If I remember the dream, it will live on here for everyone to remember.
This website started in June 2001; so after each month a new page will go up & previous ones will be linked here.
2001: ---    ---    ---    ---    ---    JUN    JUL    AUG    SEP    OCT    NOV    DEC
2002: JAN    FEB    MAR    APR    MAY    JUN    JUL    AUG    SEP    OCT    NOV    DEC
2003: JAN    FEB    MAR    APR    MAY    JUN    JUL    AUG    SEP    OCT    NOV    DEC
2004: JAN    FEB    MAR    APR    MAY    JUN    JUL    AUG    SEP    OCT    NOV    DEC
2005: JAN    FEB    MAR    APR    MAY    JUN    JUL    AUG    SEP    OCT    NOV    DEC
2006: JAN    FEB    MAR    APR    MAY    JUN    JUL    AUG    SEP    OCT    NOV    DEC
2007: JAN    FEB    MAR    APR    MAY    JUN    JUL    AUG    SEP    OCT    NOV    DEC
2008: JAN    FEB    MAR    APR    MAY    JUN    JUL    AUG    SEP    OCT    NOV    DEC
2009: JAN    FEB    MAR    APR    MAY    JUN    JUL    AUG    SEP    OCT    NOV    DEC
2010: JAN    FEB    MAR    APR    MAY    JUN    JUL    AUG    SEP    OCT    NOV    DEC
2011: JAN    FEB    MAR    APR    MAY    JUN    JUL    AUG    SEP    OCT    NOV    DEC
2012: JAN    FEB    MAR    APR    MAY    JUN    JUL    AUG    SEP    OCT    NOV    DEC
2013: JAN    FEB    MAR    APR    MAY    JUN    JUL    AUG    SEP    OCT    NOV    DEC
2014: JAN    FEB    MAR    APR    MAY    JUN    JUL    AUG    SEP    OCT    NOV    DEC
2015: JAN    FEB    MAR    APR    MAY    JUN    JUL    AUG    SEP    OCT    NOV    DEC

MARCH 07, 2002:
Guess I start every month off with a bar dream . Same place - the old 611 Tavern here in Seattle.
This time I was on the other side of the bar, watching things from the customer's point of view - at least part of the time. It was a busy evening, that much I remember. I had a beer in front of me, but did not drink any of it. Ashtrays were overflowing, and various theatrical props and junk were up on the then-unused stage. The door to the owner's booth was open and the light was on. One of the employees passed by and I mentioned something about taking pictures, which he agreed to. So I went up on the stage, pulled out my little Nikon camera, and started taking pictures of some of the junk. Then I went back down to the bar level and started taking pictures of the overflowing ashtrays, used cigerettes all over the floor, people passed out between barstools, and other exaggerated messes. The thought entered my mind, "now that this place is open again, I should take pictures of the urinals for urinal.net". In the dream, the bar had two of those floor length urinals, when in reality the place had a single wall urinal. Another thought crossed my mind, and that was if the owner would put me to work again after having a less than stellar experience the last time I worked - and that was in relation to the last "611 bar" dream I had!
The dream changed just before I was about to toddle off to the men's room to shoot those pictures.

The next part of this dream placed me in another bar of some kind, also as a customer. The bar was long and narrow with the back wall right behind the stools, leaving only a few feet of aisle between the bar and wall to move about in. There seemed to be a window at the very end. It seemed to be more of a juice bar, rather than a place to go get liquored up. I had a friend with me, but I can't remember exactly who he was or what we were doing or talking about. Then another old friend (Paul D. from Capitol Hill) showed up and said he just saw my new arcade game web page. (In reality, just yesterday I put up a page about my beater Satan's Hollow upright). I was surprised how he found it so fast and I asked him how he found it; he said he got the link off the KLOV message board or something. Then he made some off-color comment about the size & condition of my living room that can be seen in one of the pictures. Both of us were drinking orange juice in large pitchers with some ice cubes, but there was only about an inch of juice in the bottom of these pitchers. My other friend was drinking the same juice with ice cubes out of a shallow gray pan of some kind.

