If I remember the dream, it will live on here for everyone to remember.
This site started in June '01; after each month a new page will go up & previous ones linked here.
2001: ---    ---    ---    ---    ---    JUN    JUL    AUG    SEP    OCT    NOV    DEC
2002: JAN    FEB    MAR    APR    MAY    JUN    JUL    AUG    SEP    OCT    NOV    DEC
2003: JAN    FEB    MAR    APR    MAY    JUN    JUL    AUG    SEP    OCT    NOV    DEC
2004: JAN    FEB    MAR    APR    MAY    JUN    JUL    AUG    SEP    OCT    NOV    DEC
2005: JAN    FEB    MAR    APR    MAY    JUN    JUL    AUG    SEP    OCT    NOV    DEC
2006: JAN    FEB    MAR    APR    MAY    JUN    JUL    AUG    SEP    OCT    NOV    DEC
2007: JAN    FEB    MAR    APR    MAY    JUN    JUL    AUG    SEP    OCT    NOV    DEC
2008: JAN    FEB    MAR    APR    MAY    JUN    JUL    AUG    SEP    OCT    NOV    DEC
2009: JAN    FEB    MAR    APR    MAY    JUN    JUL    AUG    SEP    OCT    NOV    DEC
2010: JAN    FEB    MAR    APR    MAY    JUN    JUL    AUG    SEP    OCT    NOV    DEC
2011: JAN    FEB    MAR    APR    MAY    JUN    JUL    AUG    SEP    OCT    NOV    DEC
2012: JAN    FEB    MAR    APR    MAY    JUN    JUL    AUG    SEP    OCT    NOV    DEC
2013: JAN    FEB    MAR    APR    MAY    JUN    JUL    AUG    SEP    OCT    NOV    DEC
2014: JAN    FEB    MAR    APR    MAY    JUN    JUL    AUG    SEP    OCT    NOV    DEC
2015: JAN    FEB    MAR    APR    MAY    JUN    JUL    AUG    SEP    OCT    NOV    DEC

Please choose a month from the above list.

This simple site is nothing more than a diary of dreams I remember after waking up, kind of like a one-user weblog for those that are familiar with them. I attempt to describe dreams to the highest level of detail I remember. I dream in color, and can hear, feel, taste, and smell just like in the waking world; so any notable or unusual occurance of those sensations will be noted.

Questions? Comments? E-mail me.

For a book about dream diaries that you may find helpful, please follow this link.

A forum about dreams can be found at www.dreamforums.net if you're interested.

I had brain surgery in late-2002, and I've only remembered 18 dreams since then (today is 06-04-06); that's why there are no entries beyond then except for those eighteen. It's not because I have been intentionally or unintentionally ignoring my Dream Diary.

Update 11-21-06
I've been remembering more dreams as of early-summer 2006. That's why you see an uptick in the number of dreams I've remembered since early-June 2006 and posted on this website.

Site opened 06-06-01.
Last updated 09-13-15.

Contents copyright (C) 2001-2015 Craig S Johnson
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