasses
Ding Dong the Mailbox is Dead!
Activia: The Poo-Poo Yogurt
Pressure! Dañger!!!
Remote-Controlled Learnatorium
Chantix Causes Solid Pee-Pee
Stepping in Wolf Shit
Maximum Candiosity to the Death Ray!
Urine Banana
Micturition Apple
Out of Coñtrol
Why Do the Curtains Smell Like Giraffe Pee?
KwH Meter Revulsion
The Homophobic Holograms
Squirtgun Traffic Cameras
Holy Shit Batman!!!
kWhy Do the Elderly Growl At the Dead Wingless Legless Lice in My Laundry Rice in My Dead Tacosk
kPut a Little Love in Your Urinary Bladder!k
Water Church Co-pilots
Wrong Soong. Wrong Soong!
Bad Wee-Wee!!! Go Down the Uranator!!!
Never Use Blue Without Black
Rat Pellet Gun
Crust Amateur Health Incomplete Douche
Piddle Satan
Shit, that Pile of Shit Stinks!!!
Are We Watering Snausages Today?
Clang Clang Clang Goes the Uranal
Somebody Hosed Down My Cupcake
Wonder Woman Demolishing a Uranator
Inverted Chickens
Happy Happy Halloween, Sil-Ver Shamrock!
Urea Heap
Flamingo Mayonnaise
Mermaid Man Demolishing a Cistern
Drowning in Cat Piddle
Fish Fork
Barnacle Boy Destroying a Shower Stall
Teñ Secoñds to Trañsmission
Beelzemon's Little Day (obscure Digimon reference here)
Flashlight Battery Hoars
King Neptune Demolishing a Refrigerator
Hubcap Destructor
The Invisible Woman Demolishing a Uranator
Smells like Used Dooshes {sp. intentional}
Shooting a Princess Telephone to Bits for Christ Sakes
Charma Kameleon
Sitting Naked by the Phone
Hooray for Acrylic!!!
Verses & Delusion
Squidward Demolishing a Wooden Chair
Boy George Without Makeup
H8red Is an Addiction
Shampooing a Fireplace
Uranating the Dog {note sp.}
Jackie's Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
SpongeBob Destroying a Pineapple
Moderate Asshaberdashery
Yessss!!! The National Anthrax {spoken like Butt-Head}
Activia "Poo-Poo Yogurt" I See, You can Feel It With Your Pee
Have a Drink On You!
Tree Uranation {sp. intentional}
Flat Tyre Beer
Toliet Dentition
Stealing a Bone from the Dog
Gastric Micturition
Mouldy Slippers
Axillary Lavage
Patellar Collapse
Let Me Put My Hate into You Babe
Such Douche-Tastic Friends
All Spambags are Evil and Must Die!!!
Carburetor Lavage (pronounced "")
Phear the Dirty Uranator!
Black Gears of H8Red
Blindly Touching Her Boobs
Does the Easter Rabbit Carry its Own Cross?
Windoe Terd Burglers {sp. intentional}
Spanking the Blue Whale
Peeing Uranated Glass Marble
Capt. Morgan Bateson is a Queerbate
¡Husoos Cristo En Una Muleta!
Dr. Pecker and the Seven Downs
Coffee and Cremation
Viva Uriñal
Toliet Tank Drunkard
Coaxial Schmoaxial
Here a Pecker There a Pecker Everywhere a Doctor Pecker!
Mounds of Poo and Almond Wastoids
Sparking Up a Big Bowl of Finely-Minced Oregano
Juvenile Radiation Clinic
Some Buttsnoipe Ironed My Socks
Giving Him Cooties
Drinking Massengill Brand Post-Pitcher Cool Aide
A Baseball in a Wood Chipper
Captain Howdy's Such a Bungsnoipe!
Cum Guzzling Gutterslut
Splenic Uranation {note sp.}
That Gatoraide Tea Bottle is So So Queer, You Can Hear It While You Steer!
A Christmas Story About Cleaning Up Poo
Micturition of the Solar Plexus
{girl's voice} Linguo...Boned? {male robot voice} Linguo...IS...Boned!!!
Butt Sandwich Implosion
Is it YouTube or YourTube?
Food Crook
Asshole Thermometer
Cello Uranator {pleze noat spelig}
Rock Inseminator
The Gay Little Heli Flying to Anthrax Zax
Preparation TC Stops Tile Comets
Preparation B for the Bunghole
Blow Money? Hip Hip Cheerio!!!
The Milk has Gone Off
Iron Legionnaire
Telling the World to Fuck Off!
Post-Menstrual Princess Reds
Phone Sys: The Douched Moose  {This is really what I named my BBS when I started it on 07-21-89!!!}
Hypnos III
Sucking Up Dead Socks
Westwood Perspiration
Screaming Down the Hobo Shack
Uranium Uranator
Pissing the Bed for Science
Lazing 'Round the TV
Tulip Lactation
Shooting some Stick
Volume Vacuum
Bungholio in One or Two
Elektroshock Kardiogramm
Don't be a Bungsnoipe now That's the Key!
Sk8 or Be Termin8ed
Killing The Last Ninja
Jiminy Cricket is Such a Douchenoozle
Micturating in a Uranator {pleeze noat speling}
You Can't Spell "Murine" without "URINE"!
Burning the Birthday Candle at Both Ends
Laser Galvos of Doom
Smashing Mosquito Wrigglers (larvae) for Christ Sakes
Switch 1,053,000
Looping is for Faggots
Robotron: 2084 is for Lezzies
Superman Demolishing a Rain Barrel
The Green Lantern Destroying a Toliet Seat
Batman Ruining a Pot of Mashed Potatoes
Wonder Woman Wrecking a Pair of Socks
Homo On the Range {Faggot On the Stove}
Pubic Enema #2
¼ Teasoon Short of 256 Bytes
Total and Complete Asshaberdashery
Santa Clause Demolishing a Fireplace
Rudolph Destroying a Red Light Bulb
Febreze Vacuum Rottener
Batman Demolishing a Uranator
Breaking Light Bulbs for Christ Sakes
The Sysop of the Now-Defunct Toylet Bowl BBS is a Faggot!
Wonder Woman Destroying a Dustbin
Superman Demolishing a Dust Lorry
Yo, wassup homes?
Trading in a Dildo for a Buttplug
The Seminiferious Tubloidial Buttsnoipes
Little Wheels (Not Turning)
Santa Clause Piddling Down a Chimney
My Pee-Pee Bottle of Pee-Pee
The Invisible Woman Shooting a Uranal
Santa's Little Harmer
VHS Video Hypnotic
Blindly Touching Her Boobs
Class IV: The Toylet
Carrot Rope
Deadman's Switch Disengage
This Popcycle Freezes
Ripping a Band-Aid Off
No Vagina, there isn't a Santa Clause
Boneless Accordions
Icycle Insomnia
We Are Dyslectic of Brog. You will be Asslaminated. Resistors are Fertile.
Bring the Dissonance
Borg Academie
Kitty on Death's Patio
Wherever There's a Punchbowl, Somebody will Flush It
Football Isn't for Sissies!
Killswitch Rejoice
Halleluja Water Closet
Alka-Seltzer Uranation {sp. intentional}
Some Buttknocker Ironed my Shoes!
The Homo Telephones
Uranated Carbonation {sp. intentional}
My DJ's Norm I Call Him Rich
Fireflies in Discord
You're a Douche You're a Douche!
¡Dejando la bañera O.N.U-Limpiada con un chorro de agua para los motivos de Cristo!
Leaving the Light Bulb Unscrewed for Christ Sakes
The Unsanitary Napkins
The Pee Bottle Bomber 
"Phlushing" "Shooz" "Doen" "Toliets" {sp. intentional}
The Sweaty Ramekins
Uranate like a Competitive Equine {sp. intentional}
Perspiring like a Policeman
Sweaty Furkins
Praying to the Porcelain God
Is Bender Really a Queer?
Koji Minamoto, It is Time
Mouldy Loaves and Fishes
I Just Want to Touch Her Thingies!
The Homophobiacs
The Dickheads
The Homo Phones
NeoSporan Pain
Teh Penus Vaccuumes {ahl werds intenshonaly mispelt}
Bowler's Pee
The Phoney-Bologna Plastic Spiders
Afterbirth on Toast (That's Pizza)
Hillbilly Snatch
Punk Piss
Boob Pus
Rhino Clit
The Butt Dumplings
Golfer's Lacrimation
You Seafood Inappropriately
The Hidden Enemy
Tree Sweat
Tour de Dillhole
Captain Ovary Takes Birth Control
Eye Kant Vaccume {ahl werds intenshonaly mispelt}
Blindly Touching Her Ears
Carbohydrate Proteene
Stop Fucking my Refrigerator or Subcommander Antilepton will Perspire In Your Socks!
Ahh Bee See Dee Vitammine
Grinding Shooz Up in the Food Waste Disposer {sp. intentional}
Urine Luck
THE F46607$
Telephone Sweat
Phosphor Bedspread
Venemous Sunglasses
The Hearing-Ear Cats
Scotch Tape for Lepers
Cathy Withekay {Kathy with a 'K'}
Pillowcase Enuresis
Gee Your Hair Smells like Camel Urine!
Lezzy Lacrimation {"lesbian tears"}
Meowing Because We're Hungry
The Fudge Bunny {slang term for a cat fece}
The Sissified Cum Drinkers
Pyss & Mone {sp. intentional}
Coloring Hard-Cooked Unfertilised Bird Larvae and Giving them to a Rabbit in Early-April 
Barbecued Telephones
You Can't Spell "Figurine" without "Urine"
Santa Claws
Poisoned by Lederhosen in Black
I Feel Like I'm Really Detecting Rat Urine
Barbecuing Pay Telephones for Christ Sakes
Giving Barney the Purple Toliet Dinosaur some Nice Barney Acid Teepz
Coffee Penus
Shooting Western Tiger Swallowtail Butterfly Caterpillars (Larvae) for Satan Sakes
The Weenbags
Spilt Milk
A.I.D.S...That's What You Get when You Put a Penus Up Your Ass!!!
Poopinary Incontinence
Having Surgery on Your Tallywhacker
Pissinary Incontinence
Stomping on Mourningcloak Butterfly Caterpillars (Larvae) for Christ Sakes
Cancer of the Asshole
Shooting Seagulls Out of the Sky With Bottle Rockets
Here a Pecker, There a Pecker, Everywhere a Dr. Pecker!
Gee, Your Hair Smells Like Wolf Piss
Tegretol Cirrus
Getting Toasted on Guilmon's Grill
Hotmail is for Fagots {sp. intentional}
Whistling Pete Enema
Evel has No Disguise {sp. intentional}
There's a Hole in the Bucket Clap Your Feet (thud!, thud!)
You Just Wanna Say, "Aww Fv¢k It"
I'll Take "Fag Bashers" for $200 Please Alex!
Gee, Your Hair Smells Like Stale Giraffe Urine!
Stop and Smell the Flours {sp. intentional}
Butt...Hole...Butt...Hole...O Yayayaya!!!
As...Much...{And Butthole...Butt...Hole!}
Gluttons for Punishment
Everytime You Spank the Monkey, Satan Kills a Sperm Whale!
Pop Rocks Singer
Flush the Fucking Toliet, Douchebag!
Gee, Your Hair Smells Like a Fudge Bunny
Subcommander Teste Sucks Big Walrus Nads
Gumball Machine Micturition
Tempest® in a Water Closet
Admiral Byrd Eats Eggs
Stomping on Sphinx Moth Caterpillars (Larvae) for Christ Sakes
Nai Can't Uranate! {note sp.}
Every Time You Flush a Toliet, God Kills a Fece
Piddle You, This Cheezeburger Really Reeks!!!
Gonorrhea of the Knockers
Dead Tacos Bell-Grande
Top Ticking the Titty Tat!
The Douchenemabags
Who Smote Thee Down?
Captain Proton to the Rescue!
Koji Minamoto, Go to the Forest Terminal!
Snail Micturition
Urinous Hose Bib
Who Peed on My Toothbrush?
Ding Dong the Uranator's Dead! {sp. intentional}
Metropolice {pronounced like, "metropolis"}
You Must Go to the Beach Terminal
Stop Fucking My Lettuce or Captain Positron will Inseminate Your Bathtub
Foul Neocortex Discharge
Once Bitten, Twice Smitten
That Clock is Faslow!
Slipper Micturition
Toothbrush Sweat
Boot Micturition
Stop Fucking the Uranator or Captain Antilepton will Pee on Your Doorknob
Wanna Get Bad?
Baby, When the Toliet Seat's Up!
Out through the In Door
Calculator Lacrimation
Dropping a Fudge Bunny Behind a Tree
Erotic Pumpkin Vomitus
Tinkle Opposite of "On", Tinkle Caddisfly Larvae
Violinist On the Wall
Cockroach On a Cold Talgonite Ceiling
Edward Diagonalcutterhands
Wingpit Deodouriser for Hummingbirds
Zombie Giraffe Larvae
Front Porch Stenosis
Self-Deflating Towels
Setting Fire to Mosquito Wrigglers {larvae} for Christ Sakes
A Glass Full of Worm Sperm
Radio that Plugs Into Your Nutsack
Inverted Cheerios
Perfume for Your Rats
Semisolid Crayons
Lawn Mower Emesis
Sex! Drugs!! Satan!!!
Disposable Biscuits
Sentient Screaming Valance
Drinking Directly from the Milk Jug
Carbonated Pane
kSanta Ana is Coming to Town!k
The Studly Hoars {sp. intentional}
Snowmobile Micturition
Bean-Eating Elderly
Mortified Coffee Table
Enuresis of the Cathode Ray Tube
Secretary of the Bladder
Reporters that Hate Snow
Malfunctioning Blenders Featured on YouTube
Stop Fucking my Outlet or Captain Positron will Puke in Your Underwear Drawer
My Vacuum Tubes are Demanding to be Spayed!
Night Light Death Ray
My Pissinary Bladder's Been Shot!
Eureka! I've Found the Vacuum Bags!!!
Barney the Dinosaur's a Pedo
Who Turned those Light Bulbs into Dark Bulbs?
Buckets of Calico Halibut
Inverted Polaric Ion Therapists
Sweating Volcano
Urinous Showerhead
kKimm Cardassiank
Puttles in His Pittles
Excreting Richard Nixon
Sacrificing Ducks to King Neptune
Devouring Our Axillae
Igniting Damselfly Nymphs (larvae) for Christ sakes
kWe Excrete Our Armpits & Eat George's Bushesk
Deodourant Popcycle Bone with Aspirin
Rotting Wheelchair
Purple is Extremely Noisy
Liquid Helicopter
Exploding Lice in my Laundry
Scalding Dog Doodie
The Kitty is Licking Her Kitty
Hairless Wild Boars
Scooby Dooby Doo-Doo!
Two Hundred Cups of Coffee
Urinous Fucking Rose Bush
Licking Moose Antlers
Robot Turds
Crashing the Gay Little Styrofoam Airplane
Java Sweat
TV's Kyle Sucks Big Walrus Cock
Piss You! That Pussy {not 'cat'} Stinks!!!
Carbonated Pet Rats
Volcanic Hirsutism
Exploding Liquid Paper
Automated Light Bulb Destructor
Frozen Walker on a Stick
Fucking Antimatter Fucking Blows
Time Flies like an Arrow...Fag Flies Like Bananas
Unclogging a Toliet with an Alligator
Cats Landing on Saturn
The Cow Jumped Over the Sun
Bloodcurdling Preying Mantids
Sadder than a Witch in a Vacuum Cleaner Factory
Sweeping Up Cockroaches for God Sakes
Encrustulated Milk Jug
Polymer Typewriter Shoes that Sweat
Don't Tell Mom The Tampon's Dead
Riboflavin-Flavoured Yogurt
Satanic HVAC Tech
Tampon Bathysphere
Sentient Young Vomiting Valence
Flattened 'Pepsy' Can
Liquid Plumbr Enema
Milk Has No Penus
Playtex Bathyscape
Liquid Mullet
Battlestar Tampax
Selsun Sultan
Showing a Dildo to a Faggot
Hudson Horstachio is a Piss Ant
Wiping a Booger on Barbara Striesand
Burglars & Scones
Chair Urin8r
Catheters Copulate Noisily
There's No 'I' in 'God'
Cleanax Brand Post-Menstrual Disposable Kittens
I Can Shit a Crescent Roll
Drāno Enema
Diaper Repairman
Chainsaw Enema
Uranated Tampon {note sp.}
Bank Tylenol
Fizzy Toliet
Goodbye Porpoise
Hazardous Redwood
Uranal Explosion
Spazzy Sink
Tampax Astronaut
Blackened Fish Tail
Yak Vomitus
Loud Chair {toliet}
Fishtank on the Floor {toliet}
Terra Cotto Salami
Hardware Make the Dance Foam Urine
SpongeBoob HypodermicPants
Stealing a Bag of Cheat-O's {note sp. & intentional misuse of the apostrophe}
Terror Destructor
Shitting Out Krabby Patties for Christ sakes!
Piss Flute
Aural Assault
Leaving a Flaming Bag of Pooh on the Porch {note sp.}
Studly Collars of H8Red
The Nippular Area
That's MISTER FAGGOT to You & Don't you Forget That!
Douche Bikini
Playtux® Dying® Mittens {a spoof on Playtex® Living® Gloves}
The Boobal Area
Eu de Poontang
We're So Coral!
The Diaper Bandits
Smells Like Nookie
Monkey On Your Penus {sp. intentional}
Tastes Like Piss Ants
The Dead Socks
Peanuts in My Underwear Drawer
Big Ears Like a Ferengi
This Book Light Tastes Like Emesis
Puppy Mills that Breed Cicadas
The Busted Sissy Sticks
Grasshopper on a Frozen Nitrium Roof
Where's the Maggots?
Nocturnal Defecation
I Guess Tummz is Temporary
The Seven Year Bitch
Diabeetus {as Willard Brimhole would pronounce it}
Duke is Not a Rat
Perianal Nappy Itch
The TV Tube is Pregnant
Conducting Insulators
Uranated Goldfish {note sp.}
We Aren't Peckerheads!
Triolic Waves of Love
International Corduroy
Uranating on the Machine {note sp.}
Masturbating Tampon Parade
Bookmarking Our Bungholes
Salty Peckerwood
Fire Comes from Firemen
I Am Asshole, Hear Me Roar!
URANAL!!! URANAL!!! {sp. intentional}
Narcoleptic Cereal Bowl
Kissing the Black Gear
Satan's Duotronic Robots
Fixing Your Plate Because It's Broken
Stinks Like Preteen Spirits
Kotex U-Boat
Redwood Solids
Bruce Willis Shooting a Toliet
You Can't Spelll 'TAURINE' Without 'URINE'
Wonder Woman Destroying a Telephone
Eucalyptus Impersonator
Dog Urine Splenic Freeze
Orange Crush Necrosis
The Green Lantern Demolishing a Light Bulb
Naked Supermodel Chunks
Telepathic Piddlehead
C-3PO Lives in my Armpit
Unicorn Fart Pastry
Washing Your Dishes in the Toliet
You're Alligator Stink's {syntax errors intentional}
Tenna Twirl
The Invisible Woman is a Twat!
Leaky Bush Pail
DVDs that Sweat
Wrecked Pussy ` Trashed Tabby
Maximum Candiosity to the Sewer Pipe!
Go Five Light-Femtoseconds and then Hang a Left
He Used to Smoke 9 Packs of "Siggerets" a Day!
Viva Moñitor
What's Wrong With the Kitchen Sync? {note sp.}
Crashing the Gay Little Styrofoam Airplane into a Chair
Light Meters of Destruction
The Five Horsemen
Lederhosen in Blood-Red
Fire Ants on the Toliet Seat
This Cube is Full of Rage and Scrod!
Camera Micturition
Neocortex Lavage (pronounced "")
Satanic Floating Eyeball
The Goldfish are Squeaky
Flushing Moose Antlers Down Toliets
Rhododendron Spiller
Naked Walrus (Leaving a Shit)
The Lubricated Snausages
Babie Fat
Tree Larvae
Myrna the Translucent Cocktail Waitress has Clearly Drank Her Last Boat!
The Douche Song
Sand Mustard
Faggy Phone Thug
The Litterbox Song Song
Femtotubular "F"
Cockroach Resort Suite
Blowing EAROMS for Fun & Profit
Assume the Pole Position"
The Burning Tobacco-Using Firearm
My Poo is Deformed!!!
What's Wrong with my Peanut?!?
The Surfactant is Flat!
That Beer is a Liar
Don't Feed the Squeaky Mouses!
Give that Amish a Douche
Squeaky Porch Clocks
Perhaps the Code is Incorrect
Bad Titmouse!!! Shame on You!!!
kOooo, Certified Honeybuns!k
Pasghetti & Meattesticles {sp. intentional}
Horse Pig {mounted police officer}
kI Say...Minimum Effort, Maximum Davek
Electronic Booger Detector
Shaving with Rusty Gillettes
I'm Not your Superhero!
We Shall Not Speak of this Agane! {sp. intentional}
You Insult Our Ways!
Easy, Stick Boy!
The Poo-Poo Noo-Noo Ordered the Poo-Poo Platter
Bessie Higgenbottom Looks like a Lezzie
His TC is Too Low
kGet Off your High Horse & Come to the Partyk
Salty Pit Drippings
Make Yourself Invisible
Hard Stool? Try Docusate!
Pat, I'd Like to Buy a Towel!
He Shoots Up Piddle with Clean Needles {spoken in a nearly monotone robot voice}
He Eats Pampler's Brand Premenstrual Disposable Diapers!
We Don't Like You
Magical Urine Shower
Mr. Krabs Digging Change out of a Toliet
Cactus Nymphs
Eucalyptus Killer
Eeeee-Bola! {shouted like the guy in the Ricola commercial}
Slower than Sloth Shit
Wrapping Christmas Water
Burned Replicated Bird Meat
Spectrometer of Doom
Dia-rrh-ea Cha Cha Cha!
Leaving the Lamp Unflushed
We Aren't Greenhorns
Phlushing Lite Bubs Doen Toylets {all words intentionally misspelled}
kWe're Off to See the Lizard, the Wonderful Lizard of Id!k
Bowling for Barium Enemas
Coffee Cups Full of Micturition
Getting a Suntan on Venus
The Shark Attack Broom
Flushing After 3:37am
Brown Magic (this is what you get when the toliet's flooded!)
Whirlm without a Dream
kA Sprinkle a Day, Helps Keep Cooties Away!k
Elequis Gives You Equine Teeth!
kMr. Dirty, Mr. Dirty, Mr. Dirty Black Magic Eraserk
Panty Sweat
Dry Cleaner Rescue (hosted by Toliet Taphpher)
Electrochemical Hosebag
Pepsi Bottle Microscopes
The Merferator Light aka. the Unsurefire
Squidward Tortellini
Dr. Pepper Bottle 3-D Glasses
iDon't Go Poo-Poo
Time to Feed the Garbear
Sketchers Tenny Shoes Bite!
Sarah Likes to be Phist Phucked
Kellog's Grab & Stay Cereal Packs
Ahhhhh!!! Right in the Beak!!!
Throwing a Cicada Down a Manhole
Electronic Fishbulb
Pat, I'd Like to Sell a Vowel
Brick (Shit)house
Table Lamp Emesis
Biochemical Lacrimation
Rotten Dog Odour
Piss Satan
Electromechanical Nerds
Vacuum Nads
Infected Piss Weasel
Penile Gang Member
There's a Rat on the Cat Tree!
Ambien Walrus
Wet Cat Smell
Toothpaste For Dinner...Daily!
Sparking Up a J
Scrambled Afterbirth
Vulcan Thumbfuck
Eau De Toliet {sp. intentional}
The Toliet Muscles
Pain in the Diodes
Doobie Enuresis
Eau De Armpit
Warm Carbonated Micturition
Reconstituted Faggots
Powdered Sink
Instant Toliet -- Just Add Mud
Fizzy Dentifrice
The Pail Pale Will Refuse to Take Out the Refuse Because the
Reign Starts to Rain (note intentional misuse of homophones & allophones)
Hooray for Asphalt!
