The LED (and Laser) Museum - LEDs - LED Flashlights - Gallium Indium Nitride UV, violet, purple, blue, aqua, turquoise, green, white. Also Gallium Arsenide and others. New LED MUSEUM! GaN, InGaN, SiC, GaAs, GaP, GaAlP, ZnSe, flashlight, flashlights.
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Site online since


Site last updated



Some of these links are still broken, as my entire web server system went to pot before I was able to salvage everything!

Quickie Pulse 6 Electric Wheelchair Video hosted on YourTube Video hosted on YourTube Lost/left behind in a move that I made on 01-15-19
The Sh!t List
(1 page)
(Also known as, "The Poopie List" -- a list of sh!ts that was posted to dial-up BBSs in the 1980s and 1990s)
(The "S" word is used very frequently)
Last update: 09-10-14

Bad BBS Usernames
(1 page)
(A list of BBS usernames that are particularly bad)
(Some BBS usernames have toilet words in them)
Last update: 11-21-12

366 Ways To Kill Barney the Purple Toilet Dinosaur
(1 page)
(Fantasy violence against a phoney-bologna purple dinosaur, slightly strong language)
Last update: 07-17-04

366 Ways To Kill Hudson Horstachio (from Viva Piñata)
(1 page)
(Fantasy violence against a paper horse, slightly strong language)
Last update: 03-23-12

366 Ways To Kill Squidward Tentacles (from SpongeBob SquarePants)
(1 page)
(Fantasy violence against a phoney-bologna sea critter, slightly strong language)
Last update: 03-23-12

A memorial to my dad Norm Johnson (3 pages)

Last update: 01-18-20

A memorial to my best friend Paul Casey (3 pages)

Last update: 01-19-20 (Repaired some "bucking fusted" graphics and resurrected the missing last page)

A memorial to one of my best friends Primo (1 page)
(Very minor toilet tongue in one paragraph)
Last update: 03-29-10 (Wrote a memorial computer demo program)

The Poorly-Drawn Toilets Page
(1 page)
(User-submitted pictures of poorly-drawn floortoilets and walltoilets) (1 page)
Last update: 02-11-11

The Juneau Receiving Home
(1 page)
(Just some memories of having lived in this facility) Last update: 01-15-11

Looking for ***FOUND*** John Robbins
(1 page)
(Self-explanatory - I'm looking for this man)
Last update: 12-17-10

A tribute to The LED (and Laser) Museum done by a fan

Insulators: The Hidden Obsession
(23 pages)
(Yes, I collect those things too. Lots of info, fotos, & links.) (23 pages)
Last update: 07-27-06

Hell on Wheels
(4 pages)
(Adding lights to an electric wheelchair)
Last update: 01-04-12 (Moved the website to another new server)

Website established 05-12-19; all of my drone-related material is in one place now.

The "Wheezer" Diary
(1 page)
A way to track inhaler use.
Last update: 03-12-16

The Ganja Diary
(1 page)
A way to track maryjane use.
Last update: 06-22-16

The Computer Diary
(1 page)
A way to keep track of computer time (my stepmother is limiting my computer time to just 90 minutes a day -- I live in her house so I have to play by her rules).
Last update 03-12-16

Dream Diary
(79 pages)
(If I remember the dream, so do you.)
Last update: 12-28-14

One Shelton WA. Citizen's UFO Sightings (1 page)
Last update: 02-08-10

Five Furry Fuzzbombs
(16 pages)
(Lots of information about pet rats. Includes my own pets.)
Last update: 02-18-11 (Moved the website to another new server)

The Amazing Plastic Toilet Cam
(1 page)
Last update: 02-28-05
(Archival only; no longer an active webcam!)

Toilet!!! Toilet!!!
(1 page)
Last update: 02-20-06
(Silly and wasteful page with a photograph of a sh!tbowl on it.)

