The LED (and Laser) Museum - LEDs - LED Flashlights - Gallium Indium Nitride UV, violet, purple, blue, aqua, turquoise, green, white. Also Gallium Arsenide and others. New LED MUSEUM! GaN, InGaN, SiC, GaAs, GaP, GaAlP, ZnSe, flashlight, flashlights.
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Happy 20th Birthday The LED (and Laser) Museum! (Yes, this website has been online continuously for more than 20 years!!! )

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Lost because our storage units were auctioned offR/C AIRPLANES

06-08-14 AMG Twin Propeller RTF R/C Stunt AirplaneLost because our storage units were auctioned off Video on YourTube Spectrographic analysis performed Spectrometer data file
05-10-14 Airbus 3845 2-Channel R/C AirplaneLost because our storage units were auctioned off Video on YourTube
10-18-13 Air Earl R/C AirplaneLost because our storage units were auctioned off Video on YourTube Video on YourTube Video on YourTube Video on YourTube
09-10-12 Air Hogs X-Twin R/C Airplane Lost because our storage units were auctioned off
11-20-16 Avion FlyCloud R/C AirplaneLost because our storage units were auctioned off Video on YourTube Spectrometer data file Updated
03-03-18 Flybear FX-802 RTF R/C AeroplaneLost because our storage units were auctioned off
03-11-16 Flight videos of the Flybear FX-802 RTF R/C AeroplaneLost because our storage units were auctioned off Video hosted on YourTube Video hosted on YourTube Video hosted on YourTube
08-22-12 Guillows Tuffoam? A-10 Thunderbolt II R/C AirplaneLost because our storage units were auctioned off Spectrographic analysis performed
01-30-20 Guillows Tuffoam? A-10 Thunderbolt II R/C Airplane VIDEOSLost because our storage units were auctioned off Video on YourTube Video on YourTube Video on YourTube Video on YourTube Video on YourTube Video on YourTube Video on YourTube Video on YourTube Video on YourTube Video on YourTube Updated
12-05-19 Guillows Tuffoam? P180 Avanti "Park Flyer" Airplane Lost because our storage units were auctioned off New photograph(s) Video on YourTube Spectrographic analysis performed Updated
11-24-12 Guillows Tuffoam? P180 Avanti "Park Flyer" Airplane VIDEOSLost because our storage units were auctioned off Ten videos on YourTube Video on YourTube Video on YourTube
06-16-15 HobbyZone® Champ RTF R/C AirplaneLost because our storage units were auctioned off Video on YourTube Video on YourTube Video on YourTube Video on YourTube Spectrographic analysis performed Spectrometer data file Failed or was destroyed during/after testing
12-05-19 Guillow's Remote Control SNAP&FLY 3-in-1 R/C Airplanes Lost because our storage units were auctioned off Video on YourTube
10-10-10 Air Kite GliderLost because our storage units were auctioned off Video on YourTube
11-20-10 Cessna R/C AirplaneLost because our storage units were auctioned off
06-15-12 Cessna 182 R/C AirplaneLost because our storage units were auctioned off Video on YourTube Video on YourTube Video on YourTube Video on YourTube
09-02-13 Estes Flightmaster ROG R/C AirplaneLost because our storage units were auctioned off Video on YourTube Video on YourTube Video on YourTube
01-01-20 FlyTech? DragonflyLost because our storage units were auctioned off Video on YourTube Video on YourTube Video on YourTube Video on YourTube
07-28-12 Fun Flyer ''Park Flyer'' R/C AirplaneLost because our storage units were auctioned off Video on YourTube Video on YourTube Video on YourTube Video on YourTube Video on YourTube Video on YourTube Spectrographic analysis performed
04-23-14 HuaLe HL803 Piper J3 Cub NC26170 R/C AirplaneLost because our storage units were auctioned off Spectrometer data file Spectrographic analysis performed
10-19-13 Videos of the HuaLe HL803 Piper J3 Cub NC26170 R/C Airplane (1)Lost because our storage units were auctioned off Video on YourTube Video on YourTube
05-14-14 Videos of the HuaLe HL803 Piper J3 Cub NC26170 R/C Airplane (2)Lost because our storage units were auctioned off Video on YourTube Video on YourTube Video on YourTubeVideo on YourTube Video on YourTube
09-07-12 Megatech Avion Micro AirplaneLost because our storage units were auctioned off Video on YourTube Video on YourTube Video on YourTube Video on YourTube
04-19-14 Micro Cessna 781 RTF R/C AeroplaneLost because our storage units were auctioned off Video on YourTube Spectrographic analysis performed Spectrometer data file
08-25-12 Guillows Tuffoam? P-38 Lightning R/C "Park Flyer" AirplaneLost because our storage units were auctioned off ProMetric beam cross-sectional analyser used Spectrographic analysis performed
11-09-12 Tuffoam? P-38 Lightning R/C "Park Flyer" Airplane VIDEOSLost because our storage units were auctioned off Video on YourTube Video on YourTube Video on YourTube Video on YourTube Video on YourTube Video on YourTube
04-30-12 Piloto R/C Stunt PlaneLost because our storage units were auctioned off Video on YourTube Video on YourTube Video on YourTube
01-16-09 Sonic R/C AirplaneLost because our storage units were auctioned off
11-16-19 Sky II R/C Airplane Lost because our storage units were auctioned off

06-20-13 Flight Videos of the Sky II R/C AirplaneLost because our storage units were auctioned off Video on YourTube Video on YourTube Video on YourTube Video on YourTube Video on YourTube Video on YourTube Video on YourTube
02-13-21 Sky Squadron Park FlyerLost because our storage units were auctioned off
07-18-12 Transformers StarScream Micro Flyer R/C AirplaneLost because our storage units were auctioned off Video on YourTube Video on YourTube Video on YourTube Video on YourTube Video on YourTube Spectrographic analysis performed
05-22-11 Weihua Flying TruckLost because our storage units were auctioned off Video on YourTube Video on YourTube Spectrographic analysis performed

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Copyright © 1989-2015

Craig S. Johnson

Contents may be used for educational purposes only without permission; all others please have the courtesy to ask.

I have invested over
45,056 hours of my own time into developing & maintaining this website, so please don't plagiarize it.