Nair Alibi
Mayonnaise Hardon
Broken Ketchup
Pre-Menstrual Mustard Yellows
Green Jello Rulz!!!
Deodouriser Hummingbirdbone with Aleve
Taking a Plop in the Punchbowl
Piñator is a Fucking Balloon for Christ Sakes!
That Pizza is Brie
Urin8r Destroyr
Who's the Unsub?
The San Juaquin Valley Urinator Strikes Again
Tennis, Antibody?
Chromodynamic Geeks
Axe Anticavity Douche
kCall the Tax Doctor He'll Fix Your Pain!k
There's a Dead, Dead Helicopter...You Can Smell It With Your...FAIRY GODPARENTS!!!
Neodyne Nerds
Toliet Manibusdick (John Hancock)
Carburetor Sweat
The Potheads (pronounced, "poa'THEEDS")
The Potheads (pronounced, "POT'heads")
Shoo Majick
The Flowers are Sunny
Battling a Nasty PTI
Plush Bombs
Fembot Sweat
Togemon's Needle Spray will Hospitalise You!
Cat in a Warm Cardboard Box
Uranated Lawn Gnome (note sp.)
Add 6 Cups of Lye
Antelope Sweat
Mad Dog 20/20 Disease
Pissed-Off Basketballs
Pissed-On Bubblegum
Kyubimon's a Lezzy!
Climbing Into the Dustcart from Hell
Yes, We Have No Firearms
Cleaning Your Dentures in the Toliet
Barking at Saturn
Poopy, POOPY Paper Towels
The Cheerios Bee is So So Queer, You Can Smell It While You Steer!
Why Isn't Q-Ball a Faggot?
kNo Bear Bear Stop Peeing On My Socks!k
What's Up with the Vinculum?
Puppy Sweat
The Dingleberries 
That Marinator is So So Filthy, You Can Hear it With Your...FAIRY GODPARENTS!!!
Jell-O Creamatory
There's a Poopy Poopy Litterbox, You Can Hear It With Your Socks
Butt Sandwich Heiney
Phat Phree Toliet {all words intentionally misspelled}
WASTOIDS -- The Curiously Urinous Mints
Asshole Chair
Vengeance Metal
Saturn on Hell
Tastes Like Sweat Cream Cheeze
There's a Dead, Dead Battery...You Can Hear it With Your Flattery!
kWho Lives in a Whizzer Inside the Abyss? (SpermBoob PeePants)k
kWho's Uranated and Soaked with Cat Piss? (SpermBoob PeePants)k
Stop Fucking My Microwave or Subcommander Pikachu will Flush Your Toliet!
Pig Benis
Rig Bubber
Batteries from Hell
The Guy who Wrote the Song
Being Piddled-Off and Breaking a Broom
Whiskey Tango Foxtrot
Mechanically Seperated Chicken
Antiproton Soup
Instant Nonphat Uranal -- Just Add Piss!
57 Magots
Neutron Hosebag
Sample Text
Stop Inseminating My Fireplace or Subcommander Antilepton will Barf in Your Salad
Secondary Hull Lavage
Duct Tape Doesn't Fix a Damn Thing!
The Uranated Coffee Mugs (note sp.)
The Enterprise is So So White, You Can Smell it With Your...FAIRY GODPARENTS!!!
Dying Rose Bush Lactation
Envelope Emesis
Hooplah! Hooplah! Hoo*SPLAT!!!*
PISS YOU!!! There's a Dead Mouse Behind the Wall
Free Cockroaches!
Piss Cauliflower
Velvet Asshaberdasher
Stop Ejaculating Into My Milk Jug or Captain Tachyon will Pee In Your Armpits
Shampiss Shampiddle Shampee Shampoddy Shampoo!
Cardiac Cuttlege
Sweeping the Ceiling
Cleanax Micturition
You're Orange Julius Stink's {syntax errors intentional}
Arrested Java Shampoo
Muttonchops from Heaven
Cleaning Toliet Sludge Off the Chandelier
Mopping the Dishwasher
Vaccuming the Fishtank
Trump is a Douchenoozle
Waxing the Lawn
The Rascalators
Ironing the Toliet
Kilauea and the Fourteen Fissures
Shampooing a Giraffe
Stop Ironing My Socks or Lance Corporal Antilepton will Puke in Your Shirt Drawer
Being a Wascally Widdle Wascal!
?OVERFLOW OF THE Toliet  ERROR {sp. intentional}
Dry Cleaning Our Prefrontal Lobes
Smell Ya Later Computator!
Stop Desecrating My Underwear or Subcommander Antimuon will Ejaculate into Your Laundry Basket
Uranating a Fireplace {sp. intentional}
Shampooing the Toliet
Force-Feeding Cigarette Stubs to a Dustbin
Kicking Candelabras Off the Ceiling
Setting Fire to Cicadas for Satan Sakes
Maximum Candiosity to the Pulse Laser!
Foul Cerebrum Odour
Extinguishing Smudge Pots for Christ Sakes
Hairy Nutsack Explosion
The Big Yucking Fucky Piss Stain Band
Stop Vacuuming the Toliet or Subcommander Pothead will Ignite Your Silverware Drawer
The Greenhorns are Squeaky
kThey Call Me Dilute Urine!k (quite rightly)
Mopping a Moose
Piss You what's that Horrible Smell?!? O never mind, it's just the lightswitch
Flushing Your Sin Sticks Down to Hell
Fawn on a Cold Talgonite Ceiling
Paricium is some High-Tech Shit
The Cat Tree's Passing Micturition Again
Rusty Vacuum Cleaner Bag
Stop Flushing My Dishwasher or Captain Antipikachu will Throw Away Your Salad Tongs
Sandwiches Clogging Up the Fireplace
That Pot Pipe has So Much Resin You Can Hear It with Your...FAIRY GODPARENTS!!!
Eating Sandy Duncan's Boobs
Washing Dirty Ashtrays Over the Garbage Compactor
Defecating into a Wheelie Bin
Eating Soup with Molten Spoons
Leaving Lighters Out in the Pail Moonlight {misuse of homophone intentional)
Disinfecting Our Praying Mantis Nymphs
The Papasan is an Asshaberdasher
Igniting Swallowtail Butterfly Chrysalids for Satan Sakes
Douching Out the Dryer with Whitewash
Over There's a Poopy Diaper; You Can Feel It with Your...FAIRY GODPARENTS!!!
Mopping the Chandelier
Shooing Away Hummingbird Moths for Pete Sakes
Hairy Panties
Canon Coolpix Cameras are Brie
Windows XP -- Are You Shitting Me?
Drink like the Cleaning Lady Does...Directly from the Chlorox Jug!
The Destitution of Smaug
Ignorance of the Flowerpot
Smells Like Burning Plastic
Using Only ½ a Cup of Regular Bleach
-17° and No Air Conditioning
Rat Squished by a Hide-A-Bed
Santa Clause Leaving a Shit Down a Chimmney
Toxic Fireplace Syndrome
Hosing Down a Dipsty Dumpster with a Shotgun
Poisonous Lederhosen in Orange
Burning Cigarette Stubs Melting a Wax Wall Uranator {sp. intentional}
Bathing in Warm Doormouse Poddy
Peach Pit Stenosis
Girls Don't Got Rythm
Cat Piss Fever
Flipping Satin the Birdie {sp. intentional}
I 8 PP
Stop Shooting My Stove or Subcommander Testicle will Flush Away Your Dinner Forks
Cardiac Uranation {sp. intentional}
Over There's a Diet Pepsi; You Can Hear It with Your...FAIRY GODPARENTS!!!
Your Nose is Bleeding; Better See a Gynaecologist!
Putting New Satan Sheets on the Bed {sp. intentional}
Pedophiles are Brie
Smoke Like a Chimney
Rat Piddle Hyperthermia
Lighting M80s and Throwing Them into Sinks
Vaccum Cleaners Clogged with Rat Fur
Hydrofluoric Acid Douche
Leaving a Flaming Bag of Pooh Under the Mailbox {sp. intentional}
Sweat Farm
Air Freshener Baleen with Viagra
Tarantula Hawk(eye) Pierce
I'll Have the Poo Poo Platter!
The Dog's Bollocks have Popped
That F'ing Thing is a Groundplane, Not an Airplane!
Panda Bear Lacrimation
Being Lavished with Tittty Tisses
Over There's a Dr. Pepper; You Can Smell It with Your...FAIRY GODPARENTS!!!
Going to Pick Up Bread at the Sweat Shop
Having a Nice Warm Aqua Regia Enema
Stepping in Cricket Doody
Hot Mud from the Bathtub Spigot
Kicking Over Water Heaters for Christ Sakes
Top Ticking the Titty Tat!
Is it Kleanex or Cleenax?
(Tree) Bucket of Concrete
Rat Poopie in the Marinal Chamber
Satin is Cute
Corporal Antilepton Sysops
Deodourant Ice Cream Bone with Aleve
Bush Pail
The Comfort Blanket is Micturating
Platypus on a Frozen Neon Roof
It's the Nitrium, Not the Nitrium!
Yes, We Have No Cantaloupes
Plutonium Bowling Ball Cores of Crystallised Spittle
Being Booted Off the Blunderbus
Being Two Egg Rolls Short of a Poo-Poo Platter
Bathing in Hot Polar Bear Poddy
Using a Busted Chair as a Coatrack
Bust a Cap in Your Socks
Disposing of Shittake Toadstools
Dew the Do!
Carbonated Beetles
Over There's a Pretty Cat. You can Smell it Where You Shat.
There's a Dog Fece on the Cat Tree!
♪ The Fagot on the Bus Goes Suck Suck Suck! ♪
Gee Your Hair Smells like Tarantula Pee!
Piss Ants "Я" Us
Bad Titmouse! Shame On You!
Bowl of Cheerios with Water Instead of Milk
♪ Santa Clause is Shit! ♪
These Train Tracks Smell like Snausages
{Spoken like that asinine red muppet Elmo} Uh o! Who Wants to Die?
Antelope Micturition
Cauliflower Sweat
Tablet PC Bulemia
Telephone Diuresis
Ewww! Meteor Shit!
Giving the Cat an Enema
I Live in a Swiffer Wet Jet
The Sonars
♪ The Toilet on the Bus Goes Flush Flush BOOM!!! ♪
Merry Fishmas
Lemon Zester Insemination
Greenteeth Corded Earphones
♪ Three Little Mittens They Lost Their Kittens ♪
Biscuit of Burned Sugar
Maximum Candiosity to the Dishwasher!
Flying the Gay Little Plastic Drone Into some Wires
Gorden Ramsy Sucks Big Walrus Cock
Sucking Kitty Litter Up with a Eureka Vaccum
Hey, There's a Cookie in the Garbage!
Flushable Paramecium
You Can't Say "Shittake Mushrooms" on the CIH Forums
Booze in the Blender
Dental Lacrimation
Oversee Unmatch & Destroy
Bipolar Eclipse of the Fart
There's a Leaky Garden Hose, You can Hear it With Your Nose!
"Siggerets" in the Marinator {note sp.}
Kick the Doorbell and Run!
Flushing Away GE D36 Satan Bright Christmas Bulbs
Buying a "Role" of Toilet Paper {note sp. of, "Roll"}
Great Value Classic Roast Cat Turds
Keyboard Sweat
Sunflower Micturition
Tablet Computer Emesis
Brewing Poo Water in the Coffee Machine
Eeeeek!!! A webmaster!!!
Dead Burritos
Lone Tiny Potato
Dustbin Dicklicks
{sung like Madonna} ♪ Like a Sturgeon, Swimming for the Very First Time! ♪
Eating Deathcap Mushrooms for Fun and Profit
Some Butt Wagon Ironed My Socks
COVID-19 Trombones
Stop Fucking My Regrigerator or Subcommander Antimuon will Pee On Your Shoes!
99 Hat Ballons Knallen Gelassen
Spit Diaper
Hot Water Bottles that Perspire
Trifecal "Lite Blub" of Doom {sp. intentional}
Unflushable Amoebas
A Piss Ant Riding His Motorcycle Around the Inside of a Cheerio
Cellular Halitosis
Accidentally Stepping on Palmon
Jukebox Oxygen {a passing vagrant said this to me while I was flying my UAV on 08-13-20!}
Cellular Tornado
Marsquake On Venus
Shot Oysters
Chef BoyArDon't
Flying the Gay Little UAV Into a Bridge
Eating Out of the Dustbin for Fun and Profit
Only Runs on Windows 95
Chocolate-Flavoured Enema
Vomiting Vases that Sweat
Urine Bear
The Magic Toaster's So So Queer, You can Smell it with Your Ear!
Unstriking a Match
The @$$#○£€ Thermometer is Tainted
Stealing a Tox Uthat
Drowning the Color-Change Pumpkin Lite in the Toliet
Antiperspirant Owlbone with Tylenol
Hell Has Air Conditioning...NOT!!!
♪ Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader? Are You Smarter Than a Piece of Paper? ♪
Reefer Emesis
Bundt Cake Paralysis
Honey, Grab Me the Feminator!
Auntie Em's Deader Than a Doorknob!
{sung to the tune of, "Santa Baby"} ♪ Monster Baby, Come Flood the Toilet With Me! ♪
Pushbroom Micturition
Squeaky Sounds Uranator/Table Lamp {sp. intentional}
Santa Clause Uranating Into a Stocking
Mrs. Clause Playing for the Other Team
A Rat Pee'd On My Socks
Needles On My Toes
What's Wrong with the Asshole Thermometer?
Crushing the Disease
Rattling Sounds Violin
The Marinator's Flooded!
Breaking a Shitbowl with a Hammer
Lava Lamp Fungus
Tuba Solo
Playing Competetive Monopoly
Like a Porcupine in a Balloon Factory
MDS {Missing Dick Syndrome}
Dogshit Empenada!
Yo! Whassup Homes?
Strawberry Penis
Catshit Enchilada!
Dogshit Taco!
Drinking Shampoo Because It Tastes Shitty
Pee is Stored in the Balls
Santa Clause Destroying a Saucer
Getting Pissed and Kicking a Urenal Off the Wall
Santa's Elves Going Poddy on a Telephone
Moose Exterminator
Carbonated Douchenoozle
Some Piss Ant Pee'd on a Lamp
Things That Tick
Angry McPisseron's a Faggot
Scratch & Sniff Alarm Clocks
The Talking Bomb Pee'd on My Socks
Table Lamp Micturition
Popping Zits On My Houseplant
Nuclear Assassin
Duke Wellington is a Coprophile
Java Disintegration Syndrome
My Pissbladder's Full of Apple Juice
Spraying Dristan on your Nads
Satin Flipping the Birdie
Gimmee All Your H8ing!!!
A Six-Man Quartet
Worm Sextuplet
Weakened Immunity Syndrome
Young Turds
Ramify Engine Noise
Atomic Beehive
The Plastic Cat Urine Band
Turd Sweat
Bicycle Stenosis
Maximum Thudocity
It's Uranation Medication
Having Pizza Back
Zits in your Pissbladder
Shattered Cool-Aide Pitcher
Pouring Tabasco on your Nutsack
Subspace Deviant
False Crime TV
Pissing Off the Credit God
Inappropriate Uranation
Piss Yam
Angel Hair Pasta Uranation
Silicone Mirror
Stormtrooper Ammonia
Drowning in a River of Piss
Skis for Barbies
My Designation is ASDFGFDSA
Kick a Walltoliet Off the Wall!!!
Tulip Feces
Sunflower Sweat
Urine Tomato
Poddy Onion
Cauliflower Uranation
Peeing into a Beer Bong
Sweating on an Air Conditioner
Kicking Over a Cup of Caf-Pow
Vermicelli Micturition
Warp Plasma under the Bathroom Door
Who Kicked Over the Toliet Bowl?
Urinous Pipe Cleaners
♬ Purina Rat Chow! Chow Chow Chow! !!♬
Stinky Yule Log Floating in the Loo
A Hair on the Loo Ring
Some Bunghole Poddied on the Loo Ring
Who Pissed on the Vinculum?
Giving the Freezer a Spanken
Hoodie Sweat
This Soap Doesn't Float
Punishment Protocol 047
Engaging Repulsor Beam
Trout Swim Downstream in Toliet Pipes!
Dagger of the Nose
Bandana Emesis
It is Wrong to Beat Off Mother Nature
Smashing Io Moths for Christ Sakes
Kicking Click Beetle Larvae for Shame
Killing Damselflies for Satin Sakes
Stomping on Telephones for God Sakes
Being Put on a Shelf like a Figurine
What's wrong with the Sink?
Who Pee'd on the YIELD Sign?
The Silver-Haired Faggot from America's Next Top Model
Throwing a Puppy down a Manhole
Snipping Off the Cord from a Telephone
Throwing an Alligator in the Toliet
Putting Pee Gravel in Tenny Shoes
We Put the "Fun" in "Funeral"
Pissing into an Old Sock
Who Pee'd on the Third Rail?
Electric Skunk Muffin
Inverted Fruit Loops
Insulator Subcommanders
Scrubbing Carpet Flushable Loo Rings
Goldfish Aren't Flushable
Whizzer Sweat
Who Pee'd on the Poo-Poo Noo-Noo?
Who Torpedoed the Tidy Bol Man's Boat?
Throwing Tootsie Pops at Owls!!!
Use Dupixent for Cystic Acne
Bidet Soup
Tailgate Loo
The Bumper Dumper is a Loo Ring for your Trailer Hitch
Eating a Five Muskerteers Bar
Throwing a Cockroach in the Microwave
Throwing a Bug into a Flowerpot
Dropping a Worm into a Black Rubber Boot
Lying like my Fence Does
Urinous Fucking Chrysanthemum
Wormholio in One or Two
Poppa Boyl!
Fran Kincense
My Perspiration Pipe
My Poddy Cup
Tinker, Tenor, Doctor, Shoe
Resistor Destructor
Twisted Lug Nuts
Pitons of Destitution
Carabiner Uranation
Saussage Sweat
Transom Sprinkles
Horsetail Vaccum
Cabinet Micturition
Savage Vaccume
The Comfort Blanket is Pissing
The Robot Guzzles its Oil
The Bricks are Sweating
Garnish Micturition
Blanket Feces
Wheel of Desolation
The Trabe is Yummy!!!
Ziplock Vaccum Bags
Who Pee'd in the Ashtrays?
Drinking Rat Urine for Fun & Profit
Who Poo'd in the Barbecue Oven?
Triumph. The Shape of Things to Go.
I need Rollios for my Barbecue!!!
Is it Aiphone or Airphone?
Flush the Dishwasher
Light Bulb Sweat
Wipe the Poo off the Toilet Seat
Light the Earwax Candle {PISS YOU!}
Burn the Birthday Candle at Both Ends!!!
Kicking Water Heaters
Leggo my Eggo!
Tinkertoy Exanguination
Lincoln Logs Floating in the Toliet
Stepping on a Leggo in your Shitkickers
Eating Candy Siggerets
Lighting Dental Floss for Christ Sakes
He was Too Badly Injured
Misusing a Carabiner
Being Bitten by a Tirefly
Electromechanical Fishbulb
Dirtronic Speedlight
Pecker Octet
Shoveling Warm Snow
Laser Decahedron
Putting Shrimp in Boiling Dog Water
Lactose for the Lactose Intolerant
Doorbell Micturition
The Old Ball & Chain
The Fat Cow from the Jardiance Advert
Stilleto Jesus
Octagon Sweat
Pig Basket
Insulator Snot
Cable Tweezers
Eating an Apple for Christ Sakes
Using a Pencil for God Sakes
Driving a Car for Satin Sakes
Using a Copier for Heaven Sakes
Using a Garbage Disposal for Pete Sakes
Sweating on a Light Bulb
Peeing on Telephones
Eaten by a Larvafly
Curly Q Baloney
Complete List of Uranals & Loos
Spurred by a Broken Submarine
Shooting a Seagull with Alka-Seltzer
How It's Destroyed!!!
Twinky Desolation
Carpet Lavage
Eczema Soldiers
Getting Athsama from Athsmatics
Swimming in a Cistern
What's Wrong with the Replicators?
Washing Fleas Down the Drane
Why do the Curtains Smell like Stale Giraffe Piss?
Dead Batteries in the Loo
Vinegar and Water Chips (Douche Chips)
Deuches in the Toylet
Who Pee'd on the Fire Alarm?
Remember to Lift with your Back
Smoking a Vape that Tastes like Doo-Doo
Relative URLs? Like Grandma and Grandpa?
🎵 Have You Usd Downy Douche & RepHresh?
Flying the Gay Little Drone into a Pole
Milk Has No Penus!
There is No "I" in Cleanax!
Fiery BattleBots Robotic War
It's Uranal-Fighting Time!!!
Phear the Dirty Diaper
Loud Ashole
Convoluted Puckernuts
Ozempic is Needle Drugs
Hardware Make the Dance Foam Poddy
Chocolate Mouse in the Dishwasher
Dead Houseplant Society
Mud Puppies
Volcanic Alopecia
Cymbal Sweat
Bongo Drum Micurition
Cupboard Larvae
Teacups Going Poddy on Drinking Glasses
Unalphabetised Alphabet Soup
Loo Roll Floating in Liquid Argon
Smacking a Rabbit with a Shovel
Water Heater Sweat
Going Poddy in Somebody's Armpits
The Shark Attack Boner
Stepping in Goat Crap
Breaking a Piggy Bank for God Sakes
Smashing Mosquito Wrigglers
Hitting your Penus with a Claw Hammer
Getting Kicked in the Kitty
Getting Punched in the Flower
Piss You! Who's got Stankfoot?
Quick Ma! Get the RepHresh!!!
Toliet Feces
Uranal Poddy
Toilet Lavage
Bigfoot Micturition
Gastric Cuttlege
Steam Iron Micturition (Steam Iron Poddy)
A Busted Five-Iron
This is a Devlish Time
The Knarks are Squeaking
Getting Poddy out of the Bathroom Tap
The Hutzler Banana Cutter is Real
This is a Shitty Time!
Mailbox Eggs
Breaking the Loo Ring -- oops!!! (a loo ring is a toliet seat)
Automated Enema Destructor
Tripod Sweat
Surfer Drone
Monolith Sweat
Yucky Wet Puddles on your Heels
Spurred by a Busted Loo
Something Stinks in the Fridge!
Laughing at an Aerosol Bomb
Tripping Over a Loo Ring
Arm & Hammer Won't Kill This Odour
Airing Out Your Pits
Stepping on Bubbles
A Puppy Pissing into Carpeting
A Cat Shampooing a Chipmunk
Pouring a Glass of Horse Milk
Nullified Vaccum Tubes
Down the Shitbowl You Go!!!
Is ir Kleanax or Cleenax?
Loo Sweat
Leaking Tube of Fishtank Sealant
Vaccum Gnards
Cracked Aquarium Hidrosis
Skyrizi is for Deuches
Knife Sweat
Swordfish Cutlery
Steamroller Spermination
Flushable Lepers
Slipping on Shitted Depends
The Skyrizi Roller Coaster Prick
Tea Bags in the Dustbin
Santa Clause is a Wussy
Putting a Turkey in the Collectramatic
Breaking a Pushbroom for God Sakes
Pissing Off a Stinky Mop
Rubber Avatar
The Weapons Destroyed Themselves
Sentient Vomiting Valence
Dutch Oven Disorder
Flattened Pop Cans
Vaccuming the Lawn
Rage Against the Answering Machine!
Kicking a Horse in the Balls
Faggot Kitten
Puppy Boner
Kitty Dog Pissination
Snake Oil in a Bottle
Working Class Brothel
Circular Table Pizza
Octagonal Saw
Vaccuming the Snow
Unflushable Amoebas
Unstrikeable Matches
The Dinoflagellates are Squeaky
He Needs Psychotectic Therapy
Roller Skating Disco Prick
Uranating in Rotting Floorboards
Why do the Curtains Reek like Rat Piss?