There was a last part to this dream, but by the time I finished writing this page, I forgot what it was about. :-( I may eventually remember, or I may not. If I do I'll add it here.

MARCH 09, 2002:
I've only got a couple of fragments of this one, but it was interesting anyway. I started out on a golf course. A woman playing in front of me came by with a yellow nylon golf bag stuffed full of golf clubs, and she threw all the clubs on the ground near a sand trap. I think she was playing a ball in the trap. So I had to wait awhile until she played through before I could hit. When she finally moved on, I took my turn. For some reason, the only club I had was a 3 wood, and it was a right-handed 3-wood at that. I'm a leftie. So I tried to swing the club by holding it upside down, and when I hit my ball, the ball turned into a small shard of blue & red plastic and it only flew about 15 feet ahead and to the left.

The next thing I remember was being back near the clubhouse, and lifting off the ground and flying over the golf course. After I climbed to about 100' in the air and was flying over the fairway, I turned horizontally, pulled out some kind of pocket computer, and said something into it like "Computer, initiate warp gate in 3...2...1..." and then a tunnel made of red, white, and blue party balloons appeared in the air in front of me. When I went in the tunnel, things moved really fast, like I was flying through a wormhole in space. Think of the Star Trek TNG episode "Where No One Has Gone Before" when the Enterprise exceeds warp 10 and shoots out of the galaxy. That's what it was like. The balloons were luminescent, and elongated into glowing streaks once inside the tunnel. The tunnel seemed to curve in one direction, like a gigantic doughnut. A few seconds later, I ended up in some place that could only be described as Disneyland. It was full of carnival rides and oddly-shaped buildings, and there were a lot of people on the ground. I did not see talking dogs or giant mouses though. The next thing I remember was having a small African American child of maybe 6 or 7 and his medium sized dog sitting on me (I was still floating in the air horizontally), and I took the little computer out again and said something about the warp gate again. The tunnel of balloons reappeared, and the three of us shot through it with the same speed as before, and we ended up back over the golf course.
Then I woke up.

MARCH 10, 2002:
Oh no, just some fragments again.
One dream had to do with my Euro-Pro Bagless Stick Shark, a vacuum cleaner I bought off a TV infomercial. The filter was clogged with something and I couldn't get it all cleaned out. I don't remember a whole lot other than being in my kitchen trying to clean out the filter over a paper garbage can.

Next, I was trying to view some of the outer planets with a small telescope. Not having any luck, I ended up pointing the telescope at the moon. It seemed my telescope was broken, because the image was all distorted and overexposed looking.

Then, I was outside along some kind of shoreline walking around looking at insects. A dragonfly flew around and over a woman's head, alighting on a screen door or window of a cabin that was nearby. I went inside the cabin and shined my Surefire E2 (a tiny but intensely bright flashlight) at the underside of the insect, and noticed it was a bright red-orange color. I identified the species and then went back outside and told the woman what it was. I started walking along the shoreline again, and then I woke up.

In another dream, I was on a bus. The other passengers were all fighting for some reason, yet the driver didn't look back even once. She seemed to know that the hospital would be necessary, and kept driving the bus until we got there. Although the roads we drove on were in Juneau AK., the hospital itself (Overlake Hospital) is a Seattle facility. The driver turned off the Egan highway and onto Old Loop Road and we eventually ended up at the entrance to the emergency room. Everyone had to go get checked out, whether we needed it or not. There was a little girl with a small "boo boo" on her knee, and other children and adults with various small cuts and bruises. So I got off the bus and was given a metal walker, but I insisted I need my Rascal scooter. Somebody brought out only the back section of the scooter, and my walker "magically" changed into something that would fit it and make it rideable. So I flipped up the back piece as I normally do to change front ends, and affixed the "new" front piece on, then started on my way. The throttle was stuck though, and wouldn't let the scooter stop, even if the lever was pushed to full reverse. The scooter suddenly transformed into a powered wheelchair, and it too had the same stuck throttle. I drove down the hallway and into a small room, stopping the wheelchair by ramming a desk. When I got off and seated myself in a nearby chair, the wheelchair turned back into a scooter. Then I turned the scooter on its side and started messing with the throttle adjustment pot, which conveniently broke off just then. So I pulled an assembly off the back of the motor and started messing with that. The assembly seemed to consist of a light bulb with some fine copper magnet wire wound around it. Changing the windings made the wheels on the scooter speed up and slow down. The wire got all undone and eventually broke off.