The Fud Diary 2015
The Fud Diary 2016
The Fud Diary 2017
The "Siggeret" Diary
(18 pages)
(A way to keep track of tobacco use - seventeen diaries available)
Last update: 09-15-15

The "Koffy" Diary I (1 page)
(A way to keep track of coffee use)
Last update: 06-19-10

The "Koffy" Diary II
(1 page)
(A way to keep track of coffee use)
Last update: 06-29-10

The "Koffy" Diary III
(1 page)
(A way to keep track of coffee use)
Last update: 02-26-15

Safeco Field: A Photo Tour
(43 pages)
(A photo tour of Seattle's Safeco Field (where the Mariners play)
Last update: 02-18-11 (Moved the website to another new server)

Pictures of a "Fagget"
(1 page)
(Photographs of a male homo & his "fag flag")
Last update: 10-13-06

The Life & Times of a Commodore 64 Computer
(1 page)
(Screen dumps and downloads of some C=64 demos I wrote in the early-1990s)
(One of the demo titles is a toilet word)
Last update: 03-11-10 (added a second video)

Fictional Band Names
(1 page)
(A list of at least 7,729 phoney band names)
(Some band names have toilet words in them)
Last update: 04-24-24

Changed Lyrics for Two TV Theme Songs
(1 page)
(Self-explanatory - altered lyrics for two TV program theme songs)
(Some fairly extensive toilet language is present)
Last update: 02-20-10

Made-Up Words
(1 page)
(Self-explanatory - phoney-bologna, made-up words)
Last update: 07-29-09

Lyrics to Songs I Frequently Listen To
(2 pages)
(Self-explanatory - lyrics to songs that are high on my listening list)
(some lyrics have toilet words in them)
Last update: 09-07-09

7 Uses for a Dead Barney the Purple Toilet Dinosaur
(1 page)
(Fantasy violence against a fake dinosaur, slightly strong language)
Last update: 11-18-06

82 Ways to Break Light Bulbs
(1 page)
(Self-explanatory, don't you think?)
Last update: 01-10-11

The Infomercial Toilet
(7 pages)
(Funny "reviews" of late-night TV infomercials.)
(Moderate Language, Fantasy Violence, Bunghole-Emptying Laughter)
Last update: 02-13-10 (Moved the website to a new server)

When Good Toilets...Go BAD!!! (When toilets and their owners don't get along)
(5 pages)
(Slightly Strong Language, Fantasy Violence Against Toilets)
Last update: 02-13-10 (Moved the website to a new server)

The Original Jammin' Johns (1 page)
(Toilets dancing to the song "Funkytown")
Last update: 01-17-11 (Republished it)

When TV Commercials ATTACK!
(1 page)
(About the asininity of regular TV comercials)
(Extremely Strong Language)
Last update: 02-13-10 (Moved the website to a new server)

The Deliberate Destruction of a Toy R2-D2 Robot (1 page)
(Fantasy violence against a toy robot, slightly strong langua
Last update: 01-19-20 (Repaired all of the "bucking fusted" videos)

Children's Book Titles that should Never Be
(1 page)
(Very slightly strong language)
Last update: 04-20-10

Cumpenys Hoo Kant Spel
(1 page)
Last update: 05-17-10

I, Faggot: The Page Only 10% Of You Should Have Clicked On
(1 page)
Last update: 06-29-10

The Ultimate Anti-Hero
(17 pages)
(Battles staged between TV commercial characters)
(Fantasy violence, considerable toilet tongue)
Last update: 09-14-13 (added a battle between that gosh darn-diddly-arn queer Hamburger Helper Hand and that asinine Quaker Oats prick)

Hate That Bee!
(1 page)
(Commercial mascots we all hate and would like to see destroyed)
TV-PG (Fantasy violence; some toilet language)
Last update: 01-23-11

Home is Where the Bulb Is
(4 pages)
(A look in & outside my former home in Seattle)
Last update: 01-23-11

What the #@&%$ was That? (1 page)
(What the 2001 Nisqually earthquake did to my home)
(Very slight toilet tongue)
Last update: 01-23-11


How to F**king Vacuum
(7 pages)
(How to Vacuum and disembowelling the vacume cleaner when it pisses you off)
(Extremely Strong Language)
Last update: 02-13-10 (Moved the website to a new server)

How to Clean a F**king Toilet
(2 pages)
(How to clean a f**king sh!tbowl)
(Very strong language)
Last update: 06-27-06

Pictures of Broken Things
(1 page)
(Fantasy violence)
Last update: 02-04-20

The Deliberate Torture of a Vacuum Cleaner
(4 pages)
(Beating the Devil out of a Euro-Pro #EP601 Bagless Stick Shark Vacuum Cleaner)
(Fantasy Violence Against a Vaccume Cleaner)
Last update: 01-22-20 (Added a link about the now-defunct website Babelfish)


Copyright © 1989-2021

Craig S. Johnson

Contents may be used for educational purposes only without permission; all others please have the courtesy to ask.

I have invested over
45,056 hours of my own time into developing & maintaining this website, so please don't plagiarize it.