Who Pee'd on the Scotch Tape?
Mouse Pellets in a Coffin
Skunk Turds
Uranal Egg
Toilet Hog
Spanking the Orangutang
Computer Mouse Sweat
Loo Ring Abuse
Spanking the Garbage
Every Time you Flush a Toliet,
God Kills a Fece
Baby New Year is a Pussy
The Façade is Molten
Carousel Light Bulb Bases
Bundt Cake Paralysis!
Getting a Major League Swirly
I need TP for my Bungholio!!!
Black Shamrock Novelty Co.
Peter Piper was a Prick
Sweat Gland Sweat
Hummingbird Pee Poo
Loose-Fitting Seattle Remover
Toilet Turd Trap
Flushing Away Old or Used Turtles
An Old Wet Penus
Greenland becoming Brownland
Used Feces on a Rusty Fork
🎵 Monster Baby,Come
Flood the Toilet With Me! 🎵
Getting Into a Rusty Old Truck
Who Pee'd in the Orange Juice?
Musical Note Slayer
Anthrax of the Wishing Well
The Good Arch Store
Who Sat on the Phone?
Komodo Dragons Coming Up Out of Loos
448nm Blue Diode Laser Scoliosis
🎵 O o it's Magic! 🎵
The Boatswain Acts like a Dick!!!
Satin Sucks Big Walrus Cock
Broken Toliets Featured on YourTube
Blowing Up Mailboxes with M-500s
Giving a Busted Light Bulb a Spanken
Giving the Mouse a Boner
Spanking a Jerusalem Cricket
Faggot Micturition
Window Sweat
Toliet Phone
Eu de Lamp
Is the Switch Flunky?
What's that Funny Noise?
Turds in the Sink
Roll Over Jukebox
Soggy Cardboard
Toliet Cuttledge
Marination of Knives
Cancer of the Hose Bib
As Valuable as an Old Deuche
Showing a Dildo to a Lezzy
Drake Doesn't Work for NASA (He thinks it's pron., "fyoo'SELL'u'jee)
Laser Galvos of Dume! {sp. int.}
Breaking a Cistern for God Sakes
Who Pee'd in my Umbrella?
Hydrochlorothiazide = Poddy Medication
Zymbalta makes you Piss Beehives
Uranator Sweat
Watermelon Uranal
Sand Turds
Pissing on a Robot
Put a Flashlight in an Electric Chair
Baby, When the Toliet Seat's Down
Shitting your Pants for Science
Blowing a Sink off the wall For Shame
Wrecking a Cistern for Pete Sakes
Drowning a Yule Log in the Loo
Kicking a STOP Sign for Christ Sakes
A Narwhal Stabbing a Seal
Kill the Killing Box for God Sakes
Kicking a Garbage Disposal Switch
Stomping on Tonka Trucks for Pete Sakes
Throwing a Monkey Wrench in the Toliet
Fryer Sweat
A Seal Stabbing a Narwhal
A Nail Poking Through a Plastic Bag
Roll the Medication Wheel
Eating Spaghetti with a Spoon
Fastgo on the Yasgos!!!
Satan's Public Hair!!! {note sp.}
Dare to Douche Differently
On a Scale of One to Ten -- Uranate!
Cantaloupe Loo
Wraisins of Wrath
Stinky Yule Log Clogging the Fireplace
Throw Master(bator) Locks in the Dustbin
The Boy who Melted Crayons
Is Pikachu a Fag?
The USB Uranator Deodouriser Mints
The ISA Rocket Owl
Luther Sloan is a Fucking Deuchenoozle!!
The Fabulous Fartbags
Deuche Crew Fuck You
Who *REALLY* Invented the Telescope?
Star Track Marks
Snow Tyres in the Loo
Heavy Water Light Globes
♫ Cause AAA Has Coverage Guaranteed! ♫
I Play with My Feces in the Loo
Slipping in a Puddle of Goo
Drink Warm Dog Water
Egg Sweat
Pineapple Mitosis
Pouring Douches Down a Manhole
Kick Over Enema Bottles for Christ Sakes
Stepping in a Puddle of Armpit Sweat
Sand Snout
Radiator Flatulence
Eating Rusty Gillettes
Prince Harry just Pooed Himself
Playing Pokémon Go! like a Douche
Drowning a Disposable Enema in the Loo
Stove Snout
$4 of Unaffordable Coverage Now!
Eat Spatula and Be Termin8ed
Going Poddy on a Set of Car Keys
Space is Twisted?
Throwing a Butterfly into a Cave
Throwing a Sphinx Moth down a Chimney
Peeing in a Pitcher of Cool-Aide
Pooing in a Dirty Birdcage
Having Diarrhea on Toast
The Magic Toaster Smells like Piss
Who Uranated on the Lincoln Logs?
Who Ralfed on the Erector Set?
The Big Wheel Smells like Doo-Doo
Ficus Sweat
Stinky Boots
Clip of Emesis
License Plate Gasoline
Petrol Gum
Chewing on Grasshoppers
Bells on your Pinkies
Boob Pus (yucko!!!!)
Rhino Thermometer
Dusty House Keys
Maj Culla is a Deuche!!!
Attracted to a Diseased Vidiian
The Neutralised Robot is Dead
Diaper Sweat
Tail Cheese
I 8 P P
Couch Eggs
Uranating in a Dustbin for Earphones
♫ Who Lives in a Uranal Under the Sea? ♫
Stomping on Beer Bottles for God Sakes
Peeing on a Puppy for Christ Sakes
Shitting on Biscuit for Heaven Sakes
Kicking a Toilet for Satin Sakes
Pissing on Insulators
Pooing ON the Toliet, not IN the Toliet
The "Piss on the Toilet Seat" Band
Trailer Sweat
The Dustbin is Flooded
What Reeks Behind the Dryer?
This Light Switch Tastes like Poddy
Going Poddy on a Pear fr Crying Out Loud
Poo Saguaro
Throwing Lighters in the Collecto
This Pole Tastes like Puke
This Rabbit Smells Funny
Broken Accordion
Concertina Destructors
I Figured Out Blue Clues
No Harm, No Foul
Stomping on a Xylophone for God Sakes
Smashing a Cuckoo Clock for Christ Sakes
Pissing on a Couch for Wayne Sakes
Uranating on a Goldfish for God Sakes
Peeing in Truck Tyres
Parasailing into an Abyss
Going Poddy in a Leather Shoe
Peeing on a Cat's Penus
Leggo Titillation
The Hirsute Bungmonkeys
Squirrel Insemination
Plastic Bag Spermination
Uranation of Chipmunks
Brown Recluse Spider Amputation
Setting Ampoules Aflame
Why Cherry Pits?
Skunk Cabbage Pie
There's Rosarem in my Salad
Caught in a Mosharmpit!
47 Tromboners
999 Luftballoons
♬ Prey for Hell ♬ {note sp.}
Drowning a Saltshaker in a Toilet
Frying like a Birdie on a Wire
The Giraffes are Flushable
♬ Puff, the Magic Toilet!!! ♬
Outlet Cheese
Take the Lamp and Plug it Up
(that means "plug it in" in the UK)
Flush the Garbage
Take Out the Toilet, Please!
Pissing on a Rusty Nail
♬ Smoke Pot!!! ♬
♬ Take Drugs!!! ♬
Rectangular Jerks
Sour Grenade Odour
Massengill brand Disposable Dog Food
May Your Life Bring you the Peace
You Never Found in Death.
Greetings and Felicitations
Hip. Hip. Tallyho!
Toilet Pig
Dustbin Snout
Shooing Away Fungus Gnats for God Sakes
Subcommander Antimuon Pee'd on your Sock
Egg Eggs
Stirring Coffee with a Paper Straw
Peeing on a Hamster for Wayne Sakes
Shitting on a Sugar Glider for God Sakes
Igniting Fire Ants for Satan Sakes
Eating Out of the Dustcart
Barfing on a Hamburger
Peeing on Cicadas for Christ Sakes
Pooing on a Mouse for Satin Sakes
Spreading the Contagion
Taking a poo in a phone booth
Beat the Living Tweedle out of Slippers
Throwing a Phone Out the Window
Stepping on Rat Tails for Satin Sakes
The Willy Wonka Satanic Cult
The Sword of Stars in a Shoe
The "Poo-Poo on the Loo Ring" Band
Faucet Sweat
Does Trump Use Depends?
Trucktoad Deadbeat!
Scanning the Rubbish
Grateful Lead
Bent Forks in the Loo
Coocoo Clock in the Shower
Mouldy Socks
Shoe Rubbish
Sock Cytoplasm
READY. . .
USB Hub Sweat
Phear the Space Squid
Zit Fungus
Telephone Embouchure
Mixmaster Sweat
Trunk Monkies
That Moose Needs a Spanken
Husoos Cristo Flipping the Bird
Dry Cleaner Rescue with Toliet Taphpher
Don't Pulverise the Poo-
Don't Pulverise the Poo-Poo Noo-Noo
Kicking a Swirling Glitter Lamp
Going Poo-
Going Poo-Poo on a Poo-Poo Noo-Noo
Gillette Razor Cuttledge
Freighter Uranation
Cooties in the Pool
Satan's Robot of Discord
Faggot Perspiration
The Pee Spud
Carrot on a Stick
A Monochrome Environment
Santa's Camels
The Fat Cow from the SNHU Commercial
Uranating on a Carpet Nail for Radios
Peeing on Urine Ants for Christ Sakes
Residual Harmony of Gnards
The Seeing-Eye Rat
Strike One!
Bloody Phone
Shut the Duck Up!!!
What's Wrong with the Toilet?
Gravitational Uranal
The Seattle Poohawks
Disorders of Toliets
The Doughnut of Shame in the Loo
Break Telegraph Sets While They're Hot
Kuma Santa
Mousellini Buttfuck
Why is the Loo Ring Cracked?
The Bone Phone
♫ You're Addicted to H8!!! ♫
Play the Piss Flute
Throwing Car Keys in the Toliet
Mic'd Up for God Sakes
Loo Roll in Liquid Krypton
It's a Toy Let
Broken Clock in the Dustbin
The Poopie List is Real
Breaking Dustbins While They're Full
Slashing a Sagging Mattress
Vase Sweat
Milkdud Weewee
Battery Feces
Vaccum Nose
Alarm Clock Visual Assault
Used Bin Liners in the Garbage
Going Poddy in a Mukluk
Making a Doody on a Towel
Get Me some of those Fancy Heaters
Who Pee'd in Collecto?
Look at the Gay Light Socket
As Valuable as Poopy Toliet Paper
Kama Kama Kama Kama Chameleon
Used Deuches Whirling Down the Shitbowl
Acid Dog
Faggot Puppy
Who Put a Fork in the Toaster?
Like Shooting Porch Lights Out
🎵 You'll Shoot your Eye Out! 🎵
Like a Light Bulb in a Toliet
The Krenim are Deuches!!!
Mouse Pellets in a Shotgun
Pistole Enema
Peanut Butter & Horseradish Sandwich
Laser Pointer Emesis
Hydrofluoric Acid Flashlight
He Guzzles Armpit Sweat
Giving Cooties to a Leper Messiah
Dead Bird in the Oven
Queen to King's Level Three
Throwing a Phoney Bomb
Tonight. Solid Perspiration Goes Boom
Faggot Pee
The March of Quarters
Garth is a Douche
Far Out!
A Flock of Pigeons
Whizzer Eggs
Flashlight Whizzination
Floor Lamp Poddy
Table Key Emesis
Who Flushed a Broken Shoe?
Breaking a Golden Chalice
Sound of a Leaking Enema
The Tyre is Malfunctioning
Tuvok Lied in his Log
10 CCs Nitric Acid
Wherever You Go, There You Are
Using the Sink as a Uranal
Piddling on a Yardstick
Gee Your Hair Stink's like Cheetah Poddy
Stop Pooing on the Ceiling!
Bubble Gum Clogging the Floor Drane
A Hair on the Soap
Eating Sponges for Satin Sakes
Pissing Off a Busted Pushbroom
Pissing On the Credit God
Unicycle with a Flat Tyre
What Day of the Week is Jersday?
Yucking Fucky Wet Armpit Puddles
Isn't there a Law of Some Kind?
2,458,770 Megajoules of Technobabble
Carpet Hampster
Why is Darth Vader Kissing a Leggo?
It's Impervious to our Technology
Leggo Sweat
Pinching the Machine
31,054,500 Teraquads of Crap
Stinky Nads
Smells like Burning Lint
Smelly Banana Peelings
Instamatic Deuche
Pavlovian Saliva
Urine Shoe
What the Hell is a Socker Mother?
Infected Urine Weasel
Destroying a Vaccum Cleaner on YourTube
Urine Vited -- NOT!!!
Watch for Excessive Toilaflexion
Swimming in Jizz
Breaking a Toy Vaccum for God Sakes
Gee Your Hair Stink's like Snail Shit
Bending Rebar with a Phone Cord
Toadstool in a Mud Puddle
Sweat performing "Jukebox Oxygen"
Santa Clause Emesis
The Fone Bone
Tiger Sweat
Dishwasher Jizz
Feces Potato
(that's the Poo Spud)
Poddy Yams
Who Pee'd on the Cat?
Dashboard Micturition
Car Tyre Flatulence
Buy Silver Shamrock Masks
Poop Party Parade
Urine Rutebega
Sirius Collectramatic
Falling into the River Styx
Huffing Fireplace Ashes
Shitting into an Adulterated Toliet Bowl
Menstruated Guppies
Engorged Juicebox
Goldfish Spermination
We Are Dyslectic of Brog!!!
You Will Be Asslaminated!!!
Space Heater Radon
Space Guppy Emesis
Yllabian Space Guppies
Feck U and Feck the Fecking Feck 2!!!
Buy the Robo-Tail! :-)
Rejuvenique Sucks!!!
The Cat is Barking Again!
Going to a Hotel to Steal a Washrag
Smudge Pot Sweat
Zorro, the Homosexual Knife
The Hose Won't Flush!
Stinky Yule Log Floating in the Uranator
Urine Parsnips
To Err is Human; to Really Fuck Up Requires a Computer
Nitric Acid Enema
Gee, Your Hair Smells like a Mouldy Shower Curtain
Fuckrards, Retards, Adtards
It's a Chair for Christ Sakes
Beating Off in Bagdhad
Busted Light Bulbs in the Douchewasher
Cool-Aide Powder in the Drane
Cat Doody on the Rug
Swim in Dishwasher Soap for a $1 Bill
The Frog Croaked on Titan
Flying the Drone into a Curtain
What's that Smelly Sound by the Loo?
Who Busted the Shotglass on the Floor?
Rubik's Ralfalution
The Andromeda Strainer
Polly's got Slayer
Ralfing in the Dustbin
Pissing on a Knight
Pooing in Jell-O
Loo Destructor
Dancing on a Streetlight Pole
Snake Emesis Basin
Pissing Plastic Cats
This Nose Hair Remover is Brie
Telepathetic Piddlehead
Clogging a Drane for Satin Sakes
Satan is a Very Soft Fabric
Satin is the Evil Devil
This Birddouche Stink's like Urine
Poddy Rutebega
Piss You, Something Really Stink's!!!
Shitting in the Dustbin
Uranating in the Pool
Poking Holes in a Rubber Ear Syringe
Wrapped Up Like a Douche!!!
Uranator Cum Laude (pronounced kum lod)
Drinking Sour Cow Boob Pus
Sweet Patch Kids
Cars for Kids {note sp.}
Eu de Toliette
Eu de Poopy Diaper
Eu de Chlorox
Chinchilla Water
Why is the Dog Meowing Again?
Uranation Pineapple
Levis Snake
Barking Gila Monster
Cat Shit on the Rug
Automobiles for Baby Goats
Who Drank the Dog Water?
Bagged Rebellion
Cats Barking at Uranus
Bedbugs in your Pillowcase
Putting Toliet Paper on Upside-Down
Spanking your Loo Roll
Who is a Piddle Wingless Hymenoptera?
Throwing a Lit Match into an Outhouse
Don't Pop the Urinebed
Arlene Fukai is a Wierd ZName
Why is Kes so Piddled Off?
Splitting a Loo Ring by Sitting On It
Splashing Toliet Water on the Floor
Take Otezla and Shit Your Pants
Peeing on a Puppy
Shitting on aa Slug
Blow ip that Rubber Glove like a Balloon
Boiling Fox Urine
The Uranal is Busted Again!
Kicking a Loo off the Wall
Having Diarrhea on a Marble
Stomping on a Tennis Ball
Having Enuresis for Christ Sakes
Getting a Shitty Deal
Sliding into Fifth Base
Getting a Triple Twerpectomy for Fuck Sakes
Being Stung by a Horsewasp
Stepping in Busted Bulb's
Something Stink's
Being Stung by a Horsewasp
Getting a Twerpectomy for Fuck Sakes
Sliding into Fifth Base
Getting a Shitty Deal
Stomping on a Tennis Ball
Having Diarrhea on a Marble
Kicking a Loo off the Floor
Pissing on Piss Ants for Satin Sakes
Dunking Doughnuts {note sp.}
Gordon Ramsay's Chef Poop
What's Wrong with my Penus?
Cancer of the Faucet
Nocking Over a Keg for Fuck Sakes
Urine Shooting Out of the Shower Nozzle
Stepping on Chrysthanthemums
Hucking Blueberries at School Buses
🎵 Here a Pecker, There a Pecker 🎵
🎵 Everywhere a Doctor Pecker!!! 🎵
Peeing in a Coffee Cup for Satin Sakes
Who Unscrewed the Light Bulbs?
Kicking a Foxglove Plant
Kicking a Chicken for God Sakes
Who Pee'd in the Gas Tank?
Your Whizzer Stink's
Salivating on a Mouse
Stepping in Fox Piss
Breaking a Yardstick to Piss Off Dad
Couples who Share Mouthdouche
Share an Enema with Someone You Love
Sleeping in Nanites
Shampooing in the Sink
Throwing a Fastball for Christ Sakes
A Glass Full of Worm Cum
Bag of Dog Shit
Eating Snail Shit
The Toliet is your Bathtub
Celestron Disposable Deuches
Breaking Potato Chips for God Sakes
Mister Pee-Pee Poo-Poo Pants!
Throwing a Lit Cicada In a Sewer Pipe
Poopy Diaper Stomper (YUCKO!!!)
Drinking Punk Piss
Drinking Boob Pus {ICKY POO!}
Puking Up a Fece
🎵 Hoagy, Hoagy, I'm talking bout Go Go Go 🎵
She Needs Psychotectic Treatments
The Dog is Peeing Out Bolts
Romulans are Douchenoozles
Watch and Learn, Asswipes
Shedding Light on Shedding
Chickadee PeePoo
In the Night the Sweltering Perspiration
Steel like a Shovel
Air Rat Dropping a Stool
Listen, Fartknocker!!!
Piss You! You Reek!!!
You Filthy P'Tach!!!
They're Klingons, Not Kittens!
Bird Shit on the Sidewalk
Stepping in Worm Shit
666 Busted Mirrors on Friday the 13th
It's Robot Deuching Time!!!
Free Endgame
Click "Add Band Name" to add it
Squishing Horseflies for Christ Sakes
Destructor Defies
Cheating on your Piss Test
Miserably Flunking a Uranalysis
The Snellen Chart reads "I 8 P P"
Maximum Thunkocity
Rat Boner
Diarrhea of the Faucet
Cum Dumpster Diving
Drink Urine & Spermination @ the Semen Lounge
Sky Rat Pee-Poo
A Faggot Pooed in my Shoes!!!
Kicking a Uranal Off the Ceiling
The Cat is Ralfing Up Consonants
That Hedgehog is Shitting Out Vowels
Forked Lightning Tongue
You are Greeted Brighly, Gloried Defender
Middle-Ear Thumbfuck
Trees are Dicks
Pandemic Boner
Flushing the Washer
He's a Chairpisser
The Hose Bib needs Flushing
Broken Beer Bottles in the Uranal
Diarrhea of the Toliet
Cutting Yourself with a K'niffee
Broken Pencils Flushed Down Loos
Busted Pens in a Vase
Dickhead Cheese
Who Forgot to Flush the Coffeepot?
Tephone Cheeze {sp. intentional}
Who Pee'd in the Cleanax?
Parakeet Shit on the TV
Flush Away your Zoomies!
Stabbing You in the Gnards with a Spear
Stepping in Moose Poddy
Taking a Shower in Hot Rat Urine
Silicon Dioxide Liars
Flunking a Polygrip Test for Science
Going Poddy Down a Manhole
Taking a Plop on your Keyboard
Gee, Your Hair smells like Lizard Pee
Gee, You're Hair Stink's like Shampoo
Stopping Up your Toilet for Science
Snipping Off our Gnards to Spite Our Uranals
Santa Clause Uranating onto Lumps of Coal
Who Pissed in the Coffeepot?
This Hairbrush Stink's like Ralf
Chainsaw Sweat
Flushable Trees
That Clown is a Fucking Douche!!!
Who Pee'd in the Lasagna?
The Dustcart of Shame
Playing Competitive Solitare
Getting "Pyst" "Oph" & Breaking a Vaccum
This Hairbrush Stink's like Ralf
Who Pissed in the Coffeepot?
Snipping Off my Toes to Spite my Uranal
Playing Competitive Solitare
Stepping in a Gas Station Uranal
Crashing the HoverAir X1 Into a Chair
Diving into a Pool Uranal-First
Shooting a Karma Chameleon with a BB Gun
Who Pee'd in the Concrete Mixer?
Who Puked in the Birdcage?
Who Sat on the Vaccum Cleaner Hose?
Who Pee'd on your Jellyfish Sting?
You Got the Snizzles!!!
Eating Pop Cans like  Goat
Marty McBladder
Sleeping in Fox Urine
The Giant Snake Pee'd on the Rug
Walking on Vaccum Cleaner Hoses
Going Poddy in Plastic Slippers
The Five Satans
Sitting on a Balloon Filled with Crackers
Clogging your Bathtub for Spirituality
Stub Your Toe just for the Hell of It
Drinking Hot Doormouse Poddy
The Sound of a Light Bulb being Flushed
Punish the Garbage Disposal
Those Aren't Deviled Eggs, they're Sataned Eggs
Getting Piddled Off and Ripping a Sock
Flushing Away Sphinx Moth Pupae for Christ Sakes
Damaging a Toliet
Vaccuming Up Stinky Socks
Drinking Chlorox Bleach
Stepping on Rusty Needles
Who Pee'd in the Syringe?
Busting into Quark's Bar
What's that Funny Smell?
Vaccuming Up a Shovel
Burning a Pot of Dog Water
Stepping in Wolf Piss
Massengill brand Post-Poddy Disposable Diapers
Hot Coffee in the Glovebox
My Pancreas Smells like Foxglove
Why Did that Drone Fall Out of the Sky?
Burning a Burger King "King" Hat
The Teletubby Plush said, "Faggot Faggot Faggot Faggot Faggot Faggot. Bite my Butt"
Dead Socks in the Loo
All is Fair in Oven War
Going Poddy on a Loo Ring
Sucking Up Dead Socks with a Hoover
Breaking Danglies for Christ Sakes
Burning Pastries in a Pastry Oven
Launching Sky Dancers into the Fireplace
Stomping on Busted Bulbs
Flushing an Easy-Bake Oven
Uranating in a Philodendron
Going Poddy in a Pothos
The Batteries are Barking
The Antiprotons are Gay
Grinduppable Amoebas
Stepping in Broken Sprockets
Washing your Hair with Marshmellows
He Pee'd on a Giraffe
Who Pissed in Your Cheerios?