After a short time, a nurse came in and said I needed some injections, including a flu shot. I woke up before seeing any needles.

MARCH 12, 2002:
I was in a large airport with multiple levels. It seems I had a ticket for a plane to Juneau, but the plane wasn't leaving for quite a long time yet. I had a couple of white plastic bags that apparently served as my carry on luggage. Somewhere along the line I decided to see a movie, as I knew the airport had a movie theatre in it. Apparently, it had a bunch of mini-theatres. So I was going all over the place checking out the different movies at each one. Most of the "theatres" seemed to be nothing more than a small area boxed in by tall grey curtains, and the flyers for the movies were on small, metallic gold cards no larger than a folded piece of notebook paper. The only movie that seemed appealing was one called "Bong Warriors"; as I figured it must be a Cheech & Chong or National Lampoon type thing. So I set out looking for the "theatre" it was playing in.

The airport was full of escalators, and I must have used them all. After going up one, I ended up on a small platform with a touristy-type shop on it. A pink plastic cat litter box that was on the floor "somehow" got snagged on my bags and I managed to catch it against the side of the escalator while going back down, with only a small amount of the coarse, tan colored, vermiculite-like litter falling out. I apologised to the woman shop owner and said "I managed to save most of it" and then gave her back the cat box.

I went up and down more escalators looking all over for the Bong Warriors movie. I passed a clock on the wall which read around 4:10, and I knew the movie was about half shot already, but I kept looking for it. Somewhere in a dark lower section, a teenage kid bumped into me from behind several times, as if in a hurry, even though I was already almost at a full run. I ran into him again in an elevator a short time later; this time his father and several other people were there. The kid was all spazzy, so I realised he probably didn't bump me on purpose but the father apologized to me anyway.

After spending what felt like another hour wandering through this airport and much of that time riding on or running on escalators, I finally found the movie. It was being shown in a small room with high wooden tables in it. There were some windows on one side of the room that provided illumination. The movie screen was very wide and short (more so than normal movie screens), and the film playing on it was in that nasty old fashioned sepia tone, rather than color. There were maybe three or four other people in the room. I passed by a table near the center of the room that had a large plastic container of what looked like loose wintergreen Life Savers with a red material in the hole, and a sign that said "antacids $.01" on its side. I thought that was a bit out of place as there was no food visible anywhere in the room.
So I sat myself down at a table and put my bags down. Instead of the two white plastic bags I had before, I now had three. One was bulging with clothes, and one of the others had my Stick Shark vaccum cleaner in it, with some of that vermiculite cat litter visible in its clear tank.

I remember thinking that the flight might be difficult because they had a new pilot, and that my brother in Juneau who would be picking me up at the airport had rented a new van and that he might have trouble driving it.
Finally, I settled in and started to watch the movie. In the same "fuggly" sepia color as before, some old guy with a long scraggly beard was scooping a whitish paste out of a small jar with a popcycle stick, putting it in his bong, and getting ready to smoke it.
Then I woke up.

MARCH 29, 2002:
Only a couple of fragments this time. In one, I was in my Rascal scooter, crossing an intersection. The streets were full of people on horseback, and the horses were in some kind of white decorative garb with green highlights. Most of them were standing stationary; but a few were walking slowly in no particular direction. I was concerned that my scooter might spook one of the horses, but that did not happen.

And there goes the other fragment. Forgotten by the time I finished writing about the horses. :-(
I know my parents were in it, and possibly my deceased grandma as well. My old boombox, a JVC RC-M70 from the early 1980s, was also in there someplace, and playing loudly too as I remember the speaker cones were moving in and out a great deal. But I can no longer remember any additional details.

Questions? Comments? E-mail me.

Contents copyright (C) 2002 Craig S Johnson