The LED (and Laser) Museum - LEDs - LED Flashlights - Gallium Indium Nitride UV, violet, purple, blue, aqua, turquoise, green, white. Also Gallium Arsenide and others. New LED MUSEUM! GaN, InGaN, SiC, GaAs, GaP, GaAlP, ZnSe, flashlight, flashlights.
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Happy 20th Birthday The LED (and Laser) Museum! (Yes, this website has been online continuously for more than 20 years!!! )


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Non-rated informal analysis only
*Corona BlasterLost because our storage units were auctioned off Spectrographic analysis performed
* Yuggoth Blaster Lost because our storage units were auctioned off Updated
AB Moonbeams NightlightLost because our storage units were auctioned off
AB UV Glo Lite ModLost because our storage units were auctioned offSpectrographic analysis performed
Custom 1W Red/Yellow LED FlashlightLost because our storage units were auctioned offSpectrographic analysis performed
Lambda's Ill Pill modLost because our storage units were auctioned off
Lambda's HydraLost because our storage units were auctioned off
Elektrolumens ElektroBlasterLost because our storage units were auctioned offProMetric beam cross-sectional analyser usedSpectrographic analysis performed
Elektrolumens 5W cyan LS modLost because our storage units were auctioned off
Fire~Fly FlashlightLost because our storage units were auctioned offSpectrographic analysis performedProMetric beam cross-sectional analyser used
Gentle LED Birth LightLost because our storage units were auctioned offSpectrographic analysis performed
Illuminator HD FlashlightLost because our storage units were auctioned offSpectrographic analysis performed
Juggernaut LED FlashlightLost because our storage units were auctioned offProMetric beam cross-sectional analyser usedSpectrographic analysis performed
Aragorn's Violet P3 ModLost because our storage units were auctioned off
Ted Bear's 'ArcFinity' KitLost because our storage units were auctioned offSpectrographic analysis performedProMetric beam cross-sectional analyser used
Alaska Illum. Legend ModLost because our storage units were auctioned offProMetric beam cross-sectional analyser usedSpectrographic analysis performed
Double Barrel 18Lost because our storage units were auctioned off
Mini Illuminator FlashlightLost because our storage units were auctioned off
Lambda Illuminator (LS)Lost because our storage units were auctioned offSpectrographic analysis performedProMetric beam cross-sectional analyser used
Long Gun IlluminatorLost because our storage units were auctioned off (LS Mod)Spectrographic analysis performed
McGizmo's PR-917 BezelLost because our storage units were auctioned offSpectrographic analysis performedProMetric beam cross-sectional analyser used
McLux LED Flashlights (EN-coated and Black Widow)Lost because our storage units were auctioned offSpectrographic analysis performedProMetric beam cross-sectional analyser used*
McModule PM6 ModLost because our storage units were auctioned off
Micro Illuminator FlashlightLost because our storage units were auctioned off Spectrographic analysis performed Spectrometer data file Updated
Milky CandleLost because our storage units were auctioned offSpectrographic analysis performed
Modified Brinkmann Rebel FlashlightsLost because our storage units were auctioned offSpectrographic analysis performedProMetric beam cross-sectional analyser used
Nerdnik's MOD-5 RetrofitLost because our storage units were auctioned off
NLSLost because our storage units were auctioned offProMetric beam cross-sectional analyser usedSpectrographic analysis performed Spectrometer data file

Double Barrel LS ModLost because our storage units were auctioned off
Pelican M6 6W NUV ModificationLost because our storage units were auctioned offSpectrographic analysis performed
3W Prolight RGB LED Flashlight Modification Lost because our storage units were auctioned off Spectrographic analysis performed
RGB LED Zip-LightLost because our storage units were auctioned off Video on YourTube Spectrographic analysis performed Updated
Spider LED Bike Light Mod Lost because our storage units were auctioned off Spectrographic analysis performed *
SBP (Super Baby Pin)Lost because our storage units were auctioned offProMetric beam cross-sectional analyser usedSpectrographic analysis performed
SureFire E2 LED ModLost because our storage units were auctioned off
Corona DestroyerLost because our storage units were auctioned off Video hosted on YourTubeSpectrographic analysis performed Spectrometer data fileProMetric beam cross-sectional analyser used Updated
Space Needle IILost because our storage units were auctioned offSpectrographic analysis performed
Terra DestroyerLost because our storage units were auctioned offProMetric beam cross-sectional analyser used
Turbo-Mate FlashlightLost because our storage units were auctioned offProMetric beam cross-sectional analyser usedSpectrographic analysis performed
Quaggy LightLost because our storage units were auctioned offSpectrographic analysis performed
Votive LEDLost because our storage units were auctioned off
WahWang LED Kit for Mini-MagLost because our storage units were auctioned offSpectrographic analysis performedProMetric beam cross-sectional analyser used


Copyright © 1989-2015

Craig S. Johnson

Contents may be used for educational purposes only without permission; all others please have the courtesy to ask.

I have invested over
45,056 hours of my own time into developing & maintaining this website, so please don't plagiarize it.