If I remember the dream, it will live on here for everyone to remember.
This website started in June 2001; so after each month a new page will go up & previous ones will be linked here.
2001: ---    ---    ---    ---    ---    JUN    JUL    AUG    SEP    OCT    NOV    DEC
2002: JAN    FEB    MAR    APR    MAY    JUN    JUL    AUG    SEP    OCT    NOV    DEC
2003: JAN    FEB    MAR    APR    MAY    JUN    JUL    AUG    SEP    OCT    NOV    DEC
2004: JAN    FEB    MAR    APR    MAY    JUN    JUL    AUG    SEP    OCT    NOV    DEC
2005: JAN    FEB    MAR    APR    MAY    JUN    JUL    AUG    SEP    OCT    NOV    DEC
2006: JAN    FEB    MAR    APR    MAY    JUN    JUL    AUG    SEP    OCT    NOV    DEC
2007: JAN    FEB    MAR    APR    MAY    JUN    JUL    AUG    SEP    OCT    NOV    DEC
2008: JAN    FEB    MAR    APR    MAY    JUN    JUL    AUG    SEP    OCT    NOV    DEC
2009: JAN    FEB    MAR    APR    MAY    JUN    JUL    AUG    SEP    OCT    NOV    DEC
2010: JAN    FEB    MAR    APR    MAY    JUN    JUL    AUG    SEP    OCT    NOV    DEC
2011: JAN    FEB    MAR    APR    MAY    JUN    JUL    AUG    SEP    OCT    NOV    DEC
2012: JAN    FEB    MAR    APR    MAY    JUN    JUL    AUG    SEP    OCT    NOV    DEC
2013: JAN    FEB    MAR    APR    MAY    JUN    JUL    AUG    SEP    OCT    NOV    DEC
2014: JAN    FEB    MAR    APR    MAY    JUN    JUL    AUG    SEP    OCT    NOV    DEC
2015: JAN    FEB    MAR    APR    MAY    JUN    JUL    AUG    SEP    OCT    NOV    DEC

JUNE 03, 2001:
I was in contestant's row on the game show, "The Price is Right." The prize up for bids was a video game cartridge. The other contestants all bid several hundred dollars, and I bid exactly $71.
Bob Barker pulled out the little card and said, "The actual retail price is... $71!!"

The next thing I remember is being up on stage. There were big cameras everywhere, stage props and blind walls on casters, and a high, metal framework ceiling with lots of lights on it. Hanging from & leaning against some of the back walls (which were made of unfinished plywood and the studs were exposed), there were things like coiled up cables, ladders, unused boom microphones, metal poles, and rolls of carpet.

Then my prize rolled out: it was a helicopter! You know, the kind with a framework tail and a large clear bubble around the cockpit. I can't really remember the pricing game I had to play, but it was both bizarre and strangely familiar at the same time. I did not play the game well, and didn't win the helicopter. But I wasn't mad at all!

As I was walking off the stage, I took out my digital camera and started shooting off pictures of the helicopter and the Price Is Right stage sets surrounding it. Then I woke up. :-O
Later I remembered that Barker failed to give me $500 for having bid exactly right on that game cartridge. :-(

I've never seen or been to a TV studio, but it would seem I got a pretty good taste of what it would be like.

This was one of the most vivid and realistic dreams I've had in some time.

JUNE 06, 2001:
The memory of last night's dream was rather vague, but I remember it had to do with me trying to play a violin that refused to stay in tune. As soon as I put the bow to the strings, the tuning pegs would turn or pop out. :-O

JUNE 10, 2001:
Well, I had another one. Another Price is Right dream.
This time, I was playing some weird game where there was a large black table with two large sets of cards or slips mounted vertically, and I had to decide whether to push the left hand set over or push the right hand set over. The first set of slips (the ones meant to be pushed over to the left) were red and there were only about 1/3 as many as the group on the right; which were colored blue.
If I pushed over all of the slips on the left side, I would get $1,500, but if I pushed the other set over, the prize was a mystery, which could turn out to be big or turn out to be nothing at all. I decided to push over all of the slips on the right-hand side.

The next thing I remember was being told I had just won over $98,000!! They gave me this thick stack of papers in a big white envelope with the Price is Right graphic on the front, but when I pulled out the papers, I saw $1,500 on it somewhere. I went back to Bob Barker and said "this is only $1,500... didn't I win $98,000?" or something. Bob then explained I really had won more (it was something like $98,398) but the game show only pays winning contestants $1,500 every six months. He said that with interest, my prize was actually over $150,000.

