If I remember the dream, it will live on here for everyone to remember.
This site started in June '01; after each month a new page will go up & previous ones will be linked here.
2001: ---    ---    ---    ---    ---    JUN    JUL    AUG    SEP    OCT    NOV    DEC
2002: JAN    FEB    MAR    APR    MAY    JUN    JUL    AUG    SEP    OCT    NOV    DEC
2003: JAN    FEB    MAR    APR    MAY    JUN    JUL    AUG    SEP    OCT    NOV    DEC
2004: JAN    FEB    MAR    APR    MAY    JUN    JUL    AUG    SEP    OCT    NOV    DEC
2005: JAN    FEB    MAR    APR    MAY    JUN    JUL    AUG    SEP    OCT    NOV    DEC
2006: JAN    FEB    MAR    APR    MAY    JUN    JUL    AUG    SEP    OCT    NOV    DEC
2007: JAN    FEB    MAR    APR    MAY    JUN    JUL    AUG    SEP    OCT    NOV    DEC
2008: JAN    FEB    MAR    APR    MAY    JUN    JUL    AUG    SEP    OCT    NOV    DEC
2009: JAN    FEB    MAR    APR    MAY    JUN    JUL    AUG    SEP    OCT    NOV    DEC
2010: JAN    FEB    MAR    APR    MAY    JUN    JUL    AUG    SEP    OCT    NOV    DEC
2011: JAN    FEB    MAR    APR    MAY    JUN    JUL    AUG    SEP    OCT    NOV    DEC
2012: JAN    FEB    MAR    APR    MAY    JUN    JUL    AUG    SEP    OCT    NOV    DEC
2013: JAN    FEB    MAR    APR    MAY    JUN    JUL    AUG    SEP    OCT    NOV    DEC
2014: JAN    FEB    MAR    APR    MAY    JUN    JUL    AUG    SEP    OCT    NOV    DEC
2015: JAN    FEB    MAR    APR    MAY    JUN    JUL    AUG    SEP    OCT    NOV    DEC

MARCH 12, 2008:
I don't remember a whole lot of this dream, but I do remember that I was moving to my old apartment building, the Morrison, in downtown Seattle WA. USA at the corner of 3rd and Yesler. I was moving into # 321, and in this dream, it was a large 1BR 1 bath unit and it faced Yesler Ave. I remember seeing a number of gang members, crackheads, and other assorted wastoids going past my window on the sidewalk; but I did not feel in any way in danger for some reason.
I also remember a brief walk down the hall. I encountered a door; although easily opened, for some unknown reason it had a 5mm (T1 3/4) round red LED (a type of lamp) in it where you would not expect to see an LED (~18" above the knob and ~8" from the edge - no other hardware was seen on the door other than a knob). The same thing was present on the other side of the door as well.

MARCH 12, 2008:
Yes, a same-day update.
In this dream, I remember seeing (and hearing) part of the music video for the Anthrax song "Cadillac Rock Box", and they had a close-up of one of the singers. He had long brown hair and a gold nose ring in his left nostril. But right when I woke up, I recognised the man as James Hetfield from Metallica.

MARCH 16, 2008:
In this dream, I was at a large wooden dinner table with my deceased friend Paul Casey and there were a number of other guys also seated at the table. Paul said some things to me, but I could not understand what they were - it just sounded like incoherent babbling. I had to leave the table to go to the kitchen for some food; next thing I remember was having to go to the bathroom - then I woke up.

MARCH 24, 2008:
I don't remember a whole lot of this dream, but in at least one part, I was on a city bus in Jueau AK. USA heading southbound on the Douglas Highway; watching the landmarks rather carefully so I'd know when to disembark. I believe I wanted the bus to stop at the intersection of Douglas Highway and Cordova Street; the only familiar place this would have placed me is Nowell Ave. one block east on Cordova - I lived in two different houses on Nowell Ave. while growing up. The bell system on the bus was rather queer (pun not intended); you had to pull the cord in a special pattern of five pulls (that the bus driver showed). I remarked to somebody "Sounds like a resistor has gone to pot in the controller), but she responded in a negative manner - saying that it was not a resistor at all or some such horse puckey. There were a number of other people sitting near me on the bus as well; I seemed to know most if not all of them.

My old JVC RC-M70 ghetto blaster was also in this dream; though I do not remember if I actually played it or not.
(Edit, a short time later): Now I remember...I accidentally turned the radio on, and fumbled with its controls for several seconds before getting it to shut off.

Here's what a JVC RC-M70 ghetto blaster looks like.

I also vaguely remember a segment that involved gay guys (that I also knew in the dream) and one or more gay bars.

Questions? Comments? E-mail me.

Contents copyright (C) 2001-2015 Craig S Johnson