If I remember the dream, it will live on here for everyone to remember.
This site started in June '01; after each month a new page will go up & previous ones will be linked here.
2001: ---    ---    ---    ---    ---    JUN    JUL    AUG    SEP    OCT    NOV    DEC
2002: JAN    FEB    MAR    APR    MAY    JUN    JUL    AUG    SEP    OCT    NOV    DEC
2003: JAN    FEB    MAR    APR    MAY    JUN    JUL    AUG    SEP    OCT    NOV    DEC
2004: JAN    FEB    MAR    APR    MAY    JUN    JUL    AUG    SEP    OCT    NOV    DEC
2005: JAN    FEB    MAR    APR    MAY    JUN    JUL    AUG    SEP    OCT    NOV    DEC
2006: JAN    FEB    MAR    APR    MAY    JUN    JUL    AUG    SEP    OCT    NOV    DEC
2007: JAN    FEB    MAR    APR    MAY    JUN    JUL    AUG    SEP    OCT    NOV    DEC
2008: JAN    FEB    MAR    APR    MAY    JUN    JUL    AUG    SEP    OCT    NOV    DEC
2009: JAN    FEB    MAR    APR    MAY    JUN    JUL    AUG    SEP    OCT    NOV    DEC
2010: JAN    FEB    MAR    APR    MAY    JUN    JUL    AUG    SEP    OCT    NOV    DEC
2011: JAN    FEB    MAR    APR    MAY    JUN    JUL    AUG    SEP    OCT    NOV    DEC
2012: JAN    FEB    MAR    APR    MAY    JUN    JUL    AUG    SEP    OCT    NOV    DEC
2013: JAN    FEB    MAR    APR    MAY    JUN    JUL    AUG    SEP    OCT    NOV    DEC
2014: JAN    FEB    MAR    APR    MAY    JUN    JUL    AUG    SEP    OCT    NOV    DEC
2015: JAN    FEB    MAR    APR    MAY    JUN    JUL    AUG    SEP    OCT    NOV    DEC

NOVEMBER 09, 2008
The contents of this dream are of a rather...er...uh...sensitive nature...let's just say it was a bit unusual and rather erotic, shall we?

NOVEMBER 15, 2008
In this dream, I was visiting the Juneau Receiving Home in Juneau AK. USA.
I lived there from the late-1970s through the early-1980s, so it's no wonder I dream about it every now and again.

In this dream, I was visiting (at my present age), and I asked one of the counselors there for a tour. She directed me to another counselor (an older woman; probably in her mid- to late-60s with white hair), and she started showing me around after I had told her that I lived there a long, long, long time ago. The layout was somewhat different than it had been; the kitchen was significantly smaller, and I pointed out to her that the pantry used to be "there" (pointing toward a wall where a door used to be).

I asked her if she was aware of the previos directors, Dale Voltz and Julienne DeAsis; I believe she said "no". She then said something about knowing about the Receiving Home when it was known as the Miller House sometime in the late-1960s.

Then she started to take me down the hall, and I pointed out that a refrigerator used to be "there" (pointing to where the fridge used to be), and saying that there used to be a "chart" of sorts that showed the residents' state of restriction - "House Rules" was the least restrictive and the resident could be gone from pretty much morning until bedtime, "limited local" was where resident could be gone for either 2 or 4 hours per day (I have long ago since forgotten which), and there were two additional, more restrictive levels. Then we started walking down the hall where the bedrooms & bathrooms were in reality. She knocked on one of the doors, and opened it shortly thereafter. A young woman (probably 14 or 15) was lying in bed either listening to music or watching television; the counselor with me engaged in some kind of brief (est. 1 minute) conversation with her, then we moved on. We then came to one of the bathrooms, but it too was different. The toliet & sink were in different positions, and the shower was smaller. On we went, and more differences...I pointed out to her that "this was the smallest bedroom" as we reached the end of the hall; but it looked to have been transformed into an office and then subsequently abandoned. We then hung a left, and I pointed out that the central wreck room still had an open ceiling - as it had when I lived there. We then came to the end of the house; but where there were two more bedrooms and two offices there were none instead.

Next thing I remember was getting into a car with her and driving around the property - that part was ***MUCH LARGER*** in this dream than it was in real life.

The final thing I remember was bidding her farewell and thanking her for the tour, and getting on a bicycle. It was raining, and I had to go all the way to west Juneau - approximately 12 miles. Then I woke up.

NOVEMBER 17, 2008
I don't remember too much of this dream, but in one segment, I picked up & examined part of a Leggo set that was like part of a Transformers robot, and there was a 5mm white LED in it. Only this LED was not a blue LED with a yellow phosphor cap; it had three dice (light-emitting regions) in it that generated red, green, and blue light - mix the three together and a reasonable approximation of "white" is produced. The light beam created by this LED was a decent white, with no color fringes around it. A second Leggo robot head with the same type of white LED was also present.

In another segment of this dream, somebody who I recognised as my sister came in the room for some reason. Only she wasn't my sister, she was Megan Parker, the little "flexible container of Massengill" from the television program Drake & Josh.

NOVEMBER 18, 2008
I don't remember much of this dream either, but the part I do remember had something to do with the Hirogen (a humanoid alien species from Star Trek: Voyager); they had much, much more facial hair than they do on television, and the hairiest one was talking to a small group of less hairy Hirogen about giving up "the hunt" (generally regarded as their way of life); he also said something about Captain Janeway and the Voyager starship as well.

In this dream, I was in the Pike Place Market in Seattle WA. USA.; bombing down the aisles in my electric wheelchair at high speed and attempting to locate the store thst sold Star Trek merchandise. I remember being on several of the lower levels; my wheelchair handled stairs quite easily. After doing this for quite some time, I encountered Jim Feigley, owner of the former Six Eleven Tavern where I used to work as a bartender in the waking world. I said "Hello Jim", and he said "Was that Craig or Mike?". He then said something like "I think every day about...", and after a long pause, I woke up.

NOVEMBER 29, 2008
I was going through some part of Seattle in my electric scooter (an old Rascal #205 if I remember correctly), and came across a bridge of some sort that I could not find a way across.
Next thing you know I was in a type of outdoor "train station" looking to take an Amtrack train to Bremerton WA. USA. I could not get into an elevator, so somebody there (an employee) started to deploy a type of wheelchair ramp into the elevator, The "ramp" was colored predominatly yellow, and had two "lanes" designed for a standard wheelchair. Since my scooter had a third tire in the center (the front tire), it would not fit. So someboy else appeared with what I believe was a wheeled office chair, which I got in and somehow managed to get into the ticketing area.

For some reason, they were asking some rather bizarre questions, like the date range that my father worked at Music-Vend in Seattle. I said something like "October 1987 through December 1987, and the woman said that I had to be more specific. My father then somehow appeared (funny that things occasionally just "somehow" happen in dreams) and told her some dates in the early-1970s (which I *KNEW* to be incorrect, but I took that at gospel anyway), but then I woke up.

Sometime during this dream after I had gotten the wheeled office chair, some employees of the train station were rolling my scooter, and one of them gave it a good push, causing it to roll a hundred feet or so. I think I told them that the parking brake was shot or some such horse puckey.

Questions? Comments? E-mail me.

Contents copyright (C) 2001-2015 Craig S Johnson