Next thing I turn around and I'm in a small house with family members - stepmom, dad, and my sister whom I haven't seen in years. The TV was on - I could hear it but don't remember if I actually saw it or not. I went into the kitchen and asked my sister if she ever watched game shows, and if she ever watched the Price is Right. I don't remember her answer, but I then whipped out this prize packet. She went bananas when she saw I had won a big prize on the show.

Just before waking up, I looked out a window (a kitchen window I believe) and noticed the house next door was all decked out for Halloween, complete with a lighted orange witch on the roof and a Jack 'O Lantern burning on the porch; yet I knew in the dream that Halloween was many months away. I made a comment about it, and my sister said something like "yeah, that house is like that all the time. We're going to move out of the neighborhood soon".

Then I woke up, and darted to the Dream Diary before I forgot. :)

As a postscript, when I flipped on the morning news, I learned we had a magnitude 5.0 earthquake right around the time I was dreaming this dream. I slept right through it.

JUNE 11, 2001:
I remember segments of three distinct dreams this morning, something that happens only rarely.

1: This dream was all about lasers. Green diode lasers, like the kind they make green laser pointers out of. The highlight in this dream was when I had a couple of different green beam lasers; one about the size of a Bic pen (not much different from the one I actually own), and the more interesting one the size of an Infinity flashlight (a single AA cell, kind of fat squat penlight) that put out more than 1 watt of laser power. It melted a diffraction filter in a round metal holder that I held in front of it, and burned holes in a few other objects. Then I woke up.

2: Next, I dreamt I was back at my old job, bartending at the 611 Tavern. Serve drinks, ring up cash, clean off the bar, that kind of stuff. A couple of interesting highlights though. Someone asked about non-alcoholic drinks, and after a moment I suggested an O'Douls beer. I spent the next several minutes looking through every single cooler in the joint for one but we were apparently out. Most of the under-bar coolers seemed a lot emptier than usual as well. I even looked for the bottle inside the ice machine.

Then a couple at the end of the bar ordered something, and they asked why I had a T-shirt on that said something like "Diversity Equals Life" on a rainbow. When I gave them the brief explanation, their eyes got as big as saucers, and the next time I turned around they were gone. They didn't even leave a tip. :-O

I remember cleaning a large amount of cigar ashes off the other end of the bar, doing some other rather ordinary bar chores, and eventually, the dream ended.

3: Finally, I dreamt I was driving around in my scooter (a motorized, wheelchair-like vehicle for the disabled) in south Seattle, and came across some strange kind of combination amusement park & flea market. I entered, then spotted the pay thing out of the corner of my eye, and backed up to pay. It was a blue box on a wooden pole that had a coin slot and a ticket dispenser, and a sign that said "Admission 5 Cents - Maximum 5 Tickets Per Person". So I put a nickel in, but the tickets didn't come out. Somehow, I pulled out 5 tickets & tore them off, then went in.

After hot-rodding my scooter through some mud (soiling my shoes and the front floorboard of my scooter), I spotted an insulator in one of the flea market seller's piles of stuff. I got off my scooter, locked up the transmission; as I felt someone might try to steal it, and somehow ended up where the insulator was. (It's funny how things just "somehow" happen in dreams). I picked the insulator up; it was a bubbly light greeny aqua with a lot of amber on the other side, and it was pretty beat up and had an uncommon mold defect known as a hair-lip. For those who know about insulators, it looked like a CD170, and I don't remember seeing any embossing on it.
The seller (an old man) came up, and I asked him how much. He said "That's a piece of shit. How about 29 cents?" So I went back down to where my scooter was, dug through my bag, handed the old guy the 29 cents, and then woke up.

JUNE 12, 2001:
I woke up at 4 this morning with these fragments still fresh in memory...
In one dream, I was at home, and had a woman spending the night. I don't know who she was or why she was here. She was sharing my room, and she had an electric box fan that made wierd noises. I unplugged it and on the plug was a white squawk box, so I removed box and plugged the fan back in. The fan still made some odd sound, but it was much less offensive now.

As I was just nodding off to sleep, I opened my eyes and caught her stealing something from the side of my bed, maybe money, smokes, or one of the many flashlights normally found there. The room lights came on (apparently all by themselves), and the next thing I know she's trying to drag me by the legs across the bed and out the window, but failed.
I then reached down on the floor by the side of the bed for a cell phone to call the cops, but the phone was different from mine; it was a Motorola-style flip fone colored brown with gold highlights, and it was deader than a doorknob. I noticed she had my phone in her hands, so I grabbed it from her, then resigned to stay awake for the rest of the night to keep an eye on her.

The next memory I have is going into the bathroom where I saw the toliet paper was empty. I found a smaller than usual, narrow, dark blue roll of TP on the vanity, but I dropped it in the toliet and it got wet. I tried to wring the wet roll out over the toliet, but the splashing sounds it made were really loud and sounded like someone puking. So I set the wet roll of toliet paper on the toliet tank, and this is about where it ends.

In the next dream I was a visitor or guest in some kind of group home for boys or young men (I grew up in such a home, so it's no wonder I dream about it every now and again). The large home had all of the bedrooms on one side, an open court in the center, and a large kitchen & living room on the other, just like the one I lived in in real life.
At some point during my dream visit, I noticed an odd flake of dried skin on my right hand ring finger, which I tried unsuccessfully to remove. Then the flake was in a stoma-like opening in the finger, and I tried to pull it out with fingernails. When I finally got hold of it, I pulled out a small fat moth, but the moth squeaked like a mouse and had little mouse-like teeth, so I dropped it on the floor. When I reached for it again, it was the size of a hamster, so I tried to stop it with my foot at which time it was as big as a rat.
I got it by the scruff of the neck and put it in a big purple jar... next thing I remember the group had some kind of meeting starting, and I (and apparently one other visitor) had to fly out of town soon, so they started it early. One of the guys asked if there were still a few minutes to go before the meeting started as he had just woken up. They said yes. I then went into the bathroom, saw a girl sitting on a chair outside the window next to the toliet, so I closed the brightly colored (blue and pink) plastic curtain, and then woke up just as I was turning around to sit on the can.

JUNE 27, 2001:
This one had something to do with a camera and a "family vacation". I only remember a couple of scattered pieces.
In one, I was back up in Juneau, taking pictures with my digital camera. I noticed I only had room left in the camera's memory for 1 more picture, so I was going through the camera's contents deciding which pictures to delete and which to keep. Several pictures of the inside of a wooden box came up, which I deleted.

The next thing I remember I was in Sacramento CA. where my grandma lived. I also had the camera there, and remember it was full. It had pictures from an earlier vacation and from some more recent event. Somehow, it had some weird "film" in it that I would unwind and put in the reels of some surrealistic reel-to-reel projector (nothing really looks "right" in a dream). A bit later, I was in a car with my parents, and "somehow", the camera's "film" got caught in telephone wires and broke off, leaving me holding a piece containing only the older vacation pictures and none of the ones I had taken in Juneau (from the first bit of the dream described above). I tried to get them to turn the car back, but there was something about "not enough time to do that" or something.
In this part of the dream, it seems I was above the car, following it as it made several turns over several blocks, before arriving back at grandma's house.

Next, I was going up this metal ladder on grandma's house. Upon reaching the top, I swung the transom open and banged it against the doorframe a few times, then climbed a few rungs back down. Then all of us (from the car trip) were inside the house, this time with our black laborador Amos. There was some guy on the floor watching TV, and he had borrowed one of my jackets. I was fiddling around with the camera a bit, but that was about the end of that. Then the dog stood up on its back legs and peed on the guy watching TV. I went to pick up a magazine or something... the dream fragments again here. That pissed-on guy - a stranger as far as I can remember - had changed into something else, then woke up. ???

JUNE 30, 2001:
Cool! I finally had a Digimon dream.
For those who don't know, Digimon is a cartoon they show on FOX every weekday, and has to do with cute "digital monsters" and their human companions saving their worlds from various bad influences.

In this one, I was inside some kind of large building, possibly a theatre. The building had a large lower floor full of seats, and a much smaller balcony section up and toward the rear. Myotismon (a *very* bad digimon) was chasing me around, floating around the lower area and appearing in doorways, and Biyomon (a pink, bird-like Digimon) was shooting her Spiral Twister weapon (a spiral-shaped, green, flame-like weapon) at him. I don't remember much of anything else, but the fight was still going strong when I woke up.

Now that I've sat here and thought about it, I do remember Biyomon digivolving (evolving into a more powerful form) to Birdramon, complete with the cool fireworks effects they do on the TV show. :O And she was using her Meteor Wing weapon (where Birdramon opens her wings fully, and a torrent of fireball-like things shoots from the underside of the wings) against Myotismon.

Page opened June 06, 2001.

Questions? Comments? E-mail me.

Contents copyright (C) 2001-2015 Craig S Johnson