If I remember the dream, it will live on here for everyone to remember.
This site started in June '01; after each month a new page will go up & previous ones will be linked here.
2001: ---    ---    ---    ---    ---    JUN    JUL    AUG    SEP    OCT    NOV    DEC
2002: JAN    FEB    MAR    APR    MAY    JUN    JUL    AUG    SEP    OCT    NOV    DEC
2003: JAN    FEB    MAR    APR    MAY    JUN    JUL    AUG    SEP    OCT    NOV    DEC
2004: JAN    FEB    MAR    APR    MAY    JUN    JUL    AUG    SEP    OCT    NOV    DEC
2005: JAN    FEB    MAR    APR    MAY    JUN    JUL    AUG    SEP    OCT    NOV    DEC
2006: JAN    FEB    MAR    APR    MAY    JUN    JUL    AUG    SEP    OCT    NOV    DEC
2007: JAN    FEB    MAR    APR    MAY    JUN    JUL    AUG    SEP    OCT    NOV    DEC
2008: JAN    FEB    MAR    APR    MAY    JUN    JUL    AUG    SEP    OCT    NOV    DEC
2009: JAN    FEB    MAR    APR    MAY    JUN    JUL    AUG    SEP    OCT    NOV    DEC
2010: JAN    FEB    MAR    APR    MAY    JUN    JUL    AUG    SEP    OCT    NOV    DEC
2011: JAN    FEB    MAR    APR    MAY    JUN    JUL    AUG    SEP    OCT    NOV    DEC
2012: JAN    FEB    MAR    APR    MAY    JUN    JUL    AUG    SEP    OCT    NOV    DEC
2013: JAN    FEB    MAR    APR    MAY    JUN    JUL    AUG    SEP    OCT    NOV    DEC
2014: JAN    FEB    MAR    APR    MAY    JUN    JUL    AUG    SEP    OCT    NOV    DEC
2015: JAN    FEB    MAR    APR    MAY    JUN    JUL    AUG    SEP    OCT    NOV    DEC

APRIL 30, 2008:
In this dream, I was in Juneau AK. USA.
I forgot much of this dream before I could "finish my drink, down my smoke" - er - uh "finish my smoke, down my drink" (from the Anthrax song "Born Again Idiot") and get my Dream Diary open for write. In this segment, I was cruising around downtown Juneau in an electric wheelchair, and looking for a place to cash a $25.00 or $50.00 Visa gift card. The first place I entered took the card, looked at it, and immediately handed it back, saying "This card can only be cashed in {country other than the US}" (I forgot the country name). I went into another place, and they cashed it immediately.

Next thing you know, I'm in a manual (push) wheelchair, and the streets were rather hilly. I was going to the bar at the Hilton across from the Merchant's Wharf to go get hammered, and I was travelling rather fast most of the time (it was an all-downhill run to that bar) - steering the chair not with the handrims (or "hand rims" if you prefer), but with the brake levers.
A lady (fairly young; I'd estimate in her early- to mid-20s) bummed a cigerette, so I gave her one. I noticed that the smoke was a nonfilter, not a filter as I use in the waking world.

I then continued on my trip to the bar; only this time, I was aware of music blasting from a JVC RC-550 ghetto blaster that was in my lap but oriented forward. Somewhere shortly thereafter, I woke up.

This is what a JVC RC-550JW ghetto blaster looks like.

Questions? Comments? E-mail me.

Contents copyright (C) 2001-2015 Craig S Johnson