Peek-a-Boo Chalice
Breaking the Chalice of Reeks
Busted Loo Rings on YourTube
Flushable Ajax Cans
♪ It's a Goddamn Shame!!! ♪
Unflushable Loo Rings
Annoying a Mixmaster
Pissing on a Mop
Who Pee'd in the Bacardi?
It's Not Snot!
My Diapers  Stink like Foxglove
Who Poo'd in the Mr. Coffee?
The Batteries are Squeaky
A Piss Ant Burning a Plastic Spoon
Who Pissed on the Loo Ring?
This Rat Chow Stink's like  Armpits
This Yacht Stink's like Cat Pee
Some Dumb Bunghole went Poddy in a Shoe
Bringing the Baby Goats to the Pool
Who Pee'd on the Replicators?
Cockroach, the Damp Sprocket
Shop at The Phone Store
Answer Your Cellular Phoney
Some Assbonnet Pee'd on a Lapel
Casidy Withekay
Charles Brown is a Douchenoozle!
A Pissant Rowing a Rowboat
Who Poo'ed on the Loo Ring?
Infected Piss Weasels
Shampooing a Toliet
Drinking Shampoddy
Cat Withekay
Who Stabbed my Pissinary Blatter? {sp.}
Forks in the Garbage Disposal
The Young Melted Margarine Band
The Waste Band!
Cookies in the Washingmachine
He Got Stankfoot
Bell Peppers in the Dryer
Sentient Young Garbage Disposal
Vomiting Carpet Square
The Ice Cubes have Pee'd
Urinous Fucking Blueberry Bush
The Oysters are Uranating
USB Mouse Feces
Bowling Ball Sweat
Sentient Young Vomiting Shower Rod
iCan't Go Poddy
The Rat's Bungholes
Stump Monkies
The Battery in my Drone is Flat
Uranal Mint in Your Penus
A Cracked Loo Ring
Soggy Loo Roll on the Floor
Dead Fragglz in my Toilet Bowl!
It Sure Smells like the Tide is Turning
There's Pizzle on the Washrag
Turning the Color of Dead Rosarem
Eating Pumpkin Guts for Christ Sakes
Who Uranated in the Shampoo?
This Acorn Smells Funny
Bunny in a Blender
These Light Globes are Brie
Loo Ring of Solid Gadolinium
Swallowtail Butterflies are Queer
Pooping Out Whole Hairbrushes 
Puking Up Consonants
Stepping on Vowels
Drowning a Cat Water Dish in a Uranator
Vaccuming Wet Armpits
Rubber Combs are Brie
Smells like Burning Ecstacy
Why do the Curtains Stink like Poddy?
Stomping on Contractions with High Heels
Dog Bone in my Ice Cream Sandwich
I've got to Pizzle 'Fo Shizzle!!!
Flaming Booger Doritos
Fishtank Full of Uranation
Light Blubs of Destitution
Used Chipmunk Uranation on Your Shoes
Popping Balloons with a 30-06
Broken Cool-Aide Pitcher in the Dustbin
Hot Water to Fix Broken Cats
Vaccum Nads of Dentistry
Draneing Your Lizard in the Sink
Breaking a Uranal for Christ Sakes
Slipping in Worm Piss
Plastic Loo Roll
Toliet Tissue in the Dustbin
Pitons of Scuzziness
Let He who Smashes Uranals Throw Rocks at Fishbowls
Shavers of Destitution
Stink's like Funky Armpits
Your Squirrel Smells
I Thought my Tello went Down the Drane
Who Pee'd in the Garbage Disposal?
Go 10,000 Footballs Toward the Mounains
Poddying a Sand Urn
Leaving a Jar of Mayonnaise in the Sun
Stepping on Dirty Diapers
Drinking Out of a Uranal
Vomiting on Vowels
Sitting in a Busted Aquarium
Refrigerator Enuresis
Fishbowl in the Sun
Dog Food in the Dustbin
Used Feces Under a Starfish
Massengill brand Post-Menstrual Disposable Deuches Under the Lavatory
Freezer Micturition
Puppies in the Oven
As Valuable as a Popped Mirapex Bladder
Shoes in the Uranal
Invisible Micturition
Well, Back to the Poddy Factory Tomorrow
On a Scale of One to Eight, Uranate
Used Propellers in the Dustbin
Eating from the Garbage Disposal
Sleeping Pills in the Toliet
Trouble in Engineering
Oww! What the Fuck was That?
Defective Holographic Projectors
Disinfecting our Uvulas
Some Stupid Dumb Bunghole Wasted Toothpaste
What's That under the Vinculum
This Hedgehog is Defective
Flush the Dryer
Piddling in a Stinky Shoe
Propeller in the Loo
Micturition Tangerine
Stepping in Dirty Dog Water
Piss Fedora
Razor Blade Scooter
Plastic Dog Bone
Vaccuming our Uvulas
What's Wrong with the Uranal?
Synthetic Cowbells
Don't Step on the Acorn
Kicking a Toliet for Christ Sakes
Who Pee'd in the Padlock?
Puking on Vowels
Who Uranated on the Candle?
What's a Bunghole?
Cramming Carrothead in a Phone Booth
Pissing on an Electric Fence
Putting Leggos in a Blender
This Whizzer Doesn't Flush!
A Piss Ant riding a Wagon
Watching a Watch
Riding Shotgun on a Razor Scooter
Flushing Away a Speaker
Pouring Pop Rocks in Urine
Drowing a Loo in the Ocean
A Nest of Piss Ants on a Bicycle
The Arterial Pathways are Micturating
A Razor Blade in the Toothpaste
Dog Food in the Collectramatic
Uranating on a Tricycle Tyre
Carnations in the Dustbin
Uranating in a Uranal
Drones with Half-Discharged Batteries
Flushing Away Used Flashlights
Drinking Out of the Sand Urn
Pissing on Pissants for God Sakes
The Unicycles are Perspiring
Eating Cereal from a Toliet Bowl
Breaking Floodlight Light Bulbs
Getting a Sissy Stick at the Fag Bar
Pouring Piss Ants into a Uranal
Synthetic Stop Lights
Pissing into a Diaper Pale
Micturating into a Mictural
Dumping Pop Rocks in your Ear
Gamma Ralfing Force
Marriage of Computer Mouses 
From Your Bunghole to Your Penus
The Real Reveal of Eggs in Toothpaste
Putting a Teaspoon in Drāno
Using a Left-Footed Screwdriver
Taking a Plop in the Marinator
Some Screwy Mofo Poddied on a Cat
Flushing Away Used Deuchesl
When the Bog Roll Hits the Phone
Some Asshaberdasher Slashed the Tires on my Bicycle
This Tube of Poligrip is Hard
The Cat Scratched that Disco Record
A Soggy Loo Roll in the Commode
Butterfly on a Cold Talgonite Ceiling
Who Pee'd in the Collectramatic?!?
Plug Up that Lamp by the Loo
What's Wrong with my Tranny?
Bloody Cotton Swabs Floating in the John
Who Shot the Vinculum?
Teaspoons for Dentifrice
The Cat Pee'd on  my Keyboard
Go to r/assholedesign for a good "larf"
My HoverAir X1 Crashed into the Curtains
What a Load of Targ Manure!
Montgomery Burns is a F46607
Simulating a Nasty Burn with a Dermal Regenerator
Drinking Fleet brand Disposable Enemas
Dropping a Soldering Iron in the Toliet
Ball up Garbage and Throw It
Neelix isn't a Doctor
Mouthwash for Breakfast Daily
A Tablespoon of Cat Urine
Mould Growing under the WELCOME Mat
Breaking Light Bulbs with a Plunger Handle
Used Deuches Growing Under a Rock
Is Milhouse a Queerbate?
Ringing a Bell Just for Fuck Sakes
Throwing an Ipad into a Loo
Batteries Clogging Up Yur Nose
Reinfecting our Uvulas
Ironing Our Axillae
Dumping Your Sand in the Uranal
Ashtrays in the Dustbin
Having Lunch with Captain Crunch
Marbles in the Bog
Dead Rats in the Dustbin
The Taybor is Unflushed
The Avatar is Damaged
Vaginas in the Dustcart
Poddy in the Mud Puttle
Who Pee'd in the Dustbin?
My Flea has Dogs!
Round-Up Causes Bladder Revulsion
Pissing on a Tonka Truck
Taking Uranation Medication
Going Poddy on  Cactus
Whiff Drone
Mouldy Sponge
Goldfish for Lunch, Weekly
Who Pee'd in the Dryer?
Robot with an "Off" Button
Ira Graves is Dead
Flushing Away Bronze Popcycle Sticks
Poo'ing in the Freezer
Throwing Lipstick in the 10-3
Stomping on a Cicada for Christ Sakes
Who Poo'ed on the Tank Tread?
Who "Pyst" in the Collecto?
Hammering an Alarm Clock
Giving First-Aid to a Borg
Defecating into a Deep Fat Fryer
Some Ass Basket Pizzled in a Shoe
My Tello Almost went down the Drane
That Mailbox is Full of Snow
Thanks for Nothing, Ashole!
Don't be a Faggot now That's the Key
The Vase is Full of Slime
Sensory Aphasia for Dummies
He's Got the Crazy Gene
Stupid Dumb Fucks
Breaking Light Bulbs for Wayne Sakes
Chewing on Pen Caps
Swabs in the Uranal
Stomping on Wall Clocks for God Sakes
Pyoo!!! Something Stink's in Here!!!
Silicone Avatar
Light Bulbs in the Toliet
Some Bunghole Busted the Cool-Aide Pitcher
Flushing Away Scorpions
Burmese Pythons in your Pants
Envelopes full of Counselors
Cicadas in our Pants
Breaking Uranals for Timmy Sakes
Pee'ing on Insulators
Squeaky Rat Traps
Shampooing a Giraffe
Gangsta Masta Bators
Captain Underwear and the Attack of the Breakdancing Uranals
Throwing a Lit M80 in a Loo
Stomping on Grasshoppers for John Sakes
Flowers in the 10-3
Throwing Hot Coals  in the Dustbin
Clogging the Drane with Rat Fur
Say Pastrami!!!
The Batteries are Pregnant
Who Ralfed in the Cleanax?
The Light Bulbs are Pissing
Who Pee'd in the Ben Gay?
Smashing Uranals with Aluminum Baseball Bats
Your Iguana Stink's
Captain Uvula Wears Depends
A Penus Vaccum Ate Deodourant
Flushing Master Locks down Toliets
Breaking Flowerpots for Mark Sakes
Martha, Pass Me the Ben Fag.
The Phone Charger is Micturating
Cleanax Floating in the Loo
The Vertical Shades are Malfunctioning
Urine in the AC's Freon Lines
Getting Crackers at 9:30
Spermination of Male RCA Plugs
Flushing Away Used Baseballs
The Envelopes are Squeaky
The Computer Mouse is Fried
American Bandstand on the Telly
That Streetlight Pee'd on my Socks
Flushing Away Bottle Rockets
A Piss Ant Riding a Chainsaw
The White Drone is Malfunctioning
Polymer Typewriter Shoes that Vomit
Who Pee'd in the Dustcart?
There's a Fece in the Minestrone
LEDs in the Dustbin
Getting Burned by a Firefly
Paying the Bug Guy to Spray Poison
Throwing Phones in the Deep Fat Fryer
Strapping Roller Skates to a Cat's Feet
Throwing Matches in the Collectramatic
Throwing Lighters in the 10-3
Chickens Attempting to Cross Roads
Osama bin Laden was a P€nµs Vaccum
Who Pee'd ON the Uranal?
Breaking Cantaloupes for Satin Sakes
Uranating into the Tomato Soup
The Toliet Bowl is Pooing
Clogging the Lavatory with Noxema
Breaking a Chandelier for Mary Sakes
Some P€nµs Vaccum Popped a Rubber
A Fucking Cocksucker Slashed the Tires on my Bicycle
A Housefly Floating in a Swimming Pool
Put Him in the BBQ Oven for...Nine Hours!
Flushing Away Used Cockroaches
Used Deuches in the Dustbin
Flowers in the Uranal
Chicken Bones Clogging the Collecto
The Collectramatic Looks like a Space Toliet
Orange Juice and Booze in the Blender
"Siggerets" in the Bidet
We Will Destroy You
Sitting on Busted Light Bulbsa
Pouring Tar in a Prairie Dog Hole
Eating Mouldy Loaves & Fishes
🎵 Have You Tried Downie Deuche & RepHresh? 🎵
Throwing Sticks at Damaged Kangaroos
Is it Star Trek or Star Track?
Peeing on Used Insolators
The Hell with the Countdown; Just Take the Picture
Throwing a Dustbin into the Dustcart
Throwing a Can of Pledge at a Coffee Table
Cloaking Suicide with Honour
Crashing the Gay Little R/C Helicopter into a Door
Apple Juice in the Toliet
Rollios in the Loo
Burning Battery Chargers
Stinky Deuce Floating in the Uranal
Breaking Light Bulbs with a Vaccum Cleaner
Spraying the Bug Guy with Poison
Flushing Away Airpods for Julian Sakes
Throwing an Ipod down a Manhole
Some Butt Wagon Uranating into an Electrical Vault
As Valuable as a Busted Toliet
Those Energy Signatures are Creeping
Sysop Loo
Segmented Pistol Drippings
Flushable Phytoplankton
Edible Amoebas
Used Enema Bottles in the Dustbin
Broken Bulbs in the Lavatory
Rotten Butter in the Dipsty Dumpster
Defective Lamp Cords
The Computers are Oozing
Typewriter Keyboard Spittle
Crescent Wrench Micturition
Rusty Pit Drippings
The Enterprise is Corroded
Mouldy Slippers
Pouring Clocks
Soggy Puppies
A Piss Ant Riding Shotgun
Salty Ashes
Venomous Wheelchair
Poisonous Quad Cane
Toxic Rollator
Toliet Walker
Chyrsthanthemum Perspiration
Osama bin Laden was a Penus Vaccum
Luther Sloan is a Douchnoozle
That Stuff in the Drane is Poisonous
Don't Eat the Big Pink Mints in the Uranals
Rollator Poison
It Fizzled Out
Uranal Effervescence
Author Author you Son of a Bitch!
Breaking a Uranal for Ron Sakes
Plug Up that Lamp, you Douchenoozle!
Guzzling Mouldy Cool-Aide
The Rat Needs Tylenol
Strapping an M80 to a Skateboard
Stirring Busted Bulbs into Cake Batter
Trans-Warp Conduit Malfunction
Who Pee'd on the Uranal?
Drinking from the Pee trap
Killing Beetles with an Umbrella
Using Resolve with a Broken Vaccum
Sleeping Pills in the Loo
Plugging a Fire Hose with Cookie Dough
American Bonerstand
Cockroaches in the Washingmachine
Uranation in the Blender
A Mattress being used as a Door
Black Holio in One or Two
Coffee Cup made of Salt
Fix the Dabo  Wheel!!!
Whinnie the Poo
Stop the Catbox!
Give That Asshaberdasher a Hat
A Piss Ant Eating Cheerios
Crashing the Gay Little Drone into a Tree
Playing the Piss Flute
Drowning a Fish in an Aquarium
Vaccuming Up Lighted Cigarette Stubs
Pouring Pee into a Larva Lamp
Poo'ing on Batteries
Breaking Dishwashers for Mary Sakes
Asshats without Hats
Urinous Fucking Cranberry Bush
Johnathan del Arco is a Fag
Big Ears like a Ferengi
Who Busted the Carafe?
Piddle on a Keyboard
Sweat & Sour Scittles (note sp.)
Throwing a Cricket Down a Storm Drane
Men Without Jobs
Crashing the Gay Little R/C Plane into a Bridge
Eating Cheerios with Sour Milk
Some Butt Wagon Pizzled on a Hose
Pushing the Unwelcome Wagon
Drinking Muddy Water
Pissing in a Drinking Fountain
What's That Smell in the Closet?
Urine in a Watermelon
Chair Hyperhidrosis
Guzzling Spoiled Lactaid
Who Pee'd in the Firepit?
Laxatives for Jesus
Dashing the 8-Ball Onto the Floor
Stink's like Teen Spirit
Smoke Pot & Do Drugs
Who Pee'd in the Beer Bong?
Puking ON a Toliet
Lava Lamp with Real Lava
10,000 Isotons of Antimatter Waste 
Breaking Vases on an Unflushed Uranal
Pouring Liquid Plumr on Piss Ants
Kicking a Floor Lamp for Greg Sakes
Some Bogus Pisson said, "Let's do Lunch Babe!"
The Dishwasher Flushes Madly
Close the Inverse Manifold
Witnessing Transporter Usage
Stomping on a Dirty Loo Ring
Adaptive Synaptic Cornholer
A Bunghole Stuck in your Bunghole
You're Guppy Stink's
Rusty Bucket of Calico Flounder
Radioactive Waste of Bungwipe
Cornholio in One or Two
Popping Balloons with a Golf Club
Breaking Frozen Condoms
Used Pills in the Uranal
Kicking a Dirty Cue Ball under a Lazy Boy
The Beach is Overflowing
Who Flushed the Bucket?
Shooing that Toliet Down the Hall
Blasting Moths with a Nerf Gun
Going Poddy in a Web Server
Curlicue Drinking Glass
Breaking Cicadas While They're Buzzing
Who Went Poddy in the Ashtray?
Uranating in a Hyodermic Syringe
Busted 8-Ball in the Loo
Who Pizzled into the Beer Bong?
Stinky Burger King "King" Heads
You're Flamingo Stink's
Some Assrat Bastard Threw a Streetlight Bulb
Getting Away Scott-Free
Peeing in a Philodendron
Shooting Up Drugs with Dirty Needles
Kicking Sodium Vapour Blubs
Swing a 9-Iron into a Tree
Flushing Away Nondisposable Enemas
Pouring Clotted Urine into a Uranal
Stomping on Praying Mantids for Ted Sakes
Stealing Shit with a Transporter Beam
Who Kyped the Biobed?
Somebody Pizzled on a Shovel
Ron Seivertson is a Penus Vaccum
The Air Conditioner is Pespirating
Stomping on Light Bulb Bases
Shoehorning a Shoehorn into a Banister
Drowning Mosquito Larvae in Acetone
Breaking a Uranal with a Ball Peen Hammer
Neocortex Lavage
Flushed Christmas Bulb
Extinguishing a Fire Extinguisher
Neutering a Vaccum Tube
Flushing Cleanax down a Uranal
Fix the Penus Vaccum!
Who Pee'd on the Typewiter?
Pouring Honey into a Carburetor
Stomping on the Honey Nut Cheerios Bee
Who Flushed Christmas Bulbs down the Head?
Poo'ing Behind a Bush
Mr. Dirty Black Magic Eraser
Hispanic & Span Floor Cleaner
Throwing "Siggerets" into the Collecto
Deep Frying Lighters for Dominique Sakes
Throwing a Chalice in the Douchewasher
Breaking Toliets While They're Flushing
A Piss Ant Driving a Radio Flyer
Kicking Mercury Vapour Bulbs
An Electric Tricycle with Four Flat Tyres
My Picture Tube wants to be Spayed
Who "Pyst" on the Elevator Buttons?
Getting Sent to a Penile Colony
Going Out through the "In" Door
Neutering a Toliet Flush Handle
Starving a Nematode
Stomping on Doodlebugs for Nicholas Sakes
Wearing a Cup to Play Billiards
Shooing Away Horseflies
Kicking Baby Platypuses for Shame
Going Poo in a Deep Fat Fryer
Breaking Schooners on Six Eleven Day
The Bad Foot Store
Lightning Striking Nine Times
Vaal is a Fucking Douche
Pouring Beer Down the Drane
Charging Li:ION Batteries until they Explode
Electrifying a Speaker Until it Pops
The Enterprise is Made of Sponges
Kicking a Kickball Filled with Concrete
Neutering a Light Bulb
Eating Piss Ants for Mary Sakes
"Pyssing" on Grasshoppers for No Good Reason
Pouring Concrete Down the Drane
Eating Sandwiches for Fuck Sakes
Sitting on a Picnic Basket
Swallowing Vitamins by the Bottle
Misusing a Tampon
Sanitary Towels in the Dryer
Katydids are Brie
This Vaccum Really Sucks!
Fuck You and Fuck the Fucking Fuck Too! It
Who Pee'd on the Tonka Truck?
The Stupid Robot has been Neutralised
Flush the Douche, Toliet!
The Dishwasher is Full of Rubber Gloves
Coffee Grinds Clogging the Drane
Urine in the Washingmachine
Cookies in the Dustbin
Garbage Disposal Jammed with Rat Fur
Flush the Fucking Douchebag, Toliet!
Breaking Vaccum Cleaners While They're Sucking
Bloody Q-Tips in the Dustbin
The Tampons are Squeaking
Shooting Out Camera Lenses with a BB Gun
Cigarettes are Brie
Stomping on Jerusalem Crickets for Gordon Sakes
Lighters in the Dispoz-All
Eating Pissants for Wayne Sakes
Rollator Poison
Pissing a Hospital Bed
Burning Mosquito Wrigglers for Rick Sakes
GTT (Grand Theft Tricycle)
Uranating on Piss Ants
Squishing Spiders for No Reason
Shock a Kahn
Where There's a Sink, Somebody will Pee In It
Batteries in the Dustbin
Vomiting in a Uranal
Colonel Antimuon Drinks Disposable Deuches
Throwing Fungused KFC Select Wings
Flushing Away Dead Guppies
Mouldy Biscuits in the Dustbin
Rotten Chicken in the Collecto
Slipping in Nematode Urine
Used Dog Piss in the Rug
Going Poddy in a Shoe for Science
Throwing a Cinderblock at a Loo
Sample Text
Bullet Bologna
Mythconfirmers Special
Motorcycles can Burn Agua
Eau de Toliette
Smells like Burning Giraffe Fur
Myths Floating on Shower Curtains
Making a Parachute with Bedsheets & Lamp Cords
Welcome to Wastelands!
When the Condom Meets the Highway
Peeing on an Elephant's Leg
Who Pee'd in the Collecto?
Pouring Pepsi in Hotel Room Telephones
Fapping Into the Wind
What Stink's like Burning Poddy?
Me & You and a Door Named Roo!
Who Broke the insulator?
Keep Your Eaballs Open
Something Smell's like Ripe Armpits
Not the Deuche, the Deuche!
It's My Way or the Uranal
Heated Giraffe Poo
Shattered Mirror
Peeing in the Pool for Gary Sakes
Acid for Eyeballs
The Vaudwaar are Penus Vaccumes
Torrid Weiß
It's Late & Someone Busted the Coffeepot
The Borg Queen Acts like a Douche
Wix Also Acts like a Douche
Flush Away those Kazon Pushogs
A Degree Isn't just a Sheet of Paper
Flush the Washingmachine
Pooping in the 10-3 for Margaret Sakes
Chewing Christmas Lights for Shame
Drop and Give Me 2,458,770
Smashing Bulbs for Satin Sakes
Stink's like Boiling Piss
Crunching Forks with a Mantis Tiller
Running over Brooms with a Lawnmower
Mascara in the Dustbin
Bog Roll in Liquid Neonf
Danger Stranger
Broken Apologies
Batteries in the Loo
Gay Armpit Sweat
Flushing Our Uvulas
Scrubbing Our Appendixes
Pouring Away Hose Bibs
Flushy McFlusherson
Dead Lizards in your Bunghole
Melted Forks on the Dinner Table
Howling Jizz
Curlicue Nostrils
Some P€nµs Vaccume Pissed in a Carafe
It'S Not Snot
Vaccum  Bag Full of Kitty Litter
Frozen Cumbag
Getting Piddled Off and Snapping a Whisk Broom
Penile Nostrils of Shame
Forks in Toasters
George Foreman Grill in the Shower
Milfs in the Attic
Nasal Perspiration
Ashtray Emesis
Sweeping the Floor with Scotch Broom
New Batteries in the Shitbowl
What's that Squeaky Smell Behind the Loo?
