If I remember the dream, it will live on here for everyone to remember.
This site started in June '01; after each month a new page will go up & previous ones will be linked here.
2001: ---    ---    ---    ---    ---    JUN    JUL    AUG    SEP    OCT    NOV    DEC
2002: JAN    FEB    MAR    APR    MAY    JUN    JUL    AUG    SEP    OCT    NOV    DEC
2003: JAN    FEB    MAR    APR    MAY    JUN    JUL    AUG    SEP    OCT    NOV    DEC
2004: JAN    FEB    MAR    APR    MAY    JUN    JUL    AUG    SEP    OCT    NOV    DEC
2005: JAN    FEB    MAR    APR    MAY    JUN    JUL    AUG    SEP    OCT    NOV    DEC
2006: JAN    FEB    MAR    APR    MAY    JUN    JUL    AUG    SEP    OCT    NOV    DEC
2007: JAN    FEB    MAR    APR    MAY    JUN    JUL    AUG    SEP    OCT    NOV    DEC
2008: JAN    FEB    MAR    APR    MAY    JUN    JUL    AUG    SEP    OCT    NOV    DEC
2009: JAN    FEB    MAR    APR    MAY    JUN    JUL    AUG    SEP    OCT    NOV    DEC
2010: JAN    FEB    MAR    APR    MAY    JUN    JUL    AUG    SEP    OCT    NOV    DEC
2011: JAN    FEB    MAR    APR    MAY    JUN    JUL    AUG    SEP    OCT    NOV    DEC
2012: JAN    FEB    MAR    APR    MAY    JUN    JUL    AUG    SEP    OCT    NOV    DEC
2013: JAN    FEB    MAR    APR    MAY    JUN    JUL    AUG    SEP    OCT    NOV    DEC
2014: JAN    FEB    MAR    APR    MAY    JUN    JUL    AUG    SEP    OCT    NOV    DEC
2015: JAN    FEB    MAR    APR    MAY    JUN    JUL    AUG    SEP    OCT    NOV    DEC

SEPTEMBER 04, 2007:
The only part of this dream I remembered is where I was in a bar, and the bartender had some tarantulas in a very large tank/mesh cage outfitted with an arboreal-type (forest-type) habitat. The habitat included moss, ferns, and a small stump. He showed the spiders to me (by opening a door in the front (mesh part) of the enclosure); I asked how often he fed them, and he said "never". I repeated "never?" as a question, and he once again said "never". The spiders in the tank looked plump and healthy; they were *NOT* starving & emaciated. There were somewhere beween six and ten of the large hairy spiders in the cage.

SEPTEMBER 16, 2007:
The only piece of this dream I remember places me in downtown Seattle, where I lived from 1989 through late-2004.
For some reason, I was running across 1st Avenue. A blue car almost hit me (I was jaywalking, not crossing at the intersection). Next thing I remember was walking in the front door to the lobby of the Market Village apartments where I used to live. Where the mailboxes were on the wall in real life (on the right-hand wall as you enter the lobby from outside) there was now a refrigerated display case with glass doors; illuminated from the inside by fluorescent light bulbs; I believe there were meat products in it. The mailboxes were farther down and on the left; they also appeared to be individually illuminated in a very cool white light (such as might be produced by 5mm ( T1 3/4) white LEDs in water-clear epoxy cases).
I woke up at this point.

(Edit, a bit later): I also remember part of a dream where I was holding a praying mantis (see below); its front legs did not try to close around my fingers (a mildly painful sensation), and when I let it go, it flew off into a meadow. It did not appear to shrink nearly as much as it would have in reality as it receded from me.
Sometime later, I observed two mantids apparently in the act of {vulgar term for performing intercourse}; ie. there were two mantids, one on top of the other, and it appeared as though they were struggling (this is how mating would appear in reality).

Here is what a praying mantis looks like.
I found this guy on the morning of 09-08-06 clinging to the basket of my scooter.

SEPTEMBER 21, 2007:
In part of this dream, I was somehow *INSIDE* the TV program "Viva Piņata"; however I did not encounter Fergy Fudgehog trying to evade the cannoņata to avoid getting shot out of it & sent to a party, and I did not encounter Langston Lickatoad trying to get any of the piņatas to go have their candiosity checked and subsequently get marched to the cannoņata. I distinctly remember the backgrounds in vivid colors (trees, foliage, etc.) on Piņata Island, so I know I was at that particular location.

Questions? Comments? E-mail me.

Contents copyright (C) 2001-2015 Craig S Johnson