Good Batteries in the Dustbin
Arterial Fungus
Fork in your Bunghole
Speaker Discalibration
Vomiting Pisstachos
Carnation Micturition
It Fills me with the Urge to Defecate
Flying a Fag Flag in July
Getting Kornholed for Science
Pissing in a Garden Hose
Vaccuming Up Poopy Diapers
The Unsub Stabbed Another Victim
Pissy Nappies Floating in the Pool
Paint the Town Chartreuse
Leaky Batteries in the Dustbin
A Full Diaper Pale
Concrete in the Toliet Bowl
Dead D Cells in the Loo
Uranal Straws
Who Pee'd in the Ground Beef?
Drowning a Rat in the Collecto
Mouse Poo in the Drane
Pentapus on a Frozen Neon Roof
Huffing Lysol in Aerosol Bombs
Flushing Away Zippers for Ron Sakes
Scotch Tape Leprosy
The Penile Vaccumes
Mopping the Floor with Micturition
Shish Kabobs  of Destitution
Opportunities Outside Your Door
Merferators in the Loo
Open the Inverse Harbour
Lysol COVID Spray
Urinous Lemonaid
YouTube Feces
Shooing Away Horseflies for Dick Sakes
Barney the Fat Purple Pedophile
Using a Uranal Jug to hold Lemon Gatoraide
The Bent Butterknives
The Toliet Paper Police
Plastic Jug of Pennies
Breaking Mops for Satin Sakes
Reach Out and Go Poddy
Who "Pist" on the Lamp?
They're Klingons, Not Kittens
Siphon the Cistern
Clean that Broomstick!
Douche Out that Ashtray
Busted Bulbs in the Meat Grinder
Rusty Nails in the Washer
Used Douches in the Garbage Disposal
Infect to Disinfect
♪ White Women, White Women, White Women! ♪
Time to Take Out the Garbage!
Atlantis Roundpantis
Lemons in the Dryer
Sniffing the Garbage Disposal
Our Light Switches are Shedding
Nasty-Ass Diapers in the Tub
Running out of Krabby Patty Meat
Why does the Washingmachine Stink?
Vomitng Safety Slippers
Howling Bastards
Containment Generator is Fuxxored
Give that Spider some Pee
Why is the Dustbin Stinky?
Orange Juice in the Sand Urn
Liar Liar Pants are Burning!
The Collecto's On Fire!
Stop the Catbox
The Fat Cow on the SNHU Ad
There's a Fag on TV
Kicking Over a Full Dustbin
Queers in the Washingmachine
The Dustbin Has a Dustbin In It
That Piece of Paper Reads, "White Drone"
Fictional Band Names in the Toliet
Stepping in Molten Magnesium
The Kittens are Barking
Flowers in the Uranal
There's a Light Bulb in my Nutella
That Soldering Iron is Burning the Rug
The Borg Queen is a Penus Vaccume
The Light Blub is Burning my Leg
His name is Jesus?
Multi Vector Tailgate
Furious Fuckers
Urinous Milkshake
Pissy Mousetrap
"POP!" Goes the Rabbit!
Barbie Legs in the Toliet
Poo in the Drinking Fountain
Bird Shit on your Hat
Bungwipe on your Pillow
O Puh-leeeeeeaaase!!!
Vaccum Gnards
Fight with Blunted Bat'leths
Neelix wants to Mate
There's Pee-Pee n the Uranal
Why do the Curtains Stink like Foxglove?
A Bottle of Piss on the Table
Don't Knock It 'till you've Stomped on It
A Peacock Shitting Out a Tomato
Uranated Mashed Potatoes
A Tomato Shitting Out a Peacock
Flat Tyre Cool-Aide
Curtains in the Loo
A Bent Paper Clip
Drapes on the Radiator
Flowering Plant Stems in the Clock
Radiator Snouts
Enemahose Weekend
Tuesday Fireworks
Monster Saussage
Curlicue Rotor
Donkey Snot
Leprachaun Poo
Horse Vagina
Carburetor Snout
Pulling Out our Uvulas
Unicorn Farts
Hot Water Cooler
Rocket Flirp
Urine Big Trouble
The Bass Bass Blew his Subwoofer
Cardigan Cardinal
A Pen Making a Typo
Batteries are Brie
Breaking a Washingmachine
Spindle Fairy
Laxative Juicer
Larva Enema
Who Pee'd on the Stove?
A Typewriter Making a Peno
I Spell Knife with an N
Popcorn Flatulence
Not the Phone, the Phone!
Jiminy Cricket is a Douche
Throwing an Iron off a Bridge
Hucking Spaghetti at the Ceiling
Being a Bad Noodle
Disinfecting Our Bungholes
Breaking Uranals While they're Flushing
Freeze-Drying Piss
Mosquito Wriggler Emesis
Excess Cerumen Rotation
Bread on the Ceiling
Grinding Up a Sponge in the Garbage Disposal
364 Days to Halloween
This Cumquat is Sour
What's Wrong with the Dustbin?
Sunglasses in the Uranal
Big Claws like a Dead Crab
That Wine was Made with Spoiled Grapes
Who Poo'ed in the Walk-In?
Drinking Rotten Swiss Miss
Spilling Milk in the Couch
Busted Light Bulbs on the Table
Keys in the Toliet
Getting AIDS from a Diseased Broken Chill in Check Ken Doll
Hitting a Cow with a Station Wagon
Curly Uranals
Saving an .AVI on a Broken Tablet
A Douchenoozle in the Dishwasher
A Fork in a Wall Outlet
Using a Razor Blade to Ruin Condoms
Ms. O'Dell is a Douche
A Drawer full of Rocket Waste
Dulling a Butterknife
Spitting in School Milk
The Yucking Fucky Piss Stain Band
Ironing a Pop Can
Peeing in the Fishbowl
Cranky Carburetor Sweat
Lysol Destructor
Big Phat
Moths are Brie
Deuches in the Washingmachine
Tennies in the Dryer
Waste of Bungwipe
Dropping a Krabby Patty on the Floor
Drinking Out of the Toliet Bowl
Bathing in the Uranal
Sonic the Hedgehog Demolishing a Chimmney
The Green Lantern Destroying a Lamp
Eating Frozen Krabby Patties
Spilling Coffee in your Lap
Sweeping Up Spilled Krabby Patty Meat
Breaking a Larva Lamp
The Green Lantern Demolishing a Light Bulb
Po Says "Faggot Faggot"
Nematodes in your Coffee
Lacrimation for Homosexuals
Hole in One or Can Opener
Broccoli A la Mode
Rubber Gloves that Sweat
Porno for Goldfish
English Muffin Sweat
♪ Soon You'll be All Alone, ♪
♪ When the Bullet Hits the Phone ♪
Santa Clause Defecating Down a Chimmney
Laser Micturition
Being a Goofy Goofy Goober
The Dustbin is Puking  Again
Burying the Krabby Patty "Formuler"
Getting Braindouched for Science
Superman Wrecking a Uranal
Spoiled Cottage Cheese
Rotten Milk Going Down the Drane
Rusty Screws in the Dustbin
Gloves in the Uranal
Urine Potatoes for Thanksgiving
Rechargeable Batteries in the Dustbin
Matanuska Thunderfuck
Plankton's a Buttknocker
Karen's a Karen
Who Pee'd on the Bricks?
A Pissant Driving a Bulldozer
Running Over Frozen Yogurt
Hot Water Cooler
Buying Defective Tires from Craigslist
Carrot Puree in the Loo
The Puppies are Meowing
Whining Carpet Beetles
The Nematodes are Stinking
Squeaky Curtains
Lather Assassins
I Am Dyslectic of Brog
You Will be Asslaminated
Resistors are Fertile
That Cork is Peniseyed
Uranal at the End
Starting a "Forrest" Fire
Breaking Gondolas While They're Floating
Mom, What's a Ballcock?
Salty Asshaberdasher
Bright-Tailed and Bushy-Eyed
Aww Look at that Sweat Pee
Disengage Safety Protocols
Flushing the Bathtub
Rotten Slippers
Fungused Milk
Piss-Stained Rocket Fuselage
Soggy Muklucks
Melted Comb
Used Fleas in the Couch
Batteries were Planted in the Garden
Wearing Chum Bucket "Bucket Helmuts"
Going Poo in a Football Helmut
The Janeway Protocol
Mattress with Urine In It
Pecker Pecker Pumpkin Wrecker
Poddy Cardigan
Lysol Incendiary Device
♪ Ahh Freak Out! ♪
♪ Le Freak, Say Shiek ♪
Who Fucked Up the Vinculum?
Incendiary Flotation Device
Socks Stuffing Up the Vaccum
Crickets in the Butter Dish
You're Squirrel Stink's
Rotten Honey in the Fridge
You're Katydid Stink's
Poopy Depends in the Crisper Drawer
Spoiled Milk in a Pot
Underarm Puddles the Size of Turkey Platters
Rotten Newspapers Under the Porch
Dixie Cups Full of Hot Poddy
Fairy Lights in the Cistern
Speakers in the Dustbin
Ants in the Mayonnaise
Stormtrooper Sweat
There's a Graviton Ellipse in my Coffee
Ants in Your Socks
Reverse Uranal Polarity
Breaking a Celery Stalk
♪ He Built Himself a Time Bomb ♪
♪ A Ticky Talky Time Bomb ♪
What's that Stinky Smell in the Closet?
I Had a Dream There were Clouds in my Urine
Cherry  Bombs in Toliets
Those Guys are Fecalwads
Cutting Off Satan's Public Hair {note sp.}
Working on a Waste Transfer Barge
It's Priiiiiiiiimmme Day!!! (sung in an ashole voice)
Life From Above
A Total Waist of Bungwipe
That Bunghole Acts like a Prick
The Seminiferious Bungsnoidial Tubloidial Wastoids
Krabby Patty Dysfunction
Astral Eddy in the Loo
Snipping Off our Gnards to Spite Our Penuses
Coffee Grinds in the Sand Urns
All Hale the Magic Penus
Tyre Filled with Argon
Microwaveable Puppies
Garbage Disposal Enuresis
Typhoid Andy
Flowers in the Ashtray
Disposable Piglets
Flushable Wheelchairs
Reusable Deuches
That Paramecium is Flooded!!!
What's Wrong with the Dustbin?
That's Not Very Coral!
Drinking Krabby Patty Grease
Flushable Adult Diapers
Turning Off a Larva Lamp
Disposable Amoebas
Reusable Pneumatocysts
Disposable People
Stompable Light Bulbs
Vitamins in the Uranald Smell the Xenite
What's Wrong with the Garbage Disposal?
Green Laser Emesis
Broken Pickles in the Dustbin
Restless Neck Syndrome
TV's Kyle is an Enemabag
As Worthless as Used Mouthwash
Broken Douches for Christ Sakes!
Kicking Over Larva Lamps for Keith Sakes
Breaking Uranals for No Good Reason
Flushing Away Crystal Light Punch
The Dick Van Lesbian Show
Bellleza el a Festa is a Toliet
♪ Yumach Yumach Yumach I've got Hate in my Stomach! ♪
What's that Ticking Sound?
I've Got Sand in my Shoe!
Drinking Fountains Copulate Noisily
Stop and Smell the Xenite
McToke the Drug-Abusing Gerbil
Winning the Confidence of Drug Lords
Sniffing at Busted Uranals
Eating Defective Shower Nozzles
Dig like Your Death Depended on It
That Glitter Lamp is Gay
McToke2 the Drug-Sniffing Pencil
Barbie Pins in the Toliet
Something's Wrong with the Vertical Shades
A Dead Drone in the Dustbin
Zoloft is Brain Drugs
Is There in Beauty No Truth?
Defecating in a Wheelchair
Pissing in Wet Depends
Kicking Over a TV
Getting Poisoned from Bad Krabby Patty Meat
Wheelchair with a Flat Tyre
Faggy Phone Crook
Mouse with a Rotten Ball
♪ At BK, Have it Your Way... ♪
Captain Underwear and the Attack of the Flooded Uranals
Gul Dukat is a Douchenoozle
Logan is Back and Boy is he PISSED!!!
Dremel Cheeseburger
Enema Violation
Stop Sign Emesis
Your Patient has Lost a Great Deal of Uranation
Triclops the Gay Hunter
Being Piddled-Off and Drowning a Vaccum
Feral Ant Farm
Gazoo Solo
A Doucenoozle in the Dustbin
Eating Wilted Lettuce
Rotten Carrots for the Easter Rabbit
A Toilet in the Bathtub
Buying a Bogus Spiderman Webswinger
Vaccuming Up Cat Urine
Hair in the Sink
Vomit in a Vase
Ewww!!! Yucky Pee!!!
Flowers in the Cistern
A Bus Tub Full of Dirty Dishwater
Uranation in a Toothpaste Tube
Rose Thorn Insemination
Turning Your Ankle in a Pothole
Like a Bee on Flypaper
Insemination of Dirty Straws
Bungholio in One, Two, or Three
Vaya con Cornholio
Penus van Lesbian (Dick van Dyke)
Sitting on Poopy Diapers
Stomping on Bottles of Piss
Destruct Protocol Authorised
Don't Kick Over the Vaccum!!!!
A Bog Roll in the Loo
Dice Under the Lavatory
Keeping Milk Bones in the Freezer
Drinking Used Douches
♪ For Those About to Die ♪
♪ We Salute You! ♪
Dirty Diaper Squisher
Mouse Poo in the Potato Salad
The Krusty Sponge
Antiseptic Cricket
Dental Hyperplasia
Odo Isn't a Douchenozle
Doughnuts in the Toliet
Axillary Uranation
Underarm Enuresis
Unwanted Nasal Detergent
Who "Pyst" in the Pool?
Arid Extra-Wet Perspirant
♪ You're Such a Bulldyke ♪
♪ Go Take a Bath! ♪
♪ You Pop ya Fingers ♪
♪ You Snap ya Neck! ♪
Hiking Boots in the Dryer
Fungus Gnats in your Shirley Temple
Who "Pyst" in the Mixmaster?
Prefrontal Neocortex Lavage
Penile Emesis
Rat Feces in the Open Fryer
Flies in the Macaroni Salad
Giraffe Pee on the Sidewalk
Phase Variance Gun
You're Caterpillar Stink's
Sticky Mukluks
Stomping on a Telephone
Poo-Poo Noo-Noo Extermination
Hand Dryer in the Toliet
Recycling Busted Clocks
Out of Gas on Christmas Eve
Eating Lucky Charms on St. Patrick's Day
Flushing Away Broken Pencils
What Reek's?
Foaming Penile Detergent
A Smelly Bus Tub
This Comb Stink's!
Rotten Eggs Under the Car
The Bread is Fungused
Relaxation of Busted Toliets
Mouldy Chrysalids
Pupal Enuresis
Setting Fire to Cocoons for Pat Sakes
An Easy Bake Oven with a Blown Light Blub
A Busted Laugh Box
Spurring Spurs for Ronald Sakes
Jacking Off the Dancing Pickle
Pouring Chlorox on Uranals
Scream Now, Pay Later
When the Rat's Away the Cats will Play
Flushing the Cool Whip Tub
There's a Uranal in the Stump
Go To the Hygenic Chamber
Koji Minimoto...It is Time!
$tinky $lipper$
Money in the Dustbin
Rollator Jizz
Chroniton Flux Overload
Stomping on Faucets for Satin Sakes
Curlicue Hose
Spermination Desolation
Burning Christmas Tree
Klingons Under the Toliet
The Isolation of Smaug
Ducolax of Douches
Romulan Vessel Decloaking in a Uranal
Folgers of your Iamagination
Uranating in a Ficus Plant
Diaper in the Garbage Disposal
A Used Enema in the Dustcart
Eating Defective Alarm Clocks
Side Effects of Wegovy May Include
Bladder Revulsion
Liver Perspiration
Barfing Up Feces
Spleen Halitosis
Mysterious Dirty Needles
Urethral Leakage
Mysterious Poopy Depends
Tetrion Field Flux
Spermination of Smaug
Desolation of Doo-Doo
Why is the Pee Trap Smelly?
You're Ruler Stink's
Barfing Up a Dipthong
Bossy Shoes
Uranal Foam
Drowning a Fish in a Fishtank
Toliet, TOLIET!!!
What's Wrong with the Lavatory?
Brown Scittles
Green Showers
Copper Eyelashes
Busted Wet Dreams
I Smell Doo-Doo
Lighting a Pack of Ladyfingers
Rainy Outhouse
Rat Footprints
Pigprints on the Ceiling
Warp Core Popping
The Dustcart Reek's
Sticky Boots
Sheet Spermination
Sweat Puddles in your Socks
Not My Cup of Nestea
The Doomsday Machine (from Star Trek: TOS) Looks Like a Douchenozzle
Faggy Cellphone Thug
A Piss Ant Crashing a Trike
The Charger has gone AWOL
Busted Pills in the Uranal
Doody Doo-Doo
A Busted Can (the toliet muscle, NOT a cylindrical metal cat food container)
Mutilated Golf Clubs
Drugs in the Toliet
Smashed Light Bulbs on the Promenade
Blowing Mailboxes Up with M80s
Cleanax Dynamo
Rush River Dish Soap
The Experiment Failed
He Queered the Test
Mr. SnaussageSnifter
What's that Yellow Shit in the Uranal?
Grabbing Dirty Needles
Drinking Massengill Disposable Poddy
Breaking Vases for No Good Reason
Pluto Isn't a Plant
Killing Baby Lizards for Ron Sakes
Kicking a Puppy for Shame
Vaal is a Douchenoozle
Janeway Killed Tuvix
Sandy Cheeks Looks like a Lezzy
Drinking Whale Piss
Let's Arkansaw
Cooties Taking Out the Garbage
Breaking an Anchor for Peter Sakes
Flooding a Uranal with Cow Piss
Cigarettes in the Dustcart
A Piddle Wingless Hymenoptera in a Dustbin
Killing Fleas with Bugicide
Flushing Away Dirty Nappies
Parasol of Luminol
Choking on a Uranal Mint
Puppies in the Washer
Snipping Off Our Uvulas
Stabbing Somebody in the Spleen
Pissing Off your Penus for  Steve Sakes
He's Jim, Dead
Boring Penus
Juicebox of Doom
Cereal Fork
Plug it Up!
Curlicue Speaker
Shiites in a River
Gooseneck Dildoes
Knives in the Loo
Bare the Cannonata
It's a New Era at Pantera
Phuck thuh Magick Toestor
Breaking Caramels While They're Molten
Arturis is a Piddle Wingless Hymenoptera
Being Pissed and Breaking a Vaccum
Fiery Robots from Heck
Crying Tears of Cool-Aide
Stuffing Taper Powels Down Bathtub Dranes
Shooting a Drone with a BB Gun
"Siggerets" in the Water Filter
Who Took a Plop in the Collecto?
A Pissant Taking Out the Garbage
Dirty Cleanax Pouring Out of the Waste Bin
Who Uranated in the Windex?
What Kind of Piss Ant would Go Poddy in the Vaccum?
Exhaling Lightning
Why does Coyote Peterson Do That?
Gotta Flush em All Gotta Flush em All!!!
Leaving the Stove On for Fuck Sakes
Neiu Fresh Loo
Pissing in the Shower
Bands of Flowers Around your Bunghole
Dimbulb Fuckweed
Spitting Gum on the Sidewalk in Singapore
Broomstick Deuchewads
Why do Gazoos Sound Like That?
You're Hermit Crab Stink's
These Are the Voyages of the Starship Secondprise
Who's Throwing our Toothbrushes in the Loo?
Vaccuming Up Krabby Patties
Why do Larva Lamps Smell Like That?
You're Violin Stink's
Stop Throwing Things!!!
You're Dustbin Stink's like Poddy
Corks Shoved Up Your Bunghole
Armpit Rainbows in Amsterdarn
Bust a Neiu Dunce Cap in your Nightlight
Shattering a Glass Sidewalk
Shooting Sponges for Fun & Profit
Mouldy Cheese Parfait
Fucking Refrigerators Fucking Blow
Breaking Diamonds for Christopher Sakes
That Fat Piano Dickhead from the AAA Commercial
Who Pissed in the Ajax?
Pouring Sour Milk down Storm Dranes
Having a Sucky Credit Score
"O" is Never a Vowel...EVER!!!
Collapsed Lounge Chair
We are One Egg Roll Short of a Poo-Poo Platter
I'd Like to Sell a Vowel
Lucy Lu is a Lezzy
For the Hate of the Game
Your Arms are Really Wings
Curlicue Sewer Pipe
That RJ44 Connector is Fuxxored
Star Track: Voyeur
Comply you Bastards
Shooting a Loo with a BB Gun
Side Cutter Enema
You Have No Future with Humans
Pooing in the Shower and Stamping It Down the Drane
Melting Gummy Bears for Fuck Sakes
You're Telephone Stink's
Alien Metal
Duct Tape in the Toliet
Keyboard Poo
Alright, Who Ordered the Poo-Poo Platter?
All Wight! Rho Sritched Mg Kegtops Awound?
Stop Fucking my Refrigerator or Lance Corporal Antiproton will Pee in Your Soup
I Shalt Not Smite this Gazelle
Massenguillotine Panty Leakers
Stinky Sneakers
Sticky Spoon
You're Light Switch Reek's
These Shoes Smell like Fungus
Piss You!!! What Stink's?!?
Why do the Curtains Smell Like Wolf Piss?
Lepers Invading Your Dreams
Coily Lysol Base & Tub & Tile Cleaner
Bent Forks
Corroded Knives
The AAA Gopher is a Gimmick?
What's that Shit under the Microwave?
You're Table Lamp Stink's
Using a Class IV Laser Without Goggles
Rusty Shovels
Why does the Rug Stink Like Fox Urnie?
Glass Marbles in the Cat Dish
Who Went Poddy in the Mixmaster?
Author Author You Pissant!
Answer That, You Cocksucker!
Flush the Toy-LET
Kicking Over a Drinking Fountain for James Sakes
Your Feet Stink like Athlete's Feet
Robin Eggs from a Robin's Nest
Will You Be My Crestor?
You're Hairdryer Stink's
Why is the Dryer Smelly?
Ambien Jackass
Take Nestor for Acid Reflux
You're Mittens Stink like Foxglove
This Tunnel Reek's
Electron Light Bulb
Broken Positron Laser
Sewer Grates of H8red
My Tello Really Went Down the Poddy
Bite Me -- It "Hertz" So Good
This Drane Culvert Stink's
Somebody Sliced the Fire Hose
You're Sneaker Reek's
Is That a Sex Toy?
Stinky Chrysthanthemum
What's Wrong with the Lamp?
Why Does the Chair Stink like Cat Pee?
Who Piddled on the Uranal?
Toliets kicked Off Walls
Why do the Haribo Football Players Talk Like That?
Slithering in a Pipe
Pouring Yourself Out of a Coffeepot
Throwing Rocks at the Cool-Aide Pitcher
Squidward Can't Play the Clarinet
Plankton Plays the Piss Flute
Why Does the Closet Smell like Hippo Piss?
You're Garbage Can Stink's
Ahhh, Sweat Revenge!
This Yacht Smells like Snail Piss
Dumping a Uranal Jug Out the Window
Where There's a Cool-Aide Pitcher, Somebody will Pee In It
Stomping on Bloody Band Aids
Smells Like Sweat Sour Cream  
Feet in the Pizza Oven
Mouldy Boots
There are Dead Socks in the Washer
Some Butt Monkey Poddied in a Shoe
This Flashlight Smells like Rat Urine
Why is the Toliet Hot?
Polishing a Turd
Poo-Poo in the Uranal
Captain Howdy Sucks Big walrus Cock
Some Monkeyspank Spilled Pepsi
Yanking the Charger Cord like a Dick
This Electrolux Really Sucks!
Putting Your Penus in a Vaccum Cleaner
Some Poopy Baby Shit the Krusty Krab!
Depend on Depends
Embouchre of the Toliets
Putting Your Penus in a Washingmachine
Washing Your Nose Out with Soap
Pissing Out Consonants
Sweating Out Dipthongs
Getting Diahhrea of the Nostrils
Gonorrhea of the Knockers
Disnfecting Your Testicles
Washing Your Eyeballs with Chlorox
Vulvar Infection of the Gnards
The Woman with Colitis Goes By
This Cheese Smells like Mouse Piss
This Frog Smells like a Toad
Stink's like Sweat Cream Cheese
Use the Numbers A-Z on Your Telephone's Dial
Who Glued this Pencil to my Chair Seat?
Use Fabric Softener on Those Towels
Selling a Dirty Vowel
Super-Gluing Your Gnards to a Shampoo Bottle
Breaking Nads While They're Sperminating
Get a Truck and Rip Off a Florist
Wheezy Machine
Puking Up Pussy Cleaner
Buying Consonants
Hypodermic Fanta
SpongeBob NeedlePants
Edward Dikehands (the wirecutters, not the other kind) ;-)
Spence's Enema Showdown
The Sweaty Polar Bears
Guzzling Moose Urinear
The Hairy Ramekins
Pissy Furkins
There's a Mixing Bowl Loose in the Garage
Paint That Tyre Bright Orange
Peeing on a Hot Dog
Diahhrea of the Knockers
Explosive Pencils
Die like a Diaper
Pepsi & Pepperoni Pizza
What's That Odour Under the Douchewasher?
♪ Who Let the Madagascar Hissing Cockroach Out? ♪
Piss You! This Bacon Reek's!!!
This Light Bulb Smells Funny
Baconator Sounds like Uranator
Throwing Away Dirty Bananas
This Couch Smell's like Stankfoot!
This Plum Tastes Wierd
Fuming Nitric Acid for Satin
That Midget Isn't Disposable
Flushing Away a Busted Loo Ring
Disinfecting Our Penuses
This Clown Smells Funny!
Throwing Away a Straw
Stomping on Broken Clocks
Suicidal Assclown
Tastes like Sweat Sour Milk
Expo 3000
Homocide Barbie
This Piss Ant Stink's like Piss
Homocide Insulin
Curlicue Zucchini
That Tomato is Sad
Shitty Embouchre for Bass Guitarists
Whenever You Flush a Toliet You Have to Kill a Fish
A Nut Job Wearing a Sock
A Chickadee Wearing Birkenstocks
Homo Milk ≠ Gay Milk
A Piss Ant Wearing a Backward Baseball Hat
Flushing Away Hot Wheels for Brian Sakes
♪ I Hate My Wife ♪
♪ And My Boyfriend Too! ♪
Peeing in a Fountain Pen
Popping Wheelies in the Snow
Swallowing a Whole Bottle of Anacin
Getting the Little Mermaid to Tie Off your Boat
We Put the FUN in Funeral
Kicking the Tires on Satin's Truck
Making Yellow Snow for DUMMIES
Get On your High Horse and Leave the Party
T-Boning Satin's Truck in a 4-Way
Who Pee'd in the Downspout?
Pooing in Curdled Buttermilk
Why do the Curtains Reek like Moose Piss?
Santa Clause Taking a Plop in the Cookie Jar
Smashing Toliets for Wanda Sakes
Some Bogus Pisson Ate a Uranal Mint
Rotten Fish in the Dustbin
Get Diabeetus and DIE!!!
Enema Juicepalooza!
Slashing Satin's Tires
Why does this Casserole Stink like Urine?
Using Massenguillotine
The Axle Clown Tastes Funny
Hole in One or Parsnip
Smoking Finely-Ground Mincemeat
Where Do I Drink Piss & Sperm?
Where  Else -- At the Cum Bar!!!
That Dustcart  has a Flat
Shooting the Last Ninja 
Elegance and Thickadence
Real Life and Post Cadeus
Australia Endless
There's a Bolt in my Milkshake
Who Pee'd in my Reese's Pieces?
Where There's a Syrup Bottle, Somebody will Poo In It
This Cleanax Doesn't Absorb Snot!
This Scotch Tape is Defective
That Nasal Tissue is Under Warranty
These Lepers Act Funny
Why is there a Cleanax in my Milk?
Showrooms for DUMMMIES
These Self-Sealing Stem Bolts Smell Funny
The Dominion are Penus Vaccumes
The Silk is Runny
Have You Tried Downie Deuche & RepHresh?
Blowing the Vault with a Whistling Moon Traveller
Piccolo Pete Enema
There's a Seed in my Applesauce
This Basketball has Cum In It
Misplacing the Deltavid Asteroid Belt
Honey or Horse Puckey?
Airlock IV Has Been Jammed Open
Why are there Pickles in the Can Opener Blades?
You're Uranal Bottle Stink's
Why Does this Helmut Smell Like Cat Pee?
Liquor and Circuses
This Blanket Reek's like Piss
This Enema has gone BAD!!!
Why does the Dustbin Stink Like Feces?
Winning Gold in Water Polio
You're Radio Stink's
A Rubber Bunghole Cover
Saxons of the Fire Rock On!
Where There's a Socker Ball, Somebody will Fill It with Concrete
This Tennis Ball Reek's like Piss
Hammering Bashing Pounding & Smashing
The Waking Moments Aliens are Assholes!
There's a Shredded Cleanax in my Cool-Aide
Why does the Mattress Reek?
The Cicadas are Stinking
Flushing Away Pee Gravel
Who Shat in the Fishtank?
The TV is Hammered Again
Simone Biles is NOT a Douchenoozle
Destroying an Above-the-Ground Pool
Kicking a Whizzer Off the Wall
Curlicue Ravioli
Reclamation of Busted Ghetto Blasters
Don't Worry Bout the Body
We Flushed it Down the Poddy
The Stormtroopers are Masturbating Again
Captain Underwear and the Attack of the Talking Uranals
Go to Wall*Mart and Pee in the Diaper Aisle
The Repatha "Heart" Acts like the Myrbetriq Walking Pissbladder
This Walnut Stink's like Armpits
Getting Kicked in the Chestnuts
Breaking Garage Doors While They're Closing
Why Not Massengill?
and Why Not Summer's Eve?
Phone-Sys: The Deuched Moose
Some Bungmonkey Pizzled on a Shoe
Take Your Dishonour With You!
Taking One in the Gnards for Science
Dad, What are Gnards?
Sinking a Cruise Ship Tender with Evaporated Milk
Dick Cavett is Stinking Drunk in the Lazy Boy
The Radio is Boiling Over
Exact-a-Mundo Dude!
Getting Shitfaced for History Sakes
Pouring Away a Pot of Dog Water
Pizzling on a Uranal
Eating Rotten Crab Cakes for Wilson Sakes
Who Went Poddy in the Dishwasher?
Sperminating a Can of Lysol
We Aren't the Neutralised Robots
The Mop is Boiling
A Piss Ant Ridng a Broomstick
Rock On, Aswipe!
Peeing in a Rusty Bucket
Can the Trajector Send Me to Sitka?
Uranating on a Uranal for Mr. McDicker Sakes
Reclaiming Rusty Pipes
Flush the Whizzer, Enemabag!
Your Harley has a Flat
The Flaccid Dick Band
Sewing Your Lips to your Ashole
Drinking Reclamated Toliet Water
No Vagina, There Isn't a Baby New Year
Squirting Cum into a Busted Rubber
Stomping on Disposable Enemas
Stomping on Worms for Lisa Sakes
Pouring Holy Water Down the Drane
The Sink is Overflowing
What's Wrong with the Pee Trap?
The Uranal has a Stick In It
Captain Antiproton Sucks Antimuons
Electrifying Pickles for Mary Sakes
Dumping Grease Down a Toliet
Neutralised Pencils
Don't Doddle!
Why Does this Candy Smell like Deuches?
Who Dropped a Deuce in the Uranal?
Like a Fly on Flypaper
Greasy Pen
Crushing Out "Siggerets" with Wheelchair Wheels
Is Tinky Winky a Fagget?
Stomping on a Soggy Loo Roll
Stepping on a Leggo by the Toliet
Who Busted the Light Globes?
Super Glue on the Loo Ring
Stepping on a Soggy Toliet Roll
Breaking a Mop Handle for Robert Sakes
Lighting Candy "Siggerets"
Pouring Pee Down the Drane
Putting a Marichino Cherry in Martini
Kicking the Tyres on a Bicycle
Purposefully Nocking Somebody's Drink Over
Because You're a  Class A1 Prick
Send Me to Ketchikan on a Rusty Train 
I am Locutus of Borg. I am a Big Fizzy Douche.
Prosthetic Wheels
Boiled Enemas
Used Leggos in the Uranal
Clogging a Sink with Viva Paper Towels
Analgesic Cream for Borg Implants
Snapping a Twig for Mary Sakes
Plush Magazine
Pissy Diapers on YourTube
Mouldy Newspaper
Terrorist Bath Bomb
Sour Mayonnaise
Salty Pickles
Sweet Buttermilk
Pastel Cockroach
Painting Your Nose Bright Red
Sudden Change Underarm
Rudolph Demolishing a Stoplight
Stop Sweating, Dammit!!!
Uranating like a Competive Equine
(Pissing like a Racehorse)
Burnt Poo-Poo
Cutting the Tyres on Satin's Truck
Busted Clocks Featured on YourTube
There's a Ship called Enterprise,
You Can Hear it With Your Eyes
The Stinky Plastic Uranal Jugs
Santa Clause Pissing in Socks
Breaking Loos While They're Flushing
Kicking Uranals off the Wall
Nocking Disposable Douches Over
Curlicue Noodles
What's with the Giant Wet Lake Eries Under Your Arms?
The Stinky Plastic Burger King Heads
Dirty Diapers in the Uranal
Why is there a Fece in the Diaper Pale?
♪ Here a Pecker, There a Pecker, Everywhere a Dr. Pecker! ♪
This Battery Charger is Brie
Getting Fungalitis from the Cat
A Busted Mixmaster
The Lysol has been Jettisoned
We've Sprung a Leak
Space Abhors a Vaccum Cleaner
You're Enemabag Stink's
Teers for Quears
The Battery Pooped Again
Rock On, Fartknocker!
A Piss Ant Raping a Chickadee
Santa Clause Pooing in his Sleigh
Squirting Sufuric Acid from a Syringe
You're Computer Mouse Stink's
Who Cut the Cheese?
Going Poddy in an Old Tenny Shoe
Snoop Doggy Dog at the Olympics
The Suliban are Enemanoozles
That Cocksucker Forgot to Flush!
There's Doo-Doo in the Driveway
Thank You for Flushing
Valentine's Day for Fags
Hardened Pasta
Make Seven --  UP YOURS!!!
A Chickadee Raping a Piss Ant
There's a Fece in my Pepsi!!!
That's Lower than  Snake Shit
Rudolph Pooping Out Red Christmas Bulbs
A Piss Ant Wielding a Syringe
A Camera with a Fuxxored Photoflash
♪ They Call Me Dilute Wee-Wee ♪
(♪ Quite Rightly ♪)
A Piss Ant Shooting Up Heroine
O NO! The Piss Ant Used a Dirty Needle!
A Piss Ant Dying of AIDS
Some P€nµs Vaccume Flushed Away his Socks
Santa Clause Peeing on an Elf
Shit Brickhouse
A Pissant Going Poddy in a Shoe
A Motorcycle with Down Syndrome
Having a TP Race
Throwing a Dead Lizard in the Toliet
Taking Prevagen for Genital Warts
Repatha Makes Your Heart Talk
The Green Lantern Destroying a Flashlight
Smelling Skunk Cabbage
Grabbing Devil's Club by the Stem
Peeing on a Computer Mouse
Flushing the Food Waste Disposer
A Pissant Defecating into a Pepper Shaker
Stepping On a Rat Trap
The Invisible woman Demolishing a Telephone
Stomping on Cicadas for Donald Sakes
Arrid Extra-Wet Perspirant
Kicking Goose Eggs for Wanda Sakes
Emptying the Garbage into a Toliet
Building a Ticky Tocky Time Bomb
The Last Tarbender
The Toliet has been Neutralised
Smashing Ping Pong Balls for Shame
Popping a Boil in your Pissbladder
Shooting Dr. Pepper Cans
Superman Destroying a Bathtub
This is Revolting!
Squidward Demolishing a Bejeweled Loo Ring
Sphinx Moths are Brie
Ironing Bowling Pins
♪ Who Let the Rhinocerous Out? ♪
A Loo Roll Immersed in Petrol
Stepping on a Piss-Soaked Depend
A Rabbit Devouring a Snake
Befriending Coily, Uggh,and Wrong Way
Glitter in the Peanut Butter
Leaving the Stove On for Christ Sakes
Improperly Flushing a Toliet
Going to the Zoo to Free Animals
Clogging a Uranal with Ajax
Stuffing Diapers Down a Storm Drane
Pooing on a Loo Ring for Satin Sakes
Clothes Moths Suck Big Walrus Cock
Cockroaches in the Meatloaf
Meat in the Cockroachloaf
Toliet Straw
Leaving a Stinky
Squidward is Such an Enemanoozle
Not Depending on Depends
Eating Busted Safety Pins
A Tempest in a Diaper Pale
A Class 11 Solar Flare in the Loo
Hydrodynamic Mixing Spoon
Mentally Ill Funnyman Cluster (Insane Clown Posse)
Why is there Pussy in the Bag?
The Diaper Pins are Rusty
Polly Really Wants a High Colonic!
Cutting a Grapefruit like a Fartknocker
You're Diaper Pale Stink's
Drinking Massengill for Fun and Profit
Flushing Away Dirty Diapers
Destroying a Sewer Pipe with a Laser
Kicking Over a Toliet for Lee Sakes
Stomping on Coocoo Clocks
Breaking an Input Manifold
Cutting Strawberies with Rusty Gillettes
Puppy Mills that Breed Crickets
The Silverfish are Stinking
A Knife in the Dispoz-All
Poke Or Go
Urinous Fucking Blueberrry Bush
Ronko Dino-Slicer
The Barney Bedpan
Baby Bop Diapers
Pouring Flat Tyre Beer on a Cicada
Forks in the Toliet
A Piss Ant on a Loo Ring
Going Poddy in a High Heel
Can I Make My Side Softer?
Can I Make My Side Harder?
Piss Ants Stink like Piss When You Squish Them
This Coffee Tastes like Poddy
The Barney Carousel
Shitting in the Shower and Stamping it Down the Drane
Black Widow Spiders are Brie
Toilaflexion of Toilaknobules
The Bumblebees Reek
Snakes in the Poddy
Worms in your Biscuits
You're Carpet Stink's
Knives in the Dustbin
Pissy Raspberries
Poopy Depends in the Waste Bin
Clouds in your Cool-Aide
Pissing in the Dustcart
Cash in the Garbage
Going Poddy in an Old Shoe
Dumping Cool-Aide on a Scythe
A Busted Rake in the Snow
A Piss Ant Stinging a Snow Shovel
Puncturing a Submarine with an Ice Pick
Who Pee'd on this Tricycle?
This Tea Tastes like Urine
Pissing Into a Beer Bong
The Dancing Penus is Loaded with Dead Batteries
The Barney Uranal Screen
Who Poddied in the Collecto?
You're Amoeba Stink's to High Heaven
What's Wrong with this Iguana?
My Superiors are Assholes
The Reptillians are Assholes Too!
A Reminder to Flood a Kohler Rialto Toliet
Burying Light Bulbs by the Oak Tree
Punching a Hole in a Radiator
Carburetor Sludge
Rotten Moose Meat
The Sphere Builders are Enemanoozles
Breaking Uranals for Susanne Sakes
The Rotten Princess of Bell-Aire
What Happened to the Pisscan?
Something Stink's Over There
Snow Shovel Purgatory
Your Boss is Wasted
A Pissant Crashing a Wagon
That Speaker is Stoned Again
Reefer Mattressk
The Number Bed Blows Ass
The B Deck is Fuxxored
Ok, Let's Bring the Baby Goats
Rage Against the Telephone Machine
Flooding a Uranal for Mary Sakes
Drinking Tainted Shirley Temples
RepHresh This, Asswipe!!!
This Toliet Has Shitty Bowl Douche
Where Pet-H8rs Flush
Throwing a Loo Ring Away
Stomping on a Bog Roll for Wayne Sakes
Buy that Ferengi some Earrings
Zephram Cochrane was a Drunken Fraud
Experimenting on Neematoads {note sp.}
There are Fungi Among I
¼ Tablespoon Short of 768 Bytes
The "Toy" "Lit" is Busted
Death is an Experience Best Shared
The Phoenix Reached Warp 9.975 but Zephram Lied About It
The Gorn was a Douche
Flushing the Gas Tank
You're Battery Stink's
A Cookie in your Pocket that Attracts Snails
A Rocket that Shoots Toothpaste
Breaking a Loo Ring for Gary Sakes
Stomping on Paper Clips
Plankton's an Enemanoozle
Smashing a Loo Roll with a Crescent Wrench
The Rinse Cycle is So Unnecessary
So Hard a Caveman Couldn't Do It
Plankton's Also a Big Fizzy Douche
Just Say Urinepenis
Mr. Krabs Eats Crab
I Need the Krabby Patty Secret "Formuler"
Sitting on Sewing Needles
Stepping on Bent Thumbtacks
Mrs. Puff Crashes her Boats
The Krusty Krab Looks like a Lobster Trap
Biomemetic Gel
Something Flooded the Toliet
The Tello is Bucking Fusted
A Big Mac Rolling Away
This Couch is Liquor-Repellent
The Landing Sprigs are Fuxxored
Who Unscrewed the Light Blubs?
Kicking a Broken Clock
Poking a Spider with a Stick
Close the Bunghole
Perhaps You'd Like an Analgesic Skin Cream?
The Borg are Asshaberdashers
Is Zephram Cochrane a Fraud?
♪ Control is Not a Thing! ♪
Flushing Poddy Scotty Down the John
Spearing a Crayfish with a Screwdriver
Stepping on a Busted Leggo
Like a Moth to a Blowtorch
Sticking a Romulan with an Icepick
The Dinosaur Egg Lamp is Fuxxored
It's Been an Honour Dying wih You
Is Data an Android or a Robot?
Tread the Stove Heavily
Ankle Reset Gloom
Let Chirp Birds Freely
Close the Reverse Harbour
Open the Bender Account Lightly
Multiphasic Doom Erratic Trail
2,458,770 Luft Balloons
Aspirin Teepz Whirling Down the Shitbowl
Tripping Over an Extension Cord
Popping Zits on your Uvula
Firecracker Toliets
An Amoeba Peeing on a Snail
That Ashole Clown from  Voyager
Who Pee'd on this Sanitary Towel?
Snipping Off our Urinals to spite Our Uvulas
Breaking Mayonnaise Jars for Trish Sakes
SpongeJim BoobPants
Smashing the Living Tweedle out of Fireflies
It's a Mistake if you Refuse
Breaking a Lavatory with a Mining Axe
A Dog Puking in a Boot
Sparking Up a Dog Food Bowl
Who Pee'd in the Silverwear Drawer?
Teh Evelyn Wooodhedd Skool uv Prufreedin
The Chandeliers are Squeaky
Cotton Candy Carnival Parade
You're Uranal Stink's
Urine in the Cat Water Bowl
Did You Poo in the Collecto?
You're Millipede Stink's
A Dog Pissed in the 10-3
Buying Stem Bolts in Arkansaw
Avatar: The Last Tarbender
There's Got to be a Better Way!!!
A Piss Ant Breaking a Uranal
Putting Your Butt in the Oven
Breading a Fece with Original Recipe Chicken
Stepping in a Flooded Toliet
Peeing in a Flooded Whizzer
Putting Balloons in the BBQ Oven
Chainsaw Lavage
Sentient Gutter Collapse
Here a Fe, There a Ce, Everywhere a Fe-ce
No Perspiration Dude!!!
Flushing a Spooky Ghost
Breaking Our Ankles to Spite Our Duodenums
Busted Flashbulbs in the Toliet
He Collects Fungus
A Piss Ant Eating a Pickle
You're Mayonnaise Jar Stink's
A Paramecium Devouring an Amoeba
God that Stink's!!!
The Hell with Our Orders!!!
The Vaccume is Squealing Like a Stuck Pig
The Bluebirds are Stinking
Where There's a Mouse, Somebody will Jump On a Chair
Flush the Uranal, Enemanoozle!
Drink Urine and Semen
A Cat on the I.S.S.
A Puppy Peeing on the Rug
You're Tenny Shoe Stink's
Diet Doobie
Hubba Bubba Bubble Concrete
A Piss Ant Drowning in a Carafe
Flushing the Washingmachine
Gary who Eats Yucky Green Shit
SpongeBob Eats Snailpo
The Toliet's Flooded!!!
That Slug is Eating Cum
There's a Ship Called Enterprise,
You can Hear It with Your Eyes!
Eating Gogert with a Teddy Bear
Licking a 9 Volt Battery
Eating Snailpo for Judith Sakes
Vaccuming a Carafe
Scraping Your Feet on Sandpaper
RCA Plug Mitosis
Phantasms of Toliets
Breaking Chairs for Ron Sakes
Stand By, Asshole!!!
Sweeping Up Mouse Fur
Eating Cellular Peptide Cake (with Mint Frosting)
Answer That, you Cocksucker!!!
Is Jebadiah a Fartknocker?
Who Left the Douchewasher Unflushed?
The Winning Number is @&*%!#^
Uranal Micturition
Starfish Poop on the Ceiling
Some Buttknocker Violated a Shoe
Turtles in the Sewer
Firecrackers Shoved Down the Drane
Going Out through the IN Door
Who Pee'd on the Loo Ring?
Sneezing into Restaraunt Salad Bars
Eating a Uranal Mint on a Dare
Who Ordered the Poo-Poo Platter?
Flushing a Poo-Poo Noo-Noo Down the Head
You're Comb Stink's
Breakng a Hairbrush for Norm Sakes
One Egg Roll Short of a You-Know-What
Flush the Food Waste Disposerkin
Stomping on Mosquito Wrigglers for Satin Sakes
Blowing Up Bic Lighters for Shame
Setting Fire to a Can of Ronsonol
Igniting Crane Fly Maggots or Jane Sakes
Throwing a Headless Barbie Doll in the Toliet
Destroying a Penal Colony
Recharging a Tablet with the Wrong Charger
Dreaming About Flooded Uranals
Pissing the Bed for Allah
Kicking 17-year Cicadas for Jerry Sakes
Breaking a Loo with a Ball Peen Hammer
Lighting Lysol Air Sanitiser
Some Squirrely F###er Ate a Uranal
"Siggeret" Lighters in the John
Terrelian DNA in the Jell-O
Sludge in the Collectramatic
Pee'ing a Tree for Marietta Sakes
Why Do People Kick Tyres?
Breaking Tractor Emitters for Crying Out Loud
Uncutting a Tomato
Unblowing a Light Bulb
Unflushing a Toliet
Stink's like Teen Spirit
Toliet Wick
Lysol Going Down the Drane
Replacing Dristan with Chlorox a
Setting Fire to Stink Bombs for Christ Sakes
Pissing on Daisies for No Reason
Igniting a Vaccum Cleaner
Throwing a Dickless Ken Doll in a Uranal
Taking a Chlorox Enema
Flushing the Dryer
Sticking Toliet Plungers on a TV
The Douchewasher is Flooded Again!!!
Satin Demolishing a Vaccum Cleaner in H-E-Double-Bendy-Straws
Broken Outlet?
Used Cleanaxes Floating in the Uranal
Who Pee'd in this Pop Bottle?
Eating Pop Rocks & Washing Them Down with Pepsi
Who Busted the Coffeepot?
Tyrant of the Seawaves
The Power's Out so the Loo Won't Flush?
What's Wrong With the Toliet?
Is Dr. Phlox a Quack?
Washing Celery Down with Cat Pee
Stomping on Test Tubes for Ellen Sakes
You're Cat Stink's
'Sup, Mofo?
You're Speaker Stink's
Stomping on Empty Shampoo Bottles
Squirting Conditioner Across a Salon
Microphone Emesis
Kicking a Dishwasher for Barbie SakesD
Daisy-Chaining Daisies
When the Bullet Hits the Fone
A Piss Ant Flooding a Dishwasher
Alright, What Happened to the Commode?
Wrapped Up like a Deuche!
Yo Dog Let's Go Break some Light Bulbs Yo!!!
Door-To-Door Turd Polisher
Motorcycle Chain Emesis
Burning Your Hand with a Kerosene Lantern
The Light Switch is Fuxxored
Rexona Girl Pussy Breeze Cunt Deodouriser
Giving a Ferengi Oomox
Stomping on Basil for Ruth Sakes
Crickets in a Soggy Shoebox
Stepping on Cicada Nymphs for Paul Sakes
A Man with Three Arms
A Cat that Can't Meow
Water in the Chandelier
Rat Turds in the 10-3
Don't Doddle
Snap! Crackle!! Pop!!! Into the Toliet!!!!
You're Starfish Stink's
You're a Deuche You're a Deuche!
The Microphone is Fuxxored
Drink Sweat and Perspiration at the Armpit Bar
Drink Piss & Sperm @ the Cum Bar!!!
The Water is Rusty
Shaving with Damaged Gillettes
Rusty Underarms
Defective Hobart Dishwashers on YouTube
Aunt Flo is On the Rag Again
Axillary Micturition in Oslo
Using Axe for Jane Sakes
Passing the Torch and Dropping It
It's a Chair -- with Wheels
Peldor Joy
Superman Demolishing a Uranal
The Broccoli is Corroded
The Piss Ants are Squeaky
Pouring Chlorox Down the Drane
This Laundry Soap is Rusty
Pissing in a Radiator
Flying a 2-Channel Helicopter
Throwing Tide in a Toliet
Stomping on Flowers for Doug Sakes
Breaking Bic Lighters
Static on the Radio  for Evan Sakes
Busted Loos Featured on YouTube
The Knarks are Vomiting
Packing Suntan Lotion for Christ Sakes
Flushing Light Bulbs Down the Toliet
Molly Fell in a Hole
Lone Wet Potato
Monty Burns is a Buttknocker
The Phone Isn't Ringing
Packing Fudge for Dominique Sakes
Pouring Comet into the Shitbowl
Throwing Mixing Bowls Down a Manhole
Mixing Bisquick and Urine
Cooking the Piss Pancakes
Breaking a Tickle Me Elmo with a Claw Hammer
Oh oh, Time to Die!!!
The Elmo Doll is Soggy
Then You Go Poddy in Its Mouth
Teaching a Word Whammer to say "Faggot"
Puking Rabbits
Stuffing M80s Up a Turkey's Ashole
Vince Offer is a Choad
Forgot Your Lithium? POOPH!!!
Anthropomorphic Turd
Curlicue Poddy
Packing Fudge for Polly Sakes
Kicking a Kitchen Aid Dishwasher
Spraying Hairspray into a Lighted Birthday Candle
Crashing the Gay Little Plastic Drone Into a Barn
Pry Open the Reverse Harbour
Close Up, Asshole!!!
Spilling Pepper for Josh Sakes
Asshole Lights
Bungsnoidial Piss Ants
Smashing a Violin for Eva Sakes
Building a Crappier Mousetrap
Flushing Barney's Body Down the Poddy
Shittier than Thou
Throwing Lasagna Down the Drane
Tripping Over a Toliet Pipe
Breaking a Ukelele for the Hell of It
SpongeJism SpermPants
The Seminifreous Bungsnoidial Tubloidial Buttsnoipes
Water Hammer from a Defective Toliet
Postganglionic Nerve
Spanking Fudge for Helen Sakes
Melting a Birthday Candle in the Microwave
Jazzy Dogs
Flushable Accordions
The Potheads are Squeaky
The Knarks are Rusty
Huggable Scorpions
Peeing in a Teapot
Who the Hell is Brian Boytano?
Who Went Doo-Doo on that Mouse?
Just Plain Simple Garak
Who Pee'd in the Violin?
Inhaling Poppers for Christ Sakes
Breathing Underwater
Smoking at a Gas Station
Use the DR Field & Poo Mower
Peeing in a Trombone
Who Poo'ed in the Shower?
Dropping a Deuce in a Lazy Boy
Where's Jackie?
Stop Calling me CHILD!!!
Guitars Floating Down the Seine
Is Nerys a Douchenoozle?
Who Uranated in the Mayonnaise?
Translucent Stormtroopers
Invisible Sweat
Abusing a Debit Card
Who Shit in my Mr. Coffee?
Puking in a Douchewasher
Shitting the Bed for Science
Breaking Pencils for Fun and Profit
Who Pee'd in the Ant Farm?
Jellyfish Hyperplasia
The Vinegar is Clogged
Taking a Plop in the Marinal Chamber
Flashlight Batteries of H8red
Ralfing in the Lavatory
Pooping in a Dirty Diaper
Burning the Candle at Three Ends
Breaking a Violin While It's on Fire
Misusing Chopsticks
Turning a Faucet Handle Backward
Pissing on a Tickle Me Elmo
Pouring Urine Out of an Acoustic Guitar
Using a Weedeater on your Gnards
Violently Hitting a Rock Me Elmo with Drumsticks
The Talking Cheeze is Going to Preach To Us
Beating the Urine out of a Pineapple
Stomping on a Typewriter for Ethan Sakes
Blowing EPROMS for Latoya Sakes
Surrendering to the Rebelis Faucet is 
Remove this Insufferable Collar
Smashing Bulbz for Shame
Chopping Down an Elm Tree
Flushing the Headmaster Down a Toliet
Taking a Plop Behind a Mulberry Bush
Peeing in a Funeral Urn
The Asshaberdasher Can't Do Wash
Flushing Away Hair Dryers for Valerie Sakes
Beating the Feces Out of a Clothes Hamper
Bending the "F" Typebar on a Typwriter
Breaking a Gumball Machine with a Claw Hammer
This Faucet is Ruined
There's Urine in the Barf Bag
Who Took a Plop in the Collecto?
Peeing on a Hot Light Blub
Kicking a Stuffed Giraffe for Eric Sakes
Mouldy Loafers
Fungused Cream of Wheat
Carbonated Underwear
Having a Fractured Butthole
Leaky Boxers
A Busted Squeaker
A Burnt-Out Laugh Box
Why is the Light Bulb Quacking?
Peeing on a Walkman
Flushing Away a Teaspoon
Going Poo in a Dirty Diaper
Putting a Salad Fork in the Microwave
Terrified of a Krabby Patty
Flushing "Shooz" Down the Loo
Fear the Slotted Spoon
Guzzling a Bottle of Kelpo
♪ Bob's Bob-o-Pedics ♪
♪ From your bunghole to your ṕ€nµs ♪
♪ Some butt monkey stepped on a loo roll!!! ♪
{~850ms delay}
♪ Bob's Bob-O-Pedics! ♪
Twirling an M-80 on a Stick
Misusing Tena Adult Diapers
Puking in the Collectramatic
A Golden Bam Slam Gadget
Breaking a Nut Machine for Christ Sakes
Losing Your Marbles Down a Storm Drane
Overdosing on Zyrtec
A Burnt Krabby Patty
Getting Hammered on Shampoo
This Stethoscope is Icy Hot
Pooing on a Fork
Putting Shoes on Anvils
That Duck Shit on a Phone
♪ Driedel Driedel Driedel, ♪
♪ I Made You Out of Clay. ♪
♪ Driedel Driedel Driedel, ♪
♪ You Pissed Your Life Away! ♪
Friendship One is Not Warp-Capable
Dropping a Krabby Patty on the Floor and Serving It Anyway
Burning Tennies
A Wheelchair wiith a Flat
A Hair on the Loo Ring
Broken Toliets Featured on Instagram
Flushing Hairdryers Down the Can
Kicking an 85" TV Off the Wall
Busted Uranals Featured on Reddit
Overloading Blue Laser Diodes for Morty Sakes
Smoking Grass in the Garden Shed
Certifiably Handsome
Kor is a Douchenoozle
Klingons vs. Romulans
Surprising Worf with a Hypospray
This Wine has Gone Sour
This Toliet has Gone to Pot
Where am I Going and Why am I in this Handbasket?
It's Hotter than H-E-Double-Bendy-Straws in Here!
Fuck the Magic Toaster
The Uranator is Flooded Again
Breaking Off Your Uvula
Locked Door? Iberogast
Drinking Whammy Uranation
Rage Against the Copying Machine
♪ Everybody DampRid!♪
When Fell Heezes Over
Oral D: Brush Like a Douche
These Are the Voyages of the Starship Thirdprise
Breaking Christmas Balls for Jack Sakes
Breaking Faucets for Jill Sakes
Blowing Up Termites
A Pissant Crashing a Unicycle
Kicking a Navel Orange
Wasting Paper Towels
Your Urine is Strange
A Spatial Wormholio
Kicking a Cicada for George Sakes
A Busted Uranator on the Floor
Afraid of Salad Tongs
You're Diaper Stink's
Flaming Cereal Bowl
Neon Forest
Chrome Lizard
The Sad Hunting Grounds
Being  Sincere for Sincerity Sakes
The Repercussions of a Borg Cooperative
My Place is in the Toliet
Hammering a Peach
Shooting B'Elanna with a Phaser
What's Your Favourite Bug?
What's Your Favourite Morning beverage?
Download Dan!
Flooding a Whizzer
A Piss Ant Demolishing a Fire Hydrant
Throwing Meds in the Loo
Wrecking a Fire Extinguisher
A Borg Flooding a Waste Extraction Fixture
This Laser is Defective
Garbage Pale Kids Cards in the Garbage Pale
Eating from the Salad Bar of Doom
Shrimp that Cause Diarrhea
Flushing Away a Nutdriver
One More to Go
The Cat Pee Detector is Here!
Toliet Paper with Crooked Perforations
Breaking a Toliet with a Claw Hammer
Killing a Fly with Chapstick
Suckling on a Sewer Pipe
The Fake Plastic Duck is Quacking
The CGI "Captain"  Fell into the Cat water Dish
Ruining a Flat Tire
What's Wrong with this Bungwipe?
Flushing Christmas Bulbs Down the Loo
The Fiber Optic Lamp is Peeing
Gul Dukat is an Enemanoozle
A Pissant Breaking Light Globes
Is it Just Me, or  Does Anybody Else Hear a Telephony Ringing?
Kicking a Larva Lamp for Dwayne Sakes
There's a Hole in the Collectramatic
This Ipad Smells Funny
Halloween is for Fags
Spurred by a Leaky Oil Pan
This Eyeball Flattener is Brie
Running over an ATD (Automated Tyre Destructor)
Odo Made a Belt
Building the TVA Light Bulb Destructor
Breaking Flowerpots with Pee Gravel
This Oatmeal is Scorched
Putting Ducks in a Battery Charger
Pooing in the Dryer
You're Tulip Stink's
Breaking a Sword with a Daisy Stem
Who Pee'd in the Flowerpot?
Drilling Holes in your Monitor
A Molar in the Toliet
Baby Polar Bears in the Dustbin
Throw the Mic!!!
A Lezzy in the Dishwasher
Broken Radiators Featured on Instagram
Throwing a Dead Squirrel in the 10-3
Defective Blenders on Strike
Curlicue Cloaking Device
Barracks in the Brig
Foaming Lamp
Uranal Fizz
That Haxxor Roxxors
Rusted Out Scissors
This Penus is Defective
Siri Teaching People to Lie
Fleas in the Rug
You're Helmut Stink's
This Carrot Smells Funny
Who "Pyst" in your Lucky Charms?
Pouring Sour Milk in the Loo
Ringing a Bell for Christ Sakes
Tripping Over a CATV Cable
Who Pee'd in the Meatloaf?
Stomping on a Dead Worm
Diverticulous of the Radiator
What's Wrong with this Moose?
Automated Loo Roll Dispenser
♪ Grab the Key Let's Go!!! ♪
Get Inside Dreadnought, You Vagina!!!
Breaking a Coax Plug for Ethan Sakes
Curlicue Toliet Tank
Tomato Soup for Retards
Vaccuming Bong Ashes
365nm UVA Cat Piss Detector
Welcome to our Ool
(note that there's no "P" in it)
It's Beer O'Clock
Get Toliet Wick
Captain Howdy's a Fucking Pedo
♪ You're a Douche You're a Douche ♪
Leaving a Flaming Bag of Pooh on the Porch
Let's Go Mug-a-Treating
Falling Down a Well for Belle Sakes
Stomping on Busted Drinking Glasses
Melting a Wax Bole Ring with a Lyter
Those Cardy Fags!!!
Puff the Magic Urinal (pron., "yoo'RYE nal")
Pills in the Loo
Flushing Away Used "Dooshes"
There's a Scambag Loose in the Office
Getting Cotton Candy fom a Pop Machine
Getting Crabs from a Dirty Loo Roll
Kicking a Defective Tampon Machine
Bobby Hill is a Baby Fag
24 is my Age and 22 is my Gauge
Flushing Away Alarm Clocks
Lighting Black Cats with Mohawked Teens (punks)
Flushing Away Baby Geese
Burning Beehives
Hot Ketchup
♪ Poddy Werks Poddy Werks Po-Po-Po-Poddy Werks Poddy Werks!!! ♪
Throwing House Keys in the Uranal
Snapping a Violin Off in the Lock
Throwing a Monkey Wrench into a Deep Fat Fryer
Breaking Fiber Optic Fibers for Kevin  Sakes
Kicking a Bag of Katydids
Punish the Dishwasher
Five Seconds to Atmosphere
Rice and Lice in my Laundry
Who Pee'd in the Washer?
Drugs in the Uranal
Going Pumpkin Killing for Christ Sakes
Grinding Up a Speaker in the Garbage Disposal
Flushing Away the Ty-D-Bol Man's Boat
Filling a Rubber Ducky with Elmer's Glue
Breaking a Spatula for Ruth Sakes
The Baby had a Change of Address
Poopy, Poopy Cleanax
Who Pee'd on the Phone?
Paper Towels down Bathtub Dranes
When the Bullet Hits the Faucet
Who Defecated in the Tonka Truck?
Killing Worms for Dwayne Sakes
Palladium Shotglass
Dental Herpes
The Baby Asked You for a Diaper, Mr. Pee-Pee Poo-Poo Pants!
Who Poo'ed in the Baked Beans?
Dental Caries of the Big Toe
Who Pee'd on the Waterpick?
Dipping a Band-Aid in Gasoline
Throwing a Lighter in Cotton Candy
Urinous Piss Ants
Pissing in the BBQ Oven
Sharing a Room with Carpet Beetles
Dropping a Stool in the Pool!
Stepping on Praying Mantids for Christ Sakes
Who Pee'd on Adonis?
Ralfing in the Dog Water Bowl
Torpedoing the Ty-D-Bol Man's Boat
Godzilla vs. Goshzilla
Don't Kick Over the Collecto, Man!
Vagisil Rabies
Cerebral Caries
Excessive Keyboard Volume
Bless Your Heart Sweats
Esophageal Alkali
There's a Robutt in the Catbox
Macaroni and Cheeze Penuses
Goliath Beetles in the Toliet
Stepping on Cricket Nymphs for Bill Sakes
Poo'ing in a Gym Sock
Who Pee'd in the Bowling Shoes?
Defecating Behind the Pinsetter
Dunking a Pistole in Latex Paint
Drinking Lighter Fluid
Diluting Orange Juice with Deuterium Oxide
Electric Toaster Trickery (Thank you Fairlight!)
Halloween Went Dark
Burning Water
Boiling Light Blubs
Freezing a Larva Lamp
Busting Loos While They're Flushing
Stomping on a Bog Roll
Smashing Mussels for Posterity Sakes
Putting Baking Soda up a Turkey's Bunghole
The Pah Wraiths are Douchenoozles
Feels like Used Doo-Doo
Yucky Pee!!!
Who Puked in the Cat Dish?
I've Got Poo-Poo on my Shoe!!!
Burning an Oompa Looma wih a Cigarette Lighter
Peeing in the Milk
Telepathetic Piddlehead
Let Your Officers Soil Themselves
Putting Cerumen in the Cottage Cheese
Dogprints on the Pillowcase
Cheese Waste
Tears of the Prophets
Dirty Diaper Flattener
Piddling on Projector Bulbs
Snapping a Magic Broom
Snorting Ajax like Coke
Dolphins in Disguise
Pitted-Out Radiator Caps
Breaking Lavatories While they're Draning
There's a Hole in the Bottle Cap!!!
The Spoons are Crying
They Transported into a Vaccum
The Light Bulbs are Melting
Drane the Collecto Into the 10-3
The Kazon are Enemanoozles
That Pitted-Out Shirt has a Mole
A Pissant Flooding a Whizzer
Stepping on an Egg Roll
Taking a Whiz into a Stovepipe
Dropping a Deuce in a Uranal
Clogging the Magic Toaster with Mouse Fur
Curlicue Pellet Stove
Cleaning a TV with a Pushbroom
Throwing Cigarettes & Lighters in the Collectramatic
Captain Crunch Ripped his Eyebrows off in the Catbox
Why is there a Light Switch in the Toliet?
Rusty Sewer Grate
Peeling Out on the Hershey Highway
CTRL-ALT-DEL is your Friend
Breaking Toliets While They're Flushing
A Mouse with a Hairy Ball
Peeing on Chucks Pads
Sweating on a Clock
Don't Kick Over the  Magic Penus!!!
Loading M-1000s in a Turkey's Wingpits
Stepping on a Radiator Hose for Jim Sakes
Shitting Out Dipthongs
Pitting Out a Jacket
A Piss Ant Stuffing Up a Toliet
Dry Ice on the Mountain
A Cockroach Breaking a Rug Doctor
Lice Clogging a Uranator
Spot-Winged Dragonflies are Brie
Call Mr. Plummer when your Toliet's Backed Up
Electrical Pipe Leaking
This Helicopter is Crippled
Give That Pilot an Enema!
A Douche, A Douche, A Female Douche
You're Vaccum Cleaner Stink's
Dreaming of Clean Depends
Tripping Over a Toliet Pipe for Ellen Sakes
Curlicue Larva Lamp
The Rat has No Gnards
A Fuxxored Tire
Who Pee'd in the Mukluks?
Like a School Bus with a Flat Tyre
Getting On the Fry Brain Train
Late-Night Hoverball
Breaking Earphones for Satin Sakes
A Piss Ant Smashing a Light Bulb
Flushing Away Used  Toothbrushes
Stepping on Broken Leggos
Peeing on Insolators
A Train with a Melted Wheel
Swatting at Cicadas with a Whiffle Bat
Defucating on the Third Rail
♪ They Call Me Dilute Urine ♪  
(Quite Rightly!)
Who Popped the Enablex Balloon?
♪ Stop the Catbox! ♪
A Katydid Pee'ing in a Fishtank
Is This Reunion a Fiasco?
Beating Around the Bushes
Flushing a Basketball
Thumbtacks in Front of the Loo
"Streem" "Chears" "ahnd" "Fraizier"
Who "Pist" in the Keyhole?
Poo'ing on the Dock for Evan Sakes
Carbon-Based Glue
Breaking a Vase with a Ball-Peen Hammer
Stomping on a Spider fo Gary Sakes
Running Over a Phillips Screw
Shattering a Toliet Because You're Fat
♪ Grab the Key Cummon Let's Go!!! ♪
Tripping Over a Hot Water Bottle
Kicking a Fireplug
You Are Photonic
Tripod with Five Legs
Alyme!!! Alyme!!!
Pray for the Clouds
Caught in a Mosharmpit
Disenchanted Firebugs
Barney Plays for the Other Team
Who "Pist" in the Carafe?
It's a Honey of an O FUUUUCCCCKKKKK!!!
Throwing Golf Balls at a TV
Throwing Up on the Pier
Targ Manure!!!
A Broken Clock on the Floor
Flush Your Way to a Shitty Day
It's a Wonderful Day for Dumpster Diving at Music-Vend
Who Twisted the Key Off in the Lock?
Who Pee'd in My Beer?
Poo'ing Down Barney's Choaking Throat
There's a Swatch in the Toliet
Shooting the Moon with a Violet Diode Laser
Stepping on a Drone for Keith Sakes
The Spider is Squeaky
Mosquitos in the Refrigerator
Battery Chargers in the Oven
Bloody Q-Tips in the John
Pissing on the Eyes in the Dark
One Moon Circles
Laser Pen with Batteries that are Deader than Doorknobs
The Cat Pee'd in the TV
Kicking a Skunk for Jason Sakes
Blowing Up a Door
Shooting a Uranal with a .38
Stepping on a TV Remote
Sitting on Map Pins
Tripping Over a Rat Trap
Sticking an Aerosol Bomb with an Icepick
Dropping a Deuce in the Sink
Assimilation of Nanites
Hanging Up like a Buttmonkey
Cockroach Feces in the Leggos
Sitting on a Raccoon Carcass for Gerry Sakes
Barking at Neptune
Pouring Boiling Water in a Toliet
Dumping Lighters in the Skip
Puking in a Uranator
Ralfing n the Pool
Watching Videos on MeTube
This Cat Piss Detector is Brie
Flying to Uranus for Cody  Sakes
Poo'ing in Dead Socks
Roaches in the Collecto
Maggots in the Marinator
Dead Scissors
Rusty Plastic Pale
Flushing a Bowling Ball
Slashing Trailer Tyres
The Lunesta Butterfly has a Painful Sting
Using a Phone to Crash a Drone
Broken Light Bulbs in the Dustbin
Clocks Floating in the 10-3
Just Say Urinepenus
Set a Course for Planet H-E-Double-Bendy-Straws
Puttting Sodium in a Rainbarrel
Flushing Christmas Bulbs to Hear them Blow Up in the Pipes
Using a "Ho" in the Garden
Can't Fool the Hose Police
Stuffing Toothpicks in the Uranator
♪ Freshness with a Fuck Plug it Up Plug it Up ♪
Choaking on Puppy Bladders
Satanic Golf Balls
Testicles in the Washingmachine
Urochrome in Mineral Oil
Throwing Lithium in Cool-Aide
Some Bloodless Patahk
Freddy Kruger is a Piss Ant
Bent Spoons in the Uranal
Spilling Urochrome in the Rug
Hairy Sweaty Peebag
♪ Freshness with a Fuck -- O WAIT! I SAID THAT ALREADY!!!
Lapping Up Wet Armpits
Dead Burritos in the Loo
Busted Toliets Featured on TikTok
Gnards in the Dishwasher
Yay! The Supertolietbowl is On!!!
Sacrificing your Milk to an Evil Cow
The Malon are Douchenoozles
Dirty Rotten Fuckbags
Pissy, PISSY Paper Towels
The Party Switch is in the OFF Position
Bad Skunk! Shame on You!!!
Defecated Cleanax
Caesium in the Brita Pitcher
Wet Humanitarian
Scalding Dog Smoke
Sacrificing Your Ghetto Blaster to Satin
Foul Pinball Machine Odour
Neutering a Light Bulb While It's Burning
Breaking a Dental Damn
Have Your Cat Sprayed or Nootered
Cleanax in the Marinal Chamber
The Hirogen are Enemanoozles
Flushing Away your Car Keys
Get Off Your Donkey and Get "Diabeetus"
You're a Stinky Stinky Sea Star!
Breaking a Jar of Pickles
Stomping on Plastic Uranator Bottles
Poo'ing in a Beer Bong
Controlled with Medication
Who Pee'd in the Sand Urn?
What's that Thing Whirling Down the Loo?
Bracelets in the Pisser
Photonic Lice in the Table Lamp
Dilithium Physics is Wierd
Eggplant in Your Nostrils
Pecker Pecker Pumpkin Wrecker
SpongeBob SquarePants with a Santa Clause Hat
You Will Continue as a Man
Let's Go to Poddywerx
Busted Electric Knives Featured on YourTube
This Chamber Pot is Full of Piss
Spraying a Light Bulb While It's Burning
Going Pumpkin Killing for Satin Sakes
Slapping a Dog on the Nozzle
We are the Pissy Pants
You will be Uranated
Squeezing the Urine out of a Mustard Bottle
Crashing the Gay Little Plastic Drone into a TV
There's Pee in the Pitcher Plant
Annorax is a Deuchenoozle
Bent Spoons in the Silverwear Drawer
Crying over Busted Onions
Jason Voorheez is an Asshaberdasher
Food in the Uranal
The Brig is Overflowing
Hamsters on a Ferris Wheel
Feddy Kreuger is a Class-A1 Prick
Flat Tires are Illogical
Snakes in the Toliet
Husoos Cristo En Una Montaña Rusa
Zucchini Noodles?
Ring Around the Loo
Little Meow-Meow
Welcome to Yada Yada Island
Broken Light Blubs in the Dresser
Power Ranger = Electric Stove
Unscented Scent
Poddy in the Drawer
Squeezing the Uranation out of a Paper Cat
Burning Sticks in the Dustbin
Asshaberdasher Solo
Stomping on Dentifrice
Petrol in the Lazy Boy
♪ The Occipital Node is Connected to the Reticular Node ♪
Busted Table Lamps in the Douchewasher
Heeeeellllp! I've Fallen and I can't Flush!
Pouring Gasoline on a Stove
Throwing a Krabby Patty on the Ceiling
You're Pussy (Not Cat) Stink's
The Borg are Douchehammers
Pissing in the Collecto
Dying for Snickers
Dead Rats in the Steam Table
Shytting in the Krabby Patty Meat
Sweating on an Air Conditioner
Dragging a Sucker on the Ground
The Ashole Clown from Voyager
There's No Place like Work
Piss Ants on Strike
Chucks Pads in the Washer
Having Multi-Infarct Dementia
Rakuten Sounds like a Tennis Term
The Neural Interface is Fuxxored
Sesame Street of Dreams
Playing the Insect Game
There's No "I" in Cleanax
Hemp for Dummies
Dum de Dum...Vaccuming the Toliet
The Wholly Pilgrim
Throwing Pencils in the Collecto
SpongeBob Shytting Out Krabby Patties
Smashed Bulbs in the Bathtub
Pissing in a Bong
Stupid Dumb Bungholes
Who Pee'd in the 10-3?
A Spoiled Bottle of Kelpo
Snipping Off the Alpo Dog's Wiener
The Penile Instrument is Out of Squid Fluid
Grandmama's Kisses
Hershey Squirts in Pennsylvania
Morris Burning his Whiskers in the Toaster
I Fail to Understand the Toliet
3000km from the Eddy
A Hair on the Lavatory
Plankton Walking on Krabby Patties
Serving Barbecued Telephones
Tipping is Not a City in China
You Must Eat from the Heart of a Sanctified Targ
Having Diarrhea of the Toaster
They're Klingons, not Kittens!!!
Dead Light Blubs Floating in the Toliet
A Bun in the Microwave
Five Funerals and a Divorce
Beer on Ice
Pencils in the John
Flush the Collectamatic
Vaccum Out the Deep Fat Fryers
Throwing Straws in the Loo
♪ I Had a Dream There was Piss in my Coffee ♪
Question the Lavatory
Bugs in the Ravioli
Outer Space Abhors a Vaccum Cleaner
Dead Spatulas Under the Porch
Dying Burritos
Screwdrivers in the Cistern
The Waffles are Leaking Radiator Fluid
The DJI Neo fell in the Bathtub
♪ Freak Out! Le Freak, Say Shiek ♪
Silicon Carbide Kittens
Graphene Puppies
That Waffle Toaster is a PWPOSMF!!!
Rotten Peas
Cubic Zirconia & Iron Oxide
Uranated Milk
Green Pees and Corn(holio) {note sp.}
♪ Respect the Iron! ♪
♪ Phear the Wood! ♪
Dirty Diaper Rapers
The Toliet's Clogged
Gnard Vaccum
Dropping a Hammer on Your Foot
Bees in the Toliet Tank
Bona Fide Bottle Rockets
Cleanax in the Uranal
Is it Jean Nate or Jean Nate?
New Quilted Southern
Stink's like Rotten Honey
N.F.L. Nice Fuckin Life
Breaking Rollios Before they Suck
The Vidiians are Enemanoozles
Vamanos Dora!!!
Stink's like Teen Armpit's
You're a Computer Simulation?
Champagne in the  Furnace
Catterpods on Strike
Smashing Toliets While they're Overflowing
Greeen Jell-O Sucks
Snail Fluid Under a Jar
Throwing Light Bulbs at your Nose
Penile Liquid in a Folder
Burned Out DC Motors in the Loo
Ruined Bulbs in the Dustbin
Something's Stuffing Up the Pisscan
Smashing Your Toes with a Chair
Used Rubber Enema Syringes in the Lavatory
10 Tribes of the Toliet
Breaking Burned-Out Light Blubs
Hosing Down a Romulan with a Laser
Alcohol in a Thimble
Coffee in the Whizzer
Violins in Bagdhad
Our Boy Friday
Pickles Suck Big Walrus Cock
O Nooo!!! It's that Pathetic Clown from Voyager!!!
Who Pee'd in the Top Ramen?
Flushing a Watch Down the Toliet
Shooting a Horsefy in the Nads
Sawing Off his Sack
Snipping Off a Cicada's Wings
I'm Due Home for Dessert
Breaking a Uranal While it's Flooding
Take Omvoh to Make You Shit
Enjoy the Casserole!
Women Warriors at the River of Semen
Destroying a Lazy Boy
Cleanax Urin8r
Breaking Lamps with a Balloon
Radiator Fluid Under a Radiator
Barbie Pins in the Dustbin
Laundry Basket Full of Paper Bags
Lice in My Eggs
Swearing at a Toliet
Peeing on Fluorescent Tubes
Going Back in Time for Condoms
Cleanax in the Ashtray
Mixing Omvoh and Imodium A-D
Whirlpool of the Drane
Let it Go Wesley!
The Magic Toaster is Rather Queer,
You can Smell it with your Ear
Cursing at a Busted Uranal
Drugs in the Ashtray
Slashing Rubber Duckies with a Razor
Welcoming You with Closed Arms
Walking on Rusty Gillettes
Flushing the Open Fryer
Sitting on a Corroded Whoopie Cussion
Psychic Waste Disposal
Who "Pist" in the Radiator?
Slashing Car Seats
Trimming a Horsefly's Wings
Lava Lamps with Real Lava
He Requires Psychotectic Therapy
An Anhedonic Reaction
Piss Ants on the Stove
Flushing a Rusty Loo
The Jell-O is Boiling Over
Quickly Spermbag, No Time for Doddling!!!
Destroying a PS4 with a Chainsaw 
In Love with Laundry Soap
Becoming a Digimon Master
Stomping on a Rusty Chair
A Santa Clause Hat in the Dustbin
A Busted Juice Box
Woo is 462 Years Old
As Valuable as a Leaky Enemabag
Under Captain's Orders to Eat Bugs
Drinking Liquid Laundry Soap for Fun & Profit
Stuffing Your Ass Full of Bounce Dryer Sheets
Beer in your Pissbladder
Destroy the Cenotaph, Quickly!
Who Pee'd on the Fire Hydrant?
A Wet Santa Clause Hat in the Toliet
♪ Put a Sheet On It with Boing ♪ (Boom Tschak!)
Filling a Larva Lamp with Larvae
Snipping Off a Horsefly's Halteres
Speaking Gibberish on a TV Commercial
Corroded Slippers
Rusty Ferris Wheel
Smashed Test Tubes
We are Far from the Boners of our Ancestors
Getting a Taint Infuction with Jardiance
Finish with Jet-Wet
Don't Pee on the Rug
Distant Uranation Theory
Busted Marbles
Practising Klingon Martial Arts
Total Eclipse of the Dishwasher
Deactivate My Implants
Leaky Douchewasher
Saggy Boob Implants
Shooting  a Toliet
Spicy Poddy Vegetables
♪ I've Got Poo-Poo on my Shoe ♪
Clogging a Rusty Toliet
You're Laser Pointer Stink's
Used Cigarettes Crushed Out in the Rug
Throw Rocks at the Pah Wraith
You're Ghetto Blaster Smell's
The Poddy is Flooded
Throwing Screws in a Carburetor
Ron Timba Ember Flish Tyre
Where is Your Paper, Emmisary?
♪ Giddyup Jingle Horse Kick Up  your Feet ♪
Douchelike Dutch Oven
Fighting Over a Piece of Kake
Vaccum Gnards
Floating in a Vaccum
Engage the Enemy Here, in the Toliet
Taking the Medication Wheel for a Spin
Rolly-Poly Roll-Aids
Broken Depends
Leaky Waterproof Flashlight
Temba Loo in the Toliet
Diapers in the Larva Lamp
Vaccum Up the Poo Poo Noo Noo
♪ Calling On a Jet Plane! ♪ (spoof of the Lenmar Homes commercial jingle)
You are NOT Feklar!!!
The Chalice of Mome {pronounced, "mommy">}
Quickly Lonzak, No Time for Doddling!!!
A Broken Cistern
Crashing the Gay Little Drone into a Pole Pig
Taking Chemicals on the Promenade
♪ Giving the Dog a Boner!!! ♪
Flushing a Bouquet of Foxglove
Vaccuming Up Flashlight Batteries
The USB Charger is Fuxxored
Flying a DJI Neo over Water
Drinking Hot Cat Piss
The Stink Buggy
♪ STOP! WAIT!!! I Smell a Mouse!!! ♪
The Piss Buggy
Urine Real Big Trouble!!!
Rat Boner
Rig Bubbers
Vaccuming Sperm from Red Satan Sheets
Kidnapping a Ping Pong Ball
Tennis Balls in the Uranal
Speaking Gibberish on the Telly
Sniffing a Teletubby
A Burning Litterbox
Marbles Behind the Toliet
Plastic Calico Sperm
Brush Under the Uranal
Typing on a Defective Keyboard
Luminous Spandex Gym Shorts
Blasting a Dookie in the Pisser
Cranberries Splashing in Unison
Paying to Shut Up a Jangling Phone
Rock 'n Roll Ain't Ear Pollution
Meanator Youanator Everywhere a Uranator
Flushing a Toothbrush
Christmas Lights in the Whizzer
Peeing on a Pole Pig
Kicking a Phone Into a Pool
Lighting an M-80 with a "Siggeret"
Melting Duranium with a Phaser
Mechanical Women who Live in Boxes
Monsters in the Replicator
Yorfin No Perspiration Joggers
Whirling Down the Shitbowl
Give Me some Cytoglobin, you Ashole!!!
Praying to Demon Tog
Chronowerx is a Phoney-Bologna Shell Corporation
How Kool! Binary Pulsars!!!
Neutralising Genitic Tags
Fiber Optic Lamp Floating in the "Toyolet"
Some Ashole Cummed on Black Satan Sheets
53% of 0 is Still 0!
There's a Robe Tangled Up in the Washer
You're Air Conditioner Stink's
♪ N.C.I.S. That' What You Get when you put a Penus Up  Your Ass ♪
Denaturating Dirty Dishes
Ugly, Ugly Giant Bags of Mostly Semen
Qucikly you Ashole, No Time for Doddling!
Squirting Dawn in the Douchewasher
Say Goodbye to my Little Friend!
Washing a Douchebag in a Uranal
Wine like a Ferengi
Ruth's Crisp Steakhome
Propose Something, Hedgehog!!!
Using Piss as Mouthwash
On a Scale of 1 to 10, Uranate
Creamation of Live Savers Candy
A Cot of Poffee
There's a Bucking Fucket
Give that Ship a Wide Birth
A Hirogen Eñemabag
The Killing Socker Pitch
You're House Stink's
A Rat Running through a Mouse Hole
Barbecuing Cellphones
Receiving a Deep Cleanax Massage
Seska is a Frickin Douche!
Automated Personnel Unit 3947 is a Douchenoozle
Flushing a Doormouse Down a Toliet
Clogging a Shitbowl with Cleanax
Shitting in a Birdcage
Stomping on a Perfect Polly™
Those are my Rats,  Give Me Back their Asses!!!
Urine Satin
Peek-a-Boo Pikachu
Thundercrap of Enemabags
Sniffing a Rat's Patootie
What in the Name of Davy Jones' Locker is a Spiiii-derrr?!?
The Rubber Boot is Full of Piss!!!
Say Goodbye to my Little Enemy!
Spilling BBQ Sauce on the Counterfucker
Breaking Telephones with a Cricket Bat
Drowning Tonka Trucks in the Uranal
Booking a Tea Time
Going Poddy in a Fake Golf Club
Round-Up the Round-Up
Defecating on a String of Christmas Lights
Being Piddled-Off and Smashing a Vaccum
Pooing in a Carafe
Stepping in Wolf Diarrhea
Corporal Antilepton Pee'd in a Shoe
A Shoe Pee'd on Corporal Antimuon
It's Early and Someone Busted the Enemabag
Stomping in a Mud Puddle
Disembowelling Holographic Monsters
Throwing Tampons for Satin Sakes
Flushing Away a Bowling Ball
Stuffing Up a Toliet with a Garter Snake
Who Pee'd in the Vaccum Cleaner?
Wolfing Down Mouldy Bread
Kicking a Teapot with Golf Shoes
Exposing a Titleist to Vaccum
Making Bread with Oven Mitts On
Putting Golf Balls in the Oven
Pouring Molten Golf Balls Out of the Oven
Easy-Bake Coven
Breaking a Lava Lamp over a Volcano
Flushing Away Holey Socks
Shaking a Coffee Can Full of Rocks
Professor Plankton's Mind-Control Conditioner
Throwing Light Bulbs to a Begger
Round & Round Trip in a Blender
Be my Sweat Honeybee
Driving a Krabby Patty with Maximum Overdrive
You're Doormouse Stink's
Pouring Kelpsi in the Shitbowl
Ballroom Bliss
Break his Eyeglasses!!!
Captain's Log...Flush it Away
Resume Your Disorder
Call Veriphone Today!!!
Get the Cham Credit-Destroyer Card
Take Epglyss for Bladder Revulsion
Who Has Smelly Boobs?
The Poddy Putter
Puppy Phlegm
♪ Kim Cardassian is such a Ho! ♪
♪ Where'd You Get that Bloody Nose? ♪
Who "Pyst" on the Telephone?
Shitting in the Krabby Patty Meat
Pouring Epsom Salt in the Kelpsi
Dumping Coffee-Mate Over a Clff
Spraying a Stinky Cooter with Lysol
Dissecting a Jumbo Krabby Patty
Eating Lice for Fuck Sakes
Throwing Away Crackers
Putting Light Blubs in the Blender
Breaking a Shotglass for Satin Sakes
Slimey Stinky Fuckbags
Stressful Reentry into our Galaxy
Why the Hell Are We at Battle Stations?
Kicking a Uranal for Fuck Sakes
We're Passing Warp 10!!!!
Break the Fucking Toliet, Deuchebag!
Only a Tiny Piece for the Birthday Girl
Flushing Away Cockroaches for Christ Sakes
Kicking a Dead Fish
My Leg!!!
There's Nothing like the Vaccum of
Space for Preserving a Handsome Corpse
That Klingon Stink's
Don't Piddle-Off the Stereo!!!
Flushing Away Used Tampaxes
Just Say Poddy Dick!
Squishy Hot Wet Adult Nappies
The Pilot's Dog
Better Shit; Better Mitt
This Pisso Club has a Leak
Clogging a Toliet with Light Bulbs
Captain Uvula is a Piss Ant  

Altered lyrics to popular songs: HOLLY JOLLY CHRISTMAS by Burl Ives ♪ Have a holly jolly ënema, ♪ ♪ It's the best thing up your butt. ♪ ♪ I don't know if there'll be snow ♪ ♪ But hey look there's a slût. ♪ ♪ Have a holly jolly ënema, ♪ ♪ And as you roll down the street. ♪ ♪ Say fuck you to fags you know ♪ ♪ And assholes that you meet. ♪ ♪ Ho ho the wet loo roll, ♪ ♪ Hung where you can't see. ♪ ♪ Somebody waits for you ♪ ♪ Shank him once for me. ♪ ♪ Have a holly jolly ënema, ♪ ♪ And in case you didn't hear. ♪ ♪ O by golly have a holly jolly ënema, ♪ ♪ This year!!! ♪
RUDOLPH THE RED-NOSED REINDEER by Burl Ives ♪ You know Dasher and Dancer ♪ ♪ And Prancer and Vixen ♪ ♪ Comet and Cupid ♪ ♪ And Donner and Blitzen ♪ ♪ But do you recall ♪ ♪ The most infamous reindeer of all? ♪ ♪ Rudolph the Stinky Reindeer ♪ ♪ (reindeer) ♪ ♪ Had a very smelly hose ♪ ♪ (like a garbage can) ♪ ♪ And if you ever smelt it ♪ ♪ (smelt it) ♪ ♪ You would even burn your clothes ♪ (with a blowtorch) ♪ All of the other reindeer ♪ ♪ (reindeer) ♪ ♪ Used to shit themselves with fear ♪ (clean that up!) ♪ They nevers let stinky Rudolph (Rudolph) ♪ Join in any Christmas cheer ♪ (let's like party dude!) ♪ Then one froggy Christmas Eve ♪ ♪ Satan came to say ♪ (roooooaaaarrrr!!!) ♪ "Rudolph with your stench so foul ♪ ♪ Guide these souls to me like an owl." ♪ ♪ Then how the reindeer hated him ♪ ♪ (hated him) ♪ ♪ As they shat themselves with fear (again!) ♪ (PISS YOU!!!) ♪ "Rudolph the Stinky Reindeer ♪ ♪ (reindeer) ♪ ♪ Have a real fucked-up new year!" ♪ (like who threw the keg in the fire, man?)
SLEIGH RIDE by The Ronettes ♪ Just hear those sleigh bells jingling, di-di-digeridoo!!! ♪ ♪ Come on, it's fucked-up weather for a sleigh ride together with you (ring-a-ling-a ding-dong-ding!) ♪ ♪ Outside the snow is falling and di-di-digeridoo!!! ♪ ♪ Come on, it's shitty weather to shre some douches with you (ring-a-ling-a ding-dong-ding!) ♪
LET'S ALL GO TO THE LOBBY (jingle that played in movie theatres in the 1970s) ♪ Let's all go to the bathrooms ♪ ♪ Let's all go to the bathrooms ♪ ♪ Let's all go to the bathrooms ♪ ♪ And flush Scottowels down the johns!!! ♪
Butt Whyy Per! {three frogs around a loo roll say each word sequentially}


Fake "Garbage Pale Kids" cards:

Poddy Scotty Toliet Todd Frank Incense Piddling in Tonka Poppa Boyl Waytoochatty Cathy Typhoid Marianne
Some band names were inspired by some of Worm Quartet's choons, and lyrics from same. And yes, I know the difference between "urinate" / "urination" and "uranate" / "uranation". "Urinate" / "urination" is the act of pissing and the actual micturition (pee). "Uranate" / "uranation" is a compound containing the metal uranium and uranium salts/oxide combining with something else (usually molten glass). "Micturition" is simply the act of going poddy or the actual piss itself. "Enuresis" is involuntary noctural urination - usually pissing the bed. And yes, I know that the Lunesta "butterfly" is actually a luna moth. The word "embouchure" refers to the movements of the lips and muscles of the mouth when playing a wind instrument such as a tromboner or a tuba. Photograph of uranated glass marbles fluorescing under UVA radiation. I also do ***NOT*** condone violence against animals, and would never even consider doing things to them shown on this list! My "Fave Five" (to borrow a phrase from a cellular telephone commercial), in no particular order, would probably be: Gooseneck Shiites Police Candiosity Cancer of the Shower Nozzle Electronic Fishbulb It's Late and Someone Busted the Coffeepot! {I used this in a number of demos I wrote for the C=64 computer in the early-1990s} {From my Commodore 64 demo "Mag Factor Three", written by me & released on 11-15-92} Band names that start with a "?" and have the word "ERROR" in them were derived from error messages seen on the Commodore 64 computer from the early-1980s.
Though not a band name, I "hear" this song every day when I shovel out the kitty litter boxes (it is done 4x a day): "Cleaning out {cymbals crashing} The plastic cat toliets Cleaning out {cymbals crashing} The krabby patties Cleaning out {cymbals crashing} The plastic cat toliets Cleaning out {cymbals crashing} The sewer pickles" (Refrain (repeat) at least two times)
I also "hear" the Spongebob Squarepants song with a "slight" alteration of the lyrics: HOW THE SONG IS SUPPOSED TO GO: Captain: Are you ready kids? Kids: Aye-aye Captain. Captain: I can't hear you... Kids: Aye-Aye Captain!! Captain: Oh! Who lives in a pineapple under the sea? Kids: SpongeBob SquarePants! Captain: Absorbent and yellow and porous is he! Kids: SpongeBob SquarePants! Captain: If nautical nonsense be something you wish... Kids: SpongeBob SquarePants! Captain: Then drop on the deck and flop like a fish! Kids: SpongeBob SquarePants! Captain: Ready? Everybody: SpongeBob SquarePants! SpongeBob SquarePants! SpongeBob SquarePants! Captain: SpongeBob.... SquarePants! Haha. HOW I "HEAR" THE SONG: Pirate: Are you ready baby fags? Baby fags: Aye-aye pirate. Pirate: I can't hear you... Baby fags: Aye-Aye pirate!! Pirate: ♪ Oooooooo! Who lives in a Uranal under the sea? ♪ Baby fags: ♪ SpongeBob PissPants! ♪ Pirate: ♪Who's highly toxic and soaked with cat pee? ♪ Baby fags: ♪ SpongeBob PissPants! ♪ Pirate: ♪ His bladder infection cannot be dismissed... ♪ Baby fags: ♪ SpongeBob PissPants! ♪ Pirate: ♪ So throw in the toilet and plunge as you wish! ♪ Baby fags: ♪ SpongeBob PissPants! ♪ Pirate: Ready? Everybody: ♪ SpongeBob PissPants! SpongeBob PissPants! SpongeBob PissPants! ♪ Pirate: ♪ SpongeBob...PissPants! ♪ {SpongeBob plays ~9 notes on the "yerinater" flute} SpongeBob's "flute" .WAV sound, ~20K (20,432 bytes).
Other "Band Names" pages: Band Name Fodder

Copywrong © 2007 to 2024 Craig S. Johnson
Please have the courtesy to ask before using or retransmitting.
Page created on 10-22-07.

The words "toliet", "toliets" and "penus" (and other obvious misspellings) are intentionally misspelled on this page; English teachers & other educators please stop calling.
Homophones (eg. "pail" & "pale", "rain" & "reign", "pair", "pear", "pare", "flower" and "flour", "baloney" & "bologna", "roll" & "role", "pane", "pain", & "Payne") and allophones (eg. "refuse" & "refuse"; "bass" & "bass";"lead" and "lead") are also deliberately misused on this web page.

If you use a band name from this listing, all I ask is that you credit me for it somewhere in the liner notes of your album -- it's fine if it's in some tiny-ass font even if it requires reading glasses (or a magnifying glass for Beavis sakes) to see.

The band name "Fresh Bad Avacado" is from PaWolf on the Commercials I Hate fora.
The band name "Such Douche-Tastic Friends" is from tarheelmed02 on the Commercials I Hate fora.
The misspelling of the word "Douchenozzles" is from Jimmy on the Commercials I Hate fora. The band names "CRUSTY OLD FARTS" and "MY CAT EATS HIS OWN POOP!" are from MustangMarj on the Commercials I Hate fora.

And the band name, "Lone Tiny Potato" is from Lana Jig-maker on the Bored